Wednesday, July 05, 2006


s-cbc.txt - - - - capacitive battery-charger info, turn word-wrap off or pictures look all jumbled up.
or cut and past to other program to view it right. i used wordpad.exe as it was found (but shorted)
c.b.c .capacitive-battery-charger.all-purpose.and car-battery care\cures.
9 pages, 17features=2p, 3mailorders 4caps, 2pics+13notes, 13cautions,25 tips.
author contact? support = george wiseman 1996 idaho?

capacitive battery charger /super efficient, versatile and simple.

this battery charger will be called the capacitive battery charger or cbc in
this document. and capacitor will be caps, batteries...bats.

the cbc was developed as a spin-off of eagle-research`s energy conserver tech
-nology. the potential to use thid circuit for battery charging and for other
project power supplies became immediatly apparent.

the cbc uses capacitors instead of transformers to change high voltage to low.
can upgrade cbc to larger amperage easy, no effeciency loss.

cbc has advantages compared to battery chargers using transformers to step-
down ac voltage

1 caps are easier to make than tfrmrz, 2 less weight, 3 design is easier for
dont need mind factors of matching tfrmr-inductance to frequency, volts+amps.
with cbc you but + or - caps to get desired amps, freq or volts isnt a worry.
4 cbc has less `electrcal` loss. stay cool + low noise. The only loss is when
electrons -do- cross the resistance of the dialectric between capacitr-plates
inside the caps. high-quality caps have little loss (hold charge long time)
5 cbc is simple so to make from surplus-parts, 6 the cbc auto-adjusts its
voltage to the battey voltage it is conected to and the add-voltage needed to
push the desired amps threw the battery, 7 c.b.c can charge various voltages
in series, or similar voltages in parallel. (good for many uses) e.g. it can
charge many batteries or cells at once(in series) at a high-amp rate. e.g. a
one-amp cbc can charge 2-6v bats, 3 12v bats=48 volts, all at 1amp,all at
once. a 1amp cbc can keep-up a lardge bat-pak(in parallel) by splitting the
amps between all bats. if you have 6 bats in the 12v bat-pak(inparallel) then
each bat woll get 1/6th of an amp, constantly. 8 no-matter the voltage, the
cbc current stays constant. constant-current-chargers r noted best for chrgn.
9 you can add capacitance by the flip of a switch, this useful for a efficient
variable-rate charger. 10 it dont hurt the cbc to `short` the terminal leads,
as so with power on there is no draw from the ac-source. termnls not hooked to
anything will have no power draw but the high-voltage danger will be max.
11 even low-amp cbc`s charge bats faster than high-amp trfrmrz. possibly a bi-
product of its natural high effecientcy and the special pulse-wave formed by
the rectified ac with capacitive-feed-back, and the battery itself doing the
`clamping` 12 its a fact my cbc of same amperage as my trnzfrmr-charger draws
57% less power from the ac source, tested by a watt-meter. this confirm with
the utility watt-meter what meters most homes and buisnesses(pg&e or pp&l).
to figure watts from the watt-meter is...number of revolutions of the wheel
(do 1 rev.) times (x) Kh (most will be 7.2 on face of meter) times(x) 3600 sec
(secounds), this product is divided by the time in secs that it took to turn
the number of wheel revolutions picked. (do 1) . the answer is watts. here is
formula: (#rev. x Kh x 3600 ) divided by (time of #rev) equals...watts!
to get joules (watt-secounds) ...multiply watts you got times(x) the secounds
it took to turn your(do 1) watt-meter wheel revolutions. there are 3600 watt-
secounds (joules) in an hour. there are 3,600,000 watt-secounds (joules) in a
kilo-watt hour.

13 plugging any cbc into 240v ac insted of 120 will simply double amps out.
but be sure caps are rated for 240v.
14 cbc works as well at 50cps as 60cps (cps=cycles per secound or Hertz),
increasing cps of the ac source increases amperage output of the cbc.
15 small tfrmrz are noted very wasteful. so,in small uses, cbc is so-better!
16 may become the charging-choice for electric vehicles. insensitive to freq-
uency and voltage fluxes (up or downs). runs cool. wave-form helps charging.

17 cbc will charge bats that transfrmz have trouble with. e.g.(example) heavy
sulfated bats dont charge easy, voltage cant get high enough. the cbc will,
because voltage is...what it takes to overcome resistance. my trnsfrmr-chrgr
when charging 1 amp at 12.10 vdc, was drawing (or so said amp-meter) 0.4 amps
at 120v ac `from the wall`. it took 546 secs to turn the watt-meter wheel one
turn. so it actly draws 23.74 watts. since it uses 23.74 watts to put 12.10
watts into the battery, it is 51% efficient. the product of 546 secounds (for
one wattmeter wheel) and 23.74 (watts) is 12962.04 (joules)

but my one amp cbc (charging at 12.10v dc) takes 945 secounds to turn the watt
meter wheel one turn. thus it draws 13.71 watts. since its using 13.71 watts
to put 12.10 watts into the battery, is 88% effecient. the product of
945 secound (for one wattmeter wheel) and 13.71 (watts) is 12955.95 (joules).

note that the joules are near-perfect match, shows comaratve-effecintcy of the
wattmeter in this case. my wattmeter Kh is 3.6. we divide 546 by 945 to get
57.77% comaparitive effeciency between trfrmer chrger and capacacitive chrger.

most are to fooled by strange way most view electrcity to see how good cbc is.
...when one amp is `flowing` in one part of circut, it is flowing in all parts
of the circuit. normal electricians see amps times(x) volts = watts, which is
normaly true. so when they see 1 amp and 120 v ,they guess 120 watts, without
testing with a watt-meter. in this case, such guess is wrong, because of the
features of the cbc. you have caps in the circuit and caps dont `consume` any
power(idealy). so voltage-drop across caps must be subtracted from the source-
voltage to get a better understanding of actual wattage `draw` of the cbc.

in that e.g., were we `draw` one amp from the ac sorce, at 120v, we find the
ac voltage reading across capacitor 24uf ,while charging a 12v dc bat is about
118v ac. so if multiply (120v ac - 118v ac) times(x) 1 amp = 2 watts. in fact
the cbc isnt this effecient, if it were it would be charging the battery (12v
dc x 1amp=12watts) with 12watts while only drawing two watts from the wall.
other factsors reduce the cbc effecincy. imprtant-2-know :bateries dont care
about voltage as they r b-n charged. amps matter, amperage chargz the battery.
you jst need enuf voltage for the amps to flow. the cbc auto-varies its output
voltage to get the optmum level for the amps you have choosen. cbc voltage can
be very high.

as you increase the voltage or resistance of a battery, u note a related drop
in the a.c. voltage n the caps. this is how u note a wattage change. u will
note the amps stay about same. cbc`s r constant-amp (current) chargers.

in this example e.g. of the cbc, we charge continuesly at one-amp, u-zn 57%
less power than the transfrmr. when you choose caps for a cbc, take note
that caps are rated for voltage you expect to use cbc for, and a.c.
a e.g. is this: u have 120v ac (120v ac RMS, rms=root mean squared) to use for
your cbc, the `true` (dc rectified) voltage is more like 170volts, so get caps
200v rated atleast. most caps rated for higher voltages are lardger in size
because of the increased (dialectric) space between plates. so if you choose
caps with lardger voltage rate than what you need youll just b takin up space
without better results. (hv)high-voltage caps are more money $ too.

to give u idea of amps, if u use 120v ac and a 24uf cap, u have a 1amp chrgr.
this enuff for most people, 4 i find a c.b.c. of this fully recharge a `dead`
(8.75v dc at 1.125 specific gravity) large capacity 12v dc car-battery in two
days (14.9v dc at 1.275 specific-gravity). if you double the capacitance(48uf)
you double the amperj. if you double the voltj (240v ac) you double the amps.

caps out of old t.v. sets are great for building cbc`s. or a `surplus yard`
were u can buy old caps by-the-pound. or by mail-order: c&h sales co.
2176 e. colorado blvd. \pasadena, ca.91107, ph.213-681-4925 or h&r company,
18 canal ST. \ 122 \bristol, pa. 19007-0122, ph.215-788-5583. or...
surplus center \1015 west `o` street \ 82209, lincoln, NE,68501-2209,
ph.402-474-4055. ask for caps not listed in their catalogs too.

dont use electrolytic-capacitors, they designed for dc operation only,
a.c. operation will destroy them. when looking in the surplus catalogs, the
electrolytic capacitors should be marked, so you wont get one by mistake.
electrolytics have big capacitance compared to ordinary `foil` capacitors.

[pic 1] from left to right: two terminal clamps, 4-diode bridge,2 switches,
capacitor, a.c. plug. (simple c.b.c.)

[pic 2] pic 1 with options: dc amp meter, fuse, cap + swich parallel 2 1st

always test caps for internal shorts b-4 using. (test with an ohm-meter).
or test with a light bulb in series with cap and test with dc current(12v bat)
lights on til cap chargd, then goes out and should stay out. caps should hold
a charge for a-few minutes atleast. the longer it holds charge the more
effecient your cbc will be.

a fuse will protect your circut from possible cap failure. if cap failes, one
of two things happens, they become `open` circut and stop working. or they
become a closed circut, a direct short, totaly uncontrolled curent and blow
the fuse. caps usually put in decades of effeient service. in-line or panel-
mount fuses can be moneyd $ at any radio-shack store, auto-parts distributer,
or electronics store.

switches, bridge rectifiers,heat sinks, assembly boxes,plug cords,meters too.

bridgerectifier must be able to take amps and volts u will use it 4,+heatsink.
d.c. meter should only go full-scale to just-over expected amperj.
the two switches(s1) is a single-trow doble-pole, sized 4 expected wattage in
highvoltag a.c. rating. 4 you must disconnect both wires when shutting off
your cbc, you still can get a shock if you shut off but one wire. not s2
switch isolates both ac input and cap from terminal-leads, 4 cap can shock u2.

note: caps hold charge long. this is a SHOCK HAZZARD, enclose, secure from
movment and water-tight, electricly insulated, box. with info+warnings on it.
note: write on cbc box: shock hazzard-follow instruction s carefully. always
secure terminal clamps securely to battery before turning on switch. always
turn off switch before disconnecting terminal clamps.

s2 switch turns on you secound capacitor bank, which allows cbc 2-b highr amp.
try several, have capacitance your cbc, a.c. source, and battery can handle.
start cbc with s2 them off. get terminal clamps from...

safety precautions
since c.b.c.`s always rise the voltage across the terminals till they overcome
resistance, when u have open circut, u have full voltage. e.g.120v ac=120v ac?
human skin can resist 12v. voltage is not what kills and burns, amperage is,
but amperage connot move if theres not enough voltage to overcome resistance.
with the cbc, there is. to prevent this, use these cautions:

1 never touch cbc leads that are still connected to power. shut off cbc and
power source. wear rubber gloves when handeling any battery or charger.
2 keep area of cbc dry, neat, clean.
3 connect cbc leads to-the-battery BEFORE turning on the power. prevents
voltage from rising higher than the battery.
4 make sure you have an excellent connection of leads to battery, if not you
may get a spark to explode the gas that is natural to charging batteries.
5 Always shut off power BEFORE disconnecting the cbc leads
6 check water-level in bats b-4 chargin. this will prevent voltage rise and
electrical archs across battery-plates. archs damage bat, explodes gas. this
will not happen as long as water is between plates.
7 set bat-caps on bat-holes loosely while charging, so gas can escape, and to
keep acid from splashing out; also lets you charge a bat quiker by using a
higher amperage. xtra care with sealed-bats that cant relieve pressure build
up of gasses. to high will explode acid and gas everywere. charge slowly over
many hours or days. a one-amp charge rate is fairly safe.

gassing is when the water is being split (electrolyzed) into hydrogen/oxegen.
when water (as liquid) gasses up, the vapor takes 1860 times(x)more volume.
if they are in an enclosed area (constant volume) were they cant escape, they
will build up presure.
8 some gassing is normal but do not overcharge the bat to the point of gassing
(electolyzing) all the water out of the battery. if u have electrolyzed out to
much water, add more, not acid,when a cell is new, all the acid it will ever
need was added then.
9 do not charge bats at to fast a rate. follow manufac-info. it will heat and
warp the plates. warped plates can easily break, resuces bat-capacity,or short
10 handle bats in a well vented area. solid shelves-floors pvent slips,spills.
11 chk bat-chrg evey few months, espesly stored bats in the cold. bats that
lose their charge can freeze and break up their plates inside. batteries that
lose their charge can become sulfated and useless.
12 if charging in a vehicle, make area=well vented, disconnecting the v-cl`s
`negative` terminal clamp (or both) is wise.
13 correct polarity, miss-match can ruin the bat, or melt down,or explosion.
beside a (+) or (-) mark, the positve post is also larger, and red. neg=gnd.
acid will eat skin and clothes, wear eye-goggles,rubber boots,gloves, apron.
have ready clean water in a spray bottle to spray skin if ? lands on you.
wash clothes you wore while handeling bats immediatly.

hints and tips
bats are heavy and easy-break. dropped or knocked, the lead-oxide plates can
break or crumble, lower bat-capacity much. or if one cell goes bad, all other
cells reduce work to level of bad-cell. if a v-car is 2-b `jump-started`...
charge the bat as much as possible b-4 trying 2 start the v-car, or dead bat
will `suck-up` the charge you wanted to go to the starter. prevent arching by
making connections better. most v-crlz(cars) are charged by constant-voltj by
the vehicles alternator) while in use. causes excess gassing, overheating by
overcharging, or excess sulfation, loss of bat work by sulf-build-up due to
undercharging. most vcars systms try compromise, but any-way, the bat suffers.

gassing means to much current(amps?) is b-n used to charge the battery, and/or
the bat is fully charged, and/or ther is a high electrcal resistance due to
hard sulfation buildup. electricity not used for charging is used for gassing.

lead-sulfate is always presen t in a partly dischrgd bat. the trik is to keep
it as soft-lead-sulfate instead of hard-lead-sulfate. this is done by(do oftn)
converting all the lead-sulfate to sulferic-acid and lead, other words...
by fully charging the battery. dont put so much current trew bat that electro
-lyte temp overs 130`f degrees or plates warp. or excees gassing (the lardge
bubbles can knock small bits off the plates,falls as dirt in bottom of cell.

with lead-acid bats, monthly wipe bats and bat-holders in vcar with a soltn of
water and baking soda, then rinse with water. you will see foam that tells you
the presence of acid. after soda-wipe, rinse bat + case with water. DO NOT let
any soda or rinse water enter the bat cells, it will neut the acid of the bat.

when installing a bat in a vcar, clean(to bright shine metal)the bat termnls
and bat clamps(use scrapers,nEver wire brushes). after clamps r-2 bat trmnlz
grease or paint the entire contact area. this prevents oxidization forms that
make a bad connection. terminal-xidization iz the most common problem, a why
people get new unneeded bats and starters.

when bats are charged, part of the water(from time to time) changes to oxegen
and hydrogen and escapes threw the bat vents. this means the water level in a
bat drops, and is a big reason of pre-mature battery disposal. a lot of people
by new bats when all they needed was add water to old one! note:only add dis-
tilled water or deionized water, because impurities in water will go to plates
and slow bat work. or neut your bat acid.

if bat plates r exposed to oxegen they become very breakable, trn as dirt,caus
ing loss of bat capacity(ability to store a charge). so keeping water in enuff
to cover the bat-plates is veRy needed. also, loss of water slows bat ability
to carry ions from plate-to-plate, slowing amp-output. also,loss of water caus
es higher acid concentration, which can speed sulfation,which increase bats n-
ternal resistance, which lowers bats ampj-output and causes heating in bat.

most lead-acid bats need distilled or deionized water added to them often,even
so-called `mainteneance free` bats. u can remove the lid, or use a syringneedl
. check water level by shining a light threw case. liquid should be atleast 10
millimeters(mm) or 3/8th in. above the plates.

once charging is started, battery should not be removed till fuly charged.
using bats b-4 fully charged results in harder `sulfation` buildup on plates.
sulfation can be soft -like fluff, or hard -like crystals. sulfation is other
big cause 4 early bat trashing(disposal). sulfation layers are formed + taken
away during normal bat use. if some sulfation is not, it becomes hard. hard
sulfation layers is what slows amperage. i once had a bat that was fully
charged (12.5v dc) yet it couldnt make the 2amps needed to run a 25 watt light
bulb. not nuff amps can get trew the sulfation. sulfation is controled by care

a quick test for sulfation is: put a heavy load on the bat(draw lots of amps)
and measure voltage over a . of time. e.g.=a bat 300amp(cold crankin rating)is
tested at 150 amp draw for 15 seconds and must still have 10.5v across trmnlz
while under load at end of 15 secouns. this also tests for broken plates.

soft sulfation can usualy be removed by giving bat a `topping-up` charge,maken
sure they are charged fully and held that way under a slight amperage input 4
a . of time. e.g.=hold a 12v bat car-bat at .3amp for a week after the cell`s
specific-gravity shows full charge (1.290 sp. g.). With the cbc u will note
the voltage drop a few millivolts (while charger is running), once the bat has
reached full `topped-up` charge.

specific-gravity is much more better to measure by than voltage. i had bats
show 12.5v when there s-g(specific gravity) was less than 1.200. so,as soon as
a load is connected, the voltage drops much.

s-g testing will also tell if u have 1 or more bad cells. the s-g wont be the
same as others. a perfect-balaced bat will have all cells same s-g and when
being discharged or charged, or very close. At 70`f (21`C) the s-g of a fully
discharged cell = 1.100, a fully charged = 1.285. S-G can go as high as 1.295
any more than that shows to much sulferic acid.

take careful notes b-4, during, and after bat charging...of the cells s-g and
time and date measurments were taken. this data will tell u how each cell
responds to charging, and that will show how good the bat is.

note also the voltage of bat b-4 u start charging, and voltage periodilcy as
it is charging. while charging you will note the voltage(across bat trmnalz)
to slowly rise (using cbc). until it is charging at 2.38 volts per cell, a 6
cell bat will be 14.28v (6 x 2.38); then, after bat is fully charged, the vltj
will drop to about 2.25v per cell (13.5v dc). When the bat sits awhile and
the cbc is removed, the voltj will drop to the normal `full-voltage` of bat.

a bat with hard sulfation is difficult to recover. The cbc will do it, at a
low amp rate over a long . of time. most trfrmr-chargers cant do it.. The cbc
usualy start out with a high-voltage across the terminalz, trying to send
electricity threw the bat. for the first few secounds the amps will be few.
then, in 5 min., the amps will rise and voltage drop. Within an hour the bat
is charging normaly. u will notice the s-g and voltage to drop 4 a time-2days
then they will start to rise. then, it is just a matter of time -a few weeks
at one-amp- till the bat is charged.

the cbc is the only charger? that can recover a totaly sulfated battery. cause
of it ability to auto-change voltage to a very high value, and it own breed of
pulsing-waveform. good way 2 max your resources.

there are `anti-sulfation` fluids that tend to prevent -not cure- hard sulfatn
and gassing. pass on this info...
first is white vinegar. 6 tbsp = 3 ounce = 85 ml in each cell of common vcar
bats(is a guess, 4 info is lost). bats need fluid and/or can be overfilled,
no need worry about space. replacing some water with w-vinegar may lower bat
work but not capacity. and battery will run 20+ years.

secound is the vx-6 sold by j.c.whitney & co. 1917-19 archer ave. 8410
chicago, iL, 60680. send for free catalog.
third is a fluid used by b.a.t. battery-automated-transportation, 2471 south
2570 west, west valley city, utah. 84119. B.A.T converts ford ranger trucks to
electric, and by using their antisulfation\antigassing fluid in their batrys
can offer a 100,000 mile warrantee on their otherwise-normal batteries. if
approached correctly, b.a.t. may sale you some of their fluid.
fourth is ethylenediamine acid -or edta for short. EDTA is an organic acid, a
chemical-cousin to vinegar. a great note on use of edta is in `home power maga
zine`, issue #20, december 1990, pages 23-26. home power magazine, po box 520,
ashland, oregon. 97520. e.d.t.a is a food additive (preservative) and can b e
obtained from a chemical-supplier or agrressive drugstore. about 1 or 2 teaspn
=1/3rd ounce = 28ml of edta for every 100 amp-hours of each lead acid cell
rated capacity.
the only sulfation `cure` known? beside the cbc is by thomas j Lindsay in
`secrets of lead-acid batteries` from Lindsay Publications, manteno, IL,60950
the secret cure involves dumping all the old electrolyte, adding distld water
and charging slowly. the water obsorbs the sulfate better than the acid would
the resulting eletrolyte may need 2-b dumped more than once and new water addd
...when all sulfation is gone(the s-g of the fluid will not rise anymore),then
add a little acid at a time,while gassing off excess water, till you have full
specific-gravity. if u end up with too much s-g.. > 1.285 ... than take out
some electrolyte and add distilled water to dilute remaining acid.
even after hard sulfation is removed and bat is fully charged. the bat
may have lost work-power + capacity due to the hard lead sulfate crystals
having damaged the plates as they `grew` into them. if the bat was frozen the
plates may be all broken up.

so prevention is better than cure. practice it. coment?,contact george wiseman
po box 118
porthill, ID. 83853.

] s1
_________\______\_________________________________ a.c.
] / __\_____ ____________ plug
,--->[----] ] ] ]_____
] ] ] ] ]
] ] ] ]_____________ ]
--- br --- ] ] ]
^ ^ ] ] ]
x_________] ]___] _]______]_
--->[---- c c
c c1 c
simplest capacitive battery charger c c

] s1 ____
_________\______\_______( f1 )____________________ a.c.
] / __\_____ (____) s2 _____________ input
,--->[----] ] ] ____\___]_____
]ac + ] ] ] ] ]
] ] ] ]_____/\______ ]
--- br --- ] ] ] ] ]
^ ^ ] ] ] ] ]
x_________]- ac]___] _]______]__ _]______]_
--->[---- c c c c
c c2 c c c1 c
cap bat char, with options c c c c
c_________c c_________c

br - bridge / of 4 diodes make a big square
s1 - switch / flips = two switches
s2 - switch
c1 - capacitor 1 /bank 1?
c2 - capacitor 2
x - terminal clamps for a battery
ac - place were a-alternating c-current is
a.c.- plug in to house outlet, hi-volt a.c.
+ - positive
- - negative ---
>[ - symbol for a diode, or ^
f1 - a fuse
[a] - a d.c. amp-meter /d-direct c-current
/\ - means wires cross but do not connect

- - -

included now is a report on a power-adapter
opened for study and found to have similar cbc study features

power adapter! 120vac - 13.5vdc 3.5A

,-------------------, ,------------------,
] ] ] ,------]]]]]---] ,-]]]]]-,
] ,-------, ] ] ] b ] ...... ] ] ]
] ] ] ] ] ]-]R5]]----, ]----, . . ] ] ]
N ] [] [] [] ] '-]R7]]----] ] ] ,--0 0--] ] ]
T-' [J [F [J ] ] ] o ] . . ] ] ]
[1 [1 [2 ]----0 T2 0---] ] oc ]---0 0--' ] ]
] [] ] ] 0b ,--0 [d [d o5 ] . . ] ]
T-----' ] ___] ] 0 ] b0 [a [5 o ] x x ] ]
L ] ] ] ] ] [1 ] ] ] . T3 . _/~\__] ]
] ] ] ] ] [___] ] ] . . ] ]
,----d2------]--/~\--d1---] ] '-A-----z ] ] z-' x 0-y ] ]---T
] ] ] '----------k ] k ]----, . . ] ]
]------d4--------]---d3---] ,-------oc6o---] ] o ] . . ]-/~\--T
] ] r r----------' ] oc ] . x ] ]
] ] 2 3 ,---,---' o4 ]---0 0--] ]
] + ] / ] '-_-' r r o ] . . ] ]+
]---------] ]--------' ] 4 6 ] '--0 0--' c7
] ] \ c3 ] '---, ] . . ]
] '--,----- ] ------] ...... y-'
] b---]]]]]----' ]

[_________part one__________] [______part two_______] [____part three____]

total components needed : 6 + 14 + 3 = 23

in t2 there is a wire from (drawing it looks to messy).
and and and


j1 j2 = bare wire
f1 = fuse
d1-d5 = diodes . black with silver band. the letter 'd' is the band-side
only neg(-) can pass it.
da1 = diode? all-blue. symbol shows two arows pointing at eachother
d8 = diode? looks like a transistor. TO24.sri660

t2 t3 = transformer coils.
t2 green-ceramic-ring wrapped with copper-wire. six contacts.
t3 regular copper-coil type. coil+core 9 contacts + one unused
the real t3 is square shaped, cut to fit pictr.
t1 - found in plug-box circuit. ceramic?-ring type wraped a few x's

c1 c2 ? see plug-box info
c3 c7 = capacitor .polarized (neg+pos) foil+paper-electrolyte(salt-water)
c3- 220uf, 200v, c7- 470uf, 35v.
c4 c5 = capacitor .ceramic brown
c6 = capacitor .ceramic? green

q1 q2 = trnsistrs .npn? pnp? with heat-sinks to cool'em (not shown)
--]]]]]-- 9944.morocco bul381

T(N) and T(L) is were circuit connects with or plug-box (see ref.)

A = this wire is thicker than others

missing? t1, c1 c2 r1 d6 ? d7


r2 - org org blk gld
r3 - bwn blk gre gld
blue resistors
r4 - yel prp blk slv prp Y
r5 - yel prp blk slv prp 120v \_ __
r6 - same __ _______ \_/ r7 - same --[ ] [ \___ ]
--[__] __/--_[ \_ _]
-end- _-> ]__/~~~ [____________]--/~
now look in wall-jack plug. a box with a 'test' and 'reset' button.
plugs into wall outlets -120v ac.

opened plug-box made for wall-socket (120v ac)
see blue-box for hard-copy. type it in here:
also see adap.png for picture. in w.a.s. 05 directory.
c:\progra~1\opera7\temp\cbc on stb-pc
c:\temp\was or c:\mybrie~1 on jrb-pc
c:\lap\temp\was\s-con or c:\lap\temp\pics this-pc

-no end-


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