wa-x.txt - - - - farm-work volunteers, farms compared. 2005
farm work wa-x.txt (see pe-x.txt for example)
geo: warmest areas. coastal or island farms not searched.
state: washington. type: all types. keyword:(none)
.txt : 7 22 23 28 33 42 43 51 53 54 59
farm name: nine spings victor china clif betr booth kle chry suny quill
stipend 80 50 50 1000 hr - - - - - -
acres 80 18 - - 40 300 8 40 4 97 36
open - apr - - -yr may mar may may feb yr
closed - oct - - rnd oct oct sep oct nov rnd
spirit sun
noble words -go -co -ec -w -re - -or -ar -ss - -go
-al - -c -d -or - - -or -he -he -
-ar - - - -ma - - -mt csa -bi -co
accomodate: 8 - 4 - 2 2 1 4 1 14 4
hours work: - 6 - - vry 7 4 4 - 6 -
housing: - tnt trl - ask - -ys -no - - -
tv.pc.radio: u forget what attacks the spirit
noble word key :
-al altrnt-buildn -cm composting -ft fort-buildn
-ar arts n crafts -co community -go goats
-bi bio-diesel -e energy -he herbs
-d drugs -ec eco-tourism -ma marketing
-mt metal-work -ph photovoltaics -ss seed-saving
-or orchard -re retail -w winery
csa = www.commongroundfarm.com (big system of farms)
collect water and seed, be with them(?) who do , set tasks for boys and
girls, make rooms for flocks and birds and strangers too.
- - - - - -
we want: (tel us yr skils 1st)
Please send us your resume with previous work experience and
references including a description of yourself and your
interests, skills, and aspirations to the Farm Partner
position. A recent photo of yourself and any additional
pertinent information would be helpful in evaluating your
Recommendations to future volunteers: Generally write about what a
prospective volunteer should expect when they visit this host.
Please send me an email message or letter describing a little
about yourself, what you are looking for, what you have done
in the past and what you hope to do with your gained knowledge
of organic farming in the future.
you want:
the 4 tasks:
1 post-card and email the spots u consider stop-places (this dir) and carry
with you about east-coast. about the four areas of nebraska amish
2 another for ca , about travel money
3 gather tools : lists, water, greens + seed, camp tools
- my-tree.txt (list of lists and all i got, all passwords r mentor-eli #)
- wallut info -see w.txt (encrypt) bank-atm pin#
- bell info -see b.txt
- address contacts : farms205 pres p-res pa-res pa-x pa-rint pe
b. emrgncy drnkn-water tablets (iodine-salt?) 1-800-558-6614 wpcbrands.com
add 2 pr ltr?. wait 30.min. add optional neutralizers(ascorbic acid)3 min
ester-c at 'natures bounty, inc'bohemia, ny. 11716
c. -dried greens, all u can, hay alfalfa legumes gords
-oats wheat beans millit bird-seed trees
d. camp-tools:matches swiss+table-knife jaggr heet-iron pot yarn canvas kjv
4 make time-list of visits to keep from roaming-freely this area
stay with a group. and at no more than 3 week spaces.
dont steel or criminal trespass in these counties
value and plan your freedom ( is not for sin); have a witness or alib-i
dont trouble our camp like achan of israel
have a 1,000 dollar money-cushion in the-bank? at all times for emergency.
build tribes, not money-piles.
- - - - - - -
related concerns:survival systems, home-made gas, alternate-heat projects.
jesus -your blood for my records, your spirit for my goings.
gard my attention-span, for this is your time too.
canedar yourself: march 1st ...
april 1st washington for summer
oct 12tri rexfrd or dads for winter
dec call others to christ and right order. (city folk? give them space to)
right-standing and right-stepping.
jan 2006 tell neb amish. of paths made in wa, circuit of farms, opportunes
feb find groop. of sim-spirit conversation and standard, not location.
- - - - - -
guiding purpose of wa.txt: (mission statement?) see 2do.txt red-floppy
an example of what to do for the nelson-canada focus study:
pe.txt , companion lists (other viewpoints) are: pa-rint.txt pa-x.txt+zip
do not remove or alter the following text:
guiding purpose of wa.txt wa-x.zip (mission statement?)
i do not leave the nebraska-amish or any group that best defines the order
of behaviour for abrahams tents as found in scripture, names change, but not
harmony i feel from gods words about what i am doing, it guides me to the
people houses and hands i need most. the christ is known threw his people,
when i find he is all i need- only then do things spin in increasing steps
of joy and cre-activity. when i make him my sun my center my all-in-all,
everything else will find orbit, peace, and place. with confidence that no
thing of gods treasures will go unused and misused. and right responses to
creator and created will only increase as the day of the lord.
this is the testimony i now write, the cords that all will see.
(continued at bottom every word work thought...) i do want some moved to mt
4 of 4 ends here.
i see by pop.gifs that neb-amish are surrounded wth tribes that wont change
but destroy the land, drugs, images, petroleum dependent-living will crash.
i see also the radiency or radiation of n-amish as way to forget the growing
hazords around. but being made aware of lardger events in the area, and the
inward decay and convulsion of peoples trying to make a dollar instead of
a ur-lifting of the land (as viktor shauberger would say)
http://members.aon.at/pks.or.at ,but a breaking down of any healthy-systems
remaining. i have decided to move with the tide of populations, history
proving good-fortune to those who did(new colonies new lands australia?)
preferbly the amazing talent of living were others would not want to. cold!
but also not seeing the spiritual-map of the area (and other maps) i think
it best to join with a group or perish of people i can or would become like.
what i father or grandfather, and the trails i make along the way,others
will find and take, so be careful what you lay and say. better yet, flip
to a new language. it is gods alternative to destroing the united people.
which he may not take. this time. tower of babel -21st century
- - - - - - -
post-card and email: '1 of the '4 :
make sure these arnt death-camps or legal-traps for anti-christ
shortcut to an 'f' : goto a word, then hit 'alt' 's' 'f' 'enter'
(must have basic pc-files, see scifairx.txt floppy/other, or?)
--- farms you consider stop-places (example for a wa study)
(f)ocus on -the 4 nebraska-amish areas :winfield in ?.county, woodward in
?.co, barville in mifflin co. ,mclure in snyder.co
use teers ic galeeb or? to google these zips and zipcodes:
replace with wa adds: pics
- Aaronsburg, pa.16820 Fiedler Farm,Amy Talarico,167 Apple Butter Rd. arbrg
chattaroy, wa.99003 9spng frm, Paul Wheaton, 13901 east deer creek rd 238-5071
Kettle Falls, wa. 99141, Victory Alexander, 3751 Vineyard Way 509-732-6123
Kettle Falls, wa. 99141, china-bnd winery bart Alexander, 3751 Vineyard Way
Elk, wa. 99009 ert-sky frm,Earth Christman, E.15014 Laurel Rd, 509-292-0423
Kettle Falls, Wa.99141, clf-si orc,Jeffrey Herman, 2113C Highway 25S,738-6165
Valley,Wa.99181 btr-rdg frm, Gary&Gerri Weythman, 3547 Betteridge Rd 937-2043
Carlton, wa.98814,boo cnyn orc,Stina Booth,391 Twisp-Carlton Rd. 997-0063
Wapato, wa.98951,klebaum rnch,Chris Klebaum 509-877-4544
Davenport, wa.99122, chryslis frm,Chrys Ostrander,33495 Mill Canyon Rd.7250610
Twisp, wa.98856, sny-pi frm,Ed & Vicki Welch,932-A Twisp River Road 997-4811
Rice, wa. 99167,quilli frm,Rick Lea Misterly,2409 Pleasant Valley Rd,738-2011
reedsville pa, 17084 hostetler 98 dusty ln,+neighbor1st dayou mcp reed
winfield, pa. 17889-0155 marlenda s.yoder , box 155a ?
woodward, pa. 16882 ben hostetler 260 bower hollow road reed
i put u with the worst people in the worst town, the children of errors,
the boys eyes at d-c class -wanting to be apart of somthing, no dad.
your girl -no water to drink. the you that wanted a sutters-fort,
a living-history-day that would not end. and since the desire and plan of god
is such for man, pay attention. i put u there so u'd never forget to
give 1hr a day to calling them out of those places, the other hrs are for
'keeping' them out, your health depends on theirs, and theirs on how the land
and earth and air is treated. this is true for realitors, buisneses,
employers employees also, all misguided and mispeaking for the sake of income
. only to find a dollar with no value. and the earth scraped of all its life.
and forests that cannot recover, means water tables drop. people need farms,
not cities. seeing the truth of error is horrible. ignorance may bring happy
ness, but only seeing creator and created as teacher brings peace, not
man-made devices and devotions.
and there are boosts or ways to bring natural-courses back quickly as
viktor schauberger says- for every ten pounds of energy it takes to do things
the wrong way, one pound doing things natures way can recover ten-times
the damage, showing no resistance, and new-life, passing even what was.
cutting destroying and saleing land for a dollar has only made the dollar
worse. the land does not belong to us, we belong to it. i dont care what
the money-deal or company-plans are. you 'develope' the land by removing
plants and covering it all with concrete and cars and it cuts your life off.
the amish have been the main supports for such a wicked way of working to
continue ( and most other healthy-families yet remaining ).
but petroleum is the heart of the beast, or our lust for mis-using it.
black dead-stuff.
- - - - - - -
key :
r. means related to that area, and should not be on wa.txt
foc. is focus-on-me address, p-e them (post-card and email)
r1 from mapaca.org : alpaca.txt
r2 from eatwild.com : e-wi-cm.txt
r3 from organicvolunteers.com (see closest hosts )
r4 from twelvetribes.com
r5 from amish04.txt
r6 from pa-x pa-rint.txt
r7 from www.ic.org
line 118-143 from pa-x.zip (.jpg .png .gif are maps/pics)
line 153-304 from amish04.txt
line 344-375 new entries to merge with pe.txt :mapaca.org ic.org
line 381-485 other area com-u's from ic.org, txt's at sub-dir?
line 488-end closeing notes of mission statement(spirit of my purpose)
-main data for pe.txt:
ordered by importance
pa-x is at c:\lap\temp\p-res
files pa-x wa-x sites
----- ---- ----- -------
16820. arbrg amy@nni.com 814-349-1256, Bob Vernon349-8244
17084. reed eli hostetler 98 dusty lane,reedsville,pa
7.txt www.javaranch.com/farm, paul whetn509-238-5071,9springs
22.txt www.chinabend.com,Victor alexander 732-6123
23.txt www.chinabend.com, Bart alexander 732-6123
28.txt www.ofoto.com/I.jsp?c=7367si3.yj7f1or&x=0&y=xa8jr0
earth-sky 292-0423 csa member
33.txt web.not yet,Jeffrey Herman (509) 738-6165 clif-si orchrds
42.txt web.none, Gary & Gerri Weythman,509-937-2043 betr-rdg frm
43.txt web.??? Stina Booth 509-997-0063 booth-canyon orchard
52.txt www.historicedmonds.org Bette Bell425-775-5650 EdMu Smr Mrkt
53.txt www.thefutureisorganic.net Chrys Ostrander 509-725-0610 csa
54.txt ??? Ed & Vicki Welch at (509) 997-4811. Sunny Pine Frm
59.txt www.quillisascutcheese.com Rick and Lora Lea Misterly 738-2011
ST-IG.TXT st-ig wrogalski@aol.com
- - - - - - - -
main info:
Community in Nelson: Mount Sentinel Farm,2915 Highway 3a,South Slocan (Nelson)
and made a home for the lonely and seeking looking for a refuge.
we have our little house (cafe/restaurant) meals attract people from all over.
from one family to a community of over twenty people. We now farm 15km west of
Nelson. Mt. Sentinel Farm is a 130-acre busy growing vegetables goats, cows,
We, the Community of the Kootenays, want to extend a warm invitation to any.
[Apr 04] Direct:FROM EAST,from Alberta and east take route 3,Crowsnest Pass,
to Creston. north on 3A to Crawford Bay, free ferry across Kootenay Lake to
Balfour. then to Nelson.
FROM SOUTH go north from Spokane, Wa., route 2 nrth to Newport, then 20 north,
then north on 31 crossing the border and on to 6 to Nelson.
FROM WEST go east from Vancouver to Hope, then route 3 to Princetown, Osoyoos,
Grand Forks, Castlegar, then 3A to Nelson.
twelvetribes.com or 12ca.txt (east-coast groops)conversation with someone
who really listens and can understand you.From the USA or Canada (day or
night): 1-888-TWELVE-T (1-888-893-5838) From the UK: 0800-0743267
r1 Clifton D. Exley & Ernesto Matos, Jr. McMatley LLC Alpacas PO Box 2488
Purcellville, VA 20134(540) 338-2045 alpacas@mcmatley.com
foc. r5
eli hostetler 98 dusty lane , reedsville pa, 17084
joseph zook 6351 e.back.mtn.rd , samuel m. yoder 6528,samuel hostetler 6765,
noah ?-host 7012 e.back.mtn.rd, john ?-hostetler 7052,joseph zook 6351,
john hosteteler 40 harvest lane,samuel m. yoder 6528,emmaneul yoder 7191,
john yoder 7306,abraham yoder 7414 rubarb-seeds and oat-staks
moses I. hostetler. rd1, box 123 ,jephtha yoder 981 coffee run rd.
andrew m. host.75 sulpher springs farm
johnathan host.(jephthas neighbor) first i met after M.C.P.prison, worked hay,
horse-guide,neigbor man 'mark' is converted-catholic,from canada,
behind him is the store run by...eli m. hostetler 98 dusty lane.
milroy-library, the hay-stack? milroy laundry, snack-food, public-freezer.
nebraskan amish of north-reedsville, pennsylvania 2000 a.d. visit:
samuel hostetler (hill-start ,apples,oats)
1160 church lane ,reedsville ,pa. 17084 ,john yoder 1062,christian yoder 900,
samuel n.yoder 556 (14-milk-jars by road),hospital-consignment(drug-war)
samuel y.hostetler 761,c.s.hostetler , 198 woodedge lane, christ c.yoder 233,
christ -? 100 rocky lane, -near big school and cheif-logans house(1771.a.d)
r2 quantities ranging from 1 pound jars to 5 gallon containers.
Blue Rooster Farm, Roy Brubaker, RR 1, Box 92, East Waterford PA
17021. (717) 734-2082. E-mail: royjulie@pa.net
alphie j. hostetler of the nebraska-amish -applesauce orchard
30 mi from reedsville contact at machine-shop were he works 570-523-0689
got our number from a letter you left in his cabin up behind his house.
,143 cider alley ,aaronsberg pa. 16820 cider-press
address good as of 10-6-01 lives 0.5 miles east of aaronsburg.
foc. r6 r3
Fiedler Farm , Amy Talarico , 167 Apple Butter Road, Aaronsburg, pa.16820 ,
Ph. amy 814.349.1256, Bob Vernon @ 814.349.8244 Acties: farm market,localfood
systems, conservation, farming, gardening, activism, csa, community,marketing
cription: Fiedler Farm is a diverse ogfarm in central amy@nni.com
Closest Hosts
- - - - - - - - -
at C:\LAP\TEMP type- dir 12* /s /w > 12me
of C:\LAP\TEMP\1-20\12-TRI 12-FAQ.TXT + txts 1-9 ?
of C:\LAP\TEMP\1-25. 12BRZL.12BRZL2.12ARG.12BRZIL.12CA.12AUSI.12CAN1.12CAN2
of C:\LAP\TEMP\1-27 12TRI.ZIP
of C:\LAP\TEMP\2-18 12CON.TXT
canada and wa id mt area
of C:\LAP\TEMP\1-23\LIB-1 123CANDA.ZIP
srxh styles:
1. go straight threw c:\lap\temp dirs and every zip
2. go to zips aimed at canada montana id wash area
3. srxh only 3-1 and 3-3 , dirs aimed at it
foc. Common Ground Organic Farm , Leslie Zuck , 176 Zuck Road.Spring Mills
, pa. 16875 , Ph: 814 364 9171 Acts: farming, gardening, husbandry, csa
www.commongroundfarm.com is a diversified organic farm in the Appalachian mnts
provides the opportunity for volunteers to experience daily life on a certifd
r Tait Farm Foods Centre Hall,
foc. Fiedler Farm, Aaronsburg
r Fulton Farm, at Wilson College Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
-no end-
farm work wa-x.txt (see pe-x.txt for example)
geo: warmest areas. coastal or island farms not searched.
state: washington. type: all types. keyword:(none)
.txt : 7 22 23 28 33 42 43 51 53 54 59
farm name: nine spings victor china clif betr booth kle chry suny quill
stipend 80 50 50 1000 hr - - - - - -
acres 80 18 - - 40 300 8 40 4 97 36
open - apr - - -yr may mar may may feb yr
closed - oct - - rnd oct oct sep oct nov rnd
spirit sun
noble words -go -co -ec -w -re - -or -ar -ss - -go
-al - -c -d -or - - -or -he -he -
-ar - - - -ma - - -mt csa -bi -co
accomodate: 8 - 4 - 2 2 1 4 1 14 4
hours work: - 6 - - vry 7 4 4 - 6 -
housing: - tnt trl - ask - -ys -no - - -
tv.pc.radio: u forget what attacks the spirit
noble word key :
-al altrnt-buildn -cm composting -ft fort-buildn
-ar arts n crafts -co community -go goats
-bi bio-diesel -e energy -he herbs
-d drugs -ec eco-tourism -ma marketing
-mt metal-work -ph photovoltaics -ss seed-saving
-or orchard -re retail -w winery
csa = www.commongroundfarm.com (big system of farms)
collect water and seed, be with them(?) who do , set tasks for boys and
girls, make rooms for flocks and birds and strangers too.
- - - - - -
we want: (tel us yr skils 1st)
Please send us your resume with previous work experience and
references including a description of yourself and your
interests, skills, and aspirations to the Farm Partner
position. A recent photo of yourself and any additional
pertinent information would be helpful in evaluating your
Recommendations to future volunteers: Generally write about what a
prospective volunteer should expect when they visit this host.
Please send me an email message or letter describing a little
about yourself, what you are looking for, what you have done
in the past and what you hope to do with your gained knowledge
of organic farming in the future.
you want:
the 4 tasks:
1 post-card and email the spots u consider stop-places (this dir) and carry
with you about east-coast. about the four areas of nebraska amish
2 another for ca , about travel money
3 gather tools : lists, water, greens + seed, camp tools
- my-tree.txt (list of lists and all i got, all passwords r mentor-eli #)
- wallut info -see w.txt (encrypt) bank-atm pin#
- bell info -see b.txt
- address contacts : farms205 pres p-res pa-res pa-x pa-rint pe
b. emrgncy drnkn-water tablets (iodine-salt?) 1-800-558-6614 wpcbrands.com
add 2 pr ltr?. wait 30.min. add optional neutralizers(ascorbic acid)3 min
ester-c at 'natures bounty, inc'bohemia, ny. 11716
c. -dried greens, all u can, hay alfalfa legumes gords
-oats wheat beans millit bird-seed trees
d. camp-tools:matches swiss+table-knife jaggr heet-iron pot yarn canvas kjv
4 make time-list of visits to keep from roaming-freely this area
stay with a group. and at no more than 3 week spaces.
dont steel or criminal trespass in these counties
value and plan your freedom ( is not for sin); have a witness or alib-i
dont trouble our camp like achan of israel
have a 1,000 dollar money-cushion in the-bank? at all times for emergency.
build tribes, not money-piles.
- - - - - - -
related concerns:survival systems, home-made gas, alternate-heat projects.
jesus -your blood for my records, your spirit for my goings.
gard my attention-span, for this is your time too.
canedar yourself: march 1st ...
april 1st washington for summer
oct 12tri rexfrd or dads for winter
dec call others to christ and right order. (city folk? give them space to)
right-standing and right-stepping.
jan 2006 tell neb amish. of paths made in wa, circuit of farms, opportunes
feb find groop. of sim-spirit conversation and standard, not location.
- - - - - -
guiding purpose of wa.txt: (mission statement?) see 2do.txt red-floppy
an example of what to do for the nelson-canada focus study:
pe.txt , companion lists (other viewpoints) are: pa-rint.txt pa-x.txt+zip
do not remove or alter the following text:
guiding purpose of wa.txt wa-x.zip (mission statement?)
i do not leave the nebraska-amish or any group that best defines the order
of behaviour for abrahams tents as found in scripture, names change, but not
harmony i feel from gods words about what i am doing, it guides me to the
people houses and hands i need most. the christ is known threw his people,
when i find he is all i need- only then do things spin in increasing steps
of joy and cre-activity. when i make him my sun my center my all-in-all,
everything else will find orbit, peace, and place. with confidence that no
thing of gods treasures will go unused and misused. and right responses to
creator and created will only increase as the day of the lord.
this is the testimony i now write, the cords that all will see.
(continued at bottom every word work thought...) i do want some moved to mt
4 of 4 ends here.
i see by pop.gifs that neb-amish are surrounded wth tribes that wont change
but destroy the land, drugs, images, petroleum dependent-living will crash.
i see also the radiency or radiation of n-amish as way to forget the growing
hazords around. but being made aware of lardger events in the area, and the
inward decay and convulsion of peoples trying to make a dollar instead of
a ur-lifting of the land (as viktor shauberger would say)
http://members.aon.at/pks.or.at ,but a breaking down of any healthy-systems
remaining. i have decided to move with the tide of populations, history
proving good-fortune to those who did(new colonies new lands australia?)
preferbly the amazing talent of living were others would not want to. cold!
but also not seeing the spiritual-map of the area (and other maps) i think
it best to join with a group or perish of people i can or would become like.
what i father or grandfather, and the trails i make along the way,others
will find and take, so be careful what you lay and say. better yet, flip
to a new language. it is gods alternative to destroing the united people.
which he may not take. this time. tower of babel -21st century
- - - - - - -
post-card and email: '1 of the '4 :
make sure these arnt death-camps or legal-traps for anti-christ
shortcut to an 'f' : goto a word, then hit 'alt' 's' 'f' 'enter'
(must have basic pc-files, see scifairx.txt floppy/other, or?)
--- farms you consider stop-places (example for a wa study)
(f)ocus on -the 4 nebraska-amish areas :winfield in ?.county, woodward in
?.co, barville in mifflin co. ,mclure in snyder.co
use teers ic galeeb or? to google these zips and zipcodes:
replace with wa adds: pics
- Aaronsburg, pa.16820 Fiedler Farm,Amy Talarico,167 Apple Butter Rd. arbrg
chattaroy, wa.99003 9spng frm, Paul Wheaton, 13901 east deer creek rd 238-5071
Kettle Falls, wa. 99141, Victory Alexander, 3751 Vineyard Way 509-732-6123
Kettle Falls, wa. 99141, china-bnd winery bart Alexander, 3751 Vineyard Way
Elk, wa. 99009 ert-sky frm,Earth Christman, E.15014 Laurel Rd, 509-292-0423
Kettle Falls, Wa.99141, clf-si orc,Jeffrey Herman, 2113C Highway 25S,738-6165
Valley,Wa.99181 btr-rdg frm, Gary&Gerri Weythman, 3547 Betteridge Rd 937-2043
Carlton, wa.98814,boo cnyn orc,Stina Booth,391 Twisp-Carlton Rd. 997-0063
Wapato, wa.98951,klebaum rnch,Chris Klebaum 509-877-4544
Davenport, wa.99122, chryslis frm,Chrys Ostrander,33495 Mill Canyon Rd.7250610
Twisp, wa.98856, sny-pi frm,Ed & Vicki Welch,932-A Twisp River Road 997-4811
Rice, wa. 99167,quilli frm,Rick Lea Misterly,2409 Pleasant Valley Rd,738-2011
reedsville pa, 17084 hostetler 98 dusty ln,+neighbor1st dayou mcp reed
winfield, pa. 17889-0155 marlenda s.yoder , box 155a ?
woodward, pa. 16882 ben hostetler 260 bower hollow road reed
i put u with the worst people in the worst town, the children of errors,
the boys eyes at d-c class -wanting to be apart of somthing, no dad.
your girl -no water to drink. the you that wanted a sutters-fort,
a living-history-day that would not end. and since the desire and plan of god
is such for man, pay attention. i put u there so u'd never forget to
give 1hr a day to calling them out of those places, the other hrs are for
'keeping' them out, your health depends on theirs, and theirs on how the land
and earth and air is treated. this is true for realitors, buisneses,
employers employees also, all misguided and mispeaking for the sake of income
. only to find a dollar with no value. and the earth scraped of all its life.
and forests that cannot recover, means water tables drop. people need farms,
not cities. seeing the truth of error is horrible. ignorance may bring happy
ness, but only seeing creator and created as teacher brings peace, not
man-made devices and devotions.
and there are boosts or ways to bring natural-courses back quickly as
viktor schauberger says- for every ten pounds of energy it takes to do things
the wrong way, one pound doing things natures way can recover ten-times
the damage, showing no resistance, and new-life, passing even what was.
cutting destroying and saleing land for a dollar has only made the dollar
worse. the land does not belong to us, we belong to it. i dont care what
the money-deal or company-plans are. you 'develope' the land by removing
plants and covering it all with concrete and cars and it cuts your life off.
the amish have been the main supports for such a wicked way of working to
continue ( and most other healthy-families yet remaining ).
but petroleum is the heart of the beast, or our lust for mis-using it.
black dead-stuff.
- - - - - - -
key :
r. means related to that area, and should not be on wa.txt
foc. is focus-on-me address, p-e them (post-card and email)
r1 from mapaca.org : alpaca.txt
r2 from eatwild.com : e-wi-cm.txt
r3 from organicvolunteers.com (see closest hosts )
r4 from twelvetribes.com
r5 from amish04.txt
r6 from pa-x pa-rint.txt
r7 from www.ic.org
line 118-143 from pa-x.zip (.jpg .png .gif are maps/pics)
line 153-304 from amish04.txt
line 344-375 new entries to merge with pe.txt :mapaca.org ic.org
line 381-485 other area com-u's from ic.org, txt's at sub-dir?
line 488-end closeing notes of mission statement(spirit of my purpose)
-main data for pe.txt:
ordered by importance
pa-x is at c:\lap\temp\p-res
files pa-x wa-x sites
----- ---- ----- -------
16820. arbrg amy@nni.com 814-349-1256, Bob Vernon349-8244
17084. reed eli hostetler 98 dusty lane,reedsville,pa
7.txt www.javaranch.com/farm, paul whetn509-238-5071,9springs
22.txt www.chinabend.com,Victor alexander 732-6123
23.txt www.chinabend.com, Bart alexander 732-6123
28.txt www.ofoto.com/I.jsp?c=7367si3.yj7f1or&x=0&y=xa8jr0
earth-sky 292-0423 csa member
33.txt web.not yet,Jeffrey Herman (509) 738-6165 clif-si orchrds
42.txt web.none, Gary & Gerri Weythman,509-937-2043 betr-rdg frm
43.txt web.??? Stina Booth 509-997-0063 booth-canyon orchard
52.txt www.historicedmonds.org Bette Bell425-775-5650 EdMu Smr Mrkt
53.txt www.thefutureisorganic.net Chrys Ostrander 509-725-0610 csa
54.txt ??? Ed & Vicki Welch at (509) 997-4811. Sunny Pine Frm
59.txt www.quillisascutcheese.com Rick and Lora Lea Misterly 738-2011
ST-IG.TXT st-ig wrogalski@aol.com
- - - - - - - -
main info:
Community in Nelson: Mount Sentinel Farm,2915 Highway 3a,South Slocan (Nelson)
and made a home for the lonely and seeking looking for a refuge.
we have our little house (cafe/restaurant) meals attract people from all over.
from one family to a community of over twenty people. We now farm 15km west of
Nelson. Mt. Sentinel Farm is a 130-acre busy growing vegetables goats, cows,
We, the Community of the Kootenays, want to extend a warm invitation to any.
[Apr 04] Direct:FROM EAST,from Alberta and east take route 3,Crowsnest Pass,
to Creston. north on 3A to Crawford Bay, free ferry across Kootenay Lake to
Balfour. then to Nelson.
FROM SOUTH go north from Spokane, Wa., route 2 nrth to Newport, then 20 north,
then north on 31 crossing the border and on to 6 to Nelson.
FROM WEST go east from Vancouver to Hope, then route 3 to Princetown, Osoyoos,
Grand Forks, Castlegar, then 3A to Nelson.
twelvetribes.com or 12ca.txt (east-coast groops)conversation with someone
who really listens and can understand you.From the USA or Canada (day or
night): 1-888-TWELVE-T (1-888-893-5838) From the UK: 0800-0743267
r1 Clifton D. Exley & Ernesto Matos, Jr. McMatley LLC Alpacas PO Box 2488
Purcellville, VA 20134(540) 338-2045 alpacas@mcmatley.com
foc. r5
eli hostetler 98 dusty lane , reedsville pa, 17084
joseph zook 6351 e.back.mtn.rd , samuel m. yoder 6528,samuel hostetler 6765,
noah ?-host 7012 e.back.mtn.rd, john ?-hostetler 7052,joseph zook 6351,
john hosteteler 40 harvest lane,samuel m. yoder 6528,emmaneul yoder 7191,
john yoder 7306,abraham yoder 7414 rubarb-seeds and oat-staks
moses I. hostetler. rd1, box 123 ,jephtha yoder 981 coffee run rd.
andrew m. host.75 sulpher springs farm
johnathan host.(jephthas neighbor) first i met after M.C.P.prison, worked hay,
horse-guide,neigbor man 'mark' is converted-catholic,from canada,
behind him is the store run by...eli m. hostetler 98 dusty lane.
milroy-library, the hay-stack? milroy laundry, snack-food, public-freezer.
nebraskan amish of north-reedsville, pennsylvania 2000 a.d. visit:
samuel hostetler (hill-start ,apples,oats)
1160 church lane ,reedsville ,pa. 17084 ,john yoder 1062,christian yoder 900,
samuel n.yoder 556 (14-milk-jars by road),hospital-consignment(drug-war)
samuel y.hostetler 761,c.s.hostetler , 198 woodedge lane, christ c.yoder 233,
christ -? 100 rocky lane, -near big school and cheif-logans house(1771.a.d)
r2 quantities ranging from 1 pound jars to 5 gallon containers.
Blue Rooster Farm, Roy Brubaker, RR 1, Box 92, East Waterford PA
17021. (717) 734-2082. E-mail: royjulie@pa.net
alphie j. hostetler of the nebraska-amish -applesauce orchard
30 mi from reedsville contact at machine-shop were he works 570-523-0689
got our number from a letter you left in his cabin up behind his house.
,143 cider alley ,aaronsberg pa. 16820 cider-press
address good as of 10-6-01 lives 0.5 miles east of aaronsburg.
foc. r6 r3
Fiedler Farm , Amy Talarico , 167 Apple Butter Road, Aaronsburg, pa.16820 ,
Ph. amy 814.349.1256, Bob Vernon @ 814.349.8244 Acties: farm market,localfood
systems, conservation, farming, gardening, activism, csa, community,marketing
cription: Fiedler Farm is a diverse ogfarm in central amy@nni.com
Closest Hosts
- - - - - - - - -
at C:\LAP\TEMP type- dir 12* /s /w > 12me
of C:\LAP\TEMP\1-20\12-TRI 12-FAQ.TXT + txts 1-9 ?
of C:\LAP\TEMP\1-25. 12BRZL.12BRZL2.12ARG.12BRZIL.12CA.12AUSI.12CAN1.12CAN2
of C:\LAP\TEMP\1-27 12TRI.ZIP
of C:\LAP\TEMP\2-18 12CON.TXT
canada and wa id mt area
of C:\LAP\TEMP\1-23\LIB-1 123CANDA.ZIP
srxh styles:
1. go straight threw c:\lap\temp dirs and every zip
2. go to zips aimed at canada montana id wash area
3. srxh only 3-1 and 3-3 , dirs aimed at it
foc. Common Ground Organic Farm , Leslie Zuck , 176 Zuck Road.Spring Mills
, pa. 16875 , Ph: 814 364 9171 Acts: farming, gardening, husbandry, csa
www.commongroundfarm.com is a diversified organic farm in the Appalachian mnts
provides the opportunity for volunteers to experience daily life on a certifd
r Tait Farm Foods Centre Hall,
foc. Fiedler Farm, Aaronsburg
r Fulton Farm, at Wilson College Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
-no end-
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