Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ric4-09.txt - - - - v5-7-09 resonant inductor circuit.(R.i.C.)

from stb-dvd\health and power\resonant video made by stb on 4-9-09

see related records:found 4-12-9 at cd-r\s2\was1106.zip\nrg-nfo.txt

see 4-12-9 small-paper records. junk-floppy f22-7

paused at paused

note: letter-pictures were done on ms-dos editor-viewer. not windows-wordpad.exe...so make sure all 'i' line-up to see it correctly.

i LC-1 LC-2

i / \ / \



i O

i _____H_____

i ___]_ ] O

i [ ] ]--]--3iiE--H--]

i [ s.g.] === 3iiE ===

i [_____] ]_____3iiE_____]

i ] ]

i ]___________]

s.g. = adjustable signal generator.

connected to first resonantly tuned circuit..LC-1.+.LC-2.?

Ratio:1:1.meens they both resonate at same frequency.

eg.two.82uF capacitors.?

When LC-1 is IN resonance with s.g.

LC-1 acts as a resisitor of infinite resistance.

eg.the lamp-H will not lite.

cuz it cancels (plays back) the signal of s.g. near exactly.

so light goes out.

At this stage LC-2 will light-up...if in place?

Results: Very little power is being lost at LC-1.

as witnessed? by the lamp-H out. while LC-2 is

strongly powering its lamp-H....free energy?

comment: what is free? all atoms are spinning.

somthing that is NOT spinning...shood be thot un-usual.

not somthing that IS spinning by itself.

example of this circuit in action:

i spool

i / \


i O

i _____H_____

i ___]_ ] ______

i [ ] ]--]------3iiE

i [ s.g.] === 3iiE

i [_____] ]_________3iiE

i ] ] ------

i ]___________]


i ii

i ii

i ii

i ii

i ii

i __ii__ O

i 3iiE----H---]

i 3iiE ===

i 3iiE--------]

i ------

Black spool of wire with blue capacitor.

in series with lamp and s.g.

s.g. is adjusted to resonate with LC-1.

till lamp goes out.

Spool of LC-1 slides on top of Core to

Rest on Spool of LC-2...its Lamp lites!


adjustable-signal-generator...any frequency generator?

eg.heath-kit basic-electronics kit, radio-shack.

oscillating-circuits, alternating-current...A.C..?


the core-rod is slides onto is...? metal? wire-wraped?

LC-2 had a brown-capacitor. Both spools are the same?

REsonant frequency....while i have no sevice to measure

the ac-power coming from s.g....the lamp duz go out.

questions: isnt the s.g. loosing much energy some other way?

Is this just a Radio circuit?

note: when Spool of LC-1 is removed from core, its lamp

lights, cuz induction-resistance has changed, so core was?

- - - -

i ] ]

i example two: ::]::::::::]:::

i ] ]

Spools are placed on a fine-wire-wraped tesla-coil core.

a core which looks like a crystal-radio: fine wire around a cardboard tube.

much like a spool of thread.

LC-1 spool has few wraps.(three deep?) of heavy-wire, and contacts to

access the wire at different points along the coil...(for adjustability?)

LC-2 has a diode so it can rectify the output and voltage can be measured.

meter reads 83.volts..(this diode?) but only 13v.with load on it..

( a 12v motor.?) , meter in-series with this circuit reads 35mA.

Even a slight change of the knob on the s.g. power changes much.

This circuit must NOT be grounded? touching the tesla-coil between the spools with your hand causes change in power...(demonstrates low band-width is being used...if a hand can affect it?)

- - - -

example three: using capacitors insted of motors...as a Load.

two capacitors 82mF + 82 mF connected in parallel? makes 164uF and rated at 450volts...but output only 69volts due to limit of diode switching-capacity.

Note: shorting two legs on the capacitor.(a wire touching both) causes a SPARK...but meter soon shows it rebuilding up to 69v again...see CBC charger was1106\nrg-nfo.txt

A-C signal input 2.6vA when in resonance...goes to 140mA when out-of resonance. did not show input s.g.? and output LC-2...together to compare.

comments: How do you get two-coils of same-frequency? WHAT is a frequency-generator.? Will a 120v wire twisted on one end cancel itself? the Emf?...can you re-scale the circuit so your 120v 60hz wall-AC is the s.G.? or a near-by telephone line or pole? or other 'vibrating' souce of...

ideas: find a 'receiver' for telephone-pole frequency, or the frequency of a device placed beside a telephone-pole. why t-poles? why not a natural-source of frequency...all things vibrate.

try using sine-wave generators, similar household-coils, devices already using inductance to in-directly charche things...eg.wireless tooth-brush. and most adapter-plugs use voltages 'induced' from the original...a partly finishe R.I.C.? try hulda-clark cure for cancer 30mhz? ultra-sound meat-treated bone-healing devices for fractures, sanas health-spas?

other idea:


why not extend the core and add another spool Lc3 to other end?

now it looks like a brushless motor.

comment: After s.g. started Lc1, wood the power from Lc2 and Lc3

be enuff to run the s.g.? duz physical position and your position on earth

effect output? noticed gravity-video was missing from the stb-dvd, explanation of how-gravity-works (the vibrations in a plastic soda-bottle echo back...so two-wave cross-each other...allowing planets to form in certain exact locations...eg..a bubble appears during the vibration-faze of the soda-bottle of water...always water.

final comments for this study: (drop for economic-crash wars preparation.)

4.15.9: see 'electro-magnetic-spectrum' Chart ordered by frequency of things from atoms, virus, people, gamma-rays...

Are you saying...if an object, sunlight, satelite-microwaves-cell-phones, powerlines, local-radio-stations...is brodcasting at xx-mega-watts, and you know the resonant frequency...you can draw power from it?

for a radio, use a radio, for a rock, used a rock to 'cancel' (opposite wave).

other note: early crystal-radio kits did not divide stations well, you cood hear them all, you just tune to the stronges meter-reading and charge your led-lights with it. free power?

- - - -

other generator type...(potential-difference-generator...Pdg.)

same dvd..different video....collecting back-EMF, canceling Lenses-Law.

noted: No change with Load off or ON..? a metal strip absorbes the magnetism that other-wise wood slow the device down? I see magnets on a wheel, turning at high-speed...1500 3000rpm...magnets passing over stationary spools of wire. video prepared for NASA?...magnets passing a coil, hi-voltage added makes rotor (spinning magnets) go faster...when bac-emf is absorbed by metal insted of slowing rotor down?...coils were powering light-bulbs? name: pera-pertia generator...number of coil-turns determines output. more-voltage vs less-current.

- - - -

4.16.9. notes from stb-visits for RiC:

voltage input duznt matter, frequency...eg freq for speeding electrolosys of water? play-back? a wine-glass will play its tune when struck, turning on a light switch strikes ALL? frequencys present so you hear it on your radio, stb-zapper circuit hulda-clark is a 35khz dc-pulse at 50-50...meens 35,000 pulses per secound, meens off and then on, this 'strikes' all frequencies near it, and blocks radios near it...50-50 meen the off pulse is off just as long as the on is on...sort of a square-wave.

-- 60hz is to low? step it up, use it, step it down.

-- one way to find resonant-frequency is: wrap the coil a little, test it, wrap it another turn, test it, etc. or get a variable capacitor, or a variable frequency-generator...mine is heathkit (see circuit-map to build it? ) goes from 200hz to 2000hz (2khz) with a x10 swith...meens? 20khz? and 15vac.

-- core idea: glue mixed with iron-pirite (black-stuff from moving a magnet in creek-sand) and poured or molded into a rod-shape. transformer-cores of this type do not heat-up?

-- capacitors are the key? to resonance... types:electrolytic, ceramic, oil-filled, run-type, air, other? lyndn-jars? electrolytic type: seen alot in older-radios and on ciruit-boards...appearance little-cans, made of a trip of aluminum? and cardboard-tissue? dipped in? salt-water? lemon? vinegar?, and sealed in plastic coat...open one and see.

--A 'bridge' of diodes keeps 'load' from changing any circuit-resonance, which affects results...it also doubles strength of diodes and creates an output for DC.loads...and AC?

--even an RiC at 50% effeciency.(.bulb duznt go completely out when in resonance.) it wood make electric-heaters more practicle. note:oil-type heaters and some of the newer-ones do not disturb the resonance of the circuit...so less work for the diodes?...some loads do effect resonance cuz they contain coils and? which add themselves to the present resonating-coil...throwing it out of tune...you need a diode-bridge.


i ac

i ]

i ]

i [----I<--]---I<---]

i (+)---[ ]---(-)

i [__---I<--]---I<---]

i ]

i ]

i ac

alterating-current passes diodes -I<- in such a way that one end is always

positive (+) and the other is always negative (-) no matter which way the current is going.

--other variable methods: feulesspower.com capacitor-bank voltage-generator. uses rotating switches to charge capacitors in series, one at a time...but so fast...its like having x-more voltage...x=number of capacitors in series.

--the idea of a coil-in-resonance producing power in a coil of similar resonance...suggests ac-motors..(.no magnets?) cood run themselves. brushless.?...coils do not need to be exact? if using thin-wire...bigger-capacitor is needed? more turns of wire meens higer voltage output, less turns meens more amps, but needs a higher frequency. a 2000uf capacitor will have a much lower? frequency than a 100uf capacitor..?

how many uf till at 60hz? (resonate with house-hold current. or other frequency.)

-- other nfo that happened at this time, not related, but i type and store everything by date, not subject, as it happened:

4.15.9: all blood-related diseases can be cured by electrification of the blood, as you wood a snake-bite with a 12v-car-battery to neutralize the poison in the wound. This is a cure for cancer aids all virus infections, etc and is therefore suppressed by medical-profession. having no income-value because of its simplicity...like a car-repair shop...we dont sale things you can fix yourself...there is no money in it, no insentive to share it. Electomagnatism and frequency-generation may also be a cure..eg.magnets or 35khz transmitter...a frequency that destroys most viruses at the frequency-level...eg.ultra-sound, bone-healing device, and meat-treatment. and health-spas sanas...were ultra-sound is used...(can burn flesh)

-- other: guy with model of howard-johnson magnetic-motor says magnets on a wheel can spin themselves, atoms spin, nature spins, why not motors?

-- other: omited video on gravity, said somthing about gravity being two forces, going out, and reflected (female?) coming back in, like wave in a plastic 64oz soda-bottle of water, when placed on a vibrator, bubbles appear in exact-locations, as planets do. they cannot be anywhere else. even as our solar-system may get its shape and position because of its place in the-bigger-vibration, god upholds it by the words of his power.

when one of the two-force is deflected.(satisfied)...anti-gravity? happens. where these two forces cross..(male-female)...causes?...see pine-cones...one vortex is going up the cone, one is going down, where they cross, you find seeds for further pine-cones...vortex-science, victor-shauberger, nazi-germany...1948-1958...his patents were confiscated during the war by...? its a very simple alternate-science, the very opposite of explosion and fire that powers our vehicles, like the horse and the egg it uses implosion and condensing forces to power its machines, eg.ufo. The 'alien' part is added to get people to unite globaly in a resistance? cause or for submission to alien(demonic)doctrine wishes and plans, simply cuz angels and men may know of other methods of motion, as seen and nature, and may be using it to get us to accept them and their other motives. by giving us half-truths...movies...

-- other videos on health and power dvd 4-15-9: fresh-ground flax-seed and cottage-cheese with fruit for breakfast, greens for dinner. grains for supper. other:1970's conspiracy illuminati (historic to present) john todd on council of 13, illuminati plan to control the world, using america. Roman-catholic-occult methods never change, just new daugters: mormon,mason,political,music, electronic, false and true-science, more, all used to condition, monitor, control, a one-world-empire.

how the charasmatic-movment was started to throw-down bible-beliving fundamentalists, and unite other denominations under a world leader, big-names in christian-circles have bin payed-off to pull-off...note its the leaders, not the people, who are aware of these intents. Most hated name in occult-circles is Jack-Hyles Baptist. Occult uses music to block bible-revivals, new-world-order documents make it very-clear who they are targeting...as the real 'extreemests' david-wegner:communism (redistribution) what we dont know this time, is, going to hurt us, see what they have done to bible believers in other communistic countries.

using vortex-science to create a global-mentality, ufo.eg-g:corporations,emp. new military and civilian weapons being used NOW. electromagnetic-propulsion. Split the positive? Ed-V.Gray cold-electricity generator? tobbacco-break every 40min...is Not a method of pain-relief, it adds a problem, to a problem. making the first problem seem small compared to what you started: drug-use. end of white-small-papers.

small-yellow memo-paper of stb-talks 4-16-9:RiC:resonant-inductor-circuit thots continue:

car-radios also transmit at low-level compared to station it is tuned-to.

3.29.9. a pillow-case of pillow-cases gone! a miranda-warning is true even with people you thot you cood trust...anger? you have the rite to remain silent, cuz anything you say or do 'will' be used against you. the real-problem...is knowing when to give-up on correction, just causes more damage...its an investment? learn to avoid the person entirely, or drive them from the area...how-much is enuff? do not make peace or agreements (signatures on anything.) people far-off you can talk-peaceably to, but people near you and living with...make no disturbance. to close for comfort. you can pay-off someone to do it for you...or move things into place by expressing another intent...s.p.o.c. (backwords) she is not worth it, area will be cremated soon. find somthing else to be-angry(blind) about...what good you have isnt worth loosing for fixing the bad.

-- other:4.16.9:stb-R.i.C.notes: Map your heath-kit s.g.(signal-generator) or find it.for xcopy. LC-1 acts as a virtual-resistor? yes and no, things are very-active ping-pong between capacitor and coil, causing resistance, to prove this is all the power coming from LC-2 when resonant in one way or other.

resonance: hard to detect without a radio, speaker, load, coil? note: coil 'sounds' different when in-resonance..like wine-glass? , use light-bulb in parallel? or two led-light diodes connected:

i ____/---->I----\_____

i \---I<-----/

so one-direction is not blocked? and wont stop resonance?

other: capacitor types useable: RUN-capacitors used in A-C.floor-fans square-shaped, ceramic-capacitors -II- , even electrolytic capacitors -I(- can be used if connected --I(--)I-- to cancel polarity. note: a transistor is a diode...a variable-diode...zenier-transistors? only let power by when it reaches a certain level...LC-1 somewhat acts like a transistor, hi-resistance? when in resonance. low resonance 60hz needs bigger capacitors?

how did he connect a diode to the out-put LC-2 and get dc? in paralel? a diode-bridge?

cores: try also a metal-pipe...air-core. interesting results...a flute? a hilsch-vortex-tube-shape? exair.com or egg-shape? pks.com natures-methods of resonance and natural-spins...suction, implosion, satisfying one of two forces.

other: w.h.o.+n.w.o.:Some-times in April.dvd.(rwanda 1990's)they are killing everboody. card or no-card.(gun-shots in back-ground. people need to find closure for events haunting them. government-act to depoulate and maintain world-population at 500million IS active. You dont see your life-style is wrong, till you see the blood on the ground, but by then, its to late. the only thing keeping you alive in this area...is a truck. even the birds can tell you this wrong. fore-see the evil and walk-away from it. eat with the deer. swift destruction spells a Trap. and a Trap meens Bait. what the true cost is of an xfer...is hidden. non-local-foods do more than you can imagine.

killing fields of cambodia..1970's were you told about this? barbed-wire on all houses...this is U.S...2009. catholic-COmmunism depletes ALL its nations.

its key to power is finance...fake-paper....make your own, dont use theirs and they will have no-power to print-money and destroy the economy whenever they want to generate a war and caos. avoid bankers...by being your own, separate, independent, seed-banks. not marks dollars beast-chips numbers on people.

paused yellow-memo paper stb-talk notes here to...of 4.16.9

-no end-

end of april...stb-dvd-two! came...secound was on n.w.o. and the 'mechanical' version of a secoundary-oscillator...a weight swings under a bike-wheel? but the wheel is held at the end of a 'T' frame. on other end of 't'frame is a statinary weight...the 'T' has some 'give' to it so that the swinging weight under the wheel lifts the heavier weight on the other end of the 'T' one-inch off the ground.

the thing looked at is...it take only little hand-pushes to 'keep' the wheel weight swinging. much less effort than lifing the heavier weight. which lifts one inch twice, before swing returns for another hand-push.

the concept here is: it takes very little power to keep a much bigger thing going...after it has started. another version shows this device pumping water...you can relate this concept to what is happening inside the Ric409.txt ciruit...an electronic version of a grandfather-clock...code-name:old-timer...

eye aim to copy both dvd for sda, paper-copy this? and post it at re-chat.

in may-day? 5-?-09


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