e-caws.txt - - - - 11-15-04 wildernes survival notes, book paul tawrell
my notes from book. great for if no time to read book.
but diff people like to note diff things.
use search or edit to `find` ```marks, each(`) keeps a main word
or subject discussed in that area. e.g `drill-learn`
selection from `camping and wilderness survival` by paul Tawrell
1996, 350p isbn 1-896713-00-9,order info call 1-888-266-5054
p293-300, 312,313,344,314-319(pics only) 320 marine powers? 321
shelters 96-121, 33,37,39,73,343,14-16 bleeding=339-342,14,301
325-338, trees=286-290, hunting = 153-169
ink = black from fire(plants)with honey(stiky plant) and
gum-arabic(bonding plant, fat)
the whole point of this txt is to not need the book, to carry it.
now starts hand-written parts for coping in wilderness=needed-nfo
temp by mouth or arm pit. 96-99=healthy 102=low 105=hi 107=danger
109=fatal 95=weakness. shadowed info from book by paul. sketched
here by importance. page - of - WATER purify Clean.drink p.18
Filters #1 removes dirt and cysts,#2iodined-resin kills germs,
micro bacteria and virus, #3coconut-carbon gets taste,odor,iodine out.
or #1=carbon filter,#2=membrane(crimped paper). Parasite in`giardia`
protozo to lambia`beaver fever`. Bacteria to typhoid,diarrhea. Virus
to polio,hepatitus,etc.
Boiling kills everything,chemicals kills(iodine,chlorine?),filters
remove. p.149=keep water cool,separate vessel container,drink 4 cups
daily. no sun,wind,wrap inwet cloth,evaporate=cool. animal stomachs,
skins,gords breath water,and clay pots. Drink little parts often.
Water runs bodys temp and digest. Beware minerals leached from bedrok
(eg.chlorine,sulfur)go into water,lead, mining chemicals,dump sites,
animal waste. Animals that drink may have digest to waters humans cant.
Army rate=9 cups a day. Loss of 25% of body-water is fatal. Loss of 2
quarts is 25% of energy lost.
xxFinding Water
You need4 qrts daily,wells,hi water-table,in sand at 100 ft from shore,
or first dep. behind dune. Dry creeks:dig in bend outer, dew on smooth,
natural deposits in gullies, behind large rocks, under cliffs, clay
soil out of sun, flight of birds, or moist soils. Plants that need much:
cattails,poplars,greeswood,willows. Direction of bugs, grazing animal have
trails to... or Doves at evening, low flying=to water, from=flap more.
Tree growth, quality-4 ft or lower. (pic1.1)=solar still,plastic over damp
soil, into cup.plant still in bag. (pic1.2)charcoal in cloth tied at 3 levels,
water seeps down into vessel cup. (pic1.3)dis-still,water, tube-vapor,fire.
loose clothes keep moisture near skin. no shirt=to loss. spread clothes in
sun to kill fungus germs. drink small sips, do not gulp,moisten lips if
supplies r low. you need daily salt, only with water. keep grass,rock or item
in mouth to stop dry-throte. avoid talk,breath by nose. dehydration invites
worse things...see`first-aid`
xxrabid animal attack,p.17
dont turn away, hit on nose. spray ammonia on trash keeps curiosity off.
moth-balls stop porcupines looking for salt. camphor stops lice. white chalk-
circles shun bugs. stop bear.keep food from sleep place. do not get fishy
smell on clothing- dry `away from camp`. eat or cook afar too. keep food-odor
300 ft away and down-wind. avoid amelly foods. mosquitos sense heat, moisture
and breath(co2)from 20 ft. and make 20 million deaths per year. Best repelent
is `deet`(n.n-diet-m-toluamide) or natural repelents:citronella,nessmuk juice
is 3.oz pine-tar, 2.oz castor-oil, 1.oz pennyroyal-oil. simmer at low-fire
till pasty, smear on body..is insect repelent. mosquito repelent = add ten
drops of oil of thyme and 20 drops pennyroyal to olive oil, lard, or favorite
sun-block. pour sweet stiky syrup 20ft up-wind from shelter, bugs will come.
to stop sting-of-bite = wet and soap. over tick with jell. hydro-peroxide
kills germs on bite area. burn area of bite.(end of hot stick)see doctor?
for lyme disease. check daily for ticks.
p.314 scrape,dont pinch out stingers, on mouth or neck can block breath/air
-way.(deadly). stop pain=add meat tenderizer 30min.ice,calomine,or? vinegar
alcohol. alkaline(1.tbsp.baking-soda + 1 pint water or ammonia) or rub on an
asparin tablet or mud. until dry. allergic to stings=hard breathing, belly-
pain,vomit,weak,sight blurs. avoid hymenoptera stings. destroy nest, nor camp
near. nor use soaps that make you look or smell as a flower. keep food coverd
and garbage, mellons attract them. eat vitamin`b`(thiamin).the smell passes
your skin? wear light color clothing. shun breedn-area e.g.still-water pools,
highgrassor dense bushes. have bed-net, immunity-shots, shower often, and
daily bodily sweat-spots. skin dry by talc-powder. women drink -dont hold pis
Insects=mosquitos,flies,flees,lice,ticks,mites,chiggers,spiders, scorpions
transmit and eject dengue-fever, enceph(sleep sickness), filar(elephantitis)
malaria, yellow fever,typhus fever(murine)=body louse,rocky-mountain-fever=
tick, bubonic pague=flee, chagus-disease=conenose bug(see pic)
path=e.g.typhoid carried on legs to food or drink(from dung). mosquitos like
wet blue?-colored clothing. do not like smoke(use)or mud on skin. birch-bark
below clothing. or camp in windy area. ticks =late spring or early-summer on
deer,birds,mice,other smalls. wear light colors to see ticks. use deet.
avoid contact with wild animal nests,paths,tall grass. effect of bite = red
circle around bite,flu,hi-fever(3 days),sleepy,painful joints. scorpions at
night...dont put your hands/feet were you cant see. snake-bite=stop blood
were going to heart. keep bite below heart, cut fang-mark 1/4th in deep in
skin and fat only(30 min) , not muscle or veins.suck out poison.
avoid slow-ill animal or rabbits for 3 weeks? after bad weather. rabbit-germs
are deadly(in fur?)if get in your skin. fish can also.
(end of paper 1 of 6) (p2 of 6) ````(`)used on words that were `underlined` in hand-text
edible plants p.293-300copy(herbal guide to wild food survival. remedies.312,
`poison plants`p.313,do.p344 fire/cooking.p122 fire=warm,cook,dry,boil,cleans
water,smoke signal,burn end of stick to make a point spear or heat a tick-byt.
repel insects=smoke,burn small trunks or big sticks to small size for shelter
uses, smoke out bees or animals, into traps, torches blind fish at night.
!!!know ways to start fire,carry,and build for use. `always`keep matches`on`u.
small fires=less enrgy,burn slower,easy care. most heat=build many small,
around camp. no wind. green wood,rock,pit to direct heat. clear camp of all
flamable, site not at old log.or tree or under branches of tree. water,dirt,
before go. if ground wet/snow, build table of green or wet logs. wet rocks
may explode when heated.
wood type,p123 hard=good,slow burn,coals. -tree leaves fall, broad leaf. not
always harder than soft=hot,fast fire,short life. Tree-needles flat,round,
with cone(ifers),evergreen(no fall)except larch,cypruss,tamarak. `know` heat-
value, how each burns when green. ashes or coals. pops,sparks(danger). split-
resistance, easy to start? green=new cut. seasoned=1 year or 6 mo.(good burn)
why wood burns=`pyrolysis`=oxegen+temp.(temp=vibrate?)how? hi-temp+`no`oxegen
releases gasses that burn and heat more gasses out. 282`c gasses need oxegen
+537`c to burn.(a flame starts) `peat moss`=plant dead+no oxegen =preserved!
harvest(black?)and`dry before use` used by us colonies. `soft wood`= good
-kindle,quick,catches,splits,grows near water-ways. =balsam,fir,bass-wood,
white-pine=quick fire. gray(labrador),pine(jack)=good in north lands(where
hard-wood is scarce). tamarack -when seasoned. spruce=poor fuel,resinous,
-kindles easy. pitch-pine=most flamable,fat resin,not when green. yellow-pine
=burns well,sap is resin,not watery. red cedar=hard to start.
hardwoods,p.124 north hickory,green or dry hot,long coals heat. south:oak,
overcup,white,blackjack,post,basket oaks,pecan,iron wood. magnolia,tulip,
catalpa,willow=poor fuels. dogwood,applewood burn to a -whiteash. black-birch
...oil in helps combust(fire). seasoned chestnut and yellow poplar=hot,crackl
,no coals. locust and mulberry(night favorite)lasts,easy cut,splits green,
thick bark,takes fire,burns slow,coals. white-ash=best green wood. easy-cut,
light-weight,clear flame,burns green. sycamore+buckeye=good seasoned,will not
split. northern-poplar(lardge-tooth aspen)=dry,big heat,no smoke, dosnt blakn
cook-tools(favorite cooking wood). alder=burns easy,not long. scarlet and
willow oaks=poorest hard-wood fuel. white elm+slipper=poor.
space wood for good balance of air and heat (fig1.3?) `charcoal`=very hot,
smokeless,most weightless of fuels. wood burnt in much air burns completely,
if air restrickted wood gives off gas and becomes charcoal. how-to:stack wood
tight,cover with earth, start fire in many places, keep a slow-burn by enter-
ing small amounts of air. then, at 260`c`a chemical-reaction`makes the wood
`very hot`which consumes the air and turns wood into carbon(charcoal). leave
it in pit a few days until cools, or it will burst into flames when exposed
to air. quality depends on wood. note:each form-change from cut-to coal-to
fire gives off energy(heat) that at one time came from the sun. many forms,
but one energy?
`other notes about wood`p125 spliting,embers,green. basswood,blackash,balsam,
box elder,buckeye,cucumber, black or pitch-pine,white,poplar,aspen,yellow-
will poor burn when -green-cut. good for backlogs and cooking.
butternut,chestnut,redoak,red maple, burn very slowly. yellow and white ash
burn better green than seasoned. pine must be split or fire goes out, best in
winter when sap is slow. chestnut burns well green and seasoned. spit-fire
wood= white cedar,chestnut,box elder,red cedar,hemlock,sasafras,tulip,balsam,
tamarak,spruce,-soft pines-,sugar maple,beech,white oak, some hickory.
hard to split...? easy to split when green...? (end of p2 of 6)
(page 3 of 6)
`carry embers`p125b vessel=tin,can,animal horn,birch-bark pouch or hard-wood
box. fill bottom with moss. watch and blow on embers if loosing strength.
moss limits air, if all,then out. goes for days. any collection of carbon,
hydrogen, and methane `can` be used for fire. dry peat,dry seaweed, dry animl
dung,or oils,dry leaves,oil in earth,or tar in sand.saturate(soak),blubber
(fat),mix if gas+oil,plants(not poisonous). rotting wood=fungi+oxegen+humidty
fire making steps.p126 tinder burns without flame or matches. tinder is:birch
-bark,resin shavings,pitch or fat of cone-ifers, burns wets. punk=dry-rot in
old trees,lint from cloth,rope-twine,dead palm fond,dry bark shreded,dry moss
,powdered bat-dung. powdered wood,bird-nests,shelf mushrooms(on trees), wooly
-fiber of plants(pussy-willow,cattail),dry grass,crushes leaves,wood dust by
insects...found under bark of dead trees. all the above can be saturated with
lamp oil,gas, alcohol-based insect repelents. add kindling(bigger pieces).
sun-dried manure. pitch-fat(pine-gum)found in old coneifer tree-stumps or
butt-cuts on pine, mainly trees that died on the stump. resin flowes to bottm
part of tree. yellowish-like resin in stumps, grey=old,to rotten. fuzz-stiks=
(fig1.5?)shavings partly peeled from a branch,not off. birch-bark of all type
birches r good for torches, will burn in wind.
bow and drill fire:p127 make bow strung with shoe-lave,string or leathr-thong.
use to spin a dry-soft drill-stick pushed by bearing-block of hard-wood in
left-hand. `rotation and pressure` grind on wood to heat. til hot-black powdr
falls in groove-hole of base-bord onto the tinder and smokes. then remove and
blow tender, to burst into flames. bearing=pine or hemlock wood-knot with a
1/4th inch hole.(fig1.6)use smooth stone or marble set in hole. base=cedar,
cypruss,or hemlock,yucca.(fig) drill=same.top rounded,greased to reduce fric
-tion, bottom is pointed. press tightly, drill slowly. add pressure and speed
only after smoke.(fig.man workn bearing,drill,with tinder on birch-bark under
`drill.learn`.p128 if kindle gets covered with dark drilled powder, dust off
tinder. light-brown=not enuff pressure,or not fast enuff. black=to hard pushd.
(powder burned before falling on tinder). spindle jumps out? -make hole deepr.
thong slips on drill? -thong to loose or drill to smooth or to much pressure.
thong slips up-down drill? keep thong centerd and bow perp(cross-way)to drill.
bearing-block smokes? -pushed to hard,or wood to soft for drill-stick. -add
water,oil,or grease.
fire-thong.p128: use strip of dry rattan(1/4th in x 2ft long). prop end of a
dry log off ground with a rock. split the end of log. hold split open with a
wedge. put wod of tinder in the split with space for thong, work thong back
and forth.(fig 2.1) fig 2.2 = pump-type fire-drill.
`fire made in rain`: find fat pine log and light under-side. dry-fuel find
under rock shelves, core stumps, or fallen log. a tarp pitched over fire to
shun rain. south-sea fire-maker:(fig2.3) bamboo-tube,hard-wood wraped with
fiber for tight fit. dried moss inside bottom. hard-wood plunger is hit repe
-tedly. `the air is compressed hi`makes heat,ignites tinder(dried moss).
magnesium fire-block.p129 cut or scratch shavings off of aluminum-magnesium,
ignite by striking steel-iron(back of knife) on flint rod(embeded into block).
candles start fire. battery and wire, or short sparks, or use car cigarett-
`finding flint and quartz`: flint is dull-black, very hard. split rock to see
black-sheen, breaks like glass. quartz is white-glassy. steel or iron hitting
quartz, agate,jasper,or flint,will spark to light tinder. blow when it smokes.
find iron-pyrites(indian-way)if no iron. sparks=heated metal?
`potassium permangante` (mild anti-septic) pour on teaspoon on paper,leaf,or
cloth. add drops of anti-freez. roll into ball. paper will reach flash-point
...(232`c)in a few minutes.
`fire-arms`:remove bullet,wrap half the powder in cloth,put in gun. fire gun
up-way or into solid object. place flaming cloth in tinder. `fire-starter`=
stuff lint into egg-cartons.pour layer of wax.lights +15 min. use green logs
or stones to raise fire above wet ground,snow, mud. birchbark-torch = fold
the wood, place it in th split end of a stick. a cattail dipped in oil,wax,or
fat, = torch, of fluff use as tinder. put a twisted-rag or cotton between
stones, place in grease-pan. can-stoves,with whick in wax or gas, or satura-
-ted sand. catapillars = fires that climb the limbs as it burns. hunters-
fire = two big logs on level ground(no air under)in a -v-, green stick across
and dry wood on that, then fire.(fig2.4) a fire-back reflects heat into your
tent. `automatic`fire is a pit with semi-green logs sticking out and lit.
keep embers out of wind, cover with ashes and thin layer of soil. or scoop
into can and place into tent. use hot-sand-bags for bed. (or sacks of corn).
store wood bark-side-up. out of rain.
(end of p3 of 6)
(page 4 of 6) camping and wilderness survival
glass-`bottle-lantern`.p131:heat glass in fire, then dip bottom in cold water.
bottom cracks off.(implosion). `wood-ash`use as fertilizer for its potassium
content. decreases acidity(p-h)of soil. or soap by potassium-carbonate.
`fire fores`p.132 paper or kindle soaked in solvent paint or `petrol-chemical`
products, by oxegen, will heat! -start burning on its own. to stop `a fire`
-remove fuel,oxegen,or heat. terms:fire-storm = up-draft convection. crown-
fire = 4 to 12 feet tall. fire makes warmth...p122 types of out-door fire:
are, surface, marsh, grass, ground, floor, crown. marsh=when reeds and cat-
-tails are dry, ground = burns organic deposits`below the surface`. lacks
oxegen, but glows. cause: when much sun, periods of drought(no rain).
portrayed by only a few wisps of smoke. layers of leaves-rotten-dry, needles,
peatmoss, and other vegetation can easily catch fire by itself. damages roots
and hard to stop for surface dwellers, also burn in coal-mines, hundreds of
years. will follow winds up mountain, burns all, high speeds. will burn the
humus, but forests need it?
p134 `how to escape a fire` it can out-run you. go down-hill, up-hill fires
move 5x faster. do not wet clothing - it will scald your skin. lay face-to-
-ground. if low fire - jump into burnt area. breath through a `dry`-cloth.
lardge fires(cars) can remove all oxegen for a time. non-synthetics. test:if
a `dry`pine-needle breaks after bending it a-quarter of a circle =fire hazard
is hi. if it breaks after more than a half-circle, =humidity of area is high.
aspen trees nees fire to produce mant seeds? lodge-pole pine have seed that
need fire to open (evry 25years?) fires produce ash(a fertilizer) to help
`cooking`p.135 keyhole-fireplace.(fig 4.4) move coals from main to small area.
on green sticks set pot to cook. a fire in a hole usualy has less smoke. (fig)
a foil frying pan..p136(fig) slab-stone grill(fig). cover food with bark to
make cooking time quicker. using stones to heat water, and cold stones if
bowl is plastic. use hot stones in an animal, cover with stones, repeat.
a fan-paddle tied to wire to turn roast.(fig) oven->(fig) yukon-stove,green
use where wood and roots are few.11-17-04 (fig)<-air, the dakota-praire hole
fire. hobo-stove(fig)p.137 =metal can,air holes. 45-gallon can-stove(fig).
baking-soda substitute = add wood-ash to flour(contains soda and potash), do
not use a resenous wood(e.g.pine). best wood is: hickory, beech,maple,dogwood,
poplar. oven-temp-test: sprinkle a tspoon of flour on a hot pan. color of
flour after five minutes shows...250-325f=light brown, 325-400=golden brown,
400-450f=deep brown,450-500=dark brown.
`cooking in paper`.p137 steam food wraped in wet paper,over hot coals,keep
wet. p138=can-cup for drink-cup.(fig) roll cardboard-strip into a low tuna-
-can,not tightly,add whick. pour in wax. cardboardbox lined with aluminm(fig).
-over food on charcoal-brisquette. one=40`f, ten=400`f. small corner stone
for air. if more than 45.min. add more heat. solar-oven,glass covered(fig).
foil inner, pot covered. `long`sun-waves`pass`glass,hit foil,become short-
wave. keep fish wet, over coals, not flame.(fig)
lichen yeast:liverwort or lungwort lichen(sticta pulmonaria). steep lichen
over-night in warm water. strain liquid into flour, blend into dough. let
dough rise near fire, take a piece and add it to bread-dough, let bread rise,
then bake. store yeast-dough in cool place, add water and dough to feed it.
p.139 wrap food in foil, bury in/on coals. cook steak directly on coals,
slow burn, carry water= pant-leg or birch-bark container. to clear greasy
dishes use `white-ash` of hickory, beech, or ash-trees. add hot water. white-
ash contains potash and soda, mixed with grease = soap.
meat or squash nailes to hard-wood by fire.(fig) reflector-baking(bake-log
fires).(fig) to prolong life of coals, cover with ashes or bark to limit the
oxegen. in wet weather use overlapping strips of green-bark. metal-box-oven
on iron rods over pit.(fig) -cover box with stones and layer of earth or
ashes. -traps radient heat.
p.140 `clay baking`
#1:wrap fish with leaves, mold clay-mud around the fish,let dry some. bury in
hot coals. 7min per pound(lb). line hole with stone, make fire,cover package
with embers, sand. leave a wire out for pulling from heat. leave scales or
feathers on. `steaming food` good fire makes water boil in five minuets.(fig=
tin can stove under steam-tray).
meat steamed by wet-paper-wrap, buried in `hot ashes`.
`steam in a hole`:dig in sand, heat stones, roll in. thin layer of wet grass,
then food, then more grass, layer of sand, with hole for more water-steam.
pack sand so steam not out. steam for several hours. if grass/greens are ed-
-ible, eat them too. (end of p4of6)
p 5of6
`clay bake`-steaming.p140. work clay-mud into flat sheet with wet hands, fold
food in, seal. then on hot ashes,cook. not need remove scales/feathers, en-
trails only.(bowels). cover clay with ashes to speed-cook.
`clay bank oven` 1.hammer stick 2 ft from bank. this=flu for smoke. 2. one-ft
below top of bank scoop out a stove, beehive-shaped. smooth inside by wet-
-hand rub.(fig) harden inside by small fire to cure the walls. `to cook`:make
fire inside. remove ashes,place leaves,a stone or wood, then food. close door,
cooked in 1/2hour.
`egg in mud`: one half-in thick at-least. place on coals 20min. corn in husk.
`drying food`p141 (fig=covered-tepee with inner shelves for foods) smoke-exit
(top), branches and sod,food on trays,flat stones, fire(in chamber below
ground-level, air out to in flows). start a small strong fire five feet up th
tunnel to heat walls to create an updraft. next fire build at end of tunnel.
store smoked meat in dry well-aired, shady area.
`jerky` is a staple for wilderness living. meat:remove fat, tendons, gristle.
prepare seasoning of equal parts salt,pepper,chili-pepper. pound meat and
seasons together. place strips near coals,six hours,dry. like leather, bends
some without breaking, lasts `years`(keeps).
`pemmican` used by voyagers and indians. is a meal-in-a-ball. pound a pound
of dry jerky to powder(grind?). mix-in liquid-fat,dried fruit, nuts. store in
porous-bag. will not keep well(lasts 1moon?). sours in warm weather. add vit-
amin-c plants(asparagus,rose-hip, ascorbic-acid, dried orange?).
`smoking`: wet canvas,smoke passes slowly (fig) metal drum, fire trench,air->
cover of branches and grass(fig2)=shelf of meat over fire-pit. smoke flavor
depends on wood or bushes used. do not use cone-ifr trees (tarry flavor) use
hard-wood chips as hickory,ash,apple,cherry,maple,aspen,oak. if dry-wood
chips used, soak in water one hour(chips). build fire,burn down to coals.
drop soaked chips on. place food on grill, cover with smoker. fish = 15min pr
side. two-inch meat = 1/2half hour pr side.
protect meat from egg-laying `blow-flies`. keep in dark cool area. 12 feet
above ground.away from leaves. fresh meat above fire to smoke/sear surface
hard/dry cover. smoky fires keep flies away.
p.142`food cache`in canvas,12 ft up, 50 ft from shelter,down wind. food keeps
cool in brook water. store eggs for months by coating with layer of mineral-
oil.store cool. or scald 2 pounds hydrated lime in a little water and stir
with 5 galns of previously boiled water. put clean eggs in clean jar. pour in
lyme water then over above eggs. fresh eggs will sink in cold water.
`food silo` corn carrots apples etc. dig hole in a dry area. line hole with
rocks.(leave breathing space) place vegetable in hole,then dry straw,twigs,
grass,then flat stones over. protects food from animals,drying to fast, and
frost. egyptians cleaned the geese(bird),salted,spiced,hung to dry `some`.
then places in urns(jars-storage clay-pots)and waxed sealed. `evaporation`
put food in plastic, then cotten canvas bags. hang in breezy area,keep bag
moist keeps contents cool.
`reviving`:cold frozen potatoe,boiling water over stale walnuts. -break sp-
routs off to-keep-longer. dried onion,peppers,parsley freshen by soaking 20.
minutes. trim mold off cheese,wrap,store in cloth dipped in vinigar. bake
stale peanuts at 275`f for 1 hour. preserve butter by sealing in a pot, and
cool place. eat fish with salt and blubber? to help you resist the cold.
brown`sugar`:=store air-tight with fresh bread to keep soft. insects are
mainly protein. moths,may flies, attract them with small light at night.(fig)
insects hit cloth while flying toward light, fall into water.
if day is cold look under logs,stones. ants have formic-acid,bad. grass-
hoppers:remove wings and legs. dry or stew. `do not eat fish` if eyes look
milky, or finger pressure leaves dent. `never eat ofal` of a fish.
frogs:wiggle fingers to attract attention. with other hand catch frog,
legs eat? gutted and washed, -plants and animals, a diet(food choose)have.
all sea-weed is edible. bleed fish at neck, do not let slime get into `your
eyes`. see'fish illness`p.144 (end of p.5of 6)
(p6of 6)
p145`survival food` indians eat content of grass-eating animals=leaves,small
branches,water-plants mixed with digestive-acids have taste as salad-dressing.
(mothers will chew food befor giving it to babies). for your need of `iron`
four tablespoons animal-blood = ten eggs. rawhide,if not varnished,can be
boiled and chewed,eaten. cook lardge bones to suck-out bone-marrow. remove
animal-fat(has flavour)use oil or water to cook. use fat for lamps. animals
have`musk`glands, remove scent soon. use fruit-peels in meat-cook to hide
fish-smells from a duck. tin-cans pierced by table-leg keep ants off with
pine-sap. cover pots with soap to shun(avoid) soot.
`remove feathers`while yet warm. remove entrails by stomach. scald in hot
water till loose. singe remains of pin-feathers over flame. fry with onions,
salt,pepper,oil. quail:remove gall-bladder without breaking. old birds have
hard beaks, young skin light. fish-eating ducks wash with cloth and vinegar.
remove oil-sacks in tail. warning:`rabbit, or any small game`carry germ =
tularemia. gets on hands. then into cracks of your skin or cuts. serious ill.
to remove piss:squeeze from chest to bowels. cut at belly,remove guts. cut
around paws. hang carcass head-down, pull skin off down over head.
`the rabbit germ`is fatal if enters your skin by a scratch or wound. wear
hand-gloves or soap. wait 3 weeks after frost or bad weather to kill rabbit.
then cook well. you will not know the health of your prey. hare-meat is dark,
are born open-eyed with fur. rabbit is not. young:teeth are sharp,short.
old = dark. hare=tail down. rabbit tails stand up. lean-meat cause starvation,
add fatty-foods? to your eating.(comment:dont eat fat, eat greens seeds and
water will make you fat, eating fat hurts your body.)
`vegetation`p.147 wash roots,stew,add fatty. inner-bark of lodge-pole-pine
eat fresh/dried. pinion-nuts of sothern pines. acorn-soup. pour hot-water over
acorn-flour 4 or 5x to remove bitterness. or bury in sandy swamp-soil for a
year.then cook hot. inner-bark of birch.or tea.
`avoid mushrooms` soup hole=fresh hide of prey in hole (a skin-pot). add hot
stones to soup.-heats it. catching lizard with hoop noose on a stick.
muskrat and lynx are simlr to rabbit.
`big game deer`dressin:p148 head lowest, knife in breast,top cut, blood drain,
remove musk-glands on hind legs.(two on each leg) do not touch them, it will
taint-smell the meat. avoid gut-cuts, cut around anus. cut wind-pipe,chest
down, remove skin. do not stretch the hide, rub with table salt. hang animal
well aired 5 to 7 days, then cut-up. temp should be 33`f at all times. simmer
fat 10 min to steralize. lard lardge game(it is dry)= push salt-pork into
meat. chill before use. moistur-proof paper wrap, freeze. store birds in ice-
blocks.(frozen under water) boil bones 2 hrs, store in cool dark place. add
to pounded dry meat.
`lost, clean, mind` p6 and 7 `always`tell a man were,when return. carry knife,
`fire`and`water` check map, shadow, land marks, leave marks, and marks when
lost. trap animal, catch insects, find plants. find water. `hygiene is key to
survival` wash,daily,check,treat `every` cut,sprain, or bruise. bleeding,
blisters,keep feet dry.
`insects` smoke,smear,screen,trap,aviod. brush teeth with baking-soda+salt.
no brush? chew a green-twig(a good replacmnt) rinse mouth after `every`meal,
keep food`off`your teeth. use soap,water,or wood-ash. a daily hot-shower is
best. or sponge soak dry face:face,arms,toes, pits, atleast `one`time `each-
day`. clean-dry-sun-clothes to avoid rash,germs,molds.(3 days). have updated
immune-ation shots. tetanus shots every 10 years. guard against heat illness,
cold, wind-chill,hypothermia and fatigue. sunburns + windburns happen summer
`and`winter. cover skin use hat, long sleeves, light layers,use the shade.
`if you get lost`p.7 `hope`for the best, plan for the worst. `recall` survivl
training. stay.find water.signal-fires,shelter,camp,away from cook-place.
shelter = simple,safe,fire quickly. a survival plan=daily chores,check
signals,visit new friends(human?),and pray. food water and shelter come
before shiny-signals or travel. if with other people:1.choose a leader.
2.give all a`things-to-do`list. watch for special skills members have, and
use it. the leader can consult the others, but he must make the decisions and
at-all-times avoid the appearance of indecision. make sure no member is left
on-his-own. stop-sqwash negative talk. make other see each has a special part.
`intestinal sickness`:keep body,hands clean, fingers out of mouth,eyes,ears,
holes,foods,wild plants. avoid eating raw foods, clean eat-tools. keep bugs
off food,skin,tools,keep food away from camp. and humane-waste dung away from
water supply or air/breathing space.`eat salt`. love and faith,or fear and
unbelief? romans 10:17 hunger and cold makes you careless. low-spirits caused
by poor-conditions, not danger.
`snake bites`p.282 do not reach were you cant see, nor gather steps or sticks
at night. watch the shade, trees, bushes,swims,`always watch the ground`.
avoid walking below ledges of rock,dirt,or wood. step on,not over, logs were
you cant see. check sit area. only moving objects get bitten. wear thick
shoes. check shoes first for scorpions,etc.
`snake bites`p322 red on yellow will kill a fellow. heat-sensing for night
targets,wash, apply loose blood-stop between bite and heart. coral + rattle
snakes den on south side of rocky areas. hiding behind rocks,clothing,bushes,
backpacks. `walk in open areas` rattle=dont move. coral snakes harm circul-
ation, but rattle snake bites herm the blood itself.so difrnt cure/treatmnts.
have a snake-bite kit. if no help#. lay victim down, set bite area below
heart. use loose blood-constrict bands for pressure to slow blood to heart.
wash with antiseptic,soap-water. with clean knife or scalpel cut two x-marks
1/4th inch deep into skin and fat, not veins or muscles,nerves. squeeze blood
,liquid, venom,poisons from cuts with your fingers (use mouth?) 20-30 minuts.
burn a tick-bite area with hot end of stick. all the pain now is better than
somthing worse later.
`animal bites`p.324 wash with water soap ten minutes. rabie germs appear 10
days to 2 years after a bite. a doctor must be seen, and treatment followed
soon a can. has two types:madness=no fear of people, or dumb-rabies.slow?
dog-bites: allow bleeding, hot water,clean dressing. hydrophobia(rabies) =
apply band(torniqute),hot running water for 5 min. stops blood from coagula-
ting. `temp`=mercury in glass tube(fine-bore=small-hole)take from mouth or
arm-pits. 96`-99`f=healthy. `bug-bites`p.24 (fig of person with walkin-stik
and back-pak supported by band across fore-head. a child is following.
(end of p.6 of 6) end of study and file. camping and wilderness survival.
my notes from book. great for if no time to read book.
but diff people like to note diff things.
use search or edit to `find` ```marks, each(`) keeps a main word
or subject discussed in that area. e.g `drill-learn`
selection from `camping and wilderness survival` by paul Tawrell
1996, 350p isbn 1-896713-00-9,order info call 1-888-266-5054
p293-300, 312,313,344,314-319(pics only) 320 marine powers? 321
shelters 96-121, 33,37,39,73,343,14-16 bleeding=339-342,14,301
325-338, trees=286-290, hunting = 153-169
ink = black from fire(plants)with honey(stiky plant) and
gum-arabic(bonding plant, fat)
the whole point of this txt is to not need the book, to carry it.
now starts hand-written parts for coping in wilderness=needed-nfo
temp by mouth or arm pit. 96-99=healthy 102=low 105=hi 107=danger
109=fatal 95=weakness. shadowed info from book by paul. sketched
here by importance. page - of - WATER purify Clean.drink p.18
Filters #1 removes dirt and cysts,#2iodined-resin kills germs,
micro bacteria and virus, #3coconut-carbon gets taste,odor,iodine out.
or #1=carbon filter,#2=membrane(crimped paper). Parasite in`giardia`
protozo to lambia`beaver fever`. Bacteria to typhoid,diarrhea. Virus
to polio,hepatitus,etc.
Boiling kills everything,chemicals kills(iodine,chlorine?),filters
remove. p.149=keep water cool,separate vessel container,drink 4 cups
daily. no sun,wind,wrap inwet cloth,evaporate=cool. animal stomachs,
skins,gords breath water,and clay pots. Drink little parts often.
Water runs bodys temp and digest. Beware minerals leached from bedrok
(eg.chlorine,sulfur)go into water,lead, mining chemicals,dump sites,
animal waste. Animals that drink may have digest to waters humans cant.
Army rate=9 cups a day. Loss of 25% of body-water is fatal. Loss of 2
quarts is 25% of energy lost.
xxFinding Water
You need4 qrts daily,wells,hi water-table,in sand at 100 ft from shore,
or first dep. behind dune. Dry creeks:dig in bend outer, dew on smooth,
natural deposits in gullies, behind large rocks, under cliffs, clay
soil out of sun, flight of birds, or moist soils. Plants that need much:
cattails,poplars,greeswood,willows. Direction of bugs, grazing animal have
trails to... or Doves at evening, low flying=to water, from=flap more.
Tree growth, quality-4 ft or lower. (pic1.1)=solar still,plastic over damp
soil, into cup.plant still in bag. (pic1.2)charcoal in cloth tied at 3 levels,
water seeps down into vessel cup. (pic1.3)dis-still,water, tube-vapor,fire.
loose clothes keep moisture near skin. no shirt=to loss. spread clothes in
sun to kill fungus germs. drink small sips, do not gulp,moisten lips if
supplies r low. you need daily salt, only with water. keep grass,rock or item
in mouth to stop dry-throte. avoid talk,breath by nose. dehydration invites
worse things...see`first-aid`
xxrabid animal attack,p.17
dont turn away, hit on nose. spray ammonia on trash keeps curiosity off.
moth-balls stop porcupines looking for salt. camphor stops lice. white chalk-
circles shun bugs. stop bear.keep food from sleep place. do not get fishy
smell on clothing- dry `away from camp`. eat or cook afar too. keep food-odor
300 ft away and down-wind. avoid amelly foods. mosquitos sense heat, moisture
and breath(co2)from 20 ft. and make 20 million deaths per year. Best repelent
is `deet`(n.n-diet-m-toluamide) or natural repelents:citronella,nessmuk juice
is 3.oz pine-tar, 2.oz castor-oil, 1.oz pennyroyal-oil. simmer at low-fire
till pasty, smear on body..is insect repelent. mosquito repelent = add ten
drops of oil of thyme and 20 drops pennyroyal to olive oil, lard, or favorite
sun-block. pour sweet stiky syrup 20ft up-wind from shelter, bugs will come.
to stop sting-of-bite = wet and soap. over tick with jell. hydro-peroxide
kills germs on bite area. burn area of bite.(end of hot stick)see doctor?
for lyme disease. check daily for ticks.
p.314 scrape,dont pinch out stingers, on mouth or neck can block breath/air
-way.(deadly). stop pain=add meat tenderizer 30min.ice,calomine,or? vinegar
alcohol. alkaline(1.tbsp.baking-soda + 1 pint water or ammonia) or rub on an
asparin tablet or mud. until dry. allergic to stings=hard breathing, belly-
pain,vomit,weak,sight blurs. avoid hymenoptera stings. destroy nest, nor camp
near. nor use soaps that make you look or smell as a flower. keep food coverd
and garbage, mellons attract them. eat vitamin`b`(thiamin).the smell passes
your skin? wear light color clothing. shun breedn-area e.g.still-water pools,
highgrassor dense bushes. have bed-net, immunity-shots, shower often, and
daily bodily sweat-spots. skin dry by talc-powder. women drink -dont hold pis
Insects=mosquitos,flies,flees,lice,ticks,mites,chiggers,spiders, scorpions
transmit and eject dengue-fever, enceph(sleep sickness), filar(elephantitis)
malaria, yellow fever,typhus fever(murine)=body louse,rocky-mountain-fever=
tick, bubonic pague=flee, chagus-disease=conenose bug(see pic)
path=e.g.typhoid carried on legs to food or drink(from dung). mosquitos like
wet blue?-colored clothing. do not like smoke(use)or mud on skin. birch-bark
below clothing. or camp in windy area. ticks =late spring or early-summer on
deer,birds,mice,other smalls. wear light colors to see ticks. use deet.
avoid contact with wild animal nests,paths,tall grass. effect of bite = red
circle around bite,flu,hi-fever(3 days),sleepy,painful joints. scorpions at
night...dont put your hands/feet were you cant see. snake-bite=stop blood
were going to heart. keep bite below heart, cut fang-mark 1/4th in deep in
skin and fat only(30 min) , not muscle or veins.suck out poison.
avoid slow-ill animal or rabbits for 3 weeks? after bad weather. rabbit-germs
are deadly(in fur?)if get in your skin. fish can also.
(end of paper 1 of 6) (p2 of 6) ````(`)used on words that were `underlined` in hand-text
edible plants p.293-300copy(herbal guide to wild food survival. remedies.312,
`poison plants`p.313,do.p344 fire/cooking.p122 fire=warm,cook,dry,boil,cleans
water,smoke signal,burn end of stick to make a point spear or heat a tick-byt.
repel insects=smoke,burn small trunks or big sticks to small size for shelter
uses, smoke out bees or animals, into traps, torches blind fish at night.
!!!know ways to start fire,carry,and build for use. `always`keep matches`on`u.
small fires=less enrgy,burn slower,easy care. most heat=build many small,
around camp. no wind. green wood,rock,pit to direct heat. clear camp of all
flamable, site not at old log.or tree or under branches of tree. water,dirt,
before go. if ground wet/snow, build table of green or wet logs. wet rocks
may explode when heated.
wood type,p123 hard=good,slow burn,coals. -tree leaves fall, broad leaf. not
always harder than soft=hot,fast fire,short life. Tree-needles flat,round,
with cone(ifers),evergreen(no fall)except larch,cypruss,tamarak. `know` heat-
value, how each burns when green. ashes or coals. pops,sparks(danger). split-
resistance, easy to start? green=new cut. seasoned=1 year or 6 mo.(good burn)
why wood burns=`pyrolysis`=oxegen+temp.(temp=vibrate?)how? hi-temp+`no`oxegen
releases gasses that burn and heat more gasses out. 282`c gasses need oxegen
+537`c to burn.(a flame starts) `peat moss`=plant dead+no oxegen =preserved!
harvest(black?)and`dry before use` used by us colonies. `soft wood`= good
-kindle,quick,catches,splits,grows near water-ways. =balsam,fir,bass-wood,
white-pine=quick fire. gray(labrador),pine(jack)=good in north lands(where
hard-wood is scarce). tamarack -when seasoned. spruce=poor fuel,resinous,
-kindles easy. pitch-pine=most flamable,fat resin,not when green. yellow-pine
=burns well,sap is resin,not watery. red cedar=hard to start.
hardwoods,p.124 north hickory,green or dry hot,long coals heat. south:oak,
overcup,white,blackjack,post,basket oaks,pecan,iron wood. magnolia,tulip,
catalpa,willow=poor fuels. dogwood,applewood burn to a -whiteash. black-birch
...oil in helps combust(fire). seasoned chestnut and yellow poplar=hot,crackl
,no coals. locust and mulberry(night favorite)lasts,easy cut,splits green,
thick bark,takes fire,burns slow,coals. white-ash=best green wood. easy-cut,
light-weight,clear flame,burns green. sycamore+buckeye=good seasoned,will not
split. northern-poplar(lardge-tooth aspen)=dry,big heat,no smoke, dosnt blakn
cook-tools(favorite cooking wood). alder=burns easy,not long. scarlet and
willow oaks=poorest hard-wood fuel. white elm+slipper=poor.
space wood for good balance of air and heat (fig1.3?) `charcoal`=very hot,
smokeless,most weightless of fuels. wood burnt in much air burns completely,
if air restrickted wood gives off gas and becomes charcoal. how-to:stack wood
tight,cover with earth, start fire in many places, keep a slow-burn by enter-
ing small amounts of air. then, at 260`c`a chemical-reaction`makes the wood
`very hot`which consumes the air and turns wood into carbon(charcoal). leave
it in pit a few days until cools, or it will burst into flames when exposed
to air. quality depends on wood. note:each form-change from cut-to coal-to
fire gives off energy(heat) that at one time came from the sun. many forms,
but one energy?
`other notes about wood`p125 spliting,embers,green. basswood,blackash,balsam,
box elder,buckeye,cucumber, black or pitch-pine,white,poplar,aspen,yellow-
will poor burn when -green-cut. good for backlogs and cooking.
butternut,chestnut,redoak,red maple, burn very slowly. yellow and white ash
burn better green than seasoned. pine must be split or fire goes out, best in
winter when sap is slow. chestnut burns well green and seasoned. spit-fire
wood= white cedar,chestnut,box elder,red cedar,hemlock,sasafras,tulip,balsam,
tamarak,spruce,-soft pines-,sugar maple,beech,white oak, some hickory.
hard to split...? easy to split when green...? (end of p2 of 6)
(page 3 of 6)
`carry embers`p125b vessel=tin,can,animal horn,birch-bark pouch or hard-wood
box. fill bottom with moss. watch and blow on embers if loosing strength.
moss limits air, if all,then out. goes for days. any collection of carbon,
hydrogen, and methane `can` be used for fire. dry peat,dry seaweed, dry animl
dung,or oils,dry leaves,oil in earth,or tar in sand.saturate(soak),blubber
(fat),mix if gas+oil,plants(not poisonous). rotting wood=fungi+oxegen+humidty
fire making steps.p126 tinder burns without flame or matches. tinder is:birch
-bark,resin shavings,pitch or fat of cone-ifers, burns wets. punk=dry-rot in
old trees,lint from cloth,rope-twine,dead palm fond,dry bark shreded,dry moss
,powdered bat-dung. powdered wood,bird-nests,shelf mushrooms(on trees), wooly
-fiber of plants(pussy-willow,cattail),dry grass,crushes leaves,wood dust by
insects...found under bark of dead trees. all the above can be saturated with
lamp oil,gas, alcohol-based insect repelents. add kindling(bigger pieces).
sun-dried manure. pitch-fat(pine-gum)found in old coneifer tree-stumps or
butt-cuts on pine, mainly trees that died on the stump. resin flowes to bottm
part of tree. yellowish-like resin in stumps, grey=old,to rotten. fuzz-stiks=
(fig1.5?)shavings partly peeled from a branch,not off. birch-bark of all type
birches r good for torches, will burn in wind.
bow and drill fire:p127 make bow strung with shoe-lave,string or leathr-thong.
use to spin a dry-soft drill-stick pushed by bearing-block of hard-wood in
left-hand. `rotation and pressure` grind on wood to heat. til hot-black powdr
falls in groove-hole of base-bord onto the tinder and smokes. then remove and
blow tender, to burst into flames. bearing=pine or hemlock wood-knot with a
1/4th inch hole.(fig1.6)use smooth stone or marble set in hole. base=cedar,
cypruss,or hemlock,yucca.(fig) drill=same.top rounded,greased to reduce fric
-tion, bottom is pointed. press tightly, drill slowly. add pressure and speed
only after smoke.(fig.man workn bearing,drill,with tinder on birch-bark under
`drill.learn`.p128 if kindle gets covered with dark drilled powder, dust off
tinder. light-brown=not enuff pressure,or not fast enuff. black=to hard pushd.
(powder burned before falling on tinder). spindle jumps out? -make hole deepr.
thong slips on drill? -thong to loose or drill to smooth or to much pressure.
thong slips up-down drill? keep thong centerd and bow perp(cross-way)to drill.
bearing-block smokes? -pushed to hard,or wood to soft for drill-stick. -add
water,oil,or grease.
fire-thong.p128: use strip of dry rattan(1/4th in x 2ft long). prop end of a
dry log off ground with a rock. split the end of log. hold split open with a
wedge. put wod of tinder in the split with space for thong, work thong back
and forth.(fig 2.1) fig 2.2 = pump-type fire-drill.
`fire made in rain`: find fat pine log and light under-side. dry-fuel find
under rock shelves, core stumps, or fallen log. a tarp pitched over fire to
shun rain. south-sea fire-maker:(fig2.3) bamboo-tube,hard-wood wraped with
fiber for tight fit. dried moss inside bottom. hard-wood plunger is hit repe
-tedly. `the air is compressed hi`makes heat,ignites tinder(dried moss).
magnesium fire-block.p129 cut or scratch shavings off of aluminum-magnesium,
ignite by striking steel-iron(back of knife) on flint rod(embeded into block).
candles start fire. battery and wire, or short sparks, or use car cigarett-
`finding flint and quartz`: flint is dull-black, very hard. split rock to see
black-sheen, breaks like glass. quartz is white-glassy. steel or iron hitting
quartz, agate,jasper,or flint,will spark to light tinder. blow when it smokes.
find iron-pyrites(indian-way)if no iron. sparks=heated metal?
`potassium permangante` (mild anti-septic) pour on teaspoon on paper,leaf,or
cloth. add drops of anti-freez. roll into ball. paper will reach flash-point
...(232`c)in a few minutes.
`fire-arms`:remove bullet,wrap half the powder in cloth,put in gun. fire gun
up-way or into solid object. place flaming cloth in tinder. `fire-starter`=
stuff lint into egg-cartons.pour layer of wax.lights +15 min. use green logs
or stones to raise fire above wet ground,snow, mud. birchbark-torch = fold
the wood, place it in th split end of a stick. a cattail dipped in oil,wax,or
fat, = torch, of fluff use as tinder. put a twisted-rag or cotton between
stones, place in grease-pan. can-stoves,with whick in wax or gas, or satura-
-ted sand. catapillars = fires that climb the limbs as it burns. hunters-
fire = two big logs on level ground(no air under)in a -v-, green stick across
and dry wood on that, then fire.(fig2.4) a fire-back reflects heat into your
tent. `automatic`fire is a pit with semi-green logs sticking out and lit.
keep embers out of wind, cover with ashes and thin layer of soil. or scoop
into can and place into tent. use hot-sand-bags for bed. (or sacks of corn).
store wood bark-side-up. out of rain.
(end of p3 of 6)
(page 4 of 6) camping and wilderness survival
glass-`bottle-lantern`.p131:heat glass in fire, then dip bottom in cold water.
bottom cracks off.(implosion). `wood-ash`use as fertilizer for its potassium
content. decreases acidity(p-h)of soil. or soap by potassium-carbonate.
`fire fores`p.132 paper or kindle soaked in solvent paint or `petrol-chemical`
products, by oxegen, will heat! -start burning on its own. to stop `a fire`
-remove fuel,oxegen,or heat. terms:fire-storm = up-draft convection. crown-
fire = 4 to 12 feet tall. fire makes warmth...p122 types of out-door fire:
are, surface, marsh, grass, ground, floor, crown. marsh=when reeds and cat-
-tails are dry, ground = burns organic deposits`below the surface`. lacks
oxegen, but glows. cause: when much sun, periods of drought(no rain).
portrayed by only a few wisps of smoke. layers of leaves-rotten-dry, needles,
peatmoss, and other vegetation can easily catch fire by itself. damages roots
and hard to stop for surface dwellers, also burn in coal-mines, hundreds of
years. will follow winds up mountain, burns all, high speeds. will burn the
humus, but forests need it?
p134 `how to escape a fire` it can out-run you. go down-hill, up-hill fires
move 5x faster. do not wet clothing - it will scald your skin. lay face-to-
-ground. if low fire - jump into burnt area. breath through a `dry`-cloth.
lardge fires(cars) can remove all oxegen for a time. non-synthetics. test:if
a `dry`pine-needle breaks after bending it a-quarter of a circle =fire hazard
is hi. if it breaks after more than a half-circle, =humidity of area is high.
aspen trees nees fire to produce mant seeds? lodge-pole pine have seed that
need fire to open (evry 25years?) fires produce ash(a fertilizer) to help
`cooking`p.135 keyhole-fireplace.(fig 4.4) move coals from main to small area.
on green sticks set pot to cook. a fire in a hole usualy has less smoke. (fig)
a foil frying pan..p136(fig) slab-stone grill(fig). cover food with bark to
make cooking time quicker. using stones to heat water, and cold stones if
bowl is plastic. use hot stones in an animal, cover with stones, repeat.
a fan-paddle tied to wire to turn roast.(fig) oven->(fig) yukon-stove,green
use where wood and roots are few.11-17-04 (fig)<-air, the dakota-praire hole
fire. hobo-stove(fig)p.137 =metal can,air holes. 45-gallon can-stove(fig).
baking-soda substitute = add wood-ash to flour(contains soda and potash), do
not use a resenous wood(e.g.pine). best wood is: hickory, beech,maple,dogwood,
poplar. oven-temp-test: sprinkle a tspoon of flour on a hot pan. color of
flour after five minutes shows...250-325f=light brown, 325-400=golden brown,
400-450f=deep brown,450-500=dark brown.
`cooking in paper`.p137 steam food wraped in wet paper,over hot coals,keep
wet. p138=can-cup for drink-cup.(fig) roll cardboard-strip into a low tuna-
-can,not tightly,add whick. pour in wax. cardboardbox lined with aluminm(fig).
-over food on charcoal-brisquette. one=40`f, ten=400`f. small corner stone
for air. if more than 45.min. add more heat. solar-oven,glass covered(fig).
foil inner, pot covered. `long`sun-waves`pass`glass,hit foil,become short-
wave. keep fish wet, over coals, not flame.(fig)
lichen yeast:liverwort or lungwort lichen(sticta pulmonaria). steep lichen
over-night in warm water. strain liquid into flour, blend into dough. let
dough rise near fire, take a piece and add it to bread-dough, let bread rise,
then bake. store yeast-dough in cool place, add water and dough to feed it.
p.139 wrap food in foil, bury in/on coals. cook steak directly on coals,
slow burn, carry water= pant-leg or birch-bark container. to clear greasy
dishes use `white-ash` of hickory, beech, or ash-trees. add hot water. white-
ash contains potash and soda, mixed with grease = soap.
meat or squash nailes to hard-wood by fire.(fig) reflector-baking(bake-log
fires).(fig) to prolong life of coals, cover with ashes or bark to limit the
oxegen. in wet weather use overlapping strips of green-bark. metal-box-oven
on iron rods over pit.(fig) -cover box with stones and layer of earth or
ashes. -traps radient heat.
p.140 `clay baking`
#1:wrap fish with leaves, mold clay-mud around the fish,let dry some. bury in
hot coals. 7min per pound(lb). line hole with stone, make fire,cover package
with embers, sand. leave a wire out for pulling from heat. leave scales or
feathers on. `steaming food` good fire makes water boil in five minuets.(fig=
tin can stove under steam-tray).
meat steamed by wet-paper-wrap, buried in `hot ashes`.
`steam in a hole`:dig in sand, heat stones, roll in. thin layer of wet grass,
then food, then more grass, layer of sand, with hole for more water-steam.
pack sand so steam not out. steam for several hours. if grass/greens are ed-
-ible, eat them too. (end of p4of6)
p 5of6
`clay bake`-steaming.p140. work clay-mud into flat sheet with wet hands, fold
food in, seal. then on hot ashes,cook. not need remove scales/feathers, en-
trails only.(bowels). cover clay with ashes to speed-cook.
`clay bank oven` 1.hammer stick 2 ft from bank. this=flu for smoke. 2. one-ft
below top of bank scoop out a stove, beehive-shaped. smooth inside by wet-
-hand rub.(fig) harden inside by small fire to cure the walls. `to cook`:make
fire inside. remove ashes,place leaves,a stone or wood, then food. close door,
cooked in 1/2hour.
`egg in mud`: one half-in thick at-least. place on coals 20min. corn in husk.
`drying food`p141 (fig=covered-tepee with inner shelves for foods) smoke-exit
(top), branches and sod,food on trays,flat stones, fire(in chamber below
ground-level, air out to in flows). start a small strong fire five feet up th
tunnel to heat walls to create an updraft. next fire build at end of tunnel.
store smoked meat in dry well-aired, shady area.
`jerky` is a staple for wilderness living. meat:remove fat, tendons, gristle.
prepare seasoning of equal parts salt,pepper,chili-pepper. pound meat and
seasons together. place strips near coals,six hours,dry. like leather, bends
some without breaking, lasts `years`(keeps).
`pemmican` used by voyagers and indians. is a meal-in-a-ball. pound a pound
of dry jerky to powder(grind?). mix-in liquid-fat,dried fruit, nuts. store in
porous-bag. will not keep well(lasts 1moon?). sours in warm weather. add vit-
amin-c plants(asparagus,rose-hip, ascorbic-acid, dried orange?).
`smoking`: wet canvas,smoke passes slowly (fig) metal drum, fire trench,air->
cover of branches and grass(fig2)=shelf of meat over fire-pit. smoke flavor
depends on wood or bushes used. do not use cone-ifr trees (tarry flavor) use
hard-wood chips as hickory,ash,apple,cherry,maple,aspen,oak. if dry-wood
chips used, soak in water one hour(chips). build fire,burn down to coals.
drop soaked chips on. place food on grill, cover with smoker. fish = 15min pr
side. two-inch meat = 1/2half hour pr side.
protect meat from egg-laying `blow-flies`. keep in dark cool area. 12 feet
above ground.away from leaves. fresh meat above fire to smoke/sear surface
hard/dry cover. smoky fires keep flies away.
p.142`food cache`in canvas,12 ft up, 50 ft from shelter,down wind. food keeps
cool in brook water. store eggs for months by coating with layer of mineral-
oil.store cool. or scald 2 pounds hydrated lime in a little water and stir
with 5 galns of previously boiled water. put clean eggs in clean jar. pour in
lyme water then over above eggs. fresh eggs will sink in cold water.
`food silo` corn carrots apples etc. dig hole in a dry area. line hole with
rocks.(leave breathing space) place vegetable in hole,then dry straw,twigs,
grass,then flat stones over. protects food from animals,drying to fast, and
frost. egyptians cleaned the geese(bird),salted,spiced,hung to dry `some`.
then places in urns(jars-storage clay-pots)and waxed sealed. `evaporation`
put food in plastic, then cotten canvas bags. hang in breezy area,keep bag
moist keeps contents cool.
`reviving`:cold frozen potatoe,boiling water over stale walnuts. -break sp-
routs off to-keep-longer. dried onion,peppers,parsley freshen by soaking 20.
minutes. trim mold off cheese,wrap,store in cloth dipped in vinigar. bake
stale peanuts at 275`f for 1 hour. preserve butter by sealing in a pot, and
cool place. eat fish with salt and blubber? to help you resist the cold.
brown`sugar`:=store air-tight with fresh bread to keep soft. insects are
mainly protein. moths,may flies, attract them with small light at night.(fig)
insects hit cloth while flying toward light, fall into water.
if day is cold look under logs,stones. ants have formic-acid,bad. grass-
hoppers:remove wings and legs. dry or stew. `do not eat fish` if eyes look
milky, or finger pressure leaves dent. `never eat ofal` of a fish.
frogs:wiggle fingers to attract attention. with other hand catch frog,
legs eat? gutted and washed, -plants and animals, a diet(food choose)have.
all sea-weed is edible. bleed fish at neck, do not let slime get into `your
eyes`. see'fish illness`p.144 (end of p.5of 6)
(p6of 6)
p145`survival food` indians eat content of grass-eating animals=leaves,small
branches,water-plants mixed with digestive-acids have taste as salad-dressing.
(mothers will chew food befor giving it to babies). for your need of `iron`
four tablespoons animal-blood = ten eggs. rawhide,if not varnished,can be
boiled and chewed,eaten. cook lardge bones to suck-out bone-marrow. remove
animal-fat(has flavour)use oil or water to cook. use fat for lamps. animals
have`musk`glands, remove scent soon. use fruit-peels in meat-cook to hide
fish-smells from a duck. tin-cans pierced by table-leg keep ants off with
pine-sap. cover pots with soap to shun(avoid) soot.
`remove feathers`while yet warm. remove entrails by stomach. scald in hot
water till loose. singe remains of pin-feathers over flame. fry with onions,
salt,pepper,oil. quail:remove gall-bladder without breaking. old birds have
hard beaks, young skin light. fish-eating ducks wash with cloth and vinegar.
remove oil-sacks in tail. warning:`rabbit, or any small game`carry germ =
tularemia. gets on hands. then into cracks of your skin or cuts. serious ill.
to remove piss:squeeze from chest to bowels. cut at belly,remove guts. cut
around paws. hang carcass head-down, pull skin off down over head.
`the rabbit germ`is fatal if enters your skin by a scratch or wound. wear
hand-gloves or soap. wait 3 weeks after frost or bad weather to kill rabbit.
then cook well. you will not know the health of your prey. hare-meat is dark,
are born open-eyed with fur. rabbit is not. young:teeth are sharp,short.
old = dark. hare=tail down. rabbit tails stand up. lean-meat cause starvation,
add fatty-foods? to your eating.(comment:dont eat fat, eat greens seeds and
water will make you fat, eating fat hurts your body.)
`vegetation`p.147 wash roots,stew,add fatty. inner-bark of lodge-pole-pine
eat fresh/dried. pinion-nuts of sothern pines. acorn-soup. pour hot-water over
acorn-flour 4 or 5x to remove bitterness. or bury in sandy swamp-soil for a
year.then cook hot. inner-bark of birch.or tea.
`avoid mushrooms` soup hole=fresh hide of prey in hole (a skin-pot). add hot
stones to soup.-heats it. catching lizard with hoop noose on a stick.
muskrat and lynx are simlr to rabbit.
`big game deer`dressin:p148 head lowest, knife in breast,top cut, blood drain,
remove musk-glands on hind legs.(two on each leg) do not touch them, it will
taint-smell the meat. avoid gut-cuts, cut around anus. cut wind-pipe,chest
down, remove skin. do not stretch the hide, rub with table salt. hang animal
well aired 5 to 7 days, then cut-up. temp should be 33`f at all times. simmer
fat 10 min to steralize. lard lardge game(it is dry)= push salt-pork into
meat. chill before use. moistur-proof paper wrap, freeze. store birds in ice-
blocks.(frozen under water) boil bones 2 hrs, store in cool dark place. add
to pounded dry meat.
`lost, clean, mind` p6 and 7 `always`tell a man were,when return. carry knife,
`fire`and`water` check map, shadow, land marks, leave marks, and marks when
lost. trap animal, catch insects, find plants. find water. `hygiene is key to
survival` wash,daily,check,treat `every` cut,sprain, or bruise. bleeding,
blisters,keep feet dry.
`insects` smoke,smear,screen,trap,aviod. brush teeth with baking-soda+salt.
no brush? chew a green-twig(a good replacmnt) rinse mouth after `every`meal,
keep food`off`your teeth. use soap,water,or wood-ash. a daily hot-shower is
best. or sponge soak dry face:face,arms,toes, pits, atleast `one`time `each-
day`. clean-dry-sun-clothes to avoid rash,germs,molds.(3 days). have updated
immune-ation shots. tetanus shots every 10 years. guard against heat illness,
cold, wind-chill,hypothermia and fatigue. sunburns + windburns happen summer
`and`winter. cover skin use hat, long sleeves, light layers,use the shade.
`if you get lost`p.7 `hope`for the best, plan for the worst. `recall` survivl
training. stay.find water.signal-fires,shelter,camp,away from cook-place.
shelter = simple,safe,fire quickly. a survival plan=daily chores,check
signals,visit new friends(human?),and pray. food water and shelter come
before shiny-signals or travel. if with other people:1.choose a leader.
2.give all a`things-to-do`list. watch for special skills members have, and
use it. the leader can consult the others, but he must make the decisions and
at-all-times avoid the appearance of indecision. make sure no member is left
on-his-own. stop-sqwash negative talk. make other see each has a special part.
`intestinal sickness`:keep body,hands clean, fingers out of mouth,eyes,ears,
holes,foods,wild plants. avoid eating raw foods, clean eat-tools. keep bugs
off food,skin,tools,keep food away from camp. and humane-waste dung away from
water supply or air/breathing space.`eat salt`. love and faith,or fear and
unbelief? romans 10:17 hunger and cold makes you careless. low-spirits caused
by poor-conditions, not danger.
`snake bites`p.282 do not reach were you cant see, nor gather steps or sticks
at night. watch the shade, trees, bushes,swims,`always watch the ground`.
avoid walking below ledges of rock,dirt,or wood. step on,not over, logs were
you cant see. check sit area. only moving objects get bitten. wear thick
shoes. check shoes first for scorpions,etc.
`snake bites`p322 red on yellow will kill a fellow. heat-sensing for night
targets,wash, apply loose blood-stop between bite and heart. coral + rattle
snakes den on south side of rocky areas. hiding behind rocks,clothing,bushes,
backpacks. `walk in open areas` rattle=dont move. coral snakes harm circul-
ation, but rattle snake bites herm the blood itself.so difrnt cure/treatmnts.
have a snake-bite kit. if no help#. lay victim down, set bite area below
heart. use loose blood-constrict bands for pressure to slow blood to heart.
wash with antiseptic,soap-water. with clean knife or scalpel cut two x-marks
1/4th inch deep into skin and fat, not veins or muscles,nerves. squeeze blood
,liquid, venom,poisons from cuts with your fingers (use mouth?) 20-30 minuts.
burn a tick-bite area with hot end of stick. all the pain now is better than
somthing worse later.
`animal bites`p.324 wash with water soap ten minutes. rabie germs appear 10
days to 2 years after a bite. a doctor must be seen, and treatment followed
soon a can. has two types:madness=no fear of people, or dumb-rabies.slow?
dog-bites: allow bleeding, hot water,clean dressing. hydrophobia(rabies) =
apply band(torniqute),hot running water for 5 min. stops blood from coagula-
ting. `temp`=mercury in glass tube(fine-bore=small-hole)take from mouth or
arm-pits. 96`-99`f=healthy. `bug-bites`p.24 (fig of person with walkin-stik
and back-pak supported by band across fore-head. a child is following.
(end of p.6 of 6) end of study and file. camping and wilderness survival.
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