Wednesday, July 05, 2006


s-h2o.txt - - - - hydrogen water study, perodic-table + kepler experiment

hydrogen oxegen carbon, by these three i can get heat power light food all!
and these are but the first, on the table of known elements.

see `periodic table of the elements` put a txt of it here:
in this, the elements are arranged in order of increasng atomic number.
verticle coloums headed with roman numeral are called`groups`, a horizontal
sequence is called a `period`. the most active elements are at the top right,
and bottom left of the table. a staggered line/groups 111a-v11a rufly separate
metalic from non-metalic elements.
groups- elements within a group hav similar properties, and contain th same
number of electrons in their outside energy shell.
-the first group/1a/includes hydrogen and the alkali metals.
-the last/v111a/contain the inert gases
-group v11a include th halogens
-the elements intervening between groups 11a and 111a are called `tran-
sistion elements`.
-short vertical columns without roman-numeral headings r called sub-groups
periods- in a givn period the properties of the elements gradualy pass from a
strong metalic to a strong non-metalic nature, with the last number of a
period being an inert gas.

metals non metals

1a 11a 111a 1va va v1a v11a
________ ______________________
[ ] [ ]
h [ he
li be [ b c n o f ne
na mg ai [ si p s cl ar
k ca sc ti v cr mn fe co ni cu zn ga ge [ as se br kr
rb sr y zr nb mo tc ru rh pd ag cd in sn sb [ te i xe
cs ba la hf ta w re os ir pt au hg ti pb bi po [ at rn
fr ra ac unq unp unh uns uno une 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118

ce pr nd pm sm eu gd tb dy ho er tm yb lu

th pa u np pu am cm bk cf es fm md no lr

- . - . - .
most most
stable stable
atomic name of atomic atomic [ atomic name of atomic atomic
symbol element weight number [ symbol element weight number
h hydrogen 1.0080 1 [ te tellurium 127.60 52
he helium 4.003 2 [ i iodine 126.90 53
li lithium 6.939 3 [ xe xenon 131.30 54
be beryllium 9.012 4 [
b boron 10.811 5
c carbon 12.01115 6 set this task 4 boy / girl
n nitrogen 14.007 7
o oxegen 15.999 8
f fluorine 18.998 9
ne neon 20.183 10
na sodium 22.990 11
mg magnesium 24.312 12
al aluminum 26.981 13
si silicon 28.086 14
p phosphorus 30.974 15
s sulfur 32.064 16
cl chlorine 35.453 17
ar argon 39.948 18
k potassium 39.102 19
ca calcium 40.08 20
sc scandium 44.956 21
ti titanium 47.90 22

- . - . - . - . -

the human body is..81%h ...15%o ...5%c see ace. lil black book

- . - . - . - . -

magnatism is the key to electrolosis \water into gas \h2o to h and o
for it is what bonds all elements together, and so also to change elements!
e.g. lead into gold!
water, passing through magnetic waves. (msi ? me?)
a audio-speaker in or near the electrode water. \a wheel spinning fast enuff
will break-pull apart. so may water also be pulled apart?

carbon, source: cane-sugar or beets, sucrose(corn sugar),
power secret note: water = h2o, sugar = c12 h22 o11 or simply... c and h! 2o
marshmellows = c"h
sugar breaks into isomers by contact with water /by-product = molasses, in it
are many healthy\acids and vit-c
how sugar from cane?: crush,heat,lime,filter, vaccum, boiling/shake,evaporate
and centrifuge-force = pulling apart

+ [ - [ + and - = electrodes
_____[______ ___[___ o and h = conductor plates for
] [ ] ] [ ] oxegen and hydrogen
] [ ] ] [ ]
]~~~~~[~~~~~~] ]~~~[~~~] 2 upside-down cups in a pan of
] __]__ ] ] _[_ ] water+bakingsoda? = electrolyte
] ]o ] ] ] ]h ] ] may short the voltage out!
] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
]~~~] ] ] ]~~~~] ] ] ]~~~~] charging auto-stops when empty.
] ] ]_____] ] ] ]___] ] ]
]__________________________________] plates may be rolls of tin-foil
with spacers made of glue to
prevent touch, like capacitors.

_____[______ ___[___ experiments show a shorting of
] [ ] ] [ ] voltage in this model.
] [ ] ] [ ] need better way.
]~~~~~[~~~~~~] ]~~~[~~~]
] __]__ ] ] _[_ ]
] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
]~~~] ] ] ]~~~~] ] ] ]~~~~]
] ] ]_____] ] ] ]___] ] ]

- . - . - . - . - .

encyclopedia america 1950, p.588 info = carbon, carbide=carbon+metal -rust
carbohydrate = mixes of carbon hydrogen oxegen. plants take some suns energy
by chlorophill, then expand this by adding actions that turn water and carbon
-dioxide convent. /animals depend-eat on this energy too.

carbolic acid = phenol?

carbon /5 known types = c12 (98,7%) and c13 (1.3%) occur naturally, c14 is
used for dating... its half-life = 5,100 years. charcoal?

carbon blacks -made by burning heavy tar, or petroleum, fuel oil, or gas with
insuficient air. names = lamp-black, suit, ash? used for: making inks, paint
and black paper, and especially... the compounding of rubber. which was the
birth of the high-way tire-cars. about 4 lbs per tire, mostly in the tread.

carbon compounds...are more than all the other element-compounds combined!
naming,classing, ordering them is now called `organic chemistry` and all other
elements into `inorganic chemistry`

cow-fart or methane, is first, of... alot! of carbon-hydrogen compounds.
secound = ethane = h3c-ch3, third = propane = h3c-ch2-ch3, fourth = butane
and iso-butane. note the 4th!: almost all inorganic compounds have 1 structur
per compound, but butane has 2, and further 3-dimensional structures increase
the list. note: almost all carbon-compounds react vigoursly with oxegen when
heated... they burn easy.

carbon: it combines easily with only a few other elements, but in a great
variety, these being hydrogen and oxegen - genesis chp. 1, verse 5.
most inorganic acids and bases (ph) /and all salts/ break up into ions when
in contact with h20 /water/.

batteries---> carbon dioxide and sulfer-trioxide combine with water to form
sulferic-acid = h2so4

carbon compounds have the power to combine with each other, making the list
yet longer! cellulose. -broken by heat and acid forms dextrose,
polymerization, carbon dioxide /your exhaust or breath/ ,carbon disulphide is
a flash-explosive -toxic -used to stop ground pests.

carbon paper, tetrachloride = candles?, and the electrolosis experiments.
arch-light = first types of light-bulbs used in the early 20th century a.d.

carbon exists in two allotropic forms /diamond - a hard crystal variety /and
graphite - a soft material made of layers.
commercial uses of carbon are: dimonds as gems and industrial abrasives (for
a cutting-edge)
absorbant carbons = highly porous, made from coconut shells.
arch carbons = are made from petroleum coke bonded with pitch.
baked carbon articles - some used after ordinary heating... others converted
to graphite in electrical furnaces.

structual carbon = porous for high-temp uses. insulation? or made impervious
by resin impregnation. -for use in temps under 200`degrees

structural carbon = is an inner-lining layer for blast furnaces.
employed in chemical industry for tower-packing rings,brick, tubes, rods, and
filter plates

see `electrolosis` ...with over half a million compounds, its easier to
collect it by burning. its the black-stuff. hold metal near a flame and carbon
will develop on it... its suit in a chemney or black from a stove = carbon.?

salt also breaks /in water?/ to 2 deathly compounds. but salt was used as
money by the romans. its value is great.
s-feb is a last run thru all hardcopy info on s-electronic, cuz i want to go
to plants local, seed, non-hybrid, set chores. let others hydro oxeg carbn 4-u
for light heat fuel power-electric natures way(schaberg0 prepare for other 2
study. use what god gave you, by paking it for others to do.
gather it and them while can, a broad sweep, means dont do on self. go 4 it. = rev 18. babylon-th-great

victor + walter shauberger by callum coats
victors decices= water jet turbine. /turn suface water into hi-quality spring
water /water quality tester = a double water jet /flying saucers by syntri-
fical force

_ _________X_________ kepler water tester
/ \ -egg shape { ] }
\ / { ] } - 2 water drops
~ ` ] .
\ / -hyperbolic [.] ] [ ] - 2 copper rings,
{ cone : \___ ] ___/ . drops pass thru
{ \__ ]___/ .
{ ; ___/ __
___/ ] \___ .
\/ -water jet ` / ] >< turbine ]~~~~[ ] ]~~~~[ - 2 bowls to
]____[ ] ]____[ catch drops

connect 100v neon lamp to 1 bowl (-) and a ring (+)
at `x` put in water to be tested. it goes down the
2 pipes to the water drops, passing rings makes a
charge and lights the lamp. hi-q water can be used
to light the lamp 150 times, but poor-qulity water
only 5 or 6 times, reused. carbon-dioxide need for
hi-q water (carbonic acid)

-no end-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the SHIzzle!

11:15 AM  

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