clip-on.txt - - - - was internet connections, fuelless heat, feb 2004
1 files 2 e-mails today! #2 txt porta-writeble soon, #3 www porta-access last
upload to all related and free-e-mail sites
forget zip - keep it simple
w -will -legal info pkzip zipname files
a -amish -amish info x pkzip new *.* -one dir
s -survival -inventions -dos pkzip -rp -whs -( zipname a:*.*
x pkzip -rp -( zipname *.* -all dirz
x pkunzip -d *.*
bbb. big-big pkunzip -d filename
or type pkzip /? for help
read this file : sss -v (view)
get pkzipfix.exe
web access...
?tb28@yahoo.com =(3-nrg) energy folders, cd , and ecotechnology series by
callum coats www.talkstudio.com, water energizerz and new theory(it lives)
.fuelless. or fuelesspower.com c.b.c or the ed.v.grey,john b.dee-nee
capacitive-battery-charger, new electron-theory book i and ii -green books
order_room@eagle-research.com, .mich at .enertek.com the battery charger by
mitch wvwarlord@hotmail.com,rexresearch.com,
?rb10@juno.com download info or web-clips here.
dutchy@ausi.com /pass=30feerb ammon m bater
remem2u@ausi.com /pass=u4odssed yohanna h hostetler
jwd233@.juno jerb9@.juno laysa4@.juno .operamail.and any free-e-mail sites
.bigmailbox. .hotmail. .msd.
new users feb,2004
h2corn@juno.com, pass=fjs4u debora n baker 4-3-82 ph#530-692-3433
carbonseed_1@juno.com, pass=fjs4us naomi r baker 3-14-85
local access=ca:smartsville,530-451-0520,1305,4008
options:451-1305 = juno 4 modem, tech support = 800-juno-889
new user fills out welcome,getn startd,conec stup,email adrs,srvc lvl,accs #s
2 get 2 web -choose many, activate account, member profile
member profile notes: age range 19-29, networks used: aol,at&t worldnet,
compuserve, earthlink/mindspring, msn, netzero, prodigy, webtv, ph/cable co.
other?, or selected juno only. current occupation: ? what ph.co u 4 long-dis?
sprint was selected
other notes: get a browser(opera) after juno has finished connecting to www.
u have 1,000nds of access #`s, nation wide. for www access. the #,the location
and the calling-plan, will effect the ph.bill.
system requirements: win95 or higher, and windows dial-up networking(dun-ras)
and window`s?internet explorer v.4 or hi-r,or netscape navigator. get n-ol cd?
press alt-e at ?tb28@yahoo.com
press alt-e to access the alternate address related to your account.
www.ausi.com \info on dutchy \work-live:the gypsy bead \23 angove st.
north perth, wa.6006 -australia \pass=30feerb\age 1-2-73\name ammon m bater
i sale jewelry
info on yohanna\remem2u ...read agreement on web-site-rules
address=8 baretta road\wangara,wa.6065\pass=u4odssed\age 6-17-69\name yohanna
s. hostetler\i do office supplies and maintanence\office unit #8www.mailbox6.bigmailbox.com reads your info! \email:remem2u
email=remem2u@ausi.com\she knows canberra aptist church\user-pass?=jesusi4
www.canbap.org.au/addr.htm ..www.zdnet.com.au
www.promega.com \37 nelson st.\annandale, nsw 20038 or 40051? \ph.0-9565-1100
free.1-800-225-123? goggo.com \.hotmail. .ecobattery.
easy home small buisbess \p.o.box 159 \wanneroo,wa 6065 \office unit 8
- . - . - . -
Hits, vassah, graft, licht! vee?
Frok fa aya catalog funn...
+Eagle - Research.com +CREATIVE S. RESEARCH,
4 Energy Way or... Box 557
Box 118 Box 641 New Albany, IN 47151
Porthill, Idaho Creston, B.C Ask for fuelless-Heater # 878p
83853 - 0118 ] V0B 1G0 or make it! | <---shaft trnz
+F.T.L It is a can ____|____ in`r can
p.o. box 164 in a can. [ __|__ ]
lebanon, OH. 45036 but the heat is [ | | ]
+Radi - Bookstore Press voon-da-bar! [ | | ] <--metal
P.O. Box 3010 300`F.! keep a [ | | ]
Bellevue, WA. 98009 1/8``in. gap on [ | | ]
ask for... all sides, and [~|_____|~] <--oil
the `living energies` book by 1/4`th space---< [____|____] level
Callum Coats at bottom.
Victor Schauberger
ISBN# 1-889071-03-X try a paint-can size model first.
ISBN# 0-7171-3307-9 turn shaft 1700 rpms.in oil or car-fluid.
ph. 1-800-243-1438 outr-can dosnt move. try oil, water, or!
www.gillmacmillan.ie (.pks.org) water breaks 2 gasses(danger)
- . - . - . -
the pythagorus\kepler system institue(school)
PKS - Kaltenbach 162
A-4821 Lauffen/Bad Ischl
Österreich / Austria
tel: 0043 - 6132 - 24814, fax: 24814-4
e-mail: schauberger@pks.or.at
- . - . - . -
a note clipped to this 3-page short-hand of the original docs $
says: tried the water-jet experiment in the callum coats books, so we know
it works! making arch light with two carbon rods set very-close together
and 360 watts through it under water or water-salt electrolyte is new to us
and very bright! genesis type stuff! popular from 1890-1930 city wide!
may be seen on steves nrg-cd 2003 (make txt-version)
the ed?v.grey circut for cold-electricity and the radiant energy-tube or
battery-charger from the ether-air by mitch at .enertek.com seem to go
together. (redo-info) /the green-books on capacitors and electron theory
and c.b.c. -capacitive battery chargers. is, very, interesting!
authors notes are put out by... eagle-research.com?
and earth-batteries! at creative science and research .fuellesspower.com
get #459,500,363a or # hfg9,579,396,hvems,359,377 and the heater!#878p
the feed is medicated - watch what you eat.
u water seed and greens, let others p.c.legal.build.4.u
the-seed-savers exchange in decorah, iowa(non-profit) raises 1,200 ndangrd
vegetables(non-hybrid),rare ,obscure types on Heritage-Farm by Kent Whealy
what happens when seed that -can- reproduce, not kept!
collect water and seed, be with them who do, set tasks for boys and girls,
make rooms for flocks and birds and strangers too.
es-nei-teshtament and fellowship-tract-league
upload eves n.r.g.-c.d. 2003, to related sites. or ans top 3,7,12 of it.
copy other publishers:victor shauberger, ed.v.grey, tesla
hydrogen, oxegen, carbon, h2o, c11-h2o = sugar. \get or make index for
what all is in that box of steves energy-folder box.
files uploaded /what /were
these files must get out today!
upload to all related and free-e-mail sites
w -will -legal info
a -amish -amish info
s -survival -inventions
bbb. big-big need heat light air water seed greens
collect water and seed, be with them who do, set tasks for boys and girls,
make rooms for flocks and birds and strangers too.
es nei teshtament \special pensylvania dutch-english \order from: committee
for translation \3864 twp rd 162 \sugercreek, ohio 44681 \$13.95 + 2.00 shipn
fellowship tract league \po box 164 \lebanon oh.45036 \all tracks free as the
lord provides
and earth-batteries! at creative science and research .fuellesspower.com
get #459,500,363a or # hfg9,579,396,hvems,359,377 and the heater!#878p
the feed is medicated - watch what you eat.
u water seed and greens, let others p.c.legal.build.4.u
upload eves n.r.g.-c.d. 2003, to related sites. or ans top 3,7,12 of it.
copy other publishers:victor shauberger, ed.v.grey, pethagarus\kepler,tesla
hydrogen, oxegen, carbon, h2o, c11-h2o = sugar. \get or make index for
what all is in that box of eves energy-folder box.
renew e-mail! last checked = feb,2004 type`scandisk`+`defrag` once a month.
tech support = 800-juno-889 or 1-800-654-5866,530-451-1305=cntrl pc local
byrichard@aol.com /kjv-n-penna.
jet4Lft@yahoo.com /s.d.a. legal document help -james thoreson
?tb28@yahoo.com /access to free-nrg science books, docs, cd`s
?rb10@juno.com /oregon house database
dutchy@ausi.com pass is `30feerb` /remem2u@ausi.com and pass is `u4odssed` /jwd233@juno?
/jerb9@juno.com? /laysa4@.juno /.operamail.com /other free-e-maill sites
baxters church = chambers7@combie.net
h2corn@juno.com is`u4sjf`=deborah hostetler ,
carbonseed_1@juno.com is`su4sjf`= naomi hostetler,
eagle-research.com /4 energy way /po box 118 /porthill, idaho. 83853-0118
fax: 250-492-7480 or 428-8762 /po box 641 /creston, bc. /v0b 1g0
creative science and research /po box 557 /new albany, indiana 47151
www.feulless. or fuelesspower.com/ ask for heater #878p
radio bookstore press /po box 3010 /bellevue, wa. 98009 /1-800-243-1438
ask for: sacred living geometry - theories of victor schaueberger
isbn# 1-889071-03-x printed by callum coats of the pethagarus-kepler school
in ausberg, germany. has estate in australia? austria? www.talkstudio.com
author of the ecotechnology-series, www.pks.com
.ecobattery.com .rexresearch.com/ african patent # 831,296
the radiant-energy tube or battery charger from the ether-air by mich at...
.enertek.com /e-mail = wvwarlord@hotmail.com
1 files 2 e-mails today! #2 txt porta-writeble soon, #3 www porta-access last
upload to all related and free-e-mail sites
forget zip - keep it simple
w -will -legal info pkzip zipname files
a -amish -amish info x pkzip new *.* -one dir
s -survival -inventions -dos pkzip -rp -whs -( zipname a:*.*
x pkzip -rp -( zipname *.* -all dirz
x pkunzip -d *.*
bbb. big-big pkunzip -d filename
or type pkzip /? for help
read this file : sss -v (view)
get pkzipfix.exe
web access...
?tb28@yahoo.com =(3-nrg) energy folders, cd , and ecotechnology series by
callum coats www.talkstudio.com, water energizerz and new theory(it lives)
.fuelless. or fuelesspower.com c.b.c or the ed.v.grey,john b.dee-nee
capacitive-battery-charger, new electron-theory book i and ii -green books
order_room@eagle-research.com, .mich at .enertek.com the battery charger by
mitch wvwarlord@hotmail.com,rexresearch.com,
?rb10@juno.com download info or web-clips here.
dutchy@ausi.com /pass=30feerb ammon m bater
remem2u@ausi.com /pass=u4odssed yohanna h hostetler
jwd233@.juno jerb9@.juno laysa4@.juno .operamail.and any free-e-mail sites
.bigmailbox. .hotmail. .msd.
new users feb,2004
h2corn@juno.com, pass=fjs4u debora n baker 4-3-82 ph#530-692-3433
carbonseed_1@juno.com, pass=fjs4us naomi r baker 3-14-85
local access=ca:smartsville,530-451-0520,1305,4008
options:451-1305 = juno 4 modem, tech support = 800-juno-889
new user fills out welcome,getn startd,conec stup,email adrs,srvc lvl,accs #s
2 get 2 web -choose many, activate account, member profile
member profile notes: age range 19-29, networks used: aol,at&t worldnet,
compuserve, earthlink/mindspring, msn, netzero, prodigy, webtv, ph/cable co.
other?, or selected juno only. current occupation: ? what ph.co u 4 long-dis?
sprint was selected
other notes: get a browser(opera) after juno has finished connecting to www.
u have 1,000nds of access #`s, nation wide. for www access. the #,the location
and the calling-plan, will effect the ph.bill.
system requirements: win95 or higher, and windows dial-up networking(dun-ras)
and window`s?internet explorer v.4 or hi-r,or netscape navigator. get n-ol cd?
press alt-e at ?tb28@yahoo.com
press alt-e to access the alternate address related to your account.
www.ausi.com \info on dutchy \work-live:the gypsy bead \23 angove st.
north perth, wa.6006 -australia \pass=30feerb\age 1-2-73\name ammon m bater
i sale jewelry
info on yohanna\remem2u ...read agreement on web-site-rules
address=8 baretta road\wangara,wa.6065\pass=u4odssed\age 6-17-69\name yohanna
s. hostetler\i do office supplies and maintanence\office unit #8www.mailbox6.bigmailbox.com reads your info! \email:remem2u
email=remem2u@ausi.com\she knows canberra aptist church\user-pass?=jesusi4
www.canbap.org.au/addr.htm ..www.zdnet.com.au
www.promega.com \37 nelson st.\annandale, nsw 20038 or 40051? \ph.0-9565-1100
free.1-800-225-123? goggo.com \.hotmail. .ecobattery.
easy home small buisbess \p.o.box 159 \wanneroo,wa 6065 \office unit 8
- . - . - . -
Hits, vassah, graft, licht! vee?
Frok fa aya catalog funn...
+Eagle - Research.com +CREATIVE S. RESEARCH,
4 Energy Way or... Box 557
Box 118 Box 641 New Albany, IN 47151
Porthill, Idaho Creston, B.C Ask for fuelless-Heater # 878p
83853 - 0118 ] V0B 1G0 or make it! | <---shaft trnz
+F.T.L It is a can ____|____ in`r can
p.o. box 164 in a can. [ __|__ ]
lebanon, OH. 45036 but the heat is [ | | ]
+Radi - Bookstore Press voon-da-bar! [ | | ] <--metal
P.O. Box 3010 300`F.! keep a [ | | ]
Bellevue, WA. 98009 1/8``in. gap on [ | | ]
ask for... all sides, and [~|_____|~] <--oil
the `living energies` book by 1/4`th space---< [____|____] level
Callum Coats at bottom.
Victor Schauberger
ISBN# 1-889071-03-X try a paint-can size model first.
ISBN# 0-7171-3307-9 turn shaft 1700 rpms.in oil or car-fluid.
ph. 1-800-243-1438 outr-can dosnt move. try oil, water, or!
www.gillmacmillan.ie (.pks.org) water breaks 2 gasses(danger)
- . - . - . -
the pythagorus\kepler system institue(school)
PKS - Kaltenbach 162
A-4821 Lauffen/Bad Ischl
Österreich / Austria
tel: 0043 - 6132 - 24814, fax: 24814-4
e-mail: schauberger@pks.or.at
- . - . - . -
a note clipped to this 3-page short-hand of the original docs $
says: tried the water-jet experiment in the callum coats books, so we know
it works! making arch light with two carbon rods set very-close together
and 360 watts through it under water or water-salt electrolyte is new to us
and very bright! genesis type stuff! popular from 1890-1930 city wide!
may be seen on steves nrg-cd 2003 (make txt-version)
the ed?v.grey circut for cold-electricity and the radiant energy-tube or
battery-charger from the ether-air by mitch at .enertek.com seem to go
together. (redo-info) /the green-books on capacitors and electron theory
and c.b.c. -capacitive battery chargers. is, very, interesting!
authors notes are put out by... eagle-research.com?
and earth-batteries! at creative science and research .fuellesspower.com
get #459,500,363a or # hfg9,579,396,hvems,359,377 and the heater!#878p
the feed is medicated - watch what you eat.
u water seed and greens, let others p.c.legal.build.4.u
the-seed-savers exchange in decorah, iowa(non-profit) raises 1,200 ndangrd
vegetables(non-hybrid),rare ,obscure types on Heritage-Farm by Kent Whealy
what happens when seed that -can- reproduce, not kept!
collect water and seed, be with them who do, set tasks for boys and girls,
make rooms for flocks and birds and strangers too.
es-nei-teshtament and fellowship-tract-league
upload eves n.r.g.-c.d. 2003, to related sites. or ans top 3,7,12 of it.
copy other publishers:victor shauberger, ed.v.grey, tesla
hydrogen, oxegen, carbon, h2o, c11-h2o = sugar. \get or make index for
what all is in that box of steves energy-folder box.
files uploaded /what /were
these files must get out today!
upload to all related and free-e-mail sites
w -will -legal info
a -amish -amish info
s -survival -inventions
bbb. big-big need heat light air water seed greens
collect water and seed, be with them who do, set tasks for boys and girls,
make rooms for flocks and birds and strangers too.
es nei teshtament \special pensylvania dutch-english \order from: committee
for translation \3864 twp rd 162 \sugercreek, ohio 44681 \$13.95 + 2.00 shipn
fellowship tract league \po box 164 \lebanon oh.45036 \all tracks free as the
lord provides
and earth-batteries! at creative science and research .fuellesspower.com
get #459,500,363a or # hfg9,579,396,hvems,359,377 and the heater!#878p
the feed is medicated - watch what you eat.
u water seed and greens, let others p.c.legal.build.4.u
upload eves n.r.g.-c.d. 2003, to related sites. or ans top 3,7,12 of it.
copy other publishers:victor shauberger, ed.v.grey, pethagarus\kepler,tesla
hydrogen, oxegen, carbon, h2o, c11-h2o = sugar. \get or make index for
what all is in that box of eves energy-folder box.
renew e-mail! last checked = feb,2004 type`scandisk`+`defrag` once a month.
tech support = 800-juno-889 or 1-800-654-5866,530-451-1305=cntrl pc local
byrichard@aol.com /kjv-n-penna.
jet4Lft@yahoo.com /s.d.a. legal document help -james thoreson
?tb28@yahoo.com /access to free-nrg science books, docs, cd`s
?rb10@juno.com /oregon house database
dutchy@ausi.com pass is `30feerb` /remem2u@ausi.com and pass is `u4odssed` /jwd233@juno?
/jerb9@juno.com? /laysa4@.juno /.operamail.com /other free-e-maill sites
baxters church = chambers7@combie.net
h2corn@juno.com is`u4sjf`=deborah hostetler ,
carbonseed_1@juno.com is`su4sjf`= naomi hostetler,
eagle-research.com /4 energy way /po box 118 /porthill, idaho. 83853-0118
fax: 250-492-7480 or 428-8762 /po box 641 /creston, bc. /v0b 1g0
creative science and research /po box 557 /new albany, indiana 47151
www.feulless. or fuelesspower.com/ ask for heater #878p
radio bookstore press /po box 3010 /bellevue, wa. 98009 /1-800-243-1438
ask for: sacred living geometry - theories of victor schaueberger
isbn# 1-889071-03-x printed by callum coats of the pethagarus-kepler school
in ausberg, germany. has estate in australia? austria? www.talkstudio.com
author of the ecotechnology-series, www.pks.com
.ecobattery.com .rexresearch.com/ african patent # 831,296
the radiant-energy tube or battery charger from the ether-air by mich at...
.enertek.com /e-mail = wvwarlord@hotmail.com
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