Tuesday, May 19, 2009

nrg-nfo.txt - - - - nfo from stb-nrg-box: electronic circuits, hyperbolic

found 4-12-9 at cd-r\s2\was1106.zip\nrg-nfo.txt

keep this file with nrg-box file, it is sum info on items n the nrg-box list

free energy from the earth #459 .feullesspower.com -creative sci & resrch

picks up earth nrg ,ether static , travels through plastic, unlimited amps!

24ft of copper pipe and 3ft zinc rod. This = 1 cell, 24 = a bat! plastic.


[ ] -zinc

__[ ]__

[ [ ] ]

[ [ ] ] 1.in expose copper above gnd <---ground level..or bury it

~~[~~[_]~~]~~~ so none will no its there.

[ ] deeper and more copper = more volt/amps. 1man got 24v+1.5a

[ ]

\[_______]/ -plastic on end


- . - . - . - . -

radient energy tube details, p.5 of thomas henry moray device#500? b.perreault

unknown author says all knowledge comes from god + his son jesus. /oscillator

tube and the moray valve=the 1st transistor ever made. The radient energy tube

detector -radio active was a variation it. This tube was self oscillating.

The mixture is on p.2. p.5=unknown author preaches, his heart of.,prophecy too.

Mr.forrest mims,author of radio shack books 4 edu-u electronics. This circut

will prime the energy-tube-converter. add more tubes srs or pll 4 v or a. but

lets do -1- 1st. The zinc and iron-pyrite can replaced b for cheaper elements.

Try zinc on top and `other` powered-metal at bottom. chemistry stores have the

powered-metals. or make own by driln metal on a dril-press wth many holes and

saving the powdered-metal in a jar. Powdrd-zinc,use it for the top(=anode)part

of this great gas-diode you are making. Iron-pyrite, aluminum shavings,or any

soft-metal for the bottom(=cathode)part. hardwarestore,macineshop,or metal co.

contacts:soft metal:it is called -ductal-#65-4512/industrial tube and steel,

cincinnati,ohio,???1-800-332-9567 they will cut it 4-u. contacts:powdered zinc

-99.9% -100mesh or any u get can. /antec.inc. 721 bergman ave. lousville,KY.

40203, ph.#502-636-5176. Powdered zinc:johnson matthey. stock#00424,call 1-800

-???-0660 men have searched me 4 calling some of these .beware. Iron-pyrite or

ask 4 Iron-disulfide. Reade-advance materials, or ask for pyrox-red-grit=very

expensive $195+$30 shipping, size-325, call 401-???-7000. Ignition coil:from a

auto part or any junk yard. Electronic parts:from electronic-goldmine,p.o.box

5408, scottsdale, AZ. 85261 call 602-???-7454 dont call - people tell people.

some r gov wathers or concerned people that only got me in trouble. ask 4 free

catalog. Chlorine-gas:may get from calcium-hypochlorite 4swimming-pools.

powdered in bags, so must create the gas by adding water.(wish sugar could!h20)

or call a gas-chemical company. Zinc powder:from Donald sales co. \n96 w14313

county line road. \menomonee falls, wi.53051

part two. see fig.1: -picture- =auto-ignition-coil acts as tranformer+choke.

A choke stores energy in its copper-coated windings as do capacitors. The

auto-ig-coil absorbes energy when the xenon flash-lamp is trigger-switched to

conduction. The flash-lamp acts as a open-circut with unlimited resistance

till it is triggered. The flash-lamp is triggered by a transformer which gives

it a 4,000 volt pules to the lamp. This pulse is capacitivly-coupled to the

gas inside the lamp. This pulse causes lamp to conduct. The xenon, after it is

pulsed by the 4,000v suddenly acts like a switch of only part of an ohm.

This allows the coil to en energize. When the 4,000v is removed, the flash-

lamp returns to its unlimited-resistance state, it is again an open switch.

......xfer stopped! cell self-runs 4 6 months and more.

- . - . - . - . -

green books by george wiseman at eagle-research.com ...the pneumatic-hydaulic

report... theory progress jun.1998 air pressure details calculations for a

machine that produces excess power using pneumatic-hydraulic principles.

see `super gas saver secrets` isbn#1-895882-01-x ,car inhance ideas.

- .- . - . - . - . -

capacitive transformer -adds to cbc report

changes the c.b.c. to act as an inductive power-supply acts, exactly

for 120/40v at 0.8a thermostat need 22uf 120v+,66uf 42v+

for 120/12v,at 1.0a tree lights need 25uf,120v+,250uf 14v+

report comes with how2 figure your own...

120v ac

o o

] ]

] ] [ c2 ]

c1 x c2 ] c1 ] [ ]

ct = ------- ]__] [_______] [____]

c1 + c2 ] [ ] ] [ ]

] ] [ ]____

] ] [ [

] [

c1 = capacitor one ___]___>[____]_ [

c2 = cap two [ ac + ] [

>[ = diodes -4- [ ] [

+ = positive __ __ [

- = negative /\ /\ [

ac = altnatn curnt [ ] [

___[ - ac ]___[

get pwr frm + an - [_______>[_____]

- . - . - . - . -

the energy conserve method,book one,1994, u.c.c.1-207, 12 chapters

outlines an alternate theory of electricity that assumes heat, light, and

magnatism are side effects of electron-flow and do NOT consume the power!

book 2 has experiments that show electricity can be recycled.

simple test is two capacitors with one at twice the capacity of the other.

the smaller is charged, then measure then used to charge the other. now,dis-

charge both and do it again. this time put a light-bulb in series as you

charge the cap with the other cap. measure the result. it should be same.

this means the light, heat, or magnatism that the bulb does show at charge

time is coming from unknown source, the air? in other words... electricity

is not a fuel, you cant runout of electrons!. means flashlight batteries

dont have to go bad...see edwin v.grey machine?

- . - . - . - . -

reuse burnt out old fluorescent light bulbs #377 from feulesspower.com has

voltage double, tripler, quadrupler scematics from green radio-shack book.

see w-a-s notes for info. here are 3...ac to dc. use caps+diodes rated for

twice the input voltage/amps. bigger caps will reduce ripples.



[ ] + + + +

[ ] o_____] ]______] ]_______] ]_______] ]_______

__ _]_+ ] ] /\ ] ] /\ ] ] /\ ] ] /\

/\ ___ / \ / \ / \ / \

[ ] out X' X, X' X, X' X, X' X,

____[ ____] put / \ / \ / \ / \

[ [ ] x2 / \/ \/ \/ \

[ [ ] o_____/___] ]____]__] ]____[__] ]____]__] ]____\

__ [ _]_+ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] [

in /\ [ ___ [ + + + + [

put [ [ ] (-) (+)

[____\____]________- voltag-multiplier circut

/ output x8


doubler circuit __

output 2x /\ and X' are diodes, the ' is on side were

current -can- go in.

dc to ac inverter

_____________________________+1.5 this circut makes 220v. pulses

[ [ of dc with a 9v. and up to

[ pnp / 170v with a 1.5v if u play wth

[ ___/ cap.value. it will pwr a neon

Z Z / c\ lamp wth 1m series resistor.

r1 Z Z npn _______[b ]

Z Z ___/ [ e ] r1 = resistor - 27k

[ / c\ \___/\ c1 = capacitor - 0.1uf

[_____[b ] ] t1 = transformer - 6.3v-120!

[ [ e ] ] t1 bce transitors - npn pnp

_[_ \___/\ ] ____ ground - ==

c1 ___ [____________/\____ iiE

[ [ ] #iiE

[ == ] #iiE



these r things i copied on the new copier from steves nrg-box.

here is a info-list of things i now have hard-copies of...somewhere.

oregon hous

from: behse@mikro.ee.tu-berlin.de -juergen behse- \newsgroup: sci-nrg sci-phy

sci-nvirnmnt, alt-sci phy new-theories \subject: production of hydrogen by

less energy! \summary: free energy from water cel \key words: free energy.

date feb.13 1992 org=zrz/tu-berlin, nntp-posting-host:mikro.ee.tu-berlin.de

from keelynet of stanely meyer water-fuel-cell, this is deeper view of.

word prcesr pmtrs lm=8 rm=75 tm=2 bm=2 from keelynet bbs 214 324-3502 sponserd

by vangard science \po.box 1031 \mesquite, tx. 75150 /jan.2 1991 meyer.asc

as found= 4 figs, rep has 5p of txt on 2 sides =10p , note on end says...

jerry 214 324-8741, ron 242-9346, for info, from stefan hartmann

-decentral energy research- email to leo@zelator.in-berlin.de

- . - . - . - . -

pulsed capacitor discharge electric engine patent 3,890,548 jun.17 1975

by edwin v. gray, Northridge. calif. of evgray enterprises, inc. van nuys

field of search 310/46,5,6 318/194 318/439 254...spencer,brunt,roberts,phinney

other publicaion: frungel, high speed pulse technolgy. academic press inc1965

attorney gerald l price.

abstract:ther is dsclosed here a electrc machine or ngin in which a rotor cage

havin a array of electro magnets, or fixd electro magnets is rotatable n a ary

of electro magnts, or fixd electrmagnts are `juxtaposed` agnst movble ones.

the coils of the elctromgnts ar conected n th dischrge path of caps conected 2

reltvly hi voltg and dischrgd thr th electromagntc coils whn selected rotor an

stator elemnts r n allignment, or whn th fixed electromgnts and movble elecro

-magnts are `juxtaposed. the discharge occrs acros spark gaps disclosed in

alingnmnt wth respect 2 th desired juxtaposition of th selcted movabl and

statinary electromagnts. the capacitor discharges simoltanysly thru juxtaposd

statinary movable electromgnts respectvly so that their cores are in magnetic

repulsion polarity, thus resulting in the forced motion of movble electromgnts

away from the juxtaposed stationary electromgnt elemnts at the discharge,

therby acheiving motion. in an ingin the discharges accur succesivly across

selected ones of the gaps to maintan continus rotation. caps are rechargd

thru successiv alignment positons of paticular rotor an stator electromagnts

of the engine. 18 claims 19 drawing figs.

a letter from a customer of item # 362 for feulless power.com creative sci.res

how it works , the electrical system scematic = p1 10p of pics + txt

- . - . - . - . -

teslas n-machine /energy from space! using a source of power common to all

places in the heavens. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

the n-machine by bruce e depalma mar.9 1979 rexresearch.com

a or thee first practicel construction of a device for extracting/converting

energy/orgone/prana/bio-cosmic from space to a usable form...electricity?

got 5 pic/text pages of it, hardcopied for self.

radient energy tube, or ol gas-diode on thomas h. moray, #500 fuelless.com

got 4p of txt pat# 2,460,707 doc has 5p, no name but a 300kv voltage multi-

plier scematic /\/\/\/\ 6 caps 6 diodes 1 tnsfrmr

radient energy, nikola telsa pat#685,957 nov.5 1901 1p + 2p scmtic,keelynet.

and 2p of earth energy tap jan 26. 1998 pat#253,765? meadville penna.1923

by frank wyatt prentice.


/ ]

i ]

i /



[ ]

_[_ ]

] [ O

] ] [ [

]___[ O



_________[______________ground level


- . - . - . - . - [____]

inverter plans #579 ,got 3pics = 1, relay and motor pic, 2,oil-commutator

for alternating hi-watt! dc to ac, 3, home-made relay

- . - . - . - . -

the fuelless heater #878p extra copies of core info for amish.

a 2 feet+ can in a can at 1700 rpm that can heat a house!

- . - . - . - . -

capacitor step up transformer, no amp loss! rare pic-txt. 8 pages,1 copy

#363-a fuelless. or fuellesspower.com

- . - . - . - . -

a well water pump that uses sound!, the `bellq1` bellocq,toribio,

compression wave pump.1995 update 1948-89 pat#,s 2,444,912 2,553,541

2,553,543 2,572,977 2,702,559 2,953,095 3,163,240, steves bellocq.htm

- . - . - . - . -

from here are hand shorts of energy topics i have, not from hp copy machine...

victor schaubergers brilliant work with natural energy explained...

`living energies` book by callum coats /23 years translating + collecting

victor`s work into the 4 vol.`ecotechnology` series.

energy is first\cause, physical form is secoundary effect result,not vis-vrs

published by`gateway` at www.gillmacmillan.ie, isnb# 0-7171-3307-9

lord kelvin`s falling water experiment 1890, son walter schauberger math 1938

resonance of all things = 29.9

egg shapes for water and grain staorage. /hyperbolic cone /bio-plow /water-

energizer /water data!/ trees.

water going down this spiral curved cone would spin and hit

___________ the cone-fins at bottom causing them to turn. 90% more

/ / / / / / effecient than modern water generators. or said this way-

\/ / / / / 9x less water is needed to generate the same power.

\/ / / / proving that - what is natural is silent, simple, and

,--------, cheap. p.176, chp.13

/________\ patent 1930, built 1985 by the `schaldming group` at

\________/ birnberg, austria. isbn# 0-7171-3307-9

/ / / / `living water`

/ / / `living energies` -1 book, `eco-technology` -3 books

/ / printed by alick bartholomew via `gateway` of gill and

/ / / macmillan ltd. \hume ave. \park west \dublin 12

/ / www.gillmacmillan.ie \www.pks.com \walters pythagoras-

~~~ kepler-system inst. 1989 at lauffen in the salzkammergut

near salzburg. austria. germany?


\_/ \_/ `sacred living geometry` video, 3 hrs. isbn 1-889071-03-x

][ 1995 radio bookstore press \po box 3010 \bellevue,wa 98009

][ free catalog 1-800-243-1438 back cover:the resrch of callum

--> coats takes us to life + inventions of victor 1885-1958

worked as forest-master in austrian alps, it set him to see

deforestation would deplete the world of water causing deserts and caos.

devloped a new science, and new forms of propulsion for the third-reich.

later did work on `implosion` devices, hundreds of times more powerful than

common-day power sources. deep insights in the special properties of water

trees and nature. into bio-tech practice.

- . - . - . - . -

chancy j britten oct.13 1931, free energy from? radio-thing pat#1,826,727

prentice earth tap 1/26/98 by frank wyatt prentice at keelynet bbs louis roy

canada pat#253,765

electrical power acumulators

pulls power from the earth when resonantly coupled/ see aethertap.htm

bedini motor at keelynet.com/bedmot 3-800 by jouhn bedini feb.1 2003

feulless engine #362, 7 pages= 14 nikola tesla,thomas edison,edwin gray

t.t.brown, eagle-research.com we hold rights, we will sue, u can not show

these plans or video. in 1994 some started a free-enegy motor co. in the

1994 at&t ph-book and were soon shut down, stay out of reach.gov. see

pat#3,890,548 edwin v gray /grey

fuel from water #ffwh, free plans with 10.00 donatinon

splits water into gasses which are used for heating and light


fuelless gravity engine -gravity.html#fge2,#fge3 or #362,#361

-engine.html #ffwh #ffwh2 store gas as water = safer

from the either!, send a model roket up 2,000 ft wth wire and ground, you

will see the voltage! #371 your own light nulbs make #377

hi effecincy generator 9,000 watts with little effort #hfg9

home made batteries #396, hi-voltage double 120v ac to 200,000v dc=7ft spark!

permanentmagnet motor #376 special shaped magnets

using phone lines for power #359, 5,000 watt inverter 12v-120v ac #570 60 Hz

air engine - converts common v-8 engine to run on compressed air, made head-

line news 1998 fuelless power com

rick harrison did it again on 7-7-00, new easy way to step up 12v.bat to 120v

dc with hi-amps, uses free energy from the earth. dc to dc with no amp loss.

steps up the 0.5 or 12v dc coming from the earth/earth batteries, no heavy

]metal core #363-a

- . - . - . -


all natural homepage, newest enertek.com website, the c.b.c. by mitch...

200ft insulated wire




[ ()()______________________

[ /()() \ ______

\ / _____ __ \ / \

[ _/ / __\__ / \ \/ \

[ H / / \ / _[]___[]_ __]__

\{ }_ _/ \_____/ ] [ + - ] [__]__]

[]] ] [ ] ] [ 12v ] ] ground

] ] [ ] / [_________] ]

~~~ [---] / ]

spark plug [_] /


the insul-wire acts as a capacitor, building charge to a few 1,000 volts it

will discharge by `sparking` across the sparkplug which delivers the charge

to the coil that stepdowns to a few 100 volts and pulses the bat. wind and

super cold air = most power. The higher u get the insul-wire off the ground

the better. it must be completely insulated.... hoar wire, coax from cable

company, anything insulated and long. email mitch at wvwarlord@hotmail.com

never disconnect a ham antenna, then pick it up later by the connector and

touch a grounded object! = u get shocked! insulated wire can pick-up bug

charges, the longer the better. pick up the coax and hold antena against

case of the radio to bleed off this charge, is common ham-practice. but now

learn to use it! hook a spark-plug to the end of the insulated wire and

then run the ground in (where the threads are) into a 12v coil off an old

model-a car \but any old coil will do. \

the bottom connector of the coil \that used to go to the points\ is hooked

to the positive side of the battery. the negative side of the battery is

hooked to a good earth ground. and a one to three volt capacitor\the pico-

farred type used in old tube-tv sets\ is hooked from ground back to the wire

were the top of the sparkplug is connected. Thats it! nothing should be

touching ground except the ground post of the battery. use about 200 feet

of insulated wire, and it completely charges a 12v deep-cycle every 2 or 3

days. a thousnd feet of insulated wire would be quiker but the voltage

reaches leathel levels. if it passes you heart or brain... your altered.


- . - . - . - . -

telsa@usa.com water battery mar.6 2001 wet cotton between aluminum+copper


- . - . - . - . -

hi effeciecy generator #hfg9 fueless or fuelesspower.com

not coils moving past magnets or vis-vrsa. but a `blocker` = steel stops

97% of the magnatism and, a light plate of it, passing between a mag + coil

simulates a `off/on` effect of turning one or the other. or use electro-


- . - . - . - . -

diode coil?


] (-) I I


[ I I

[ ____________________/__________________________I I

- __[]___[]__ + ] I~~~I

[ ] ] (+)

[ 12v ] -)-------------`


how to collect `back-e.m.f !

- . - . - . - . -

converting a dc motor to a free-energy motor #37dcm

home made batteries #396

water, clorox bleach/chlorine,salt-water, liquid-plumber acid /wear gloves

and eye gear. stack it copper,paper,aluminim,paper,copper,paper,etc...

1/4th tsp. bleach per cup-water. a teaspoon of bleach to every gallon of

water /electrolyte/ in can.

_____[]___ -- put black tap around pipe at entrance of can

[ [] ] so copper pipe will not touch can.

[ [] ]

[ [] ]

[ [] ]

[ [] ]

[ [] ]

[_____##___] -- use clear-silicon sealer so copper pipe will

not touch side of can.

aluminum can

note: inside of soda cans are clear-coated, use Lqd.plumber or acid to remov.

- . - . - . - . - . - . -

the secret to separating water atoms, is by what holds all atoms together...

magnatism!. can a magnet take water to peices?


two shiny rods of pure swedish iron in holes in opposite sides of a u-shaped

glass. the rods are placed in the glass of water-salt, or water + 1% of

sulferic-acid, and then connected to eletricity. or make one north and

other south? via magnet electro


____ ____ 2 tubes upside-down

[ ] [ ] in 2 cups.

[~~~~] _____ _____ [~~~~]

[ " ] / ___ \ / ___ \ [ ; ] water level = ~~~~

[ ] / / \ \ / / \ \ [ , ]

____[ ` ]_[]_ [ ] [ ] _[]_[ . ]____ gas bubbles = .`; "

[ [ ' ] [] ] [; ] [ ;] [ [] [ " ] ]

[~~~~[ ." ]~[]~] [ :] [ ] [~[]~[ ; ]~~~~]

[ [ ;. ] [] ] [ ] [' ] [ [] [ ; ] ]

[ [ [] ] [] ] [ `] [' ] [ [] [ [] ] ]

[ [_[]_] [] ] [ ] [: ] [ [] [_[]_] ]

[ [] [] ] [ ;] [ .] [ [] [] ]

[ \\__// ] [ ] [. ] [ \\__// ]

[ \__/ ] [ `] [` ] [ \__/ ]

\____________/ [ ] [ :] \____________/

[ `] [ ]

[ ] [ '] u-tube

water-tight seal,yet [' ] [ ;] with acid

### iron pole pieces [ :] [ ] in water

contact water in the [ '] [ ']

tube---> ___ [ ;] [ ;] ___

____[ N ###] ] [ [### S ]___ this horse-shoe magnet has

/ [___] [ ] [ ] [___] \ a wire to `n` and `s`

/ [ ] [ \ / ] [ ] \ to `short` any possibility

\ [ ] \ \__/ / [ ] / of normal electricity

/ [ ] \______/ [ ] \ being used.

\ [ \ / ] \

\ \ \__________/ / /

\ \ / /

/ \_ magnet _/ \

\ _ \____________/ /

\__/ \ /

\___ /


- . - . - . - . - . -

(+) (n)

electric [ ] magnetic

current--> [ ] <-- current

[ ]

[ ]

_-- [ <-_ _-- ] <-_

rotating / [ ] (s) (+) / ] ] rotating

magnetic [ [ _/ [ ] _/ electric

charge ~--> [ ~--> ] charge

[ ]

[ ]

\[/ \]/

~ ~

(-) (+)

new rivals for electricity? ...magnetic current vs. electric current.

- . - . - . - . -

breath positivly-charged oxegen. p.189 `living enegies` by callum coats.

- . - . - . - . -

wasser elektrolyse boxen laut sprecher_transHand.txt by philip mikas

at www.wasserauto.de

highly effecient water electrolysis with the help of a simpl box loudspeakr

oct.? 2000 report. in 1975, baden wurtemberg, a simple school-chemistry

lesson goes odd when a new discovery becomes hushed by a gov. visit.

both student source and friend who gave the demo were kidnapped.

information for: the electrolosis-modification with magnet and coil.

experiment construction: water-tank from glass, 21cm x 29.7 cm

2 electrodes /copper?/ 12 to 13 cm below in? water /ph.1.618 = acid level?

loudspeaker 3-5 watt, 4 ohm between electrodes, but below electrodes,

distance -must- be correct

north or south pole -radiates- upward. loudspeaker does not have to be

attached? and is completely in normal? tap water and common salt was inside.

execution: alternating voltage attached to electrodes /not speaker?/

h2 hydrogen and o2 oxegen will rise equaly. with `ws` h2 arises much faster

than with dc voltage.

from steves nrg-box /hydrogen folder

feb 21,2004

- . - . - . - . -

how to make an egg. or -geometry used in nature

victor shuberger at pks.com

how to make egg shapes, not circles and line as our devices do.


























1. on blank paper, draw a horizontal line /left2right/ and a verticle line/down2up/

across entire length of the paper.

with marks on it every quarter inch

2. pick a number# from 6 to 16 1

and run it into this formula ----> - x n = 1


...one over n times n equals one.

for this egg-zample we will try the # 12. this will be a 12x12 vortex.


- (12) x 1(12) = 12,12



- (12) x 2(12) = 6,24



- (12) x 3(12) = 4,36



- (12) x 4(12) = 3,48


were the up/down and left/right lines cross will equal = 0,0

from 0,0 go 12 marks up, and 12 marks right, place a dot there = 12,12

then go 6 marks right of the verticle line, and 24 up , place a dot=6,24

do this to 4,36 and 3,48 also.

now, connect the dots, it should make a bending line going off the page.

this bent line is called a `hyperbala`. do the same thing on the left side

of the verticle/up-down line. the left and right hyperbala together make

what is called...a `vortex`. these occur in nature everywhere, but you

cant see them...?

[ [ ]

[ [ ] _

/ [ \ _/ <---section line

[ [ _]/

[ [ _/ ]

[ [ _/ ]

/ [/ \

[ _/[ ]

[ _/ [ ] 4,36

x _/ [ x

/_/ [ \

_[ [ ]

__/ [ [ ]

_/ / [ \

[ [ ]

[ [ ]

/ [ \

[ [ ]

[ [ ]

/ [ \ 6,24

x [ x

__/ [ \__

_/ [ \_

__/ [ \__

/ [ \

_/ [ horizontal line \_


[ 0.0 12,12


[ <--- verticle line




n ths egzampl i made 12,12 to be 0,12 so it fits th paper better.

on your paper a vortex should look like a wind-tornado, or water going

down a drain. or the side-view of a whirl-pool.

now, draw a line anywere through the vortex,

like an arrow shot through a tree trunk, any angle will do.

we will call this new line...the `section line`

...to be continued.

intermission: put comercial or mind-message here.

egg shape program data now returns

making an egg shape: part 2

having slashed a line at a random angle through the vortex, we will now

use it to build the egg.

1. were the section line and verticle line cross is point `a`

go 90.degrees from it to hyperbala = `b`

were section line and right-hyperbala cross = `c`

2. with a compass, use `a`,`c` to make `d`,`e` at 90` degrees

3. put 4 or more dots on the section-line, anywere.

each one helps the egg to appear more clearly.

in this example we have four dots: f1, f2, f3, f4.

take f1 to verticle-line at 90`degrees, this is point `n`.

make compass circle with `n` to left-hyperbala at 90` degrees

from f1 to the circle going paralel with verticle line, this is `f1a`

use `f1` and `f1a` to make a semi-circle with compass

where you think `fb` will appear.

from f1 to the semi-circle, going 90`degrees from the section line,

this is `f1b` ...this dot, and one relative to the other side are

``egg-dots``,..they outline your egg.

repeat these steps with f2, f3, f4, and your egg-shape will appear.

area of section line work inlardged:


] ] [ _

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closing notes: try a 9x9 vortex for a chicken-egg.

did you know the moons orbit is egg shaped?

-no end-


Blogger Arise! said...

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