Wednesday, July 05, 2006


s-evg.txt - - - - ed v gray static cold-electric generator + uses 2004-5
nfo + pics, part one of two.

get mitch, implosion into the wire! like the pulses of a heart?
get related data ... steves etheric energy collection...etheric means any
device that seem to get its power from an outside source. as earth batteries.
see steves nrg-cd 2003. call 530-692-2875 po box 162, oregon house, ca. 95962
nathans got one 916 334-7821

the first demo proved Grey uses a other form of electrical current - - - a
powerful, but cold form of energy. a 6-volt car-battery was on the table.
lead wires ran from bat to a series of capacitors which r the key to grey`s
discovery. The complete system was wired to two electro-magnets, each weigh
a pound and a quarter. `now, if you tried to charge those two magnets with
juice from that battery and make them do what im going to make them do, you
would drain the bat in 30 min. and the magnets would get very hot`,grey said.
`i want you to watch what happens.` As Lens actived the bat, a volt-meter
rose to 3,000 volts, at that point, Grey closed a switch and there was a loud
popping sound. The top magnet flew into the air with great force and was cot
by Hackenberger. A great jolt of electricity? had pushed the top magnet more
than two feet into the air - - - but the magnet remained cold.
`the amazing thing`, Hackenberger said,`is that only 1% of the energy was used
- - - 99% went back into the bat.` Grey said,`the bat can last 4 a long time,
cause most of the energy returns to it. The secret to this is in the
capacitors and in being able to split the positive.`
when grey said `split the positive`, the faces of two physicists were confused
....normally, electricity consists of positive (=) and negative(-) particles.
But greys system is able to use one or the other separatly and effectivly.
the `impossible` part of the demo was the lack of heat generated in the magnet
.....heat is the big problem of electical technology. also `impossible` was
the fact that only the positive nature of the energy was used.
`we`ve been popping those two magnets apart for the past 18 months with same
battery, and its still got a full charge. now you watch this...` grey showd
this tattler-reporter a small 15-amp mortorcycle battery. it ws hooked up to
a pair of his capaitors which in turn were hooked up to a panel of outlets.
He flipped a switch and the battery sent a charge into the capacitors. He then
plugged in six 15-watt electric bulbs on individual cords - a 110v t.v. and 2
radios. all working great - - and yet the small battry was not discharging.
a 40-watt light-bulb screwed into a common socket was plugged into the panel
powered by grey`s system. the bulb lit, then, Grey dropped it into a cylinder
filled with water. `what wold hapn if ths wer getn common power right now?,
grey asked, as he stuck his hand in the water with the glowing light-bulb.
you would be electrocuted and that thing would be popping til the fuse blew`
Wood replied. this reporter then put his finger in... no shock. this is a
new manifestation of electricty`said hackenberger. He learned about radar
during his worldwar 2 hitch in the navy and `i`ve been messing with coils and
capacitors ever since`. He learned to split the positive in 1958 and spent
the next dozen years finding funds to work his discovery. `Just driving round
town, the e.m.a. will last a lot longer without recharging`,he said. The
engine will run at any temperature and there is no noise, no cooling system,
and no exhaust fumes. `the battery will go to work when the key is turned on
and the light on the dash will glow while the starter-motor builds the rotor
up to speed. The light is used instead of a tachometer and it will take only a
few secounds for the motor to build up and be ready to go." Hackenberger was
quik to say `We do not have perpetual motion here. We have an electrostatic
generating system and a capacitor bank doing some very effecient work. The
principle is based on a modification of ohm`s law.`

Grey`s electromagnetic association (ema) motor is not perpetual-motion or any
mystery, but rather a special blending of three known forces to make energy.
Using static-electricity isnt new, nor recycling power, or activating electro-
magnets, but ed.v.grey was simply the first to put all three together with the
right combination. Wether its driving a car or generating power, the e.m.a.
works the same. the motor draws small amounts of direct current from a battery
and blends it with static-electricity to make the static -`work`-. the static-
charge then activates the electro-magnets. short, the idea of the
engine is to create electricity and recycle energy by the factor that every
time magnets are energized off the peak of transients, a charge goes back into
the battery. Its not a constant charge, but a pulse-chrg of 60amps or better,
thus the battery must be of high quality.

Only three surfaces make phisical contact with the motor, this limits friction
and raises effeciency. a internal-combustion engine is only 30% effecient,
but the ema-engine is 90% effecient. a help-factor in friction control is the
so-called `magnetic-vacuum` created in the drum, which literly takes pressure
off end-bearings and allows rotor to float within the drum. ..our motor
creates power surges - - -one behind the other - - -in microsecounds. by doing
this we are able to direct the magnetic-flux field. the magnetic-flux is a
coolant source, so we need no cooling system. grey says the engine is not
effected by rain, heat, cold, or any other type of inclement weather, or by
driving through tunnels. all this motor needs is oxegen. ...the external
magnetic effect is... that another field-system cannot operate within this
same battery system. the magnetic field orientation is 360 degrees in all

grey dropped out of school at age 14 and began tinkering with ideas. he was so
lacking in formal education that he did not realize his thinking was both
original and far-advanced. three things about electricity minded him.
1 - a capacitor can store an electric charge and release it on demand.
2 - pulses of electricity can be sent out and brought back.
3 - lightning-bolts seem to be more powerful when closer to the earth
were the atmosphere is heaviest..(oxegen?)
these are facts known to every physicist. but to most,they were unrelated faqs
ed grey`s wisdom was in co-relating this info into a new technology.
`i remember getting a shock when i grabbed a capacitor off a work-bench` he sd
'that simple fact never left my mind` ...then i watched when the government
people were testing the first radar across the potomac-river - - - it stuck in
my mind when one of the men explained it as `pulse out, pulse back`. and i`ve
always liked thunderstorms. i watched lightning by the hours. i noted how
much stronger it appeared to be when closer to the earth and just naturally
concluded that more-air had somthing to do with it.

these three principles, plus a super-secret means of generating and mixing
static-electricity, make up grey`s e.m.s. motor.

grey is advised by his lawyers to make no claims. however this reporter who
has followed gray`s work for 4 years has seen and heard enuff to feel safe in
saying that the inventor may be unlocking the key to a natural phenomenon
referred to as `ball-lightning`. ...with the combined use of a capacitor dis-
charge and spikes of energy made up of mixed static and direct current, grey
could as such get more out of a battery than what is stored in it, simply
because he is tapping the reservoir of static electricity in the atmosphere as
his motor runs.
scientists balk at his theory, but ed grey has already proved right about the
capacitor discharge motor idea. With that, his motor already is revolutionary
- - - it runs cold !
would you belive, a battery-powered motor that recycles energy, and so, is
better than 90% effecient? how? by generating electric pulses of 2,500 volts
by means of an EVgrey generator and storage in an oil-filled capacitor bank
and introducing it into field and rotor winding at precisly the right moment
by means of a patented programmer on the front of the rotor shaft.

charging of the discharge capacitor or capacitors is accomplished by an electr
-ical switching circut wherin electrical energy from a battery or other source
of d.c. potential may be applied in alternating polarity to ignition coils or
other voltage step-up arrangements from which a highvoltage d.c. potential is
derived through rectification of diodes. The capacitor charging circuit
comprises a pair of high-frequency switches which feed respective
automotive-type ignition-coils employed as step-up transformers.
The `secoundary` of each of the ignition-coils provides a high-voltage square-
wave to a half-wave rectifier to genertate a highvoltage output pulse of d.c.
energy with each switching alteration of the high-frequency switcher. Only
one polarity is used so that a unidirectional pulse is applied to the
capacitor bank being charged.

successive unidirectional pulses are accumulated on the capacitor or capacitor
-bank until discharged. Discharge of the bank of capacitors occurs across a
spark-gap by arc-over. ..The gap spacing determines the voltage at which
dis-charge or arch-over occurs. An array of gaps is created by fixed elements
in the engine housing and moving elements postioned on the rotor shaft. At the
instant when the moving gap elements are positioned opposite fixed elements
during the rotor rotation, a discharge occurs through the coils of the aligned
rotor and stator electromagnets to produce the repulsion action between the
stator and rotor electromagnet cores.

A plurality of fixed gap elements are arrayed in the motor housing to
correspond to the locations of the stator electromagnets in the housing. The
rotor gap elements correspond to the positions of the rotor electromagnets on
the rotor so that at the instant of correct allignment of the gaps - the capa-
citors discharge to produce the necessary current through the stator and rotor
coils to cause the electromagnets to repel one-another.

The charging circuts are arranged in pairs, and are such that the discharge
occurs through both rotor and stator windings of the electromagnets, which are
opposite one-another when the spark-gap elements are aligned and arc-over.
...The speed of the rotor can be changed by means of a clutch mechanism assoc-
iated with the rotor. THe clutch shifts the positions of the rotor gapelements
so that the discharge will energize the stator coils in a manner to advance or
retard/slow the time of discharge with respect to the normal rotor/stator
alignment positions. the discharge through the rotor and stator then occurs
when the rotor has passed the stator 6-2/3 degrees for speed advance.
referring to the electrical schematic/map diagram of figure 1., a battery,10,
energizes a pulse-producing vibrator mechanism,16, which may b ofthe magnetic
type incorporating a armature,15, moving between contacts,13, and,14, or of
the transistor type,not shown, with wich a highfrequency bipolar pulsed output
is produced in primary,17, of transformer,20. The pulse amplitude is steped-
up in secoundary,19, of transformer,20,. ...Wave form,19a, represents the
bi-directional or bipolar pulsed output. a diode rectifier,21, produces a
unidirectional pulse train, as indicated at,21a, to charge capacitor,26,.
A delay coil,23, is connected in series with the unipolar pulsed output to
capacitor,26, Successional unidirectional pulses of wave,21a, charge
capacitor,26, to a high level, as indicated at 26a, until the voltage
amplitude at point `a` reaches the break-down potential of spark-gap,30,.
At the breakdown of sparkgap,30, capacitor,26,discharges across the arc
created through the inductor-coil,28, A current pulse is produced which
magnatizes core, 28a. Simultaneously/at-same-time, another substantialy
identical charging system,32, produces a discharge through inductor,27, across
spark-gap,29,to magnatize core,27a. Cores 28s,27a are wound with coils,28,27
so that their magnetic polarities are the same. As the cores,27a,28a
confront one-anoter, they tend to fly apart when the discharge occurs through
coils 27 and 28 because of repulsion of identical magnetic poles, as indicated
by arrow 31. If core 28a is fixed or stationary and core 27a is movable, then
core 27a may have tools 33 attached to it to perform work when the capacitor

referring to figure 1 and 2, a d.c. electrcal source or battery,10, energizes
pulsators,36, -including atleast two vibrators 16 as previously described-
when switch,11,between the battery,10,and pulsator,36,is closed, to apply
relatively high-frequency pulses to the primaries of transformers,20,.
The secoundaries of transformers,20, are step-up windings which apply bipolor
pulses, such as pulses 19a -figure 1- to the diodes in converter 38. The
rectified unidirectional pulsating output of each of the diodes in converter38
is passed through delay coils 23,24, thus forming a harness,37, wound about
the case of the engine, as hereinafter described, which is believed to provide
a static floating flux-field. The outputs from delay lines 37 drive respectiv
capacitors in banks 39 to charge the capacitors therein to a relatively high
charge potential. A programmer and rotor and stator magnet control array 40,
41, 42 is formed by spark gaps positioned -as hereinafter described- so that
at predetermined positions of the rotor during rotation of the engine -as here
inafter described-, selected capacitors of capacitor banks,39,will discharge
across the spark-gaps through the rotor and stator electromagnets,43, 44.

The converters ,38, magnetic harness ,37, capacitor banks ,39, programmer,40,
and controls 41,42 form a series-circuit path across the secoundaries of
transformer ,20,to the ground, or point of reference potential,45,
The capacitor banks 39 are discharged across the sparkgaps of programmer,40,
...-the rotor and stator magnet controls 41,42- the discharge occurs through
the coils of stator and rotor electromagnets 43,44 to ground,45. Stator and
Rotor electromagnets are similar to those shown at 27,27a,28,28a in figure 1.

the discharge through the coils of stator and rotor electromagnets,43,44,is
accomplished by a discharge overshoot or return-pulse, the output of which is
applied in an appropriate polarity to a secoundary battery,10a,to store this
excess energy. The overshoot pulse returns to battery,10a,because that after
discharge the only path open is that to battery,10a, since the gaps in 40,41,
and 42 have broken down, because the capacitors in banks,39,are discharged and
have not yet recovered the highvoltage charge from the high frequency pulsers
,36, and converter rectifier units,38.

In the event of a misfire in the programmer control circuits 40,41,42, the
capacitors are discharged through a rotor safety discharge circuit,46, and re-
turned to batteries 10-10a, adding to their capacity. the circuit,46, is
connected between the capacitor banks,39 and batteries,10,10a

The present invention is concerned with two concepts or characteristics. The
first of these characteristics is observed with the introduction of an
energizing current through the inductor. The inductor creates a contrary
force /counter-electromotive force or c.e.m.f./ that opposes the energy intro-
duced into the inductor. This cemf increases throughout the time the intro-
duced energy is increasing. In normal applications of an alternating-current
to an inductive load for mechanical applications, the useful work of the
inductor is accomplished prior to terminating the application of energy. The
excess energy applied is thereby wasted.

Previous attempts to provide energy inputs to an inductor of time durations
limited to that period when the optimum transfer of inductive energy to
mechanical-energy is occuring, have been limited by the ability of any such
device to handle the high current required to optimize the energy transfer.

The secound characteristic is observed when the energizing current is removed
from the inductor. As the current is decreased, the inductor generates an
e.m.f. that opposes the removal of current or, in other words, produces an
energy source at the output of the inductor that simulates the original energy
source, reduced by the actual energy removed from the circuit by the mechanicl
load. This `regenerated`, or excess, energy has previously been lost due
to a failure to provide a storage-capability for this energy.

In this invention, a high-voltage, high-current, short duration energy pulse
is applied to the inductive load by the conversion element. This element
makes possible the use of certain of that energy impressed within an arc acros
a spark-gap, without the resultant deterioration of circuit elements normally
associated with high-energy electrical arcs.

This invention also provides for a capture of a certain portion of the energy
induced by the high-inductive kick produced by the abrupt withdrawal of the
introduced current. This abrupt withdrawal of current is attendant upon the
termination of the stimulating arc. The voltage-spike so created is imposed
upon a capacitor that couples the attendant current to a secondary energy
storage device. A novel, but not needed, circuit arrangement provides
for switching the energy source and the energy storage device. This switching
may be so arranged as to actuate/activate? automaticly at predetermind timez.
the switching may be at specified periods found by testing with a certain
device, or be actd? by a control-device that measures relative energy-content
of the two energy reserves/banks?

new form of electricity, in use, and on display. feb,2004

diagram for s-evg /survival-ed.v.grey circuit and cold-electric generator.

_III_22a 28
fig.1 []]31
_____ ? ====27a
_____16___ [ 32 [--->|---&&&&----b---> <---&&&&27--,
[ [ [_____[ 22 ==== [ [
[ 13___[_____ | | [ _| [
__11_[____15_/ [ [ | | 25 = _| 25a [
[ [ [ / _ [ [ | | [_________________[
[ [ [___/ [ [ [ | | [ [ [
10 [ ___/ 14 [ [ 21a_II | | 26 = _| V [
= [ [ _ [ [ [ | | [ _| 26a [
= [ & [ [ [ ==== [ [
= [ & [ [ 17 20 ,-->|---&&&&----a---> <---&&&&28--[
= [ & [ [ [_||& 21 29 32 ====28a
= [ [ [ [ _18_&||& _ _
[ [_[______[_[ [ &||& III 19a
[ [ [ [ __||&_19
[ [ [ [ [ [
[ [ [ [ [ [_____25
[______[______/\___[ [ [
[45 [ [ [
[ [_______[ V

key: & - transformer coil
[ - wire
= - battery or capacitor or transformer-core
V - ground
III - square-wave, 3 pulses
23 - numbers may be wrong, compare with
ed. v. grey \cold electrcity discovery report
or steve's energy data, eether-power.a.d 2004
at or or call

from paragraph ending with ...battery,10,10a of s-evg file steves notes start
.add this...
steves`s energy collection /electrostatic catagory, under- etheric energy mach
-ines, devices that get added power from?....out of the ether/air.
...attached his appliances to it, ...all working! cold-electricity, alt-
ernating naturaly at or > than 60 Hz
|| ]
coil ____||____ ]
_____/}{}{} ____[ || ] ]
/\ }{}{}{ [~~~~}}~~~~] \/
_____________[__] \/\/\/ [ || ] spark gap
___[]_____ [ ] [ || ] / [\ __________[ ]_______p______[ || ] ]
[ \ [] \ ^^car [ || ] ]
[ \_________\ coil [ || ] ______ ]
[ [ ] [ ]___[ load ]___]
\ [ 6 volt ] [__________] [______]
\ [ ] lynden
\[________] cap-jar

coil - slows current/not voltage/ so jar can catch it
car coil - turns 6v into 1000 volts
p - this wire is getting pulse-d.c.
load - is for any device u want to try cold-electric.
capjar - or lynden jar stores a charge
sparkgap - two wires placed together but not touching.

this picture was steves guess work/no clear ones/ based on 45 page report from
internet,he reduced to 8 pages of core-data, then this pic. Inventor ed.v.grey
got a recognit from president reagan a.d.1985? for his invention, implosion?
sim.2 victor shaubergers n over 1 times(x) 1 equals n formula: n
- x n = 1
ecotechnology series,water-jet expriment/kepler/john b dee-nee.
and mitch of\the radient energy tube.

greys: ...a coil slows amps, but voltage stays same. but use thicker wire to
make motor with same push\torque as low-volt-high-amp motors.

next improvement was to put the spark-gap `in` the jar charge`s plates in a
special way set. ...-see joe`s free energy cell-
1. -charge plates of capacitor jar/lyndin-jar till spark jumps plates.
cap-jar gets higher capacitance, cause:no air?.
For his lightning-motor \a motor that jumps spark gap\ changes magnatism\moves magnets apart \aligns another gap \sparks \turns \sparks \etc.
his had 6-caps\capacitor-banks waiting to fire, all on one wheel?
one cap discharges while other five are recharging

...a note on that car coil: -a diode type thing is placed so that the cap-jar
gets only the `discharge` from the car-coil. the car-coil builds a charge
from the six-volt till it is strong enough to flip a switch(or jump a gap?)
...this colapses the charge, sending a current in the opposite direction.
You use a diode to make sure the cap-jar/lyndn gets only the collapsed current
not the 6-volt charging current. That is why it is a pulse-d.c. - - -
the diode stops the six-volt part, but lets the cold-current part pass through

the cap-jar does the same...but somehow the spark gap creates a ball? magnetic
field/ chargeing/ and draws power from the air/when it colapses/into the wire.
...more capacitance may?be got by placing spark-gap in the cap-jar...or
use the gap between plates in cap-jar for a spark-gap? or as the electrodes.
or do six or more cap-jars to make a lightning-motor.

cap-jar with spark-gap in it may `need` oxegen /outside?/ cap cant be in a
vaccuum. he had six-or-so of these turning his lightning-motor. car-coils can
change 6v to 1000v, they build up charge-magnetic pressure builds which pushes
a switch, the charge collapses over a bigger coil? cycle starts again. this
creates a pulse form of d-c, direct-current. so much research went into this.
it took an age of bible peace to discover it, then more to use it,
jesus help us.

-no end-


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