Wednesday, July 05, 2006


mtb-dos.txt - - - - root-sector virus-protection for pc,

install before anything else gets on the hard-drive, even system?
this is stb prefered type found on a win95 ibm thinkpad laptop 2004-5

PKUNZIP (R) FAST! Extract Utility Version 2.04g 02-01-93
Copr. 1989-1993 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. Shareware Version
PKUNZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.

þ 80386 CPU detected.
þ XMS version 3.00 detected.
steves root-directory for the ibm, some of these are 'hidden' files
copy them and consider these strange files the best anti-virus yet.
it'll make u panic when u see the wisdom of this setup.
note also that the config.sys has only one-line, autoexec.bat simply says
'win' there are no paths! so virus cant travel easily. get these files!
pkzip.exe can copy hidden files and remove the attrib. you may need attrib
to re-hide these files when installed on your pc. place them in the order
seen here, remember some of these listed are not needed. type attrib to see.
features 'attr'


Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Attr Name
------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- -------- ---- ----
5166 DeflatX 1141 78% 10-06-99 12:14 3f0c4063 -hr- SUHDLOG.DAT
458 DeflatX 189 59% 03-05-05 18:12 386a2bce -hw- BOOTLOG.PRV
96337 DeflatX 11916 88% 03-05-05 23:25 edd8cbbb -hw- BOOTLOG.TXT
93812 DeflatX 42335 55% 08-24-96 11:11 c70c231b --w- COMMAND.COM
35945 DeflatX 4223 89% 10-06-99 11:50 bf8ca7df shw- DETLOG.OLD
1949 DeflatX 871 56% 10-06-99 13:07 a7962950 shw- DETLOG.TXT
15 Stored 15 0% 01-01-04 00:43 2d0e5102 --w- AUTOEXEC.OLD
65271 DeflatX 29233 56% 08-24-96 11:11 dd60833d shr- DBLSPACE.BIN
1650 DeflatX 258 85% 03-03-02 10:05 25c6dcd2 shr- MSDOS.SYS
65271 DeflatX 29233 56% 08-24-96 11:11 dd60833d shr- DRVSPACE.BIN
9 Stored 9 0% 10-06-99 11:45 eb9f9f38 -hw- MSDOS.---
48497 DeflatX 10887 78% 10-06-99 12:21 b67ae8ad -hw- SETUPLOG.TXT
214836 DeflatX 158547 27% 08-24-96 11:11 53d28bfa shr- IO.SYS
30 Stored 30 0% 01-04-80 09:24 6b6dccdb --w- CONFIG.OLD
489 DeflatX 195 61% 10-06-99 11:56 6750befd --w- NETLOG.TXT
129078 DeflatX 44012 66% 08-24-96 11:11 bc2f4991 -hw- LOGO.SYS
516 DeflatX 260 50% 03-13-05 10:46 bc88b95b --w- SCANDISK.LOG
402872 DeflatX 96852 76% 10-06-99 12:14 1ada1b62 shr- SYSTEM.1ST
3333 DeflatX 832 76% 03-05-05 17:09 fa50198c --w- DIR
53871 DeflatX 18328 66% 02-24-04 12:55 a5158446 --w- NU-USER.TXT
4096 DeflatX 637 85% 03-17-04 19:08 82dd14f0 --w- FILE0001.CHK
16384 DeflatX 10144 39% 03-17-04 19:08 3f9e537a --w- FILE0002.CHK
4096 DeflatX 2698 35% 03-17-04 19:08 3458a450 --w- FILE0003.CHK
file 4 - 28 removed to fit on floppy
573440 DeflatX 356114 38% 11-03-04 14:04 593e59a3 --w- FILE0029.CHK
8192 DeflatX 1230 85% 11-03-04 14:04 b1730ee7 --w- FILE0030.CHK
8192 DeflatX 1073 87% 11-03-04 14:04 20974a95 --w- FILE0031.CHK
32768 DeflatX 7829 77% 11-03-04 14:04 5b5e3eb6 --w- FILE0032.CHK
16384 DeflatX 4687 72% 11-03-04 14:04 e87a1761 --w- FILE0033.CHK
60 Stored 60 0% 03-05-05 16:56 f6562605 --w- CONFIG.SYS
834 DeflatX 447 47% 03-05-05 18:33 3c8fc404 --w- WARNING-.TXT
835 DeflatX 449 47% 03-05-05 18:34 28315d2a --w- README.TXT
2705 DeflatX 535 81% 03-07-05 19:34 43880c7c --w- ATT
5 Stored 5 0% 03-13-05 08:39 dccc0232 --w- AUTOEXEC.BAT
42166 DeflatX 41799 1% 02-01-93 02:04 8359fff0 --w- PKZIP.EXE
5 Stored 5 0% 03-12-05 10:29 dccc0232 --w- AUTOEXEC.ANY
------ ------ --- -------
1929567 877078 55% 35


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