s-caws04.txt - - - - wilderness survival book info + pics paul tawrell + ?
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wits on a floppy
caws - camping and wilderness survival.
key words see \camping \outdoor life \wilderness survival
see also books:
- camping and wilderness survival by paul tawrell isbn# 1-896713-00-9
the ultimate outdoors book, 31 chapters/topics, 350 pages
- back to basics /by readers-digest, isbn 0-89577-086-5
- in the footsteps of our ancestors, guide to wild foods
/by christopher nyerges isbn 0-9603190-2-6
- carrots love tomatoes /by louise riotte, isbn 0-88266-064-0
- carla emery`s old fashoned recipe book, 1977 isbn# 0-553-01068-9 or
mail kendrick,idaho 83537 or bantan books inc. \666 fifth ave ny,ny.10019
started `school of country living` ,bought 386 acers
- back to eden, 55th edition, home remedies 1939-1994 by jethro kloss $13
isbn# 0-940985-09-8
- sunset western garden book, by kathleen norris brenzel, pub by sunset
publishing co. \menlo park. calif 1-800-526-5111 or sunsetbooks.com
isbn # 0-376-03875-6
- health handbook, herbs, vitamins, minerals,by woodland books
isbn# 0-913923-88-5
- see also direct-u or d-boxz. or s-caws.txt
- . - . - . - . - . -
notes on books
in march 2004 i hungered for easy access to wilderness survival info, intent
on finding one book i could break down to a floppy computer disk, but now
here is various scratch ups from differnt books for box3.
this is w.a.s. stuff march,04 data. may have paper-copy of some things
found in those books.
book 1
- camping and wilderness survival by paul tawrell isbn# 1-896713-00-9
the ultimate outdoors book, 31 chapters/topics, 350 pages
chp1 getting lost: fear, panic, hygiene -dont leave stuff on yr teeth
chp 2 list of lists, chp 3 car travel, chp4 summer hiking...chp 9 survival
shelter, 10 fire making, 11 forest fires, 12 cooking, 13 finding water,
14 hunting and traping ... eye care p.343
yr great-grand father was an herb doctor/cyroprator in calif.hills
avoiding bugs/mosquitoes, avoiding ticks = light-long clothing, deet-smell
repelant/smoke or menthnol for noses
p.317 if bitten, first kill tick by covering with nail-polish, vegetable oil,
or jelly. the oil prevents tick from breathing, and will backout soon, or
wait half-an-hour, then use tweezers, pinch close to skin as possible, do
not pich tick, ticks have hook-teeth to latch on, pull gently for ticks head
comes off easy and may cause lyme disease if left in you = red rash, or
flu-like symptoms, hearing loss, ensomnia/sleep sickness or other disease.
forget that, heat kills any poison or virus, use burnt end of stick.
touch it to area, dont like pain? ...skin heals, a virus wont.
p.4,5 book content first-aid pages
p.14 basic emergency travel kit, 301 content list/prefix
p.15,16 wilderness kit list
17 insects, animals, 312 traditional remedies
18,19 water purify,compass,redlight
313 poisonous plants
50,51 dessert shelter uv-sun. never eat wild nuts/berries
53 food and salt
72 reflective banket,body-heat, 316! of 309-318 = insect bites
97 were to build
98,99 323 snake bites
c!100-110 shelters,knots,hitchs
116-122 in snow heat,shelter 331 heat-stroke =low water/salt
c! 122-134 matches fuels! wood 335 artificial resperation
oxegen+humidity + temperatures in `breating for others`
60-90`f causes wood to rot.
keep matches on you and compass. 339 bleeding
c! 136-143 cooking!, 340 `tetanus` shots renew
149-152 finding water!!!
158-163 traps birds. 342 acid burns = baking soda
184,185 if no compass,moon eclip. 343 eye clean = pull under eye-lid
always south leaning. over upper
ant-doors face south-east.
344 poisons
226 rope from `nettle` weeds
x 286 leaf shapes
c!293-300 edible plants
340 tetanus shots get your shots renewed.
342.for acid-burns use bicarbonate,
for alkali-burns use vinigar + water
eskimo sunglasses = leather with a slit in it
always carry baking-soda, write uses on box
and here:
16 uses of baking soda: electrolyte in fuel-cells, footpowder, toothpaste,
antacid, insect bites = with water make paste, on bite.
covers\removes odor
avoid chaped lips: butter, vaseline, edible oil, catsup
125 maken charcoal + other fuels
151 water from soil
344 poisons, what2do
carbon-manoxide (co) has no smell, in charcoal and cars, kills if breathed.
liquid-smoke and pack of salt for curing/flavoring meat? uncle-joes spice kit?
use smoke-liquid in soap, or as is to keep off bugs, out worms?
u-need a bug collecton to test it on.
book 2
back to basics \by readers digest, isbn 0-89577-086-5
parts piked here for needs
water p.12, land catalogs: safe-buy realestate agency, strout reality, united
farm agency inc.
adobe p.36,41,62, stone wall - f.o.i.l. p.43,66,68
wells p.54, sweat lodge p.58. p.78 insulation, 1.in of fiber glass insulates
as well as 44 in of stone masonry, wood 3", brick 18", soil 21", water?
air gap in a wall is best, x3 if a reflective foil is on one side.
p.81 house ina hill, p.85 firewood types, p.86 fireplce\the ben franklin p.90
p.93 bellows/pump for fireplace., p.102 water pumping itself /ram ,p.105 wind
power, p.109 generator+battery, 110 hot air + water, 111 solar radiation usa.
112-123! gas, 126 plants+lore, 130 p-h, 135 seed-span, 138-145 growers guide.
170 pest sprays, 172-175! grains and grasses, 192! goat feed, horses 198-
preserving food 201-231 use no nitrates!, 275! spinning,then weaving braiding.
296! tanning, 336 smells, 338! 339!-343 heb medicines, 346! tin-smithing.
p.361 carbon steel? gourd crafts, soap making p.369! paraffin?
in the footsteps of our ancestors, guide to wild foods\by christopher nyerges
isbn# 0-9603190-2-6
survival tips: p.21,29,farm!, 62!mosquitos,70,225
plants i know? 30,44,56,61,70,77,78,84,97! grass,111,115,121!,144,154,156!
164,181,187?,200?,204,206!,211!,238, 242!!!, 246
poisonous: 41,90,100,108,160,216,226!
try to grow: 37,49,67,78,84,111,124,128,132,136,148,169!, 177!!!,184,
197 !!!,218!,222 !!!, 234!, 236!,247 !!!, 254!
safe families to eat from 256-267
his warnings, notes, glossary 268-288
there must be text on the internet for these things already, google it,add it
to w.a.s. my collection of legal\amish\survival stuff.
copy directory from steves nrg-cd 2003 to w.a.s.
book 4
carrots love tomatoes \by louise riotte on companion-gardening
isbn# 0-88266-064-0, 216 pages, pub. by garden-way publishing, charlotte,
vermont. 05445
hard copy the introduction for w.a.s./box3
content: a-z info on plants, p187 pollination of fruits and nuts,
p.197 nut-trees, 200 fruit tree culture, 201! poisons, note: author seems
to trust cross-pollinating and geneticly altered planting, and orgs.
p212 sources,supplies, links!
do not tell a tresspass, dont sign yes to anything. u-n-r
no proof, no trace, no witness, no watcher? no atv notes, incoming reports
to the d-a district-attorney office?
choose jesus as your saviour, not mary or good behaviour. eph. 2:8,9
to escape the secound death.
learn to make/recycle paper and ink. record water,seeds,bugs,area, pit-home,
air/water control, everlasting gospel, legal laws, local events, churchs
free energy = split the positive = research = ed v gray machine\ circuits.
alternate forms of electric energy. join the fellows.
record, then plant with boys to research. cant keep 2 self, need men work it.
more minds for so many projects.
- . - . - . - . - . - . - . -
book notes prepared for floppy
book 1 camping and wilderness survival` by paul tawrel, isbn# 1-896713-00-9
content in this file...
catching insects p.163
list of`take with u`, ration, basic travel kit, baking soda,
p.8,9 12 14,15 16
insect and animal attacks, water purifyrz, boot care, blanket bags, packing,
17 18 29 31 36
hoop tent, tent care, hammock, what-dessert, what-man, dsrt clothing+shelter
37 38 42 43-46 49 50,51
dsrt food+salt, dsrt sickness, berg.weather, nylon, belay-grip, wntr catails
53 64 57,58 64 69 73
were tent, root/hollow sheltrs, malay hitch, lean-to sheltrz, teepeez,
97 98 100 101-104 105-106
beach/sod/desrt sheltrz, tent support, cave/carbide lamp, snow shltr info,
107 108 114 115-118
heat, igloo/trench, what fire/peat moss, flint/quartz fire, forest fire,
116 121 123-129 130-131 134
cooking-keyhole, reflector cooking, clay, dry, storing, eat insects, water,
135-137 139 140 141 142 143 149-52
hunting, catching insects, axe, winch, weather, nettle-weed cords, knots,
153- 163 172 123 210-25 226
radio signals, track birds/fish/snakes/insects, trees, PLANTS, first-aid ndx,
232 236 282 284 287 293-3 301
body bandage fractrz cramps, old remedies, poison pLAnts, stings,
311 312 313 314-19
bites-snakes\frost, cpr, canned food, burns, poison, other ??? skippd some,
322 325-33 335 340 342 344
insert new ones, give also the full content-lising for book.
- . - . - . - . -
u can go wild with a knife, but without this info, u wont know what to cut.
the following is notes from c.a.w.s -camping and wilderness survival book.
and typed into a computer all by hand.
list of `take with u` travel-kit. Always carry knife, firestarter,
wind-breaker, dry feet, chew-twig, water!, salt!, baking-soda,
bread-flour for first aid-kit, soap, or wood-ash wash face, arm-pits, crotch,
feet, all sweat areas daily. hat, eye, sterilize, wire, sugar, candle, first-
aid kit, string, water-pills or filter system, insect-repelent, salt,
`potassium permanganate` crystals (mild anti-septic),rubbing-alcohol,
bandages, strips of sheet-cloth (fractured ribs are real!),
tweezrz,duct-tape, antiseptic, mirror, snake-bite kit, petro-jelly or
cows bag-balm,needle, sun-block, shade-glasses or slits in cloth over eyes,
flash-light!,bag, time, map?, pen + paper, rag for face use only, food
-raisens? vitamins,hydrogen-peroxide, tube-tent, axe-hammer. aluminum foil,
a suction bubble for snake-bites, thermometer,
baking-soda/sodium bicarbonate uses: foot powder, dry, tooth-paste, antacid,
bug-bites/paste on itch, stops smells, good electrolyte for fuel-cells/ but
not acid-batterys.
insect/animal attack: dont run, hit nose, repelents: chalk for bugs,
camphor-herb? in pocket keeps out lice, ammonia on trash keeps coons out?
keep food-smell away from sleep area and clothing.
Mosquitos like heat, moisture, and breath-c.o.2 -use `deet` or oil of
citronella. fruit-citrus kills ants. or use old pioneer `nessmuk juice` take
3 of pine-tar, 2 of castor oil, 1 of pennyroyal oil, simmer, smear on skin.
or pour out sweet sticky syrup/molasses 20ft upwind from your shelter.
check your skin daily for ticks, size = a dot on this page. avoid tall grass
common filters for water: f1 cysts, f2 iodinated resin -stops viruses, f3 co-
conut carbon -stops the flavours, smells, odors, and iodine caused by f2
other type: f1 pump with carbon-filter, other type: f1 gravity,
f2 iodine-resin, f3 carbon filter. other type: f1 = drinking-water tablets.
or boil, or vortex your water. _______
[ \ / ]__water in
[ \ / ]
[ ; ]
[ ; ]__water out
[__ bad water
getting water to vortex in a bottle as it does when draining a tub or sink,
it spins the water and draws all germs to the center, down, and outbottom.
mean while u can be drawing cleaned water out the side near bottom. repeat.
if leather = dry use oil of cows-feet or `neats foot-oil`, have xtra socks,
check boots always for yellow scorpions with black stripe.
dont place foot/hands were you cant see, step on, not over, rocks/logs.
37 ____
two-hoops tent /( ) () popular carry-tent
avoid getting car-acid, juice, repelents on poly/plastic tent-material.
carry hammoch/netting to store food up, or self.
deserts get so hot and cold = lack of clouds, vegetation, and humidity.
root-types of plants are v-deep for water, or h-spread out, to catch water.
but cacti stor their own water.
dunes hold water like a sponge, desserts can not.
heat forms: hot wind, reflected, direct sun, or heat-radient objects,
sweat = evaporation = cool
clothing = 100% cotton, e.g. dessert dwellers cover body, thin, many layers.
wash it, or air in sun to kill bacteri. do not expose skin, even in shade
reflected radiation gives sun-burn. treat leather with saddle-soap. always
check shoes before on. bind area ancle to knee with whatever cant be
pierced, e.g. plastic or heavy-cloth boot-insoles or inner-shoe-padding
of nylon-mesh. for a new shoe step on a triangle or box, or car tire, wrap
ancle to knee. have hat = 2 layer, e.g. safari,bedouin, or foreign-legion,
or a towel or t-shirt on your head under cap. eye-protection = goggles or
leather-strip with two cuts for eyes to see thrw, reduces radiation? layer of
tin foil, e.g. microwave. head and eye gear you must greatly value!
or cover hands/self in sand -reflects heat, keeps water in. shelter = dig a
hole, cover with sheet/two layer 1ft apart, anchor sheet with stone/sand.
travel = keep with u things that provide shade or reduce heat and water loss.
chewing a branch will satt thirst. travel only at sun rise/set, make goggles.
u.v. -ultraviolets of sun: u.v.a. = no pain, gets to deepest skin, cancerous.
u.v.b. = burns a tan, breaks bodies healing system. u.v.c = stopped by ozone.
as of 2002 there is no ozone over n.america. effects unkown. insanity.
wet cloth on a container cools it. build house of water? e.g. orchard
product- water wall for trees, protects from frost-bite.
hunt near water holes, birds-lure, suck back of hand noise. insects are
under rocks/logs snakes. plants near water, all but one grasses are edible.
have 1/4th spoon salt with every quart water u drink. some water are already.
lack salt and water = ill, eat most at cool of day-end, keep clean hi-jeen.
sweat can fungus in hi humidity. clothing not cleaned/aired in sun hlps evil.
dont drink nor wash clothes in bad chlorine water enters skin.
lack lack
heat-illness guide: salt water
---- -----
time of sign 3-5 days 1 day
thirst not often most often
fatigue most often not often
cramps mostly none
vomiting mostly none
weakness increasing sudden
dehydration = dark piss urine, slured speech, poor judment or movment reflex.
restore body water slowly, take sips, not guzzle alot at one time.
cattails = bulrushes = near ponds = flluffy in winter, good insulation.
build shelter in up and well-drained area, on south-east, windy-area and fast
waters =fewer insects. tent = distractive decoy, sleep elsewere, keep two
escape paths, two ways out, two places to go. make trench for what water runs
off tent, and wall to stop water from flowing to tent.
hollow or root shelter. tarp on floor, sheet over limb, use poncho-coat.
weaving straw or grass: 8 posts in ground with ropes
step 1 a1 to a2, b1 to b2, etc.
b1] ] -----____
] ] a2]
c1] ] ] ] ----_____
] ] ] ] _/
d1] ] ] b2] ] ----__ __/
] ] ] ] ] _/
] ] c2] ] ----__ __/
] ] d2] ] ] _/
] ] ] ] __ __/
] ] ] -----/
] ]
] next make a pole with four ropes,
] tie ends to a1,b1,c1,d1
looks like a weavers-loom
step 2 -side view
___---- ___
d1[__X______________[ d1[__X\______________[
[ [d2 [ \X______ [d2
[ [ [ \_____[_
[ [ [ [ o
[ [ [ [
[ [ [ [
[ [ [ [
the pole is above d2, straw,hay next the pole is lowered down,
or cloth is placed at X between this traps X and a new X is
rope d1-d2 and rope d1-pole placed between ropes.
lift the pole up,this traps the secound x and u r ready for a third.
spread x-stuff over-crossing ropes a1,b1,c1,d1 so they all do same.
X\X/X\X/X\x/x\x/x\ can be used as roofing, clothing, floor mating, or
a sail for a wind-mill.
an other method is the `malay` hitch. it is bundles of straw or sticks
tied by hand with the same stich. if no rope use yarn, twine or cordage from
the nettle-weeds, rawhide, plastic, etc.
101 _____
a `lean-to` shelter = \ ]
\ sleep fire or fire ] <--- top view
\ here here %%% ]
if no cords, make half-cuts into sticks.
a `pail-hitch` is a fast fence-maker. __[]__[]__[]__[]__
one string is passed correctly in/out [] [] [] []
a many sticks to tie`m to one main. [] [] [] []
a tarp makes a water-proof sleeping-bag, wrap self in it as burrito-food.
__-- ] __-- ] \ /
__-- ]__\ / reflector
__--______________] -fire- /
then 2 to 4 ft. thick covering of grass,moss,sticks,bark,mud.
wind walls = two fences paralell with stuff packed between. 4 makes a house.
thatched clothing: form thin, flexible, young branches, tied with cordage,
cover with straw, grass, leaves, wear about neck. tying bundles of grass or
straw, bark, paper to ribbs. start at bottom, each row covers the rib below.
_________[____________ rib
[ is called `thatching`
_______[_[_____________ rib your shelter.
[ [
_____[_[_______________ rib
[ [
-------[----------------- ground
other... `mud and straw` pour into mold, dry, makes brick.
try `cement+glass fiber?
sewing 2 pieces of cloth together: ____________________________
go up, back, down, forward, up, back, etc _\__/__/______________________
in a loop-d-loop way, 1 step back, and / \/ /
2 forward till finished.
other... birch bark take, wont kill tree.
other... if in area of new trees, bend and tie sappling over = dome shelter.
other... if area lacks wood, use tarp and stone. ___/ \___
other... tree-house hammock with a rain-roof. / other... yurt = grape-trelis /\/\/\/\/ [\\/\/\/\\\]
\/\/\/\/\ --> [\\/\//\\/\]
/\/\/\/\/ [\\/\/ \\\/]
other... wikiup = get 3 poles, or braid rope/grass to pole-strength, lash at
top. lean, not lash, more also, aginst it. fill in sides with brush,
\|/ sod, leather, dirt, tarp. door faces east.
/ | \ other...teepee = same as wikiup, then tie new sheet to two
/ | \ new poles as a giant scroll, wrap about teepee. easy2 undo.
107 o o 0o oo 0 ,---_ 0 o 0 oo 0 o 0
sand dune o ; \ _[~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} ]
o top view ; ) [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ]
0 : / \ ]
o o o oo0 o 0;---~ \ sleep /
the side view shows stones holding sheet roof
and 2 layers of sheet 1 ft spaced to out heat.
other...war shelters. where trees lack, tool = long knife or axe, turf or
sod = dirt held together by roots. sprout grow own?
roof = logs + water proof material, e.g. -rubber from dandelions, plastics?
canvas, or thatching.
-----------_____________ above ground
\________ above
================= 6. \________ ground
--_ {____}{ }{4.}[]============ \____
] ]__ [_]{ }[ ][ ]=======5.====== \__
] ]____ {}{ }{ }{ }{}== \___
] ]_____ [ [_________ ] 2. ]_____ 3. [ [ \_________ ] ]____________________________ [ 2.[ 1.
] ]_______________ [ [
1. entrance, 2. drainage ditch spaces, 3. hillsod, 4. logs or railroad ties.
5. water proof, 6.sod and soil. ______
__/ o \__
other... sod beehive/igloo house / with log-roof support. / [] [ [] ] ___--
other... sod-tunnel shelter ___-- ]
with slopping roof. [ ] two-wall
other...sod trench shelter: [ ] = windy.
same but half in ground.
other... cutting sod squares out, turn over to bake root-side in sun.
other... rolling sod squares out, by cutting long ways.
other... sod family house, for the praires. ____
[ ~~~~----__ <--- roof is
[ _ ] wood and
[ [_] ] thatching
108 ___[___________] + pitch?
branch buired in snow provides a grip for
tying down a tent. =`deadman` attachment.
house smoke goes through overlapping material on roof. // \ other... salish = nwest indian
o o
o ] o
o \ ] / o
o \ ] / o
_____o____ \ ] / ______o_____ <---ground level
\ \ / /
\ \ / /
built over a 3 ft deep pit, with teepee type rafters on center pillars.
small wood sticks/ribs on that, then thatched with bark, sod, and covered
with earth. roof supports and ladder for entering hole in roof door. = ants?
other... ; ;
_____ ______________
_____/ o ; o ~~-_
___/ o ; ] o ~--__
__/ o \ ; ] / o ~-_
/ o \ ; ] / o ~~~-_
/____o____ \ ] / ______o__o__o__o__]
\ \ fire /
\__________ o_o_o_o <-- enter
\ passage /
rib frame = horizontal logs
roof = rectanular pich of logs. Frame covered with many feet of branches and
earth and sod. area above passage = storage.
floors are covered with boughs and firs.
other... igloo /~~~~~~~\ permanent winter residence.
___ ___ / \ tunnel is a wind-break and
/ \ / \ / \_ storage area.
enter- ____[ ] ] [_ [ ] ] __________/ note the multiple dome/egg
\____[ ] ] { shape roofs. = strength.
other... eastern eskimo have off-round structures made from whale ribs,
covered with sod or stone five feet thick. common property means it belongs
to first occupant of the season. similar to an igloo.
other... cree / / \ year-round, minus 55`f weather, tree area,
/ / \ logs in semi-cone structure, placed side by
/ / ___ \ side verticly. cracks filled with mud, moss,
/ / \ \ pieces of bark, in that order? no smoke hole,
/ / \ \ but logs are left unsealed at top.
other...sub-arctic teepee, rib/frame = teepee, covered with bark and hides
not sewn together. all held together by added poles leaning up against the
hides. smoke hole at top.
other...wigwam = same as above but ribs were bent and tied, giving it a dome
shape look.
other...prairee. posts covered with smaller horozontal logs. these logs were
covered with brush, sod, then dirt. floor = 2ft below ground covered with
other... plains-teepee. covered with sewn boffalo-hide skin.
other... iroquois indian have long-house. poles set in ground. supported by
horozontal/set left to right/ poles along walls. roof = bent poles, frame is
covered by bark sewn in place and thatched as shingles. light-poles attached
on outside to hold roof in wind storm. smoke passes threw loosley attached
other...west coast. log frame covered with planks and bark. roof steepness
according to local rainfall.
other...pueblo anasazi-indian log flat-roof coverd with mud and stone.
multi-levels up to 5 stories. stone covered with clay or `mix clay/grass`
other...conical teepees:
covered with bark, brush and wood. sand piled around it as a wind-break.
many roof shapes: height, domed, flat, rectangle and pitches upon climate.
other...california = thatched roofs and walls, some covered with mud, when
dried, becomes as stucco surface. roofs domed or conicle. some covered with
bark, or thatched. ___________ _-_
other...central-plain. sim to long-house ] [ [ ]
but walls = woven sticks. roof = covered ] [ [ ]
with bark or thatched to repel rain.
smoke passes threw the roofing. no smoke hole. winter houses are made semi-
subteranian partly below ground. towns found of 30,000 of these forts.
other...indian sweat-lodge = small domed structure of bent poles covered
with hides, blankets, and branches. heated stones are rolled in. water is
poured on them for steam with sweat-grass and sage for good smell. bathers
stay in as long as they can. then jump in river.
about snow shelters: if area = windy, build a snow wall a few feet from the
shelter. reduce sweating, do not overheat it, iceing-up loses insulation and
breathing-strength. fill gas outside. drips can be stoped by placing snow on
the source. keep dig tools mit. keep xtra food mit. tasks = fire going at
all times, fuel, food get, check vent-holes & structure. trees with thick
lower branches will have a pit-shelter below already.
heating: heat lardge rocks one hour. dig hole, glowing hot rocks move with
sticks, drop in hole. cover with earth, place your sleep-bag over warm-spot.
other... pipe thimble protects tent from stove-pipe heat.
_]_[]_[_ view [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
] [] [ pipe in [ o ] <--two of these
] [ wall [ ] for both sides of
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; [ - - ] wall = metal
<---` [ / \ ] with big hole and
_____________ [ \ / ] screw holes.
] [ [ --- ]
_]_[]_[_ [ o ]
] [] [ [___________________]
other... pipe-stove:
_____________ [ ] -smoke flu
metal cover -------> {_____________} [ ]
[ __ _]__/ ]
[ ; ; _/
[ -- -----~
[ ]
[ ] -stove is
[ ] fed from
[___________] the top.
air intake -------> [ [_] ]
[ ] easy
[___________] pipe-size
other... koolik
_ _ 2.
<< > >___-----------__// ]
[ < 1.__/ // ] ]
[~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<__/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// ]~~~~~~~~~~]
[ 3. =======/===================/ ] ]
container carved from soap-stone or use any metal-container.
a piece of cloth, absorbant cotton, or dense moss use as a
candle-wick. 1.animal fats or lube-oil has no smoke.
metal or stone damper covering wick is the control.
wick is ===== in container of fat and ends at 2.
2. is the flame/heat 3.is melted fat. ]]=metal ~~=fat level in container.
other idea... heat stones in fire, put in tin cans, put many cans in shelter.
other... tin can stove:
____________________ use any tin can. fill partly with sand while
[ , ] holding a cloth-wick in place. soak sand with
[ `;`; ] fuel/oil, add more when stove is cold.
[ x ] make holes in can for air/smoke.
[________x___________] other...sleeping bag: collect bulrushes or
[ x ] cattails, fluff it up, place in cloth, and
[ xxxxxxx ] stitch.
other... snow cave ______/
_________________ _____/
air hole ____/ \__________/
\ _____/
___\ \ ______--------__________
_/ \ \___--~~ ~~--___
[ ] \_
[ _/ [ _/ ]
[ / ]
[ / _/
[____/ ___fire__/
[ ____sleep____/
[ _/
leave small hole at door for air, c.o.carbon-monoxide is color, taste and
odor-less, is most common caws of death in inclosed places/insulated area.
is produced by lack of oxegen to turn burnt-product to c.o.2=carbon-dioxide,
which = breath. hemoglobin in the blood absorbes c.o. 200x faster than
o.oxegen. c.o.breaks down hemoglobins ability to absorb oxegen, the body
will then starve/die. c.o.is `cumulative` and collects in your body over
many days. you will not know u r lacking o.oxegen, not breath-short, not
bluish-skin. first signs are fainting/collapsing, frontal headaches.
to clean your system note: 4 hours of fresh air reduces c.o.-level in you by
one-half. is a common death in winter.
other... snow cave survival: air-vent keep 3-4 inches. dig to ground-level
for it has its `own` heat supply. frosty-coating on ceiling after a cold
night = roof is to thin, add more snow on roof. in a few days ceiling may
`ice`hard, scrape it off so roof can `breath`. if ceiling is collapsing
down it is still good, if yet arched/dome shape. if roof sags, scrape the
inside to raise height. cook outside. snow cave = humid if warm outside.
sleeping bags should be turned inside-out, beat out frost and fluff them up.
do not burn all night, loses o.oxegen. make entrance easy-to find outside
in case of white-out storm.-this very true in lands with no features to mark.
other...drift-snow cave: 1.find spot of well packed drift-snow. dig a
chest-height hole into drift-
o __ o [__[__]__]
/]~ [ ] 2.dig rectange, /[~ [ ]
/ \ [ ] keep blocks ---> / \ [ ]
/ _/ \ front view
/ __ / _/
o /_[__]_ ______/
3.dig up /]~ / ]_/ 4. re-enter blocks
/ \ / ] side view 5. make air-vent in roof+floor.
other...packed snow igloo:
1.cover a pile of? branches/grass with cloth/plastic.
2. place snow on pile and pack it down. _------_
3. plug entrance with a stuffed-bag of leaves? { } o
use ever-greens to sleep on. { _ } ~] make air-hole in top of igloo. { { } } / 121
ice-block or earth-bag igloos: two types: 1.blocks layed like bricks.
or 2, sprial= each block is bigger than one before it. = easier.stronger.
other... snow trench:
[ ;: ] o oO
[ ;: ] 0 O top
\ ;: _____sleep___________] 0 O view
side \ ;: [ / O o
view \__: [ __/ 0 o0
~~~~~-----------~~~~ o O oO0 0 ooo0 0 oo
roof = tarp held down with snow blocks. door = curtain, 2 layers.
other... insulating a tent: using any store-bought type tent, floor it with
ever-green branches. make a rib/frame structure over it with sticks.
throw snow over it, do not pack the snow. powdered snow = good insulation.
fire: can burn end of stick to make pointed spear. can repel insects. can
make trunks or lardge sticks usable for shelter-building. can smoke out bees
to access honey, or animals out of holes n-2 traps. can blind fish at night.
-always carry matches on you. dip in parrafin-wax. many small fires better
than one big.
hardwood = slow burn, good coals, broad-leaf loose in fall. softwood = hot
fast fire, no coals, needle and cones, evergreen. wood for fire = know the
heat-value of different woods and how well it burns when green. what ones
make coals, what ashes, which pops, splits easy, starts fire easy. greenwood
means new-kill, resists fire. but why will wood burn? = oxegen + hi-temp F`
to ignite/excite compounds in wood. pyrolysis = no oxegen, hi-temp will
chemicaly break wood to release gasses that burn, heating/exciting/releasing
yet more gasses. e.g. logs added to a roaring fire will heat to 282`C
giving off gases. gasses need o.oxegen and 537`C to burn. peat-moss = plants
that did not decompose, for they lacked oxegen. dry it before use. it is
sim to charcoal and petroleum. and coal.
other... charcoal: makes hot, smokeless, fires, = lightest of all fuels.
note: wood burnt with much air, burns completely. if air is restricted, wood
gives off gasses and becomes charcoal. to produce charcoal: stack wood
tightly together. cover it with earth. ignite it in several places, and keep
a /maintain a `slow-burn` by allowing in small amounts of air:
_________________ at 260`C a chemical reaction occures making
/ ____________ \ -dirt the burning wood very hot which consumes
_/ __/ooO0oOooOoo0\ \__ the air. and turns the wood into carbon
/__/OOOwoodoOooO00o0\____\ __ (charcoal). the process can take a few days
][______]00()008)] ground depending on quantity being produced and
][__][ wood ][ ]] should be left in the pit until it cools.
\______________/ quality depends on wood used, e.g. hickory
birch, sugar maple, locust, mulberry in
order of black, yellow, red, paper, white.
odd trees: yellow ash and white ash burn better green. split better green.
other...carring embers: container = tin, horn, birch-bark or hardwood box.
fill with dry moss, place embers in moss. lasts for days! keep tended.
other... any concentration of carbon, hydrogen, and methane can act as fire.
this can be: dry peat moss, sea weed, animal dung, animal oils, dry leaves,
coal, oil that seeps to surface or saturated into, as tar-sand, animal fat,
or gasoline and oil mixed, or any plant but poisonous. note: rotting wood
is caused by fungi/mushrooms?:requires oxegen, humidity, and temp.60-90`f.
use anti-fungi stuff used under bread and in cereal packaging?
fire setting: 1.clean area 2.flame, spark, or other heat source or tinder.
tinder = birch bark, resin shavings, pitch or fat from cone trees which burn
-even when wet! punk = the dry insides of rotten tree trunks. cloth-lint,
rope/twine, dry powdered wood, shelf-mushrooms off tree trunks, pussywillows
(or cattails), wood-dust produced by insects under tree-bark. can saturate
with lamp-oil, gasoline, or alcohol based insect repelent. cut to powder be-
fore use. pitch in rotting logs. looks like resin wood-lamination on older
stumps. search old stumps looking yellow. grey stumps = too old.
fire starting: bow and drill fires. bow = shoe-lace, string, leather, etc.
use bow to spin a soft-wood dry drill-stick, pressed by a bearing-block of
hardwood. note:rotation and pressure of grinding on base-board, heats,
ignites, black powder falls, tinder smokes.
_=====_ -bearing block = pine knot with pit 1/4th in. deep.
/ \ smooth stone or marble set inside.
] - drill = stick top is rounded + greased
] bottom is pointed
_--~~~~~~--_ - bow = 2 feet long, string grips drill.
[~~~~~X~~~~~] - base board = cedar, cypress, tama, bass, or cotton wood.
:;; - tinder make hole for drill in board so blacks can
fall down on tinder:
[] - drill
____________ [] in
[\ __ \ -base board- _______[]________
\\ ____\/____\ views \/ - board
\[____/\_____] _______/\_________
other... type used a flywheel and cross-bar-peddle that winded back up to
be pressed down again by user.
other... south-sea fire maker
[________] - hard wood plunger ; the plunger is hit repeatedly
] [ ;
] [ ; with palm of hand. The air
] [ ;
_] [_ ; inside is so hi-ly compressed
[ ] [ ] - bamboo tube ;
[ ] [ ] ; (ozone? o3) that heat is made
[ ] [ ] greased inside ;
[ ] [ ] ; igniting the tinder to flame.
[ ]______[ ] - plunger wraped with ;
[ ] =====[ ] fiber 2-b air-tight ;
[ ]===== [ ]
[ ] ~~~~ [ ] - dried moss stuk to
_/ \ Xx / \_ inside-end by fiber
{ }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - bamboo joint
other... magnesium fire-blocks. sold in stores = aluminum + magnesium alloy?
cut/scratch shavings off it with knife. ignite shavings by striking knife on
included flint rod of block.
other... candle
other... lens from eye-glass, magnifying glass, or telescope - binoculars.
other... battery with wires in tinder, or tinder in cars cigarett lighter.
other... flint and quartz: flint is jet-black. split rock with rock, if its
flint, it will crack like glass, with smooth black sheen inside. flint is
found in river-beds or hill-sides with loose rock. Quartz is white like dull
glass. steel or iron struck by any glassy stone will spark to ignite tinder.
indians use iron-pyrites instead of iron or steel. note:magnesim-flint alloy
on steel saw-blade = lardge sparks. tinder = cotton wool, or?
other... pour `potassium permanganate` crystals (mild anti-septic) from first
-aid kit on paper, add a few drops anti-freeze (???), close in paper. put in
tinder. wait a few minutes.
other... pack lint or shredded cloth into egg-carton pits, cover each with a
layer of wax. lasts 5 to 15 min. when flame started. lit.
other... cattail torch, dippped in oil or animal fat.
other... birch-bark torch
other... fire-plough: a hard-wood stick is pushed with heavy pressure along
the length of a soft board. ____\________
automatic fire: line pit with other... _ stove back or green logs
stone. / \ to reflect heat into the
\\ note: [ ] shelter.
\\ __ / wet [ ]
\\ / \ // rocks [ ]
__ \\ _[__]_ //___ can _ [ ]
\O \\ // 0 / explod [ ]
\) \\ // oO/ when [ ]___XxX_
\O \_ //o/ heated [ ] \O o/ [ ] ]
\00oO[ ] [ ] ]
other... cover embers in ashes, then dirt, to use later.
other... heat sand in frying-pan, pour into cloth bags, sleep with.
other... punch holes in tin can, put in embers, put can in tent.
other... heat glass bottle, dip base in cold water,breaks off, put candle in
and glass in dirt.
other...wood ash = potassium, decreases acidity of garden soil. potassium-car
-bonate is extracted from it to make soap = lard + wood ash.
rags, paper, tinder, soaked in solvent, paint, or other petrol-chemical can
with oxegen, raise in temp/heat, and burst into flame.
life cycle of fire: starts in location were fuel(carbon/hydrogen) and oxegen,
and temp. are correct. The heat chemicaly breaks the fuel, gives off gasses,
which ignite, burn, spread, ignite,burn,spread,ignite,etc. To stop it you
must remove one of the three. -hydrocarbon, temp, or oxegen. At 200-370`C
wood will glow, at 426`C bursts to flame. 1230`C = temp of fire.
How to escape a forest fire: -go down hill, dont wear plastic or wet clothes.
use dry sand to cover skin. jump into a burnt or clear area if can. Breath
threw a `dry` cloth over mouth/lungs. Have private-oxegen. e.g. a milk-jug.
find pit, cover self in dirt.
hot-tub water heater: dig a depression in ground, line with water-proof
plastic (rubber from dandelions), place cold stone in water first, so hot
rocks from fire wont touch plastic. then fill with water and hot rocks.
other... Yukon Stove: use stone, mud, straw, grass, rocks, metal box, and
flat-rock griddle... . ,
other... ;
cook Dakota ; .
____~~~~ __ hole-fire _______
[ ] [ \ for prarie [ cook ]
/ ] \___] area. __\_____/ ____ air _____
[ ] [ ] - oven ] [ ] / /
[___/ [___] box ] [ ] /
green ;; / \ ] [____] /
wood? - ;; / ] ] XxX <-- /
rock ;; fire [ \ - ground ] fire ___/
door ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
other...Baking-soda substitute = add white wood ash to flour = soda+potash.
do not use a resinous wood, e.g. pine tree wood. other.
other...Hobo Stove: metal can with air-holes on it.
__________ other... [ ] <--flu old 45 gal.
[ ] __[ ]_______ half-barrel stove
[ ] [ ] can be use in a
[ ] [ ] shelter.
[ o o o ] [ ___]
[ o o o o] <--air [ XxX [ air/wood
[__________] [ fire [ <--hole
other...cooking in paper: steam food wrapped in wet newspaper or place food
in paper bag, just above coals, no flame, spray with water as paper dries.
wrap food in three sheets/layers so steam stays in.
other... testing oven temp: sprinkle a teaspoon of flour on heated surface.
the color of the flour after 5 minutes tells you:
temperature color
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
250-325`F light-brown
325-400`F golden brown
450-500`F deep-dark
232-260`C brown
note: a good fire will bring water to a boil in 5 min also.
fuel-can stove: is a strip of corregated? cardboard rolled up and put in a
tuna can. pour in hot wax and let cool, holding wick in place .
other... cardboard box oven: line with aluminum foil. place hot charcoal
along inside edges of box, place box over food, and a small/stone under one
edge to let in air. know 40` per briquette charcoal piece = 10 for 400`F oven
other... saw-blade = carbon steel
other... solar oven = reflective metal? note: ashes = great insulator of heat
other... to carry water: use birch-bark or pant-leg cloth.
other... use foil to reflect heat onto food. note: white/black colors heat?
clay baking: wrap meat in leaves or paper, then clay. bury in embers, then
sand, wait 7 minutes per pound meat.
other... steaming food. ,,
[______] -- food tray
[ ] ] ]
[~]~~]~] -- water level
[ o o o ]
[ ] -- tin can or
[ ] hobo stove
other... steaming in a hole: dig hole in sand, heat stones, roll stones into
hole. place layer of wet grass over stones, then food, then more wet grass,
then sand. pierce hole into sand. pour in added water. pack sand sand so
steam will not escape. let for several hours. no need to skin, scale, or
pluck the animal. only remove intrails/food-paths used in/by animal.
other... clay hollow in dirt-bank with hole for smoke.
other... egg in mud, 1/2 in. thick, put on coals 20 min.
drying / smoking food. \:/ ...air out
smoky fires keep X /
egg-laying flies away. /;\_ teepee
other...jerky strips on _/_;_\\ - walls=
grill, near coals. // ; \\ bark,
other... pemmican: pound //___;___\\ ...air in sod,
a pound of jerky to powder, // ; \\ / ashes?
pour in liquid fat or gel, // ; \ add dried fruit. store in ~~~~~~~~~~] [~~~~~~~] [~~~~~~~~ - floor
porous bags to limit wet. \ \___--~ {
keep vitamin `c` in reach. \____ XxX / - fire
142 ~~~---~~
food silo, for corn, carrots, apples:
= dig hole in dry area, line with rocks,
place vegetables in, place dry straw, twigs, grass, and flat stones over it.
insect eating: provides more protein than meat. e.g. moths, may-flies, etc.
attract them with a light at night, /
some will hit the cloth and /\ / <-- light source,
fall in the water-tray. ][ / cloth at angle,
if its to cold for flying, look under / ;__; water tray.
rotten logs and stones.
Ants have `formic acid` and taste bad? red ants and night-butterflies are
edible. Grasshoppers, termites, locusts, crickets: take off wings, legs.
cook till dry, or in a stew. = treat of babylonian world.
boil bones for 2 hours, keep grease. Never eat offal of a fish, gut it out.
note: smell attracts insects! all sea-weed is edible. see edible plants
-in these notes p.293-300!
finding water: porous containers evaporate, wet on stays cooler. sip, do
not guzzle, drink not much at one time. source = a well, high water-table,
or pool. watch for old paths, trails or markers of man or? dig in dry
creek-bed on outer-bend. note: dunes hold water, desserts do not, dig in
low area where some plants are. At beaches or salty lakes dig 100ft from
shore, or behind the first dune, but only down to wet sand, lower may be
salty. note: dew and condensation settle on cold surfaces, e.g. metal,
grass, smooth-rocks, but gone at sunrise. try `natural deposits` in
channel gullies, behind lardge rocks, under a cliff. try watching birds at
morning and evening. try cactus pulp. ! purify ! all your water. or watch
for notable natural damp spots on ground = a hi water-table spot. try old
mine water = tainted with mining by-products, yuck! try watching plants...
-cattails, willows in area = much water. -write others in here-...
try watching animals, insects, bees, birds, were they go. e.g. grazing
animals go morning and evening to a favorite water-spot. Doves pirch in
the trees-close-to-water at evening. listen. birds fling low gives info too.
water tables in a healthy forest are commonly 4 feet. down. beside a creek
dig 2 feet hole in mud or damp area. use it. Wet sand in a cloth can be
pressed for water.
___.. ...____ Impervious layers of earth keep water out. Most
\ `.. ..` / store bought filters = a 3 micron filter, then
\ '-O-` / a `iodinated` resin` filter ,then a coconut based
\ . / carbon filter to clean up.
\ / <-- Extracting water from soil with stone on plastic
\_[_]__/ over can in pit.
collecting water: not always at lowest ground area, watch birds. its usualy
not in the sun light, but in shady place.
other...wet sand
or muddy water \:/
can be strained X
throuugh layers /:\ - pour water at top
of cloth. / ; \
/-_;_-\ - filter
/ ; \ - filter
/\___;___/\ - filter with charcoal
/\_ ~ _/\ to remove bad
/ ~--_--~ \ taste + odor
/ . / ;_; \ - catch cup
other... plant condensation method:
/ _ \
/ _\ _ \
/ \ / \
[ _ /_ _ \_
[ _ ] / \ dig shallow hole beside plant-of
/ _\ _ ] many-leaves. place plastic?-bag
\ ~\ [ [] ] over plant and partly down hole.
~;;____[___ __[]______]____ tie mouth of bag around base of
] [ plant. Plant will collect water
]~~~~[ with its root system. works a
\__/ few days if plant is not in
direct sun.
other... distilation:
____--------_ ___ vapor
vapor tube - /,---~~~~~~~~ / \ - cools, collects,
,,// [ ] condenses to
< S > __[~~~]__ pure h2-o water.
_<___>_ _/
fire - [] [] __/ S = strange water
_[]_XxX_[]___/ or piss, boiled.
other... Conserving water: no coat/shirt on may feel cooloer, but the evapor
-ating is you loosing water, sunburn. spend day in shade..`and` out of suns
u.v. rays. and from grounds/sands hotter than the air. Move slower. spread
clothing in sun/air to kill fungus + keep dry. drink water with salt, 1/4th
spoon of salt per 8 cups water. or one per gallon?. Chew on grass or stick
to keep water in mouth, stops thirst. Breath trough nose, no talking.
dehydration/lack of water/salt is the root to bigger health problems.
hunting: moose horn, blade of grass between thumbs or in split-end of branch.
strike and rub to rocks to attract squirrel. use toxic plants to paralize
fish in water. stand in smoke to hide human-scented-soap-shampoo and smells.
put on vegetation,colors, shapes that disfigure any sim to a mans image.
Do not move fast. or raise your own food -insects! or learn to use a throw-
stick = two feet long with one heavy end, practice throwing at targets.
ground-bird traps: conicle tunnel in dirt bank with trail of seeds.
\ __
___----] \ _- ] a board with hole,
_---~~~ ] \ or [ ] bird puts head in to
~~~---___ . .]. ..\. .. . [ O ] get grain, feathers
~~~~ [ /.. . . .. . keep from drawing out.
[_/ .
.. . .
~~~~~~~~~~~\ /~~~~~~ - bird head caught in bottle-neck under ground.
/ \ easy in, hard to get out.
/..:;. or...
or...one-way entry: _-----___--------_____
______________ [ _____ ]
x /========= /~~]~ ~~~~~~~~/----~
x / O ] [_ x_________\_======== . .. ~~~~~~~~~~~[ ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ ]
_/ \_
x = `see-out` mesh. [ ]
bottle buried in field. flat-stone
gathering the prey: From far suported by rock over it.
away, begin walking around and
toward trap in a spiral path.
beating grass, smoke, noise to other... one-way netting for birds.
get animals/insects out and
herded to shelter under trap. ____ ..-"~~ <><> _ _
Use gloves and a bottle aged [ ] < <><> /--~
for weeks to remove human scent [ ]_<_<><>_________
___ see-saw on a box. heavy door on end. bait `j` in
___----[~~~~ / other end. trigger in bait slips, door goes down,
/ [ / bait goes up hole of box
] _______[_______
][ [ ; ] other... noose on a stick = a loop that tightens.
[ j ]
other... pit falls: = see-saw at ground level over hole.
other... boiled evergreen sap is sticky trap for birds.
other... wire-noose behind stones where quail-birds hide.
two wire can be twisted to act as a noose.
but the sting-type need sticks to hold the loop-shape up.
other... find run-ways they already use, narrow the way with sticks/or? to
guide them to the trap. find natural traffic points and place
bait to see how often the trail is used. hide your scent.
leave no other trace or smell. guiding a boys mind is no different.
guide many.
active snares: flat spring or coiled:
other...center stick dosnt touch
/ the ground
; ; . tension
. ; _;;_;:;. - of bent 0 [
; ;;; ;;; tree [ __--o
;; ; ;'; [ __--~~~ [
;; ; \ o~~ x [
;; \ ;; _-- [ [\ [
;; \ ;;; _ [ \ [
;; \ ;;; / [ bb
;; \ ;; [ big [ \
;; _ \ ;;; [ tree \[
;; /. `.. .. \;__ [ [
/;;; \/ . ` _- -- -~;;;;; [
;; | `. ,' ;;;; [ 3-d view [
noose trigger tension line (not shown) is tied
to `x`, you/viewer = direction of
pull, but stiks bb + o,o resist.
other... bb = bait,when tuged,lets it go.
bait in box releases tension, tall also, noose(not shown) is tied to
branch pulles nooses tight. e.g... `x`and the noose-loop is in a circle
___ under`bb`on the ground.
; ; ; \ <-- string to bait/trigger down into hole
___;______\__ and third string to noose for other end of box
[ ; o ] is not shown by this pic.
;;;;;;; ;;;
other... ;;; ;;;
portable block-trigger ;; ;;
;; - tension ;
;; \ ;;
;; \ ;;
\ ;;
\ ;;;
\ ;;;
/\ ;;
/ \ ;
/ \ ;;;
/ \ ___ ;;;; - block
noose - _/ \. \ [ ]_____/ ties to any
/ ; \ [ ] ;;;;\ tree
/ \ [__ ] ;;;;
/ ; \ 0 / ] ;;;
[ ; \ // / ] ;;;;
[ bb__ . \// [ ] ;;;;
[ \__ / [ ] ;;;;
\_ /\ // [ ] ;;;;
[ ; / L_ [ ] ;;;;
; ~-_ --_ [ ] ;;;;
[ ; ~-_ --_ [ ] ;;;;
[ ; ~-_ -[ ] ;;;;
\ ; ~-[ o ]_____/
- _; [___] ;;;; key: ;;;;
bb - bait ;;;;;;
tension is on stick L to 0 ;;;;;;;
L to o = trigger stick ;;;;;;;;
o is also a bolt, ;;;;;;;;;
...it is movable, but not `re`movable.
a noose is a loose knot that allows a big loop to tighten when pulled.
bb-bait is in center of the loop. use grease or salt for bait.
rock or tree `dead-fall` trap: ______
; `-_ - rock
; [; \ o = slip stone
[ \ [ ; ;
[ ; _[__bb ; ;
[ ; ;
[ ; }
[ ; /
169 o ;_-~
spear hooks: branch cut to shape
__ ,
/ /\ \ _
\/ \__ ___ \ ~--__
\ ~~--__ ___ \ ___ \ \---__/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /
\ / \/
disease in through your skin from fish slime, keep cuffs and collars clothing
g.p.s. navigating tools use 24 `navstar` satalites used first by military to
guide missiles. signal supplied to public gps users are kept part inaccurate
for saftey reasons.
weather signs?: flies are more active befor rain, and fish bite better.
campfire smoke stays near ground before a storm and fish swim near surface.
dew on grass = there will be no rain that day.
lightning storm: stand on a bad conductor.
cordage from nettle-weeds: collect, dry, crush with smooth rock to expose
pith-sponge center. bend the nettle, peel pith out, rub stips of pith fiber
between hands, or slowly pull while rotating over round smooth wood.
Braid several of these together. nettel can grow to seven feet long.
-pic...(cant draw) has sharp leaves, small sun-flower shaped flower = yellow.
rattle-snake: black pit under eye, attacks only moving things. do not lift
stones, logs, etc. without high-boot shoe and stick. wear bite resistant
cloth up to knee. do not gather wood at night. do not walk in tall grass
nor put hand or feet where u cant see them, when hicking step on logs,
not over them where you cant see. do not reach into holes. snakes are often
in the shade. show care along paths and low bushes. they climb trees and
swim well. always watch the ground. if u cant remeber all this just start
-bugs...write info in here. - COPY -
insect diseases: flies, mosquitoes, lice, ticks, mites carry our most
serious diseases -typhoid fever, dysentery, malaria, brain fever, yellow
fever. kills 100,000 people each year. try screening, bed nets, insecticide
repellents, protect food from egg-laying flies and other vermin, bugs, rats.
touch not what they have tuched. keep body covered.
-trees: - copy -
290-292 mushrooms? data
-293-300 plants, edible! - COPY - !!!
-301-310 body, bandage, fracture, get data:
dislocated jaw: cause = a big yawn? fix = have person face you. press down
moving thumbs along teeth of lower jaw as far back as possible.
while pressing down with your thumbs, slightly raise the chin with your palms
the jaw will suddenly fall back in place.
-312,313 remedies and poisonous plants - copy - !
-314-319 insect info -get!
322-325 snake, animal, and frost bites
330 oxegen?
335-338 cpr, and respirating aid
339 bleeding, burns, poisons.
- . - . - . - . - . -
researched...first-aid reports
arm, leg, and thigh bone fractures are real, have board, coffin and sheets
ready. "splint them were they lie" meaning = disable any movment above or
below the fracture with board and sheet strips before moving the person or
even his position were he lies.
other... hernia = gut pressed through muscle tissue due to pressure and will
not return back. usually happens around the stomach/belly. avoid it,
do not lift heavy things the wrong way, bend your knees, not your back when
lifting things.
insect stings: remove stinger + poison sack. yellow jakets, bees, hornets,
and wasps inject under skin, do not pinch stinger, it will release more
poisons and the smell well call others to bite. Note: a person stung on the
-mouth or neck can swell up and block the air passage /stop breathing.
to avoid: destroy nests and holes in ground, do not wear perfume or floral
prints = do not look or smell like a flower. keep trash drop far from camp.
Be calm, slowly back away. do not swat or use any violent motion.
eat vitamin b `thiamin`, its smell in your skin keeps them away?
avoid lands of slow- or standing water areas, or dense grasses.
be - sure - you... -have a good bed-net, -your immunization shots are up to
date /but dont trust anyone with a needle these days. wash self and clothes
2x a week atleast. -keep pants in boots. Every day wash the body areas
that sweat the most. in/out gates. Use foot and talcum powder for dry.
wear loose-fit clothing. Females need to drink water/salt and not resist
bowel movments (for lack of privacy) more than men,this prevents many common
infections that guys never problem get.
-315 insects and disease, - copy -! pics.
transmission of 10 diseases by 8 insects by landing on water, food, drinks,
and open sores. or when biting. remove chiggers and ticks by covering with
a light paste. in a few minutes they should back out for lack of air, if
paste was not to thick, or else remove with tweezers, but do not crush nor
break off its head. = hook-teeth = diseases
scorpions, yellow and black stripes, are deadly. do not put hands and feet
were u cant see. always check shoes before on.
coral snake: red band near yellow will kill. slow blood in bite area with
-pressure point. rattlesnake bites must be helped with in 4 hours. if it
cant be done -sterilize with an antiseptic or soap and water. then knife
cut both teeth mark holes o o 1/4th in deep X X do not cut veins, muscle
or other. succ vennom out, have a succor with first-aid kit.
rabbits have a special germ/virus that can kill also
325 avoid frost-bite or trench-foot. know the temperature, keep feet dry.
330 hyperventilate = rapid breathing caused by fear or? = lack of c.o.2
or `carbon dioxide`. make person breath in a bag. till calm.
331 heatstroke: = not enuff salt-water
335 c.p.r. air support: u exhale 16% oxegen, which is enuff to sustain
another person. tilt persons head back and up. breath for him.
blood-flow support: follow rib up to chest, place hand firmly at two
fingers above the wish-bone? were the arch or split is, press down on chest.
in a rythem of pressure and releases. return to air-support-c.p.r. repeats.
till person comes to, or help 666 comes. if desired.
eye pupils that move when hit with light is a good sign.
cpr book = breathing air into people, 15 compressions /on the chest bone
at the lower end/, 2 breaths, 15 compressions, 2 breaths...etc. at a rate
of 80 compressions per minute. victims must be placed on a hard floor for
com-pressings to work. head must be lower than heart, feet must be higher
than heart.
340 get a `tetanus` shot for deep-wound resistance. dont eat canned food that
has buldged, or u will to.
342 acid burns: use baking soda = sodium bicarbonate. with water.
alkali burns: use 1p vinegar with 6p water. never vinegar alone.
343 object in eye: pull upper eye-lid down over lower eye-lid.
constepation: dont allow hard/dry things to build inside you. watch what
and how it is eaten. it will be in you for about 3 days. so keep note.
mix-eat soft or fiberous foods like grass, like horses, goats, watch how
food in these vegetarians passes. eat like-wise. be kind to your bowels
your tummy-tubes.
344 poisons: if breathed -give fresh air, cpr if breath is weak.
if swallowed -coustic or corrosive, makes yellow, black, grey
stains and pain. do not vomit.
-not coustic, then vomit = tickle back of mouth
or drink strong salt-water.
if acid: take one-half table-spoon vinegar in cup of water.
if alkali: take 2 table-spoons vinegar in cup water or lemon/lime juice.
if do not know: drink cold water, then drink raw eggs or flour and
warning: this file contains text-pictures. they get mooshed when blogged,
past them into your wordpad.exe or text-editor and turn the
word-wrap off!, this should straighten the pictures out.
wits on a floppy
caws - camping and wilderness survival.
key words see \camping \outdoor life \wilderness survival
see also books:
- camping and wilderness survival by paul tawrell isbn# 1-896713-00-9
the ultimate outdoors book, 31 chapters/topics, 350 pages
- back to basics /by readers-digest, isbn 0-89577-086-5
- in the footsteps of our ancestors, guide to wild foods
/by christopher nyerges isbn 0-9603190-2-6
- carrots love tomatoes /by louise riotte, isbn 0-88266-064-0
- carla emery`s old fashoned recipe book, 1977 isbn# 0-553-01068-9 or
mail kendrick,idaho 83537 or bantan books inc. \666 fifth ave ny,ny.10019
started `school of country living` ,bought 386 acers
- back to eden, 55th edition, home remedies 1939-1994 by jethro kloss $13
isbn# 0-940985-09-8
- sunset western garden book, by kathleen norris brenzel, pub by sunset
publishing co. \menlo park. calif 1-800-526-5111 or sunsetbooks.com
isbn # 0-376-03875-6
- health handbook, herbs, vitamins, minerals,by woodland books
isbn# 0-913923-88-5
- see also direct-u or d-boxz. or s-caws.txt
- . - . - . - . - . -
notes on books
in march 2004 i hungered for easy access to wilderness survival info, intent
on finding one book i could break down to a floppy computer disk, but now
here is various scratch ups from differnt books for box3.
this is w.a.s. stuff march,04 data. may have paper-copy of some things
found in those books.
book 1
- camping and wilderness survival by paul tawrell isbn# 1-896713-00-9
the ultimate outdoors book, 31 chapters/topics, 350 pages
chp1 getting lost: fear, panic, hygiene -dont leave stuff on yr teeth
chp 2 list of lists, chp 3 car travel, chp4 summer hiking...chp 9 survival
shelter, 10 fire making, 11 forest fires, 12 cooking, 13 finding water,
14 hunting and traping ... eye care p.343
yr great-grand father was an herb doctor/cyroprator in calif.hills
avoiding bugs/mosquitoes, avoiding ticks = light-long clothing, deet-smell
repelant/smoke or menthnol for noses
p.317 if bitten, first kill tick by covering with nail-polish, vegetable oil,
or jelly. the oil prevents tick from breathing, and will backout soon, or
wait half-an-hour, then use tweezers, pinch close to skin as possible, do
not pich tick, ticks have hook-teeth to latch on, pull gently for ticks head
comes off easy and may cause lyme disease if left in you = red rash, or
flu-like symptoms, hearing loss, ensomnia/sleep sickness or other disease.
forget that, heat kills any poison or virus, use burnt end of stick.
touch it to area, dont like pain? ...skin heals, a virus wont.
p.4,5 book content first-aid pages
p.14 basic emergency travel kit, 301 content list/prefix
p.15,16 wilderness kit list
17 insects, animals, 312 traditional remedies
18,19 water purify,compass,redlight
313 poisonous plants
50,51 dessert shelter uv-sun. never eat wild nuts/berries
53 food and salt
72 reflective banket,body-heat, 316! of 309-318 = insect bites
97 were to build
98,99 323 snake bites
c!100-110 shelters,knots,hitchs
116-122 in snow heat,shelter 331 heat-stroke =low water/salt
c! 122-134 matches fuels! wood 335 artificial resperation
oxegen+humidity + temperatures in `breating for others`
60-90`f causes wood to rot.
keep matches on you and compass. 339 bleeding
c! 136-143 cooking!, 340 `tetanus` shots renew
149-152 finding water!!!
158-163 traps birds. 342 acid burns = baking soda
184,185 if no compass,moon eclip. 343 eye clean = pull under eye-lid
always south leaning. over upper
ant-doors face south-east.
344 poisons
226 rope from `nettle` weeds
x 286 leaf shapes
c!293-300 edible plants
340 tetanus shots get your shots renewed.
342.for acid-burns use bicarbonate,
for alkali-burns use vinigar + water
eskimo sunglasses = leather with a slit in it
always carry baking-soda, write uses on box
and here:
16 uses of baking soda: electrolyte in fuel-cells, footpowder, toothpaste,
antacid, insect bites = with water make paste, on bite.
covers\removes odor
avoid chaped lips: butter, vaseline, edible oil, catsup
125 maken charcoal + other fuels
151 water from soil
344 poisons, what2do
carbon-manoxide (co) has no smell, in charcoal and cars, kills if breathed.
liquid-smoke and pack of salt for curing/flavoring meat? uncle-joes spice kit?
use smoke-liquid in soap, or as is to keep off bugs, out worms?
u-need a bug collecton to test it on.
book 2
back to basics \by readers digest, isbn 0-89577-086-5
parts piked here for needs
water p.12, land catalogs: safe-buy realestate agency, strout reality, united
farm agency inc.
adobe p.36,41,62, stone wall - f.o.i.l. p.43,66,68
wells p.54, sweat lodge p.58. p.78 insulation, 1.in of fiber glass insulates
as well as 44 in of stone masonry, wood 3", brick 18", soil 21", water?
air gap in a wall is best, x3 if a reflective foil is on one side.
p.81 house ina hill, p.85 firewood types, p.86 fireplce\the ben franklin p.90
p.93 bellows/pump for fireplace., p.102 water pumping itself /ram ,p.105 wind
power, p.109 generator+battery, 110 hot air + water, 111 solar radiation usa.
112-123! gas, 126 plants+lore, 130 p-h, 135 seed-span, 138-145 growers guide.
170 pest sprays, 172-175! grains and grasses, 192! goat feed, horses 198-
preserving food 201-231 use no nitrates!, 275! spinning,then weaving braiding.
296! tanning, 336 smells, 338! 339!-343 heb medicines, 346! tin-smithing.
p.361 carbon steel? gourd crafts, soap making p.369! paraffin?
in the footsteps of our ancestors, guide to wild foods\by christopher nyerges
isbn# 0-9603190-2-6
survival tips: p.21,29,farm!, 62!mosquitos,70,225
plants i know? 30,44,56,61,70,77,78,84,97! grass,111,115,121!,144,154,156!
164,181,187?,200?,204,206!,211!,238, 242!!!, 246
poisonous: 41,90,100,108,160,216,226!
try to grow: 37,49,67,78,84,111,124,128,132,136,148,169!, 177!!!,184,
197 !!!,218!,222 !!!, 234!, 236!,247 !!!, 254!
safe families to eat from 256-267
his warnings, notes, glossary 268-288
there must be text on the internet for these things already, google it,add it
to w.a.s. my collection of legal\amish\survival stuff.
copy directory from steves nrg-cd 2003 to w.a.s.
book 4
carrots love tomatoes \by louise riotte on companion-gardening
isbn# 0-88266-064-0, 216 pages, pub. by garden-way publishing, charlotte,
vermont. 05445
hard copy the introduction for w.a.s./box3
content: a-z info on plants, p187 pollination of fruits and nuts,
p.197 nut-trees, 200 fruit tree culture, 201! poisons, note: author seems
to trust cross-pollinating and geneticly altered planting, and orgs.
p212 sources,supplies, links!
do not tell a tresspass, dont sign yes to anything. u-n-r
no proof, no trace, no witness, no watcher? no atv notes, incoming reports
to the d-a district-attorney office?
choose jesus as your saviour, not mary or good behaviour. eph. 2:8,9
to escape the secound death.
learn to make/recycle paper and ink. record water,seeds,bugs,area, pit-home,
air/water control, everlasting gospel, legal laws, local events, churchs
free energy = split the positive = research = ed v gray machine\ circuits.
alternate forms of electric energy. join the fellows.
record, then plant with boys to research. cant keep 2 self, need men work it.
more minds for so many projects.
- . - . - . - . - . - . - . -
book notes prepared for floppy
book 1 camping and wilderness survival` by paul tawrel, isbn# 1-896713-00-9
content in this file...
catching insects p.163
list of`take with u`, ration, basic travel kit, baking soda,
p.8,9 12 14,15 16
insect and animal attacks, water purifyrz, boot care, blanket bags, packing,
17 18 29 31 36
hoop tent, tent care, hammock, what-dessert, what-man, dsrt clothing+shelter
37 38 42 43-46 49 50,51
dsrt food+salt, dsrt sickness, berg.weather, nylon, belay-grip, wntr catails
53 64 57,58 64 69 73
were tent, root/hollow sheltrs, malay hitch, lean-to sheltrz, teepeez,
97 98 100 101-104 105-106
beach/sod/desrt sheltrz, tent support, cave/carbide lamp, snow shltr info,
107 108 114 115-118
heat, igloo/trench, what fire/peat moss, flint/quartz fire, forest fire,
116 121 123-129 130-131 134
cooking-keyhole, reflector cooking, clay, dry, storing, eat insects, water,
135-137 139 140 141 142 143 149-52
hunting, catching insects, axe, winch, weather, nettle-weed cords, knots,
153- 163 172 123 210-25 226
radio signals, track birds/fish/snakes/insects, trees, PLANTS, first-aid ndx,
232 236 282 284 287 293-3 301
body bandage fractrz cramps, old remedies, poison pLAnts, stings,
311 312 313 314-19
bites-snakes\frost, cpr, canned food, burns, poison, other ??? skippd some,
322 325-33 335 340 342 344
insert new ones, give also the full content-lising for book.
- . - . - . - . -
u can go wild with a knife, but without this info, u wont know what to cut.
the following is notes from c.a.w.s -camping and wilderness survival book.
and typed into a computer all by hand.
list of `take with u` travel-kit. Always carry knife, firestarter,
wind-breaker, dry feet, chew-twig, water!, salt!, baking-soda,
bread-flour for first aid-kit, soap, or wood-ash wash face, arm-pits, crotch,
feet, all sweat areas daily. hat, eye, sterilize, wire, sugar, candle, first-
aid kit, string, water-pills or filter system, insect-repelent, salt,
`potassium permanganate` crystals (mild anti-septic),rubbing-alcohol,
bandages, strips of sheet-cloth (fractured ribs are real!),
tweezrz,duct-tape, antiseptic, mirror, snake-bite kit, petro-jelly or
cows bag-balm,needle, sun-block, shade-glasses or slits in cloth over eyes,
flash-light!,bag, time, map?, pen + paper, rag for face use only, food
-raisens? vitamins,hydrogen-peroxide, tube-tent, axe-hammer. aluminum foil,
a suction bubble for snake-bites, thermometer,
baking-soda/sodium bicarbonate uses: foot powder, dry, tooth-paste, antacid,
bug-bites/paste on itch, stops smells, good electrolyte for fuel-cells/ but
not acid-batterys.
insect/animal attack: dont run, hit nose, repelents: chalk for bugs,
camphor-herb? in pocket keeps out lice, ammonia on trash keeps coons out?
keep food-smell away from sleep area and clothing.
Mosquitos like heat, moisture, and breath-c.o.2 -use `deet` or oil of
citronella. fruit-citrus kills ants. or use old pioneer `nessmuk juice` take
3 of pine-tar, 2 of castor oil, 1 of pennyroyal oil, simmer, smear on skin.
or pour out sweet sticky syrup/molasses 20ft upwind from your shelter.
check your skin daily for ticks, size = a dot on this page. avoid tall grass
common filters for water: f1 cysts, f2 iodinated resin -stops viruses, f3 co-
conut carbon -stops the flavours, smells, odors, and iodine caused by f2
other type: f1 pump with carbon-filter, other type: f1 gravity,
f2 iodine-resin, f3 carbon filter. other type: f1 = drinking-water tablets.
or boil, or vortex your water. _______
[ \ / ]__water in
[ \ / ]
[ ; ]
[ ; ]__water out
[__ bad water
getting water to vortex in a bottle as it does when draining a tub or sink,
it spins the water and draws all germs to the center, down, and outbottom.
mean while u can be drawing cleaned water out the side near bottom. repeat.
if leather = dry use oil of cows-feet or `neats foot-oil`, have xtra socks,
check boots always for yellow scorpions with black stripe.
dont place foot/hands were you cant see, step on, not over, rocks/logs.
37 ____
two-hoops tent /( ) () popular carry-tent
avoid getting car-acid, juice, repelents on poly/plastic tent-material.
carry hammoch/netting to store food up, or self.
deserts get so hot and cold = lack of clouds, vegetation, and humidity.
root-types of plants are v-deep for water, or h-spread out, to catch water.
but cacti stor their own water.
dunes hold water like a sponge, desserts can not.
heat forms: hot wind, reflected, direct sun, or heat-radient objects,
sweat = evaporation = cool
clothing = 100% cotton, e.g. dessert dwellers cover body, thin, many layers.
wash it, or air in sun to kill bacteri. do not expose skin, even in shade
reflected radiation gives sun-burn. treat leather with saddle-soap. always
check shoes before on. bind area ancle to knee with whatever cant be
pierced, e.g. plastic or heavy-cloth boot-insoles or inner-shoe-padding
of nylon-mesh. for a new shoe step on a triangle or box, or car tire, wrap
ancle to knee. have hat = 2 layer, e.g. safari,bedouin, or foreign-legion,
or a towel or t-shirt on your head under cap. eye-protection = goggles or
leather-strip with two cuts for eyes to see thrw, reduces radiation? layer of
tin foil, e.g. microwave. head and eye gear you must greatly value!
or cover hands/self in sand -reflects heat, keeps water in. shelter = dig a
hole, cover with sheet/two layer 1ft apart, anchor sheet with stone/sand.
travel = keep with u things that provide shade or reduce heat and water loss.
chewing a branch will satt thirst. travel only at sun rise/set, make goggles.
u.v. -ultraviolets of sun: u.v.a. = no pain, gets to deepest skin, cancerous.
u.v.b. = burns a tan, breaks bodies healing system. u.v.c = stopped by ozone.
as of 2002 there is no ozone over n.america. effects unkown. insanity.
wet cloth on a container cools it. build house of water? e.g. orchard
product- water wall for trees, protects from frost-bite.
hunt near water holes, birds-lure, suck back of hand noise. insects are
under rocks/logs snakes. plants near water, all but one grasses are edible.
have 1/4th spoon salt with every quart water u drink. some water are already.
lack salt and water = ill, eat most at cool of day-end, keep clean hi-jeen.
sweat can fungus in hi humidity. clothing not cleaned/aired in sun hlps evil.
dont drink nor wash clothes in bad chlorine water enters skin.
lack lack
heat-illness guide: salt water
---- -----
time of sign 3-5 days 1 day
thirst not often most often
fatigue most often not often
cramps mostly none
vomiting mostly none
weakness increasing sudden
dehydration = dark piss urine, slured speech, poor judment or movment reflex.
restore body water slowly, take sips, not guzzle alot at one time.
cattails = bulrushes = near ponds = flluffy in winter, good insulation.
build shelter in up and well-drained area, on south-east, windy-area and fast
waters =fewer insects. tent = distractive decoy, sleep elsewere, keep two
escape paths, two ways out, two places to go. make trench for what water runs
off tent, and wall to stop water from flowing to tent.
hollow or root shelter. tarp on floor, sheet over limb, use poncho-coat.
weaving straw or grass: 8 posts in ground with ropes
step 1 a1 to a2, b1 to b2, etc.
b1] ] -----____
] ] a2]
c1] ] ] ] ----_____
] ] ] ] _/
d1] ] ] b2] ] ----__ __/
] ] ] ] ] _/
] ] c2] ] ----__ __/
] ] d2] ] ] _/
] ] ] ] __ __/
] ] ] -----/
] ]
] next make a pole with four ropes,
] tie ends to a1,b1,c1,d1
looks like a weavers-loom
step 2 -side view
___---- ___
d1[__X______________[ d1[__X\______________[
[ [d2 [ \X______ [d2
[ [ [ \_____[_
[ [ [ [ o
[ [ [ [
[ [ [ [
[ [ [ [
the pole is above d2, straw,hay next the pole is lowered down,
or cloth is placed at X between this traps X and a new X is
rope d1-d2 and rope d1-pole placed between ropes.
lift the pole up,this traps the secound x and u r ready for a third.
spread x-stuff over-crossing ropes a1,b1,c1,d1 so they all do same.
X\X/X\X/X\x/x\x/x\ can be used as roofing, clothing, floor mating, or
a sail for a wind-mill.
an other method is the `malay` hitch. it is bundles of straw or sticks
tied by hand with the same stich. if no rope use yarn, twine or cordage from
the nettle-weeds, rawhide, plastic, etc.
101 _____
a `lean-to` shelter = \ ]
\ sleep fire or fire ] <--- top view
\ here here %%% ]
if no cords, make half-cuts into sticks.
a `pail-hitch` is a fast fence-maker. __[]__[]__[]__[]__
one string is passed correctly in/out [] [] [] []
a many sticks to tie`m to one main. [] [] [] []
a tarp makes a water-proof sleeping-bag, wrap self in it as burrito-food.
__-- ] __-- ] \ /
__-- ]__\ / reflector
__--______________] -fire- /
then 2 to 4 ft. thick covering of grass,moss,sticks,bark,mud.
wind walls = two fences paralell with stuff packed between. 4 makes a house.
thatched clothing: form thin, flexible, young branches, tied with cordage,
cover with straw, grass, leaves, wear about neck. tying bundles of grass or
straw, bark, paper to ribbs. start at bottom, each row covers the rib below.
_________[____________ rib
[ is called `thatching`
_______[_[_____________ rib your shelter.
[ [
_____[_[_______________ rib
[ [
-------[----------------- ground
other... `mud and straw` pour into mold, dry, makes brick.
try `cement+glass fiber?
sewing 2 pieces of cloth together: ____________________________
go up, back, down, forward, up, back, etc _\__/__/______________________
in a loop-d-loop way, 1 step back, and / \/ /
2 forward till finished.
other... birch bark take, wont kill tree.
other... if in area of new trees, bend and tie sappling over = dome shelter.
other... if area lacks wood, use tarp and stone. ___/ \___
other... tree-house hammock with a rain-roof. / other... yurt = grape-trelis /\/\/\/\/ [\\/\/\/\\\]
\/\/\/\/\ --> [\\/\//\\/\]
/\/\/\/\/ [\\/\/ \\\/]
other... wikiup = get 3 poles, or braid rope/grass to pole-strength, lash at
top. lean, not lash, more also, aginst it. fill in sides with brush,
\|/ sod, leather, dirt, tarp. door faces east.
/ | \ other...teepee = same as wikiup, then tie new sheet to two
/ | \ new poles as a giant scroll, wrap about teepee. easy2 undo.
107 o o 0o oo 0 ,---_ 0 o 0 oo 0 o 0
sand dune o ; \ _[~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} ]
o top view ; ) [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ]
0 : / \ ]
o o o oo0 o 0;---~ \ sleep /
the side view shows stones holding sheet roof
and 2 layers of sheet 1 ft spaced to out heat.
other...war shelters. where trees lack, tool = long knife or axe, turf or
sod = dirt held together by roots. sprout grow own?
roof = logs + water proof material, e.g. -rubber from dandelions, plastics?
canvas, or thatching.
-----------_____________ above ground
\________ above
================= 6. \________ ground
--_ {____}{ }{4.}[]============ \____
] ]__ [_]{ }[ ][ ]=======5.====== \__
] ]____ {}{ }{ }{ }{}== \___
] ]_____ [ [_________ ] 2. ]_____ 3. [ [ \_________ ] ]____________________________ [ 2.[ 1.
] ]_______________ [ [
1. entrance, 2. drainage ditch spaces, 3. hillsod, 4. logs or railroad ties.
5. water proof, 6.sod and soil. ______
__/ o \__
other... sod beehive/igloo house / with log-roof support. / [] [ [] ] ___--
other... sod-tunnel shelter ___-- ]
with slopping roof. [ ] two-wall
other...sod trench shelter: [ ] = windy.
same but half in ground.
other... cutting sod squares out, turn over to bake root-side in sun.
other... rolling sod squares out, by cutting long ways.
other... sod family house, for the praires. ____
[ ~~~~----__ <--- roof is
[ _ ] wood and
[ [_] ] thatching
108 ___[___________] + pitch?
branch buired in snow provides a grip for
tying down a tent. =`deadman` attachment.
house smoke goes through overlapping material on roof. // \ other... salish = nwest indian
o o
o ] o
o \ ] / o
o \ ] / o
_____o____ \ ] / ______o_____ <---ground level
\ \ / /
\ \ / /
built over a 3 ft deep pit, with teepee type rafters on center pillars.
small wood sticks/ribs on that, then thatched with bark, sod, and covered
with earth. roof supports and ladder for entering hole in roof door. = ants?
other... ; ;
_____ ______________
_____/ o ; o ~~-_
___/ o ; ] o ~--__
__/ o \ ; ] / o ~-_
/ o \ ; ] / o ~~~-_
/____o____ \ ] / ______o__o__o__o__]
\ \ fire /
\__________ o_o_o_o <-- enter
\ passage /
rib frame = horizontal logs
roof = rectanular pich of logs. Frame covered with many feet of branches and
earth and sod. area above passage = storage.
floors are covered with boughs and firs.
other... igloo /~~~~~~~\ permanent winter residence.
___ ___ / \ tunnel is a wind-break and
/ \ / \ / \_ storage area.
enter- ____[ ] ] [_ [ ] ] __________/ note the multiple dome/egg
\____[ ] ] { shape roofs. = strength.
other... eastern eskimo have off-round structures made from whale ribs,
covered with sod or stone five feet thick. common property means it belongs
to first occupant of the season. similar to an igloo.
other... cree / / \ year-round, minus 55`f weather, tree area,
/ / \ logs in semi-cone structure, placed side by
/ / ___ \ side verticly. cracks filled with mud, moss,
/ / \ \ pieces of bark, in that order? no smoke hole,
/ / \ \ but logs are left unsealed at top.
other...sub-arctic teepee, rib/frame = teepee, covered with bark and hides
not sewn together. all held together by added poles leaning up against the
hides. smoke hole at top.
other...wigwam = same as above but ribs were bent and tied, giving it a dome
shape look.
other...prairee. posts covered with smaller horozontal logs. these logs were
covered with brush, sod, then dirt. floor = 2ft below ground covered with
other... plains-teepee. covered with sewn boffalo-hide skin.
other... iroquois indian have long-house. poles set in ground. supported by
horozontal/set left to right/ poles along walls. roof = bent poles, frame is
covered by bark sewn in place and thatched as shingles. light-poles attached
on outside to hold roof in wind storm. smoke passes threw loosley attached
other...west coast. log frame covered with planks and bark. roof steepness
according to local rainfall.
other...pueblo anasazi-indian log flat-roof coverd with mud and stone.
multi-levels up to 5 stories. stone covered with clay or `mix clay/grass`
other...conical teepees:
covered with bark, brush and wood. sand piled around it as a wind-break.
many roof shapes: height, domed, flat, rectangle and pitches upon climate.
other...california = thatched roofs and walls, some covered with mud, when
dried, becomes as stucco surface. roofs domed or conicle. some covered with
bark, or thatched. ___________ _-_
other...central-plain. sim to long-house ] [ [ ]
but walls = woven sticks. roof = covered ] [ [ ]
with bark or thatched to repel rain.
smoke passes threw the roofing. no smoke hole. winter houses are made semi-
subteranian partly below ground. towns found of 30,000 of these forts.
other...indian sweat-lodge = small domed structure of bent poles covered
with hides, blankets, and branches. heated stones are rolled in. water is
poured on them for steam with sweat-grass and sage for good smell. bathers
stay in as long as they can. then jump in river.
about snow shelters: if area = windy, build a snow wall a few feet from the
shelter. reduce sweating, do not overheat it, iceing-up loses insulation and
breathing-strength. fill gas outside. drips can be stoped by placing snow on
the source. keep dig tools mit. keep xtra food mit. tasks = fire going at
all times, fuel, food get, check vent-holes & structure. trees with thick
lower branches will have a pit-shelter below already.
heating: heat lardge rocks one hour. dig hole, glowing hot rocks move with
sticks, drop in hole. cover with earth, place your sleep-bag over warm-spot.
other... pipe thimble protects tent from stove-pipe heat.
_]_[]_[_ view [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
] [] [ pipe in [ o ] <--two of these
] [ wall [ ] for both sides of
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; [ - - ] wall = metal
<---` [ / \ ] with big hole and
_____________ [ \ / ] screw holes.
] [ [ --- ]
_]_[]_[_ [ o ]
] [] [ [___________________]
other... pipe-stove:
_____________ [ ] -smoke flu
metal cover -------> {_____________} [ ]
[ __ _]__/ ]
[ ; ; _/
[ -- -----~
[ ]
[ ] -stove is
[ ] fed from
[___________] the top.
air intake -------> [ [_] ]
[ ] easy
[___________] pipe-size
other... koolik
_ _ 2.
<< > >___-----------__// ]
[ < 1.__/ // ] ]
[~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<__/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// ]~~~~~~~~~~]
[ 3. =======/===================/ ] ]
container carved from soap-stone or use any metal-container.
a piece of cloth, absorbant cotton, or dense moss use as a
candle-wick. 1.animal fats or lube-oil has no smoke.
metal or stone damper covering wick is the control.
wick is ===== in container of fat and ends at 2.
2. is the flame/heat 3.is melted fat. ]]=metal ~~=fat level in container.
other idea... heat stones in fire, put in tin cans, put many cans in shelter.
other... tin can stove:
____________________ use any tin can. fill partly with sand while
[ , ] holding a cloth-wick in place. soak sand with
[ `;`; ] fuel/oil, add more when stove is cold.
[ x ] make holes in can for air/smoke.
[________x___________] other...sleeping bag: collect bulrushes or
[ x ] cattails, fluff it up, place in cloth, and
[ xxxxxxx ] stitch.
other... snow cave ______/
_________________ _____/
air hole ____/ \__________/
\ _____/
___\ \ ______--------__________
_/ \ \___--~~ ~~--___
[ ] \_
[ _/ [ _/ ]
[ / ]
[ / _/
[____/ ___fire__/
[ ____sleep____/
[ _/
leave small hole at door for air, c.o.carbon-monoxide is color, taste and
odor-less, is most common caws of death in inclosed places/insulated area.
is produced by lack of oxegen to turn burnt-product to c.o.2=carbon-dioxide,
which = breath. hemoglobin in the blood absorbes c.o. 200x faster than
o.oxegen. c.o.breaks down hemoglobins ability to absorb oxegen, the body
will then starve/die. c.o.is `cumulative` and collects in your body over
many days. you will not know u r lacking o.oxegen, not breath-short, not
bluish-skin. first signs are fainting/collapsing, frontal headaches.
to clean your system note: 4 hours of fresh air reduces c.o.-level in you by
one-half. is a common death in winter.
other... snow cave survival: air-vent keep 3-4 inches. dig to ground-level
for it has its `own` heat supply. frosty-coating on ceiling after a cold
night = roof is to thin, add more snow on roof. in a few days ceiling may
`ice`hard, scrape it off so roof can `breath`. if ceiling is collapsing
down it is still good, if yet arched/dome shape. if roof sags, scrape the
inside to raise height. cook outside. snow cave = humid if warm outside.
sleeping bags should be turned inside-out, beat out frost and fluff them up.
do not burn all night, loses o.oxegen. make entrance easy-to find outside
in case of white-out storm.-this very true in lands with no features to mark.
other...drift-snow cave: 1.find spot of well packed drift-snow. dig a
chest-height hole into drift-
o __ o [__[__]__]
/]~ [ ] 2.dig rectange, /[~ [ ]
/ \ [ ] keep blocks ---> / \ [ ]
/ _/ \ front view
/ __ / _/
o /_[__]_ ______/
3.dig up /]~ / ]_/ 4. re-enter blocks
/ \ / ] side view 5. make air-vent in roof+floor.
other...packed snow igloo:
1.cover a pile of? branches/grass with cloth/plastic.
2. place snow on pile and pack it down. _------_
3. plug entrance with a stuffed-bag of leaves? { } o
use ever-greens to sleep on. { _ } ~] make air-hole in top of igloo. { { } } / 121
ice-block or earth-bag igloos: two types: 1.blocks layed like bricks.
or 2, sprial= each block is bigger than one before it. = easier.stronger.
other... snow trench:
[ ;: ] o oO
[ ;: ] 0 O top
\ ;: _____sleep___________] 0 O view
side \ ;: [ / O o
view \__: [ __/ 0 o0
~~~~~-----------~~~~ o O oO0 0 ooo0 0 oo
roof = tarp held down with snow blocks. door = curtain, 2 layers.
other... insulating a tent: using any store-bought type tent, floor it with
ever-green branches. make a rib/frame structure over it with sticks.
throw snow over it, do not pack the snow. powdered snow = good insulation.
fire: can burn end of stick to make pointed spear. can repel insects. can
make trunks or lardge sticks usable for shelter-building. can smoke out bees
to access honey, or animals out of holes n-2 traps. can blind fish at night.
-always carry matches on you. dip in parrafin-wax. many small fires better
than one big.
hardwood = slow burn, good coals, broad-leaf loose in fall. softwood = hot
fast fire, no coals, needle and cones, evergreen. wood for fire = know the
heat-value of different woods and how well it burns when green. what ones
make coals, what ashes, which pops, splits easy, starts fire easy. greenwood
means new-kill, resists fire. but why will wood burn? = oxegen + hi-temp F`
to ignite/excite compounds in wood. pyrolysis = no oxegen, hi-temp will
chemicaly break wood to release gasses that burn, heating/exciting/releasing
yet more gasses. e.g. logs added to a roaring fire will heat to 282`C
giving off gases. gasses need o.oxegen and 537`C to burn. peat-moss = plants
that did not decompose, for they lacked oxegen. dry it before use. it is
sim to charcoal and petroleum. and coal.
other... charcoal: makes hot, smokeless, fires, = lightest of all fuels.
note: wood burnt with much air, burns completely. if air is restricted, wood
gives off gasses and becomes charcoal. to produce charcoal: stack wood
tightly together. cover it with earth. ignite it in several places, and keep
a /maintain a `slow-burn` by allowing in small amounts of air:
_________________ at 260`C a chemical reaction occures making
/ ____________ \ -dirt the burning wood very hot which consumes
_/ __/ooO0oOooOoo0\ \__ the air. and turns the wood into carbon
/__/OOOwoodoOooO00o0\____\ __ (charcoal). the process can take a few days
][______]00()008)] ground depending on quantity being produced and
][__][ wood ][ ]] should be left in the pit until it cools.
\______________/ quality depends on wood used, e.g. hickory
birch, sugar maple, locust, mulberry in
order of black, yellow, red, paper, white.
odd trees: yellow ash and white ash burn better green. split better green.
other...carring embers: container = tin, horn, birch-bark or hardwood box.
fill with dry moss, place embers in moss. lasts for days! keep tended.
other... any concentration of carbon, hydrogen, and methane can act as fire.
this can be: dry peat moss, sea weed, animal dung, animal oils, dry leaves,
coal, oil that seeps to surface or saturated into, as tar-sand, animal fat,
or gasoline and oil mixed, or any plant but poisonous. note: rotting wood
is caused by fungi/mushrooms?:requires oxegen, humidity, and temp.60-90`f.
use anti-fungi stuff used under bread and in cereal packaging?
fire setting: 1.clean area 2.flame, spark, or other heat source or tinder.
tinder = birch bark, resin shavings, pitch or fat from cone trees which burn
-even when wet! punk = the dry insides of rotten tree trunks. cloth-lint,
rope/twine, dry powdered wood, shelf-mushrooms off tree trunks, pussywillows
(or cattails), wood-dust produced by insects under tree-bark. can saturate
with lamp-oil, gasoline, or alcohol based insect repelent. cut to powder be-
fore use. pitch in rotting logs. looks like resin wood-lamination on older
stumps. search old stumps looking yellow. grey stumps = too old.
fire starting: bow and drill fires. bow = shoe-lace, string, leather, etc.
use bow to spin a soft-wood dry drill-stick, pressed by a bearing-block of
hardwood. note:rotation and pressure of grinding on base-board, heats,
ignites, black powder falls, tinder smokes.
_=====_ -bearing block = pine knot with pit 1/4th in. deep.
/ \ smooth stone or marble set inside.
] - drill = stick top is rounded + greased
] bottom is pointed
_--~~~~~~--_ - bow = 2 feet long, string grips drill.
[~~~~~X~~~~~] - base board = cedar, cypress, tama, bass, or cotton wood.
:;; - tinder make hole for drill in board so blacks can
fall down on tinder:
[] - drill
____________ [] in
[\ __ \ -base board- _______[]________
\\ ____\/____\ views \/ - board
\[____/\_____] _______/\_________
other... type used a flywheel and cross-bar-peddle that winded back up to
be pressed down again by user.
other... south-sea fire maker
[________] - hard wood plunger ; the plunger is hit repeatedly
] [ ;
] [ ; with palm of hand. The air
] [ ;
_] [_ ; inside is so hi-ly compressed
[ ] [ ] - bamboo tube ;
[ ] [ ] ; (ozone? o3) that heat is made
[ ] [ ] greased inside ;
[ ] [ ] ; igniting the tinder to flame.
[ ]______[ ] - plunger wraped with ;
[ ] =====[ ] fiber 2-b air-tight ;
[ ]===== [ ]
[ ] ~~~~ [ ] - dried moss stuk to
_/ \ Xx / \_ inside-end by fiber
{ }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - bamboo joint
other... magnesium fire-blocks. sold in stores = aluminum + magnesium alloy?
cut/scratch shavings off it with knife. ignite shavings by striking knife on
included flint rod of block.
other... candle
other... lens from eye-glass, magnifying glass, or telescope - binoculars.
other... battery with wires in tinder, or tinder in cars cigarett lighter.
other... flint and quartz: flint is jet-black. split rock with rock, if its
flint, it will crack like glass, with smooth black sheen inside. flint is
found in river-beds or hill-sides with loose rock. Quartz is white like dull
glass. steel or iron struck by any glassy stone will spark to ignite tinder.
indians use iron-pyrites instead of iron or steel. note:magnesim-flint alloy
on steel saw-blade = lardge sparks. tinder = cotton wool, or?
other... pour `potassium permanganate` crystals (mild anti-septic) from first
-aid kit on paper, add a few drops anti-freeze (???), close in paper. put in
tinder. wait a few minutes.
other... pack lint or shredded cloth into egg-carton pits, cover each with a
layer of wax. lasts 5 to 15 min. when flame started. lit.
other... cattail torch, dippped in oil or animal fat.
other... birch-bark torch
other... fire-plough: a hard-wood stick is pushed with heavy pressure along
the length of a soft board. ____\________
automatic fire: line pit with other... _ stove back or green logs
stone. / \ to reflect heat into the
\\ note: [ ] shelter.
\\ __ / wet [ ]
\\ / \ // rocks [ ]
__ \\ _[__]_ //___ can _ [ ]
\O \\ // 0 / explod [ ]
\) \\ // oO/ when [ ]___XxX_
\O \_ //o/ heated [ ] \O o/ [ ] ]
\00oO[ ] [ ] ]
other... cover embers in ashes, then dirt, to use later.
other... heat sand in frying-pan, pour into cloth bags, sleep with.
other... punch holes in tin can, put in embers, put can in tent.
other... heat glass bottle, dip base in cold water,breaks off, put candle in
and glass in dirt.
other...wood ash = potassium, decreases acidity of garden soil. potassium-car
-bonate is extracted from it to make soap = lard + wood ash.
rags, paper, tinder, soaked in solvent, paint, or other petrol-chemical can
with oxegen, raise in temp/heat, and burst into flame.
life cycle of fire: starts in location were fuel(carbon/hydrogen) and oxegen,
and temp. are correct. The heat chemicaly breaks the fuel, gives off gasses,
which ignite, burn, spread, ignite,burn,spread,ignite,etc. To stop it you
must remove one of the three. -hydrocarbon, temp, or oxegen. At 200-370`C
wood will glow, at 426`C bursts to flame. 1230`C = temp of fire.
How to escape a forest fire: -go down hill, dont wear plastic or wet clothes.
use dry sand to cover skin. jump into a burnt or clear area if can. Breath
threw a `dry` cloth over mouth/lungs. Have private-oxegen. e.g. a milk-jug.
find pit, cover self in dirt.
hot-tub water heater: dig a depression in ground, line with water-proof
plastic (rubber from dandelions), place cold stone in water first, so hot
rocks from fire wont touch plastic. then fill with water and hot rocks.
other... Yukon Stove: use stone, mud, straw, grass, rocks, metal box, and
flat-rock griddle... . ,
other... ;
cook Dakota ; .
____~~~~ __ hole-fire _______
[ ] [ \ for prarie [ cook ]
/ ] \___] area. __\_____/ ____ air _____
[ ] [ ] - oven ] [ ] / /
[___/ [___] box ] [ ] /
green ;; / \ ] [____] /
wood? - ;; / ] ] XxX <-- /
rock ;; fire [ \ - ground ] fire ___/
door ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
other...Baking-soda substitute = add white wood ash to flour = soda+potash.
do not use a resinous wood, e.g. pine tree wood. other.
other...Hobo Stove: metal can with air-holes on it.
__________ other... [ ] <--flu old 45 gal.
[ ] __[ ]_______ half-barrel stove
[ ] [ ] can be use in a
[ ] [ ] shelter.
[ o o o ] [ ___]
[ o o o o] <--air [ XxX [ air/wood
[__________] [ fire [ <--hole
other...cooking in paper: steam food wrapped in wet newspaper or place food
in paper bag, just above coals, no flame, spray with water as paper dries.
wrap food in three sheets/layers so steam stays in.
other... testing oven temp: sprinkle a teaspoon of flour on heated surface.
the color of the flour after 5 minutes tells you:
temperature color
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
250-325`F light-brown
325-400`F golden brown
450-500`F deep-dark
232-260`C brown
note: a good fire will bring water to a boil in 5 min also.
fuel-can stove: is a strip of corregated? cardboard rolled up and put in a
tuna can. pour in hot wax and let cool, holding wick in place .
other... cardboard box oven: line with aluminum foil. place hot charcoal
along inside edges of box, place box over food, and a small/stone under one
edge to let in air. know 40` per briquette charcoal piece = 10 for 400`F oven
other... saw-blade = carbon steel
other... solar oven = reflective metal? note: ashes = great insulator of heat
other... to carry water: use birch-bark or pant-leg cloth.
other... use foil to reflect heat onto food. note: white/black colors heat?
clay baking: wrap meat in leaves or paper, then clay. bury in embers, then
sand, wait 7 minutes per pound meat.
other... steaming food. ,,
[______] -- food tray
[ ] ] ]
[~]~~]~] -- water level
[ o o o ]
[ ] -- tin can or
[ ] hobo stove
other... steaming in a hole: dig hole in sand, heat stones, roll stones into
hole. place layer of wet grass over stones, then food, then more wet grass,
then sand. pierce hole into sand. pour in added water. pack sand sand so
steam will not escape. let for several hours. no need to skin, scale, or
pluck the animal. only remove intrails/food-paths used in/by animal.
other... clay hollow in dirt-bank with hole for smoke.
other... egg in mud, 1/2 in. thick, put on coals 20 min.
drying / smoking food. \:/ ...air out
smoky fires keep X /
egg-laying flies away. /;\_ teepee
other...jerky strips on _/_;_\\ - walls=
grill, near coals. // ; \\ bark,
other... pemmican: pound //___;___\\ ...air in sod,
a pound of jerky to powder, // ; \\ / ashes?
pour in liquid fat or gel, // ; \ add dried fruit. store in ~~~~~~~~~~] [~~~~~~~] [~~~~~~~~ - floor
porous bags to limit wet. \ \___--~ {
keep vitamin `c` in reach. \____ XxX / - fire
142 ~~~---~~
food silo, for corn, carrots, apples:
= dig hole in dry area, line with rocks,
place vegetables in, place dry straw, twigs, grass, and flat stones over it.
insect eating: provides more protein than meat. e.g. moths, may-flies, etc.
attract them with a light at night, /
some will hit the cloth and /\ / <-- light source,
fall in the water-tray. ][ / cloth at angle,
if its to cold for flying, look under / ;__; water tray.
rotten logs and stones.
Ants have `formic acid` and taste bad? red ants and night-butterflies are
edible. Grasshoppers, termites, locusts, crickets: take off wings, legs.
cook till dry, or in a stew. = treat of babylonian world.
boil bones for 2 hours, keep grease. Never eat offal of a fish, gut it out.
note: smell attracts insects! all sea-weed is edible. see edible plants
-in these notes p.293-300!
finding water: porous containers evaporate, wet on stays cooler. sip, do
not guzzle, drink not much at one time. source = a well, high water-table,
or pool. watch for old paths, trails or markers of man or? dig in dry
creek-bed on outer-bend. note: dunes hold water, desserts do not, dig in
low area where some plants are. At beaches or salty lakes dig 100ft from
shore, or behind the first dune, but only down to wet sand, lower may be
salty. note: dew and condensation settle on cold surfaces, e.g. metal,
grass, smooth-rocks, but gone at sunrise. try `natural deposits` in
channel gullies, behind lardge rocks, under a cliff. try watching birds at
morning and evening. try cactus pulp. ! purify ! all your water. or watch
for notable natural damp spots on ground = a hi water-table spot. try old
mine water = tainted with mining by-products, yuck! try watching plants...
-cattails, willows in area = much water. -write others in here-...
try watching animals, insects, bees, birds, were they go. e.g. grazing
animals go morning and evening to a favorite water-spot. Doves pirch in
the trees-close-to-water at evening. listen. birds fling low gives info too.
water tables in a healthy forest are commonly 4 feet. down. beside a creek
dig 2 feet hole in mud or damp area. use it. Wet sand in a cloth can be
pressed for water.
___.. ...____ Impervious layers of earth keep water out. Most
\ `.. ..` / store bought filters = a 3 micron filter, then
\ '-O-` / a `iodinated` resin` filter ,then a coconut based
\ . / carbon filter to clean up.
\ / <-- Extracting water from soil with stone on plastic
\_[_]__/ over can in pit.
collecting water: not always at lowest ground area, watch birds. its usualy
not in the sun light, but in shady place.
other...wet sand
or muddy water \:/
can be strained X
throuugh layers /:\ - pour water at top
of cloth. / ; \
/-_;_-\ - filter
/ ; \ - filter
/\___;___/\ - filter with charcoal
/\_ ~ _/\ to remove bad
/ ~--_--~ \ taste + odor
/ . / ;_; \ - catch cup
other... plant condensation method:
/ _ \
/ _\ _ \
/ \ / \
[ _ /_ _ \_
[ _ ] / \ dig shallow hole beside plant-of
/ _\ _ ] many-leaves. place plastic?-bag
\ ~\ [ [] ] over plant and partly down hole.
~;;____[___ __[]______]____ tie mouth of bag around base of
] [ plant. Plant will collect water
]~~~~[ with its root system. works a
\__/ few days if plant is not in
direct sun.
other... distilation:
____--------_ ___ vapor
vapor tube - /,---~~~~~~~~ / \ - cools, collects,
,,// [ ] condenses to
< S > __[~~~]__ pure h2-o water.
_<___>_ _/
fire - [] [] __/ S = strange water
_[]_XxX_[]___/ or piss, boiled.
other... Conserving water: no coat/shirt on may feel cooloer, but the evapor
-ating is you loosing water, sunburn. spend day in shade..`and` out of suns
u.v. rays. and from grounds/sands hotter than the air. Move slower. spread
clothing in sun/air to kill fungus + keep dry. drink water with salt, 1/4th
spoon of salt per 8 cups water. or one per gallon?. Chew on grass or stick
to keep water in mouth, stops thirst. Breath trough nose, no talking.
dehydration/lack of water/salt is the root to bigger health problems.
hunting: moose horn, blade of grass between thumbs or in split-end of branch.
strike and rub to rocks to attract squirrel. use toxic plants to paralize
fish in water. stand in smoke to hide human-scented-soap-shampoo and smells.
put on vegetation,colors, shapes that disfigure any sim to a mans image.
Do not move fast. or raise your own food -insects! or learn to use a throw-
stick = two feet long with one heavy end, practice throwing at targets.
ground-bird traps: conicle tunnel in dirt bank with trail of seeds.
\ __
___----] \ _- ] a board with hole,
_---~~~ ] \ or [ ] bird puts head in to
~~~---___ . .]. ..\. .. . [ O ] get grain, feathers
~~~~ [ /.. . . .. . keep from drawing out.
[_/ .
.. . .
~~~~~~~~~~~\ /~~~~~~ - bird head caught in bottle-neck under ground.
/ \ easy in, hard to get out.
/..:;. or...
or...one-way entry: _-----___--------_____
______________ [ _____ ]
x /========= /~~]~ ~~~~~~~~/----~
x / O ] [_ x_________\_======== . .. ~~~~~~~~~~~[ ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ ]
_/ \_
x = `see-out` mesh. [ ]
bottle buried in field. flat-stone
gathering the prey: From far suported by rock over it.
away, begin walking around and
toward trap in a spiral path.
beating grass, smoke, noise to other... one-way netting for birds.
get animals/insects out and
herded to shelter under trap. ____ ..-"~~ <><> _ _
Use gloves and a bottle aged [ ] < <><> /--~
for weeks to remove human scent [ ]_<_<><>_________
___ see-saw on a box. heavy door on end. bait `j` in
___----[~~~~ / other end. trigger in bait slips, door goes down,
/ [ / bait goes up hole of box
] _______[_______
][ [ ; ] other... noose on a stick = a loop that tightens.
[ j ]
other... pit falls: = see-saw at ground level over hole.
other... boiled evergreen sap is sticky trap for birds.
other... wire-noose behind stones where quail-birds hide.
two wire can be twisted to act as a noose.
but the sting-type need sticks to hold the loop-shape up.
other... find run-ways they already use, narrow the way with sticks/or? to
guide them to the trap. find natural traffic points and place
bait to see how often the trail is used. hide your scent.
leave no other trace or smell. guiding a boys mind is no different.
guide many.
active snares: flat spring or coiled:
other...center stick dosnt touch
/ the ground
; ; . tension
. ; _;;_;:;. - of bent 0 [
; ;;; ;;; tree [ __--o
;; ; ;'; [ __--~~~ [
;; ; \ o~~ x [
;; \ ;; _-- [ [\ [
;; \ ;;; _ [ \ [
;; \ ;;; / [ bb
;; \ ;; [ big [ \
;; _ \ ;;; [ tree \[
;; /. `.. .. \;__ [ [
/;;; \/ . ` _- -- -~;;;;; [
;; | `. ,' ;;;; [ 3-d view [
noose trigger tension line (not shown) is tied
to `x`, you/viewer = direction of
pull, but stiks bb + o,o resist.
other... bb = bait,when tuged,lets it go.
bait in box releases tension, tall also, noose(not shown) is tied to
branch pulles nooses tight. e.g... `x`and the noose-loop is in a circle
___ under`bb`on the ground.
; ; ; \ <-- string to bait/trigger down into hole
___;______\__ and third string to noose for other end of box
[ ; o ] is not shown by this pic.
;;;;;;; ;;;
other... ;;; ;;;
portable block-trigger ;; ;;
;; - tension ;
;; \ ;;
;; \ ;;
\ ;;
\ ;;;
\ ;;;
/\ ;;
/ \ ;
/ \ ;;;
/ \ ___ ;;;; - block
noose - _/ \. \ [ ]_____/ ties to any
/ ; \ [ ] ;;;;\ tree
/ \ [__ ] ;;;;
/ ; \ 0 / ] ;;;
[ ; \ // / ] ;;;;
[ bb__ . \// [ ] ;;;;
[ \__ / [ ] ;;;;
\_ /\ // [ ] ;;;;
[ ; / L_ [ ] ;;;;
; ~-_ --_ [ ] ;;;;
[ ; ~-_ --_ [ ] ;;;;
[ ; ~-_ -[ ] ;;;;
\ ; ~-[ o ]_____/
- _; [___] ;;;; key: ;;;;
bb - bait ;;;;;;
tension is on stick L to 0 ;;;;;;;
L to o = trigger stick ;;;;;;;;
o is also a bolt, ;;;;;;;;;
...it is movable, but not `re`movable.
a noose is a loose knot that allows a big loop to tighten when pulled.
bb-bait is in center of the loop. use grease or salt for bait.
rock or tree `dead-fall` trap: ______
; `-_ - rock
; [; \ o = slip stone
[ \ [ ; ;
[ ; _[__bb ; ;
[ ; ;
[ ; }
[ ; /
169 o ;_-~
spear hooks: branch cut to shape
__ ,
/ /\ \ _
\/ \__ ___ \ ~--__
\ ~~--__ ___ \ ___ \ \---__/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /
\ / \/
disease in through your skin from fish slime, keep cuffs and collars clothing
g.p.s. navigating tools use 24 `navstar` satalites used first by military to
guide missiles. signal supplied to public gps users are kept part inaccurate
for saftey reasons.
weather signs?: flies are more active befor rain, and fish bite better.
campfire smoke stays near ground before a storm and fish swim near surface.
dew on grass = there will be no rain that day.
lightning storm: stand on a bad conductor.
cordage from nettle-weeds: collect, dry, crush with smooth rock to expose
pith-sponge center. bend the nettle, peel pith out, rub stips of pith fiber
between hands, or slowly pull while rotating over round smooth wood.
Braid several of these together. nettel can grow to seven feet long.
-pic...(cant draw) has sharp leaves, small sun-flower shaped flower = yellow.
rattle-snake: black pit under eye, attacks only moving things. do not lift
stones, logs, etc. without high-boot shoe and stick. wear bite resistant
cloth up to knee. do not gather wood at night. do not walk in tall grass
nor put hand or feet where u cant see them, when hicking step on logs,
not over them where you cant see. do not reach into holes. snakes are often
in the shade. show care along paths and low bushes. they climb trees and
swim well. always watch the ground. if u cant remeber all this just start
-bugs...write info in here. - COPY -
insect diseases: flies, mosquitoes, lice, ticks, mites carry our most
serious diseases -typhoid fever, dysentery, malaria, brain fever, yellow
fever. kills 100,000 people each year. try screening, bed nets, insecticide
repellents, protect food from egg-laying flies and other vermin, bugs, rats.
touch not what they have tuched. keep body covered.
-trees: - copy -
290-292 mushrooms? data
-293-300 plants, edible! - COPY - !!!
-301-310 body, bandage, fracture, get data:
dislocated jaw: cause = a big yawn? fix = have person face you. press down
moving thumbs along teeth of lower jaw as far back as possible.
while pressing down with your thumbs, slightly raise the chin with your palms
the jaw will suddenly fall back in place.
-312,313 remedies and poisonous plants - copy - !
-314-319 insect info -get!
322-325 snake, animal, and frost bites
330 oxegen?
335-338 cpr, and respirating aid
339 bleeding, burns, poisons.
- . - . - . - . - . -
researched...first-aid reports
arm, leg, and thigh bone fractures are real, have board, coffin and sheets
ready. "splint them were they lie" meaning = disable any movment above or
below the fracture with board and sheet strips before moving the person or
even his position were he lies.
other... hernia = gut pressed through muscle tissue due to pressure and will
not return back. usually happens around the stomach/belly. avoid it,
do not lift heavy things the wrong way, bend your knees, not your back when
lifting things.
insect stings: remove stinger + poison sack. yellow jakets, bees, hornets,
and wasps inject under skin, do not pinch stinger, it will release more
poisons and the smell well call others to bite. Note: a person stung on the
-mouth or neck can swell up and block the air passage /stop breathing.
to avoid: destroy nests and holes in ground, do not wear perfume or floral
prints = do not look or smell like a flower. keep trash drop far from camp.
Be calm, slowly back away. do not swat or use any violent motion.
eat vitamin b `thiamin`, its smell in your skin keeps them away?
avoid lands of slow- or standing water areas, or dense grasses.
be - sure - you... -have a good bed-net, -your immunization shots are up to
date /but dont trust anyone with a needle these days. wash self and clothes
2x a week atleast. -keep pants in boots. Every day wash the body areas
that sweat the most. in/out gates. Use foot and talcum powder for dry.
wear loose-fit clothing. Females need to drink water/salt and not resist
bowel movments (for lack of privacy) more than men,this prevents many common
infections that guys never problem get.
-315 insects and disease, - copy -! pics.
transmission of 10 diseases by 8 insects by landing on water, food, drinks,
and open sores. or when biting. remove chiggers and ticks by covering with
a light paste. in a few minutes they should back out for lack of air, if
paste was not to thick, or else remove with tweezers, but do not crush nor
break off its head. = hook-teeth = diseases
scorpions, yellow and black stripes, are deadly. do not put hands and feet
were u cant see. always check shoes before on.
coral snake: red band near yellow will kill. slow blood in bite area with
-pressure point. rattlesnake bites must be helped with in 4 hours. if it
cant be done -sterilize with an antiseptic or soap and water. then knife
cut both teeth mark holes o o 1/4th in deep X X do not cut veins, muscle
or other. succ vennom out, have a succor with first-aid kit.
rabbits have a special germ/virus that can kill also
325 avoid frost-bite or trench-foot. know the temperature, keep feet dry.
330 hyperventilate = rapid breathing caused by fear or? = lack of c.o.2
or `carbon dioxide`. make person breath in a bag. till calm.
331 heatstroke: = not enuff salt-water
335 c.p.r. air support: u exhale 16% oxegen, which is enuff to sustain
another person. tilt persons head back and up. breath for him.
blood-flow support: follow rib up to chest, place hand firmly at two
fingers above the wish-bone? were the arch or split is, press down on chest.
in a rythem of pressure and releases. return to air-support-c.p.r. repeats.
till person comes to, or help 666 comes. if desired.
eye pupils that move when hit with light is a good sign.
cpr book = breathing air into people, 15 compressions /on the chest bone
at the lower end/, 2 breaths, 15 compressions, 2 breaths...etc. at a rate
of 80 compressions per minute. victims must be placed on a hard floor for
com-pressings to work. head must be lower than heart, feet must be higher
than heart.
340 get a `tetanus` shot for deep-wound resistance. dont eat canned food that
has buldged, or u will to.
342 acid burns: use baking soda = sodium bicarbonate. with water.
alkali burns: use 1p vinegar with 6p water. never vinegar alone.
343 object in eye: pull upper eye-lid down over lower eye-lid.
constepation: dont allow hard/dry things to build inside you. watch what
and how it is eaten. it will be in you for about 3 days. so keep note.
mix-eat soft or fiberous foods like grass, like horses, goats, watch how
food in these vegetarians passes. eat like-wise. be kind to your bowels
your tummy-tubes.
344 poisons: if breathed -give fresh air, cpr if breath is weak.
if swallowed -coustic or corrosive, makes yellow, black, grey
stains and pain. do not vomit.
-not coustic, then vomit = tickle back of mouth
or drink strong salt-water.
if acid: take one-half table-spoon vinegar in cup of water.
if alkali: take 2 table-spoons vinegar in cup water or lemon/lime juice.
if do not know: drink cold water, then drink raw eggs or flour and
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