Wednesday, July 05, 2006


s-egl.txt - - - - papers from + nfo 2005?

box 118 \porthill,id. 83853 \eagle-research, or box 641 \creston, b.c.\v0b 1g0
8/94 u.c.c. 1-207 ,order room:250/428-8762,
selected for use on a 220-240, 2hsp. well pump

green books:
- the energy conserve theory, book 1 and 2
- capacitive transformer
- capacitive battery charger

other books/research papers:
- capacitor step-up transformer # 363-a
- high effeciency generator # hfg9
- 5,000 watt inverter # 579 10 parts!
- free energy from the earth # 459 1volt + 5amp ,add # 363a
- home-made battery # 396
- t.henry moray # 500 heats/lights a home /no moving parts
henrys voltage multiplier diagram from 'radient energy` circut, cold-fusion
killed in 1900`s for it.

battery charger by Mich at \
- fueless heater # 878p
- free electricity from telphone # 359

other voltage multiplier diagrams:
- reusing florescent lights # 377
- highvoltage doubler 9,000v # 379 ?

may use 120v ac to 12v dc converter/batter charger, big 40 amp type from...
anpat electric \1145 e.dominguez st. \carson, ca. 90746 (from traffic advisor)
see also \south african patent # 831,296 =more out than in!

special offers adds from rick harrison at \a.d.2003
creative science and research \ 557 new albany, in.47151
no name, any voltage, no amp loss
- no name\step-up transformer # 363-a
- 318% ovr-unity pmt-magnt motor # 403 japan has many o-uz, but gt kild 4 it
- anti gravity sphere # 405 sim.2 t.t.brownz \ctrlz \me size!make.
- ed v grey engine # 362 cold powered\sim.2 hi-eff.motor?
- ev engine revealed # 362r every detail \not general info
- solarcells home-made # 401 s.p.=screen printing the chemical on
to the glass,rubber,paper,etc. /c-n art store/+how2 make copper-chlorine cells
- joe newman motor #joen secrets to running it over-unity!
- anti-gravity aircraft # 409 one of many us-ufo tests
- gravitational force field # 410 a 1971 patnt\ tool 4 a...

shipping add $3, $5 if out u.s. /for c.o.d.-ph.812-949-2394 + add $9

information big-brother and oil companies do not want you to know.
they will track you down. they got the resources.

-the fuelless heater #878p /c.2000 creative science - plans

the - water as fuel! - series at /rick harisson?

4 energy way /box 118 /porthill, idaho 83853-0118 /fax:250-492-7480
isbn# 1-895882-37-0 /inventor = eugene frehette? /u.s. patent# 4,143,639

- . - . - . -

atomic-friction cold-fusion heaters #878p oil page 1-4 of 14. electrons
forced to change orbit - or levels - makes heat. easy made. a man built his
out of an old washing-machiene tub for $15 per.month. hooked to thermostat
and by-passed it into his present furnace heating-ducts.
may use fan-blower motor to run it. for fireplace or space-heater use only. x is to small, takes to long to reach desired btu`s and wastes
electric to have fan-blower on that long. but x is perfect!
gets to 250.degrees in +90.sec

tip: -a plan for a new model, smaller ,hotter by using multiple-disks < 1

tip: try insulating the zinc or metal drum-shaft from the stator-housing.

tip: if u try using water instead of oil for fluid it may split the atoms
producing hydrogen and oxegen gas

tip: the rotor and stationary parts have the same geometry - a cone-cylinder
or a drum-shape

liquid-fluid can be water, soda, sugar-water? h220, test others....
oil transmission-fluid for cars works best?

use stainless-steel or aluminum if liquid = water

- . - . - . -

start with a small model using 2 metal soup cans. the one that fits inside
the other should have ~1/8 th in. clearance around all sides and 1/4 th in.
or 7/16 th in. space between inside of both bottoms. use a drill-press for
rotating the inner-can with-in the thin-oil that is in the bottom of the
out-er can...
1/8th in. /inner-drum is rotor. it turns. /thin oil or transmission-fluid
outer can. is the stator and does not turn. /u may try using a aluminum
soda-can! /pivot-mount = thin 1/8 th in. hardboard, silicon-glued to bottom
of out-er can in-side.

tip - the smoother the side of the cans are...the better results i got.
92' degrees in ~ 12 min.!

most soup-cans have ridges on sides of them.

spin inner-can at 1700 rpms. 2150 is best?
use high-temp. automotive silicon to attach parts.

u can use old lid to the outer-can. silicon-glue it back in place
drill hole in center for shaft to ride in. this is atomic-type friction.
its a safe-atomic reaction? slow. heat not coming from pivot area! try it
without oil or water and see!

- . - . - . -

another model....

had a 30 in. diameter cup-shape rotor. not drum-shape. it used a 1/2f
horse-power motor to turn it. and does not need to rotate at high-speed.
got 200`degrees - 300!

tip - aluminum is best for outer can or cup-shap models

a mechanical resonance can accur in the liquid at the right thermal-vibration
to get yet hotter! somthing like how a singers voice can break a glass.atoms

other sizes and shapes can make cavitation or shockwaves. the design and
geometry has alot to do with it. - see victor shaubergers work /egg-shapes
God 6000 years p.4

- . - . - . -

the pethagarus-kepler school in ausberg /austria? germany by callum coats.
tesla or edison? sacred-living geometrey from of victor
shauberger. eugene v? edward? ed. v. grey. or one-wire batter-charger by
mich! at / /.ecobattery. /
www.eagle-research. /.creative research/ e-mail /mitch

inner-drum = rotor. inside is hollow, not solid. you can add oil into here
the inner-drum about 1/2 to 1/4 full. may make heater run better?
add ed. grey electrical magnets patent? uses and capacitors
to step to 600v + 1.amp

- . - . - . -

use this atomic cold-fusion heater for hot water or electricity! via a steam

tip - magnets placed around outside stator-can, creates a
shorted-out-generator effect, using inner-rotating-drum as a receiver.
this also adds another effect? producing yet more heat!
4 magnets are placed north south north south . ceramic. heat weakens magnets

use our #362 hv-coils in our catalog or #hv-emp plans
multiple disks or more-than-one may add to the effect. see model-d on p.14

- . - . - . -

model-b. p.5
[pic] arrows pointing to different parts of what looks as can in a can
with a stick running bottom to above top at center.
with these labels:
1/2f in. top-bolt turns rotor. or use any size \inner-drum steel or stainless
paint-can type? \ 7/16th in space \bottom-plate \ 1/2.f .in flange-bearing
optional -make holes bigger than the two bolts so you can move flange-
bearing to line-it-up center. than tighten bolts. \inner-drum shaft bolt is
1/ hex bolt with the head cut off. a nut,2 washers, and 1 lock-nut
centered in top of drum. use a one-gallon paint can? 1/ bolt hole make
1/ bigger if u have an flange-bearing. grease roller-bearings area.
\aluminum outer-drum is roofing-flashing from a herdware store \small
machine-bolt. bolt center and round off tip with a sander or file?
[pic] a circle-shaped plate with a flat top-view and side-view with these
6-32 threaded holes \top plate \top view. drill 2 holes for flange-
bearing to fit.

- . - . - . - . -

[pic] shows a model with can-in-can all covered with motor and fan-blade
connected and a thermostat and battery connected to that and a solar-panel
with charge control connected to battery. also big [pic] of a flange-bearing
with arrow pointing to small area on unit were it is. many labels about pic
that read: cold air in - hot air out \thermostat \12v deep-cycle
\4-amp solar-panel \charge-control \fan blower-motor...if using ac use 1200
watt inverter. if using our free-energy motor #??? fan-blade in motor-mount
\flange-bearing \unit bolted down to a heavy metal case \p.

list of tools:
- grey duct-tape \screwdriver,hammer \copper-plus high-gasket sealer
700`degree silicon-type from automotive-store? ;to seal seam of outer-drum
;to seal bottom of heater plate ;to keep unit from leaking oil or liquid or
whatever fluid you use. \ 1 5/8th in. x metal pipe ;used to round
aluminum flashing so it fits well. first drill holes, than round.
\hack-saw ;to cut the head off a 1/ zinc/metal plated bolt. which is
used as the-top-inner-drum-shaft \fas-weld automotive-repair-epoxy is
like steel when it dries ;to weld seam of alluminum stator housing
;sand and clean surface well first before using epoxy. or use heavier guage
aluminum and have a fabricating shop roll it for you. \pc-7 heavy-duty
multi-purpose epoxy-paste. only rated for 200`degrees \drill-press is
better than a hand-held for testing - blower fan-motor must turn inner-drum
and turn a fan-blade to pull cold-air up, and circulate hot air around.
\tape set 6-32 machine-screw thread . drill-bit size = 1/8th in. \if
you dont buy our kit you must cut your own bottom and top plates.
drill holes in the 1/4th in. sides then tap them out, thread them or ask
machine shop were to get lazer-cutting done. p.8

- . - . - . -

home furnace design model p.9
a pulley-belt would take the motor away from the heat. talk to any heating
company to make outer sheet-metal case for you. the plates are 1/4th in.thick
(arrow points previous plate-pic) aluminum is best
[pic] a long square-shape with lines 1/4th in from edge with holes and
diameters given: side \23.1/ bottom \ 1/4 in. space from edge
the holes. top and bottom row. \sheet-metal is dangerous

- . - . - .

marking aluminum sheet p.11

on one end mark: start-point \on top-plate mark one hole: A \draw line
1/4th in. from top and bottom of sheet. \start rolling plate \mark were
hole meets the sheet. \roll plate very slowly. \for 3 holes you should
have 4 marks, for 4 holes - 5 marks, for 6 holes - etc.
[pic] showing plate on edge being rolled across marked sheet. label: the
mark on the plate start at edge of sheet. a hole follows this to a mark on
the sheet.
now wrap sheet around pipe a few times till it takes a curve \attach screws
to bottom plate first. \if all lines-up well.... take all apart again and
apply 700`degree copper-plus-epoxy. \start bolting bottom together again.
when get to last hole apply some to inner-seam but not all for you will be
appling pc-7 to the outter. the inner gets the copper-plus all the way up.
now apply last screw. \now start the top plate, no need epoxy here. \now
apply pc-y epoxy using butter knife inside of seem over-lap \evenly spread.
\tape down seam. let sit 24-36 hours
[pic] shows a sheet tapped to a pipe and getting rolled, labels say:getting
rolled! /1 5/8th in. steel pipe.
\now apply copper-plus-epoxy to inner part of outer drum along inside-seam.
\now apply a small bead of copper-plus on the bottom inside plate all around
inside radius, then, using your finger, smooth it out. do not apply to much
\do let sit 3-days, you will thank me later if you wait...

- . - . - . - . -

prepairing the paint-can... p.12

make center mark on lid and bottom of can. off-center = off-balance = bad
for motor. a machine-shop can do it for you. \take lid, place the
1/2 .in x long zinc-plated bolt in through. \use a lock-washer and two
lardge washers with nuts.

now the bottom of the can....
place an 8-32 x machine-screw in the bottom. \ * keep 1/4 in. space
from bottom ; when you remember also the 1/8th in. thats in the pivot-hole.
/use nuts and washers on lid-top as needed so it will not move up/down to
far, but allow a ~1/16th in. of play. \now add transmission-fluid to
outer-can the stator. \put paint-can in or inner-can, then close top.
\shaft-bolt should go through center-hole. \test at 1800 rpms
\duct-tape a turkey-thermometer to outside \if all is well, heat will very
quickly. \now design motor-mount, belt, fan, etc.

- . - . - . - . -

model-c p.13

the fuelless heater model. using the ed.grey magnets added to outside drum.
rotating steel in a strong magnetic-field makes heat too!

i use 4 hv.dc-pulsed electomagnets added - cold steel or ceramic stays
magnetized? and lazer-cut to hold coil and shaped for a drum fit.
note: the dc-pulse is ~like the ed grey magnet patent....using capacitors
to step-up the 12v.dc solar-panel to a high 600v 1.amp! /the back-e.m.f.
which is free energy from a colapsing magnetic-field.... is collected,
placed back into the deep-cycle 12v.battery. or model-heater to run it in
over-unity! \use #38 -litz wire for coils , and/or use our fuelless-energy
-motor #??? to turn it. invented by rick harrison 7/7/00

[pic] shows dc-motor type shape with a belt and propellar, the belt-pully
going out to another dc-motor for power. 4 magnets are seen stuck about
device with words north south north south + - + -

the coils on the four cores can be wound with 1,000 - 2,000 turns of #38
copper-coated-wire /insulated?
notice the top of the magnets in this drawing are cut off just for display
purposes , for the windings go all-the-way around each core. \to build
these magnets get #hv.emp $19.95 \notice!: very important - the 600v.dc
pulse is only at every 6-10 secounds. as the steel gets more magnetized
the time between pulses (off?) get longer, 25-30 sec. \a round sheet-metal
case covers the whole model, with vent-holes in the.... ? p.13

- . - . - . -

model-d #878p p.14

more compact, more hot! sits horizontal. \outer stator shell same as #362
[pic] shows a dc motor-type shape on its side and on a stand, also two
plates (circles) one stainless, the other, aluminum,has 1/ cut off at
bottom, for oil, and so, is not a round circle.

each chamber wall is 1/ aluminum and do not move. with each is a
1/4th. in. steel-disk with 1/ space on all ends of disks. chamber
wall has 1/ cut off at bottom to equal oil flow each equal. using
water instead of oil makes this a hydrogen and oxegen maker and heater.

[pic] shows x-ray view of can on its side, shaft going through center has
many disks on it, each in its own chambers of the stator \shows oil-fill
line label and a send $225.00 to 557 \new albany, IN. 47151

- . - . - . -

a note clipped to this 3-page short-hand of the original docs $
says: tried the water-jet experiment in the callum coats books, so we know
it works! making arch light with two carbon rods set very-close together
and 360 watts through it under water or water-salt electrolyte is new to us
and very bright! genesis type stuff! popular from 1890-1930 city wide!
may be seen on steves nrg-cd 2003 (make txt-version)

the ed?v.grey circut for cold-electricity and the radiant energy-tube or
battery-charger from the ether-air by mitch at seem to go
together. (redo-info) /the green-books on capacitors and electron theory
and c.b.c. -capacitive battery chargers. is, very, interesting!
authors notes are put out by...
and earth-batteries! at creative science and research
get #459,500,363a or # hfg9,579,396,hvems,359,377 and the heater!#878p

the feed is medicated - watch what you eat.

u water seed and greens, let others

collect water and seed, be with them who do, set tasks for boys and girls,
make rooms for flocks and birds and strangers too.

es-nei-teshtament and fellowship-tract-league

upload steves n.r.g.-c.d. 2003, to related sites. or dans top 3,7,12 of it.
copy other publishers:victor shauberger, ed.v.grey, pethagarus\kepler,tesla
hydrogen, oxegen, carbon, h2o, c11-h2o = sugar. \get or make index for
what all is in that box of steves energy-folder box.

upload all you can to / / and
pass is `30feerb` / and pass is `u4odssed` /jwd233@juno?
/ /laysa4@.juno / /other free-e-maill sites

the pythagoras-kepler-system(shool-institute) at lauffen in the salzkammergut
near salzburg, austria, germany?. ed.v.grey, tesla, john-b. dee-nee.
cold-electricity, inventors get killed for making things that work better
always-stay out of reach.

PKS - Kaltenbach 162
A-4821 Lauffen/Bad Ischl
Österreich / Austria
tel: 0043 - 6132 - 24814, fax: 24814-4

-no end-


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