scifairx.txt - - - - v2-?-04 160-1 electronic project kit manuel, from radioshack 1990
feb.2004 outline n place
(front-cover picture) filln it n is a task set
4 boys/girls. all set!
the 160-in-one electronic kit from radioshack.com is just cardboard with
springs in it. -each has a #. here is top-view of kit...
[ 1 3 ] ] ] 10 13 ] ] 18 21 ] 23 ]
[ 2 relay 4 ] lamp ] meter ] 11 ] cntrol ] 19 ] ]
[ 5 ] 6 7 ] 8 9 ] 12 14 ] ] 20 22 ] 24 ]
[_____________]______]_________] npt trfmr ] 15,16,17 ] opt trfmr ] speaker ]
[ ]___________]__________]___________]__________]
[ sci-fair ] ] ] 94 ]
[ 160 - in - one ] cds cell ] ] 92 95 ]
[ electronic project kit ] 73 74 ] 84 ] 96 ]
[______________________________]____________] 83 o ] 93 97 ]
[ ] ] solar ] 85 ] integrated circuit ]
[ 25.26 37.38 ] 49.50 61.62 ] cell ] 87 ]____________________]
[ 27.28 39.40 ] 51.52 63.64 ] 75 76 ] 86 o ] ]
[ 29.30 41.42 ] 53.54 65.66 ]____________] 88 ] 98 102 ]
[ 31.32 43.44 ] 55.56 67.68 ] 77 78 ] 90 ] 99 103 ]
[ 33.34 45.46 ] 57.58 69.70 ] 79 80 ] 89 o ] 100 104 ]
[ 35.36 47.48 ] 59.60 71.72 ] 81 82 ] 91 ] 101 106 105 ]
[ resistors ] capacitors ] diodes ]transistors] led digital disply ]
[ ] ] ]
[ 107 110 ] 113,114,115,116,117 118 ] 120+ +122 ]
[ 108 111 ] ] 9v 3v ]
[ 109 112 ] radio circuits 119 ] 121- -123 ]
...relay = 1, 4 is at 3. if 1 and 2 have current, than 4 is closed at 5.
...lamp = 1, 3v flashlight bulb, is on if 6 + 7 have current
...meter = 1, 50 ohm, 1v type, scale marks 1-10,
...input tfm = 1, input transformer, 13 + 14 = output, coil size=finger size
...control = 1, variable resister, 0-50k
...output tfm = 1, output transformer, 18-20 = input, 21 + 22 = out 2ndary
...speaker = 1, small, 8 ohms, 0.25 watt
...resistors = 12
from 25-48 = 100 ohm, 470 ohm, 1k, 2.2k, 4,7k, 10k, 10k, 22k, 47k, 100k,
220k, 470k
...capacitors = 12
from 49-72 = 10pf, 100pf, 0.001uf, 0.01uf, 0.02uf, 0.05uf, 0.05uf, 0.1uf
are non-polor type,ceramic, brown color, disk-shape.
3.3uf, 10uf, 100uf, 470uf
are +polarized, rolled type, blue color, can-shape.
...cds cell = 1, light sensitive variable resistor 73,74
...solor cell = 3v , black, silicon-type or selenium type
...diodes = 3, 2 = ge-type,see-thru. 1 = si-type, black-greytipd
current can go only one way. e.g. 80 to 79, not 79-80
...transistrs = 3, 2 = 2sa type -pnp, 1 = 2sc type -npn
b.c.e. /e.g. b=83 c=84 e=85, b=86 c=87 88=e, 89=b 90=c 91=e
...i.c. chip = 1, integrated circuit, black square wth many legs like a bug
...lds = 1,led digital display + 8 resistors 480 ohm? orng-blu-brwn.sv
...switch = 1, double-throw tri-pole, one switch turns 2 separate swtches
108 to 107 or 109, 111 to 110 or 112
...radio crct = 1,a black ferrit-core,pencil-shaped wth papr-thn coil on it.
...vrbl cap = 1, variable capacitor 118-119
...batteries = 2, 1st is 9v(6 cells) 120-121, 2nd is 3v(2 cells) 122-123
...wires = kit has color coated wires: white(3 in) red(6 in) yellow(12in)
green(3ft-for a antenna)
...key = 1, small blue block with button contacts that touch when you
press down, and untouch whn u release, 2 springs 2 wire 2.
and `the morse code` the universal code language printed on it.
a ._ m _ _ y _._ _
b _ ... n _ . z _ _ ..
c _._. o _ _ _ 1 . _ _ _ _
d _ .. p . _ _ . 2 .. _ _ _
e . q _ _ . _ 3 ..._ _
f .._. r . _ . 4 ...._
g _ _. s ... 5 .....
h .... t _ 6 _ ....
i .. u .._ 7 _ _ ...
j . _ _ _ v ..._ 8 _ _ _ ..
k _ ._ w . _ _ 9 _ _ _ _ .
l . _ .. x _ .. _ 0 _ _ _ _ _
- . - . - . - . -
know color codes on resistors: if u r makin this kit from spare parts.
4 bands: 1st 2nd r #s, 3rd is multipl, 4th is quality:copper,silver,or gold
from least to gratest = 25-26, 27-28, 29-30, etc...to 48 on kit:
bwn-blk-bwn 100ohm blk 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
yel-prp-bwn 470ohm bwn 1 __________________________
bwn-blk-red 1,000 red 2 [ [] [] [] [] ]
red-red-red 2.2k org 3 ______[ [] [] [] [] ]_______
yel-prp-red 4.7k, yel 4 [ [] [] [] [] ]
bwn-blk-org 10k, grn 5 [___[]___[]___[]___[]______]
bwn-blk-org 10k, blu 6
red-red-org 22k, prp 7 know color code on resistors
yel-prp-org 47k, gry 8
bwn-blk-yel 100k, wht 9
red-red-yel 220k
yel-prp-yel 470k
- . - . - . - . -
list of book experiments 160-1 and 150-1 kits
1.entrtainmnt circuits ----- -----
-light circuits and games 1-8 1-6
-specil sound efcts 9-19 7-17
2.natural science exprmnts 20-32 18-29
3.led digital display circuits 33-36 30-33
4.basic electonic components + circuits 37-45 34-42
5.basic semi-conductr cricuits 46-51 43-47
6.computer and logic circuits 52-66 48-60
?.amplifiers 61-63
7.oscillators 67-77 64-71
8.swithing and control circuits 78-96 72-89
9. alarm, warning and protection circts 97-110 90-101
10. communication circuits 111-131 107-124
11. test circuits 132-160 125-150
projects from book:
each one page, each page: a pic of wire connects,text,schematic,space 4 notes,
and a wire sequence. e.g.21-23, 22-24, 20-87, etc. note:(*)means relay #rs
1-2,3-4-5 are 5-4,3-2-1 for the 140-1 kit book, all else same.
if see(*) use this pic: ____________
[ 1 4 ]
[ 2 relay ]
[ 3 5 ]
page project wire-sequence txt,pics,notes (needs 2 b fild n)
---- -------- ------------- - - - - - - - -
e.g. 23,45 means project 23 of 160-1 kit is also found on 45 of 150-1 kit
1,1 elctronic candle: 123-7, 4-6, 122-5, 2-87-84, 74-14, 16-47, 15-88-120-38,
37-85-86, 48-83, 1-73-121
2,2 the big ear: 21-23, 22-24, 26-37-32-72, 30-44-85, 41-43, 42-63-86, 64-20,
18-15-14-88-29-71-120, 87-83-38, 16-65, 17-67, 13-90-48-55,
84-68-31, 25-110-56-91, 47-66-89, 10-earphone, 12-earphone,
3,3 electronic reflex tester: 1-87-82, 4-6-36-key, key-110, 2-5-111-121-81,
35-86, 3-122, 88-120, 7-123
4,4 machine gun pulse osc: 21-23, 22-24, 18-64-68, 20-87-63, 16-38,
82-86-67-37, 88-120-81, 19-17-key, key-121
5,5 rapid led switcher
persis o vision test: 104-102-26, 87-25, 86-65-38, 37-35-120-88,
66-36-key, 106-121-key
6,6 light oriented direction finder: 87-39-33, 86-76-74-16, 40-8,
73-9-15-88-75-120, 17-30, 29-34-110,
7,? cds cell target practice: placed in dark, a light came on if hit by light.
8,? quick draw :not found. cds-cell light?
9,7 elctronic woodpeker: 21-23, 22-24, 18-62-58, 19-17-123, 20-87-61, 16-42,
bird 29-69, 30-41-57-86, 70-88-122
10,8 electronic cat: 21-23, 22-24, 18-87-64, 19-68-38-26-111, 20-62-63,
86-17-61, 16-37, 88-67-69-120, 70-112, 25-key, key-121
11,9 electroc motorcycle: 21-23, 22-24, 18-74-61-63, 20-87-62, 86-64-probe,
73-38, 37-probe, 19-121, 88-120
?,10 electronic insect : 21-23, 22-24, 18-69, 90-10-earphon,
earphon-12-20-85-120, 29-33-110-66, 34-45-84-89, 30-65-91,
46-70-83, 111-121
12,11 two-tone patrol car siren: 21-23, 22-24, 18-87, 20-52-38, 37-51-55-86,
56-key, key-88-122, 19-123
13,12 electonic siren: 21-23, 22-24, 18-63-57, 19-122-key, 20-90-64, 39-43-67,
40-key, 44-58-89, 68-91-123
play with caps and shorts.
14,13 elctrnic metranome: 21-21, 22-24, 18-70-58, 16-33, 20-87-57, 34-69-86,
88-122, 19-17-key, 123-key
?,14 2-trnsistr metrnom: 23-87-26, 25-65, 24-91-72-121, 86-30, 29-90,
89-66-45, 46-16, 17-88-71-120
15,15 elctronic grndfater clok: 21-23, 22-24, 18-58-70, 19-123-43, 25-44-69,
26-86, 20-87-57, 88-122
16,16 light ctrld harp: 21-23, 22-24, 18-87-74-63, 19-123, 20-64-60, 73-42,
41-59-86, 88-key, key-122
17,17 sleep machine: 21-23, 22-24, 20-87, 18-70, 19-123, 88-26, 40-67,
16-72-key, key-121, 17-42, 41-69-68-86, 25-39-71-120-122
play with caps.
18,? the chirping bird: see 9,7
?,18 coin battery: 9-copper penny, 8-galvanized metal
ths is 1st exprmnt n th natrl-sci projcts most of cmbine sm physcl sci
wth elctronics. show practcl aplctins of elctroncs n all aspects of sci.
a battery is formed whn 2 disimlr mtls r n contact wth a liquid capabl
of actin chemicly on th 2 mtls. th liquid cn be acidc or alkali as long
as it cn react on th mtl to extract electrons or atoms.
a list of most positive(+) to most negative(-) is as follows : gold,
silver, mercury, copper, bismuth, antimony, lead, tin, nickel, cadmium,
iron, chromium, zinc, manganese, aluminum, magnesium.
circuits that use a coin bat are: 64, 82, 116
19,? horror sound effect:not found, used #10(140-1kit) insect: 21-23, 22-24,
18-69, 90-10-earphone, earphone-12-20-85-120,
29-33-110-66, 34-45-84-89, 30-65-91, 46-70-83, 111-121
21,19 electronic thermometer: 8-90, 9-38, 15-91-123, 16-89, 17-42, 37-41-122
quest: 2 demo the senses of semi-conductors.
22,20 solar powered light meter: 76-8, 9-16, 17-75
23,21 cds photo cell light meter
with transistor amplifier: 122-74-9, 90-30, 29-8, 73-17, 16-38, 37-89,
24,22 solar cell + cds cell
light meter: 8-73, 74-76, 75-17, 16-9
25,23 super-sensitive light meter: 87-9-28, 86-74, 73-45, 8-37-35, 16-27
15-38-46-key, key-123, 36-88-122
26,24 sonic fish caller: 123-19, 21-23, 22-24, 18-62-64-47, 20-87-63, 16-48,
17-61-86, 88-122,
27,25 hygrometer: 8-90, 17-83-42, 30-34-86, 36-43-87, 37-41-33-35-121-91,
32-85-88, 38-84, 44-89, 16-39-29-31-120
140-1: 17-84-9-45, 46-83, 15-87-8-47, 48-86, 16-34, 33-121,
85-88-122, 120-123
measure humidity
28,26 lie detector: 87-38, 37-9, 90-86-30, 88-28, 89-41, 39-16,
120-29-27-probe, 40-42-probe, 8-15-91-121
measure sensitive changes in resistance
29,27 rain detector: 21-23, 22-24, 18-63-57, 19-121-probe, 87-20-64,
86-58-34-31, 32-88-key, key-120, 33-probe
30,28 metal detector: 90-40-113-119, 89-117-39-34, 91-26, 64-116, 115-118-120,
31,29 accelerometer: 123-7, 6-4, 5-122, 32-35-85, 31-65-83, 36-41-86, 66-16,
2-87, 15-88-120-42, 1-17-84-121
32,? water quality checker: 8-34, 25-33-probe, 26-9-106, 103-120, 121-probe
33,30 seven-segmnt led
digital display circut: 123-106, 122-leads as required to terminals:
use a vom to measur voltages across led and resistors
get txt
34,31 basic led display: 123-106, 105-104-103-102-98-99-100-101-key, 122-key
35,? trnsistr ctrl swtin of led-dsplay: 104-102-87, 106-90, 86-37, 38-91-121,
35-key, 36-89, 88-120-key,
?,32 trnsistr ctrl swtin of led-dsplay: 104-102-87, 106-90, 86-39, 40-91-121,
41-key, 42-89, 88-120-key
36,33 trnstr, cds cel + led dsplay: 104-102-74-120, 106-90, 73-17, 16-37,
38-89, 15-91-121
37,34 graphn a var resistance: 121-15-34, 33-8, 9-38, 37-39, 40-16, 17-120
38,35 resistors n series n parall:
series = 123-16-8, 15-9-38, 37-35, 36-key, 122-key
parallel = remove 37-35 wire, connect 35-38 and 36-37
formula for resistance of two resistors in parallel is:
req = ( r1 x r2 ) devided by ( r1 + r2 )
get txt
39,36 cap chrg and dscharg: 120-109, 108-71-69, 107-41, 42-9, 8-70-72-121
40,? capacitor as a spark plug supressor: 21-23, 22-24, 18-key, 3-63-key,
20-120, 64-4-2, 1-121
?,*37 capcitor as a spark plug supressor: 21-23, 22-24, 18-key, key-1-63,
20-120, 64-4-2, 5-121
= a relay buzzr wth a cap as a transient supressr. note n #125, spikes of
nrg r obtaind wch r so narrow in wdth and hi n amplitude that 2 things r
accomplished: 1st- generatin of r.f. nrg that cn b herd n nearby radio.
2nd erossion/destructin of relay contact points.
none want destroy a relay, and spark-xmitrs cant b used anymore. stop ths
spike wth th proper cap value across relay contacts! as a `condenser` wch
is across a car-ignitin system. without it, it woldnt run.
chek it wth a oscilloscope/a meter for oscilatns/ across th relay.
connect the circut and close the key a few times to listen 2 th sound.
now disconnect the lead from trmnl 64 and close th key a few times.
the sound u hear should b distictly diffrnt. th orign sound wth th cap
should be low, and mellow. without, it is raspy n higer n pitch.
the raspy hi-pitch sound is result of a narrow hi spike of current.
41,38 transformer experiment: 122-key, key-14, 13-123, 10-29, 30-8, 9-12
42,39 generatn electricl nrg: 21-23, 22-24, 18-8, 20-77, 78-9
42,40 hi voltage generator: 23-21-72, 5-22-24-70-121, 2-4-71, 1-69-120,
18-probe, 20-probe
43,41 hi voltage gnrtr ii: not found,140-1: 120-21-4, 1-5-70, 69-22, 2-123,
121-122, 20-probe, 18-probe
44, hi-voltage generator ii: 120-21-1, 2-3-70, 69-22, 20-probe, 18-probe,
45,42 cap dschrg hi-v gnrtr:key-21, key-71-34, 22-72-121, 18-probe, 20-probe,
46,43 diode action switchn: 122-111, 109-110-6, 7-81-key, key-82-107-112,
47,44 diode circuit func: 105-104-103-102-99-100-101-111-7, 6-82, 106-81-key,
wth swtch + led display key-108, 107-121, 109-122, 110-120, 112-123
48,45 trnsistor circut action: 104-101-100-87, 102-98-99-91, 89-79-33,
86-37-31, 106-121-key, key-80-38, 32-34-88-90-120
49 hearing aid amplifier: 21-23, 22-24, 18-66, 20-91-121-70-56-32-earphone,
earphone-31-47-87, 86-63-48, 90-64-53-45-29,
89-65-54-55-46, 26-88, 25-30-69-120
50,46 regulatd pwr-suply: 120-81-36-34-32-26-37-17, 16-83, 84-86-29, 85-82-28,
38-9, 88-15-8-27-probe(long lead), 30-87-121
51,47 vltg regultr circt: 8-31-88, 9-41, 15-32-42-67-120, 16-86-68, 17-87-123,
121-122, 15(+)dc output, 8(-)dc output
52,48 logic `and` circt: 122-7, 6-key, 107-key, 108-123
wth swtchs
53,49 logic `or` circuit: 123-7, 6-107-key, key-108-122
54,*50 logic `nor` crct: 122-7, 6-3, 2-123, 87-5, 74-86-75-43, 73-76-88-120,
part one 4-44-121
55,*51 logic `nor` crct: 122-7, 2-123, 87-40-4, 5-121, 39-107-key, key-108-86,
part two 88-120, 1-6
56,52 `and` wth led dply: 90-106, 104-103-102-99-100-81-120, 89-37-39, 82-88,
87-38, 80-78-86-35, 36-40-91-121, 77-long leadfr (a),
79-long lead for (b)
57,53 `or` wth led dply:104-103-102-99-100-88-120-34, 87-37, 86-33-35, 106-90,
89-38-39, 36-79-77, 78-long lead for (a)
80-long lead for (b), 40-91-121
58,54 logic`nand`wth ld dsply: 99-100-101-120-35, 106-90, 89-77-79-36, 91-81,
78-long lead for (a), 80-long led for (b),
59,55 logic`nor`with ld dsplay: 99-100-101-120, 106-90, 89-37-36, 38-long lead
for (a), 35-long lead for (b), 91-121
60,*56 1-shot multivibrator: 1-70-84-key, 2-39-29-110, 4-6, 5-122, 30-37-87,
38-83, 40-69-86, 85-88-120-key, 111-121, 7-123
?,*57 reset /set flip -flop: 2-6, 3-122, 4-38-44-110, 5-42-87, 7-123, 8-43,
37-9-15-84, 41-83-125, 17-86-124, 120-88-85-126-
probe, 111-121
rs (reset-set) used in p.c.logic circts. used to acomplish a desired act.
bistable-multivibrator = a circt with 2 stable states (reset-set). when
one state exists, it will hold at-it as long as vltg-splyd. this ability
to remain in either state long afterward is called 'memory', bytes,or ram.
* ,58 flip-flop wth led dsply: 104-102-87-70, 106-121-36-37-16, 17-39,
84-38-68, 83-69-35, 86-67-40, 85-88-120
see how read-out is ctrld by a free-running multivibrator (flip-flop)
used n calcultrz at hi-speeds (cant see #'s flikr) or as clock-pulse.
to verify: shrt-circt b-e of one transistor, than other
63,? flip-flop led-lamp: 3-98-99-100-101-104-102, 106-123-7, 6-5, 1-70-87,
2-27-34-36-121, 84-72-28, 83-69-35, 122-4, 86-71-33,
85-88-key, key-120
?,*59 flip-flop led-lamp:122-2 1-98-99-100-101-104-102, 106-123-7, 6-3,
4-68-87, 5-40-31-36-121, 84-70-32, 83-67-33-35,
86-69-39-29, 85-88-30-34-key, key-120
?,60 multivibrator switching of
led display wth diodes: 80-78-102, 103-101-100-98-87-77-70-35,
104-84-79-68-38, 120-88-85, 83-69-40, 86-67-42,
?,61 speaker-microphone
transistor amplifier: 21-23, 22-24, 120-34-88-20, 18-67, 86-68-43-33,
87-10-earphone, earphone-12-44-121
?,62 hearing-aid amplifier: 21-23, 22-24, 18-66, 20-91-121-70-56-34-earphone,
earphone-33-47-87, 86-63-48, 90-64-45-31,
89-65-55-46, 32-69-88-120
?,63 direct-copled
2-transistor amplifier: 21-23, 22-24, 18-17, 20-15-85-25-69-71-120,
16-67, 84-86-33, 83-68-37, 26-38-70-88, 87-12-earphone,
67,64 coin bat audio osc: earphone-10-84, earphone-12-55-47, 83-56-48,
11-70-battery(-), 85-key, key-69-battery(+)
battery=(+)copper,wet paper,zinc(-) (=galvanizd metl)
68,65 osc wth trn off delay: 21-23, 22-24, 18-61-63-39, 19-121, 20-87-64,
86-62-40-33, 88-72-34-key, key-71-120
69,66 temp sens audio osc: earphone-10-87, earphone-12-38-53, 11-121, 37-84,
85-86-54, 88-120
70,67 capacitv chrch osc:13-61-43, 14-89, 10-78-71-44-key, 12-77-90-earphone,
earphone-91-121-72-62, key-120
how an osc can run lon-time by energy stord in a cap. is dif typ osc
than wht u bn usin n ths kit. aftr swt is opn crct rns fr abt a min.
reasn it rns lng is shrt duty-cycle (du-cy = measrmnt of comparison
between run-time and total time to complet 1 cycl). this circuit
cnducts less-than half th time its on(as do most puls or block type osc)
on = only 10-15% of the operating-time
circit has both reqirmnts of an osc. (gain greater than 1 and regenatv
feed-back to sustain oscilations). th transstr provids gain mch >than1.
th trnfrmr provids regentve fed-bk wth propr polorzation of th windings.
to ver ths: exchnge 13 wth 14.(th correct phase is th 1 that gives osc)
th 100k resis initly splys base-bias curnt 2 th 2sc(trnstr) to begn osc.
but whn oscs bgn, it suplys dschrge fr th 0.05 cap durn th trnstr off-
times. durn th on-tm th cap is chrged-up, and trnstr is hld-on by th
enduced-vltg frm th trnsfrmr-base windings.
th ge-diode shorts-out th trnsfrmr at th instant th curnt stps flown thrw th
trnsfrmr as th trnsistr is trnd off. ths protct th transistr frm this po-
tently dangrus spik of nrgy - for th diode circulats th curnt bk arnd th
trnsfrmr-windings so hat no hrm is dn. durn all othr parts of th osc-cycle,
th diode recievs ethr revrs-bias vltg or zero vltge so that it acts like a
open-circuit. remembr, n al smi-cndctr devics curnt cn only flw agnst th
arrow head symbol.
71,68 2-trnstr,drct-voupld osc: 21-23, 22-24, 86-90, 87-18-55, 20-91-key,
key-121-17, 16-39, 15-88-30, 40-56-89, 29-120
72,69 psh/pul square wave osc: 21-23, 22-24, 18-84-56-41, 19-110, 20-87-38-55,
83-37, 86-42, 85-88-122, 111-123
73,70 solar cell osc: 86-84-10-earphone, 83-87-1`2-earphone, 11-76, 75-88-85
74,71 ...wth speakr : 21-23, 22-24, 18-84-86-56, 19-76-72, 20-87-83-55,
75,? pencil-led organ:
76,? led strobe light:
77? electonc organ:
78,*72 lit cntrld swch wth cds cel: 123-7, 6-2, 3-122, 120-88-16, 15-74-86,
87-5, 73-30, 4-29-121
79,*73 ...wth solar cell: 123-7, 6-2, 3-122, 87-5, 4-121, 76-86, 75-88-122
80,74 sensitv light cntrld swtch: 2-84-87-82, 4-6, 5-123, 7-122, 16-89,
17-74, 29-40-120-88, 30-73, 39-41-83, 42-90, 85-86, 1-15-91-81-121
?,*74 : 123-7, 6-2, 3-122, 4-41-32-121-97, 5-87, 10-95, 13-78, 86-77-68,
92-64, 84-63-31, 83-65-38, 73-66-42, 37-67-12-14-74-85-94-88-120
?,*75 light ctrld swtchr : 21-23, 22-24, 18-90-59, 20-122, 1-4-66, 2-73-110,
3-87, 16-86, 17-74, 15-5-39-30-65-120, 29-60-88-91-123,
40-89, 111-121
81,*76 elctonc tch swtch: 87-3, 1-4, 2-91-121, 86-34, 90-33, 89-36, 35-probe,
82,*77 vox /voice-opratd-xmit rely: 123-7, 6-2, 3-122, 21-23, 22-24, 18-17,
13-78, 10-95, 87-5, 86-77-68, 65-92, 16-66,
94-88-14-12-67-120, 4-15-20-97-121
83,*78 voice ctrled swtch: 123-7, 6-3, 2-122, 21-23, 22-24, 18-85-88-65-120,
83-70-44, 84-30, 29-10, 13-89, 90-26, 25-41-66, 87-5,
20-69, 86-42, 43-4-12-14-91-121
how yr voic cn trn on a xmtr or tp-rec automtcly. all3 trnsstrs r used
to stp th vltge up enf 2 nrgiz th relay (77 is sim bt uses ic to gain)
usd by hams as a telphone to replac th func of th snd-reciev swtxh,
here it only trns on a lmp,
features: 2sa(trnsistr) is usd as a clas-a amplfir wth trnsfrmr-coupln
n th out-put. fixd bas-bias curnt is splyd by 100k base-resisr.
a 1k is usd 2 lmt max-pwr to 2sa and prvnt unwantd oscs in ths stage.
the 2sc(trnsistr) is opertd wth-out any bas-bi curnt so ths stage is
operatn class-c. 1 desird fe of ths cls of opr is tht th sgnl is
effectvly rectfied and amplfied. th out-put of ths stage dos then not
need be rectfied by a diode. the 100 ohm limts peak colectr-curnt for
the 2sc trnstr. th 3.3uf cap filtrs th signl so 2sb gts smooth d.c.
the 2sb is th rely-switchn trnsist. it is not biasd-on bt relys on th
presence of signal whch has ben cnvrted to
u may wnt t xprmnt wth ths cap 2 c reslts. to try 100uf, replace it
wth th 10.uf fr th input to th 2sa. -have fun!
84,79 transistr switchr: 104-102-87, 106-90, 86-39, 40-key, 91-121-key,
41-89, 42-88-120
the swtchn of bi-polar trnsistrs to trn on a read-out device.
th npn(trnsistr 2sc) constantly trnd on by a postv base-vltag frm 47k.
th bas-2-emtr vltg biased 'on' at only afw tnths of a volt, so abt al
th 9vl-tg is acros th 47k resistr. the base-curnt may thn be calculatd
by ohms-law : i = e x r , = 9 devided by 47 = 0.19ma
if ths npn has a curnt-gain capactty of 100, thn amunt of clctr crnt
wch cn flow is 19.0ma.
the pnp(2sb) trnd on by 22k + on-off swch. resistance is half that of
th 47k, so curnt supl is dubl that of npn. more-on (harder on)
a trnstr not on enuff cant alw reqird crnt to flw n its clectr circt.
th result is excesiv vltg acros colectr-emmiter (c-e) , not enuf to
light disply and may brn th trnsistr. so hook up circuit and see if
displa(1) wil light enuff. now try to paralel mor leds to make more
on display ligh-up. note as more added, light decreases. the 'on'
transistrs ar not fuly 'on'. decrease resistance in base(b) curnt
not to much or burns trnsistr!
now change bot resistrs to 10k and repeat the above exprmnt.
keep voltage below 0.5v at the (b). check with vom (vlt-ohm meter)
frm ths we lern : whn base-bias is prsnt, the trnstr is 'on'
but that ful-on is indcated by low vltg across colctr-to-emitr.
a trnsistr wch has max clctr-emitr vltg presnt, is in th 'off' state.
85,*80 elecrc relay swchn: 123-7, 6-2, 3-122, 5-87, 4-27, 86-40, 121-28-key,
key-39, 88-120
86,*81 relay lachn circt: 111-120-key, key-123-2-4, 3-110, 5-121, 1-6, 7-122
87,*82 super-senstv relay: 123-17-7, 6-2, 121-4, 5-87, 86-38, 37-neg probe,
or snstv voltmeter 16-pos probe, 3-15-88-122-120
to test wth solr-cel: (-)probe to 76, (+)probe to 75
88,*83 relay light flashr: 123-7, 6-2, 3-122, 4-65-67-69-35, 66-68-70-121-key,
key-5, 36-120
aspects of capacitors (caps) and relays. if enuf time is alwd (2.sec)
the caps charge up enuf to be able to deliver th reqird nrgizing curnt to
the relay.
89,84 delay switchn circuts: fast on, slow off: 121-72-8-17, 9-38, 37-39,
16-32, 71-40-31-key, 120-key
slow on, fast off: 37-39-71-key, 9-40, 38-120, 8-72-121-key
combinations of resistancs(r) and capacitance(c). or r.c.-time-constant.
90,*85 trnstr delay circt usin
r.c. time constsnt: 123-7, 6-2, 3-122, 97-5, 86-38, 16-30, 17-88-69-71-120,
70-110, 72-112, 111-29-37-key, key-4-121
91,86 dc-to-dc convrtr: 13-8-70, 14-77, 9-78-69, 10-61-63-46, 45-62-86,
12-64-87, 88-122, 11-123
were a low-vltg dc is available but a hi-vltg is needed
dc is stepped-up to hi-ac for long-distance, then reduced for use.
92,*87 lamp blinker: 123-7, 6-1, 121-4, 87-17-5, 16-36, 3-27, 37-28-35-72,
38-86, 2-71-120-122-88
93,*88 dc-to-dc convrtr: 10-77, 9-78-67, 12-68-42, 8-41, 120-5, 2-4, 1-13,
mechanicl chopper 14-121
94,*89 momentary-on call swch: 123-7, 6-3, 2-122, 4-70-72, 5-109-121,
108-71-69, 107-120
use to alert or call without excess noise. uses cap-storg theory of
projct#36. th diff here is nrgy her energizs th relay.
! whn cnnctn caps n paralel, the resulting capactnce = th sum of caps.
whn cnnctd in series capcitnce must be found by using ths formula:
c = ( c1 x c2 ) devided-by ( c1 + c2 ). example 470uf and 100uf ,
c = 470 x 100 devided by ( 470 + 100 ) = 4700 d-by 570 = 82ufc
95,? light dimmer
96,? light cntrld blinker:
97,90 crack of dawn alarm clock: 21-23, 22-24, 18-63-90, 19-42-120-36,
20-62-64, 87-89-61-38, 86-76-35, 88-75-41, 91-110-37, 111-121
98,91 early bird: 21-23, 22-24, 18-61-63, 62-59, 64-87-20, 19-17-key,
key-121, 16-74, 73-42, 30-41-60-86, 29-70, 69-88-120
99,*92 closed loop burglr alarm: 123-7, 6-2, 87-5, 3-122, 4-39-121,
86-40-activator wire, activator wire-88-120
100,93 water level alarm: 15-86, 87-67-42-114, 88-122, 90-119-113-antenna,
118-115-59, 89-60-41, 17-sense wire, sense wire-68-91-123
get txt
101,94 light activated wireless: 90-113, 115-116-120-74, 73-43, 44-38-64-89,
burgalr alarm 63-55-117, 37-56-91-121
102,95 light contrld brg alrm: 21-23, 22-24, 95-18-61-54, 120-94-20-62,
92-74, 73-53, 97-121
? ,96 hi power alarm oscillator: 21-23, 22-24, 18-87, 20-37, 38-86, 19-123,
88-key, key-120, 121-122
103,*97 relay + speaker buzzer: 23-4-2, 24-66, 120-65-5, 1-key, key-121
104,98 light receiver: 21-23, 22-34, 20-87-64, 18-61-63, 86-62-37-29, 17-41,
or light alarm 16-75, 76-30, 15-88-120-38, 42-19-121
? ,99 acoustic light alarm : 21-23, 22-24, 95-20-74, 73-55, 56-92, 96-29,
30-121-97, 18-94-120
?,100 sound activated alarm: 21-23, 22-24, 18-87-56, 20-64-55, 10-95, 13-78,
77-66-34, 33-31-63-86, 32-65-12-14-94-88-120,
92-earphone, earphone-93, 19-97-121
?,101 radio signal indicator: 123-7, 6-3, 2-122, antenna-49 or 51,
97-121-70-118-116-115-4-earth ground, 119-113-50, 114-52,
117-66, 65-92, 68-77-86, 78-10, 5-87, 13-95, 12-14-94-88-67-69-120,
105,? cds cntrld i.c. osc:
106,? brg alrm wth latch relay:
107,? one touch alarm:
108,? alrm sound generatr:
109,? 3-step water levl indicatr:
110,? night light
111,102 wire-type light signler : 122-30-7, 6-16-91-121-key, 29-15-89, 90-106,
wth monitor 104-103-102-98-99-100-101-120, 123-key
112,*103 code sounder : 121-4, 5-key, key-120
113,? 1-wire commune systm: 121-35-37-11, 10-62-84, 83-59-36, 38-61-86,
12-87-60, 85-88-key, key-120, 12-ground, 10-line
to earphone, earphone-ground
?,104 singl-wire communicatin system: 121-35-33-11, 10-64-84, 83-57-36,
34-29, 30-63-86, 12-87-58, 85-88-key, key-120,
12-ground, 10-line to earphone, earphone-ground
114,105 code practice osc : 21-23, 22-24, 121-19, 20-87-64, 18-62-63-42, 41-16,
wth tone ctrl 17-86-61-33, 34-88-key, key-120
115,106 i.c. morse code: 21-23, 22-24, 20-94-120, 92-60, 95-18-15, 59-key,
practice osc key-16, 17-97-121
th 33uf cap prevents degenration (and so, decreased amplifir gain)
wth-out ths th 910ohm internal bias resistr wld alw ac and dc 2 b fed
bk 2 nput stage , drastcly reducn totl i.c. gain.
notes : i can hear a radio station.
116,107 solar pwrd code practic osc: 62-83-16, 85-75-69, 63-61-17-10-earphn,
earphone-12-84-64, 70-76-key, key-11
photons of light are cnvrtd 2 elctrcl nrg. thr r 2 typs of slr-cell
avlbl 2day ( 1980.a.d. ) selenium and silicon
117,? crystal radio: 118-113-50, 119-115-54-44-earphone, earphone-43-53-78,
77-114-52, antenna-49 or 51, ground-119
?,108 crystal set radio : 119-113-50, 118-115-44-earphone, earphone-43-78,
(simpl diode type) 77-114-52, antenna-49 or 51, ground-118
a good erth-gnd and antna req 4 lng-dis statins, eg: a tlphon gnd,bed-spring
, metl shelf-brace , cloth-hangr, home air-vent pipes,etc
th tank-circut (ferrite antenna coil + tuning-capctr) proide selction,
or else all statins are herd as 1. the diode rectifis the radio-freqcy.
100k resist acts as a load. stay away from all voltages (bats or pwr-lines)
notes:hey? why not extract power from hi-voltage lines by collectin th
radiation, or use a tranfrmr-coil to resonate in response to nearby magnatsm,
or use identical shapes or frequencys (resonance) as early radio invntrs saw
henry morse? 1st to send xfer, a ring + balls with hi-vltg made a ring wth
balls across th room give off a spark between balls.
?,109 transmitr diode-junctin radio : 119-113-50, 114-52-86-87, 88-47-earphon,
earphon-48-115-118-ground, antenna-49 or 51
try difnt resisrs
?,110 automatc light-actvatd : 21-23, 22-24, 18-87, 85-88-118-115-39-2-ground,
radio 119-113-50, 52-114-77, 78-63-40, 4-81-90, 17-73,
16-34, 33-89, 32-61-84, 44-64-83, 48-62-86,
47-31-43-15-20-91-121, 3-5-74-82-120, antenna-49 or 51
118,? auto-lit-actvtd radio:
119,? 1 transistr radio: 118-113-50, 68-119-116-115-48, 114-52, 47-10-84,
12-121, 13-earphone, earphone-14, 83-77-56, 78-117,
85-67-55-120, antenna-49 or 51, ground-48
?,111 one transistr radio: 119-113-50, 68-118-116-115-48, 114-52, 47-10-84,
wth diode 12-121, 13-earphn, earphn-14, 83-77, 78-117, 85-67-120,
antenna-49 or 51, ground-48
get txt
120,112 solar powerd : 119-113-50, 118-116-115-57-75-88, 58-77-86, 114-52-78,
radio 87-10-earphn, 76-12-earphn, ground-118, antenna-49 or 51
?,113 rf pwrd 1-trnsistr: 119-113-50, 114-52-77, 41-66-89, 42-53-65-78-14,
1-diode radio 115-116-118, 54-117-91, 90-13, 10-ear, ear-12,
ground-118, antenna-49 or 51
121,114 2-transistor radio: 21-23, 22-24, 18-87, 20-26-110, 86-17-37, 16-67,
15-25-35-70, 78-65-39, 28-38-40-69-71-115-118-120-85,
36-45-68-84, 77-52-114, 50-113-119, 46-66-83, 88-72-27,
111-121, 28-ground, antenna-49 or 51
try wth-ou 22k resistr. replace it wth an open-circuit (lift 39)
?,115 transistr radio : 13-78, 84-30-41-59, 83-58-42, 85-120-118-116-115,
wth rf amplifir 117-57, 60-77-39, 52-114, 50-113-119, 29-40-14-121,
10-earphone, earphon-12, ground-115, antena-49 or 51
sensitive arrangmnt of wires, to eliminate posible osc between contacts
get txt
122,? radio with r.f. amplf:
123,? coin-bat radio: 84-58-12-earphone, earphone-10, 83-64-45, 46-11-bat(-),
bat(+)-85-57-119-117-ground, 115-116, 118-113-50,
114-52-63, antenna-49 or 51
?,116 coin-batery oprated: 84-53-12-earphn, earphn-10, 83-64-45,
radio 46-11-battery(-), bat(+)-85-54-118-117-ground,
115-116, 119-113-50, 114-52-63, antena-49 or 51
?,117 2-trnsistr radio: 120-85-15-14-169-71-118-115-36-34-25, 21-23, 22-24,
wth trnsfrmrs 18-87, 10-84, 13-17, 16-67, 83-59-48, 86-68-41-33,
88-70-26, 50-113-119, 52-114-77, 78-60-35,
42-47-72-12-20-121, antena-49 or 51, ground-36
get txt
?,*118 spark gap transmitter: 121-20, 18-5, 4-2-115-118, 119-113-antenna(wire)
1-key, key-120
124,? 2-t radio with tfrmrs:
125,? spark-gap transmitter: 121-2, 1-4-115-119, 118-113-antenna, 3-key,
early tmtrs typ made curent to jump a gap/say 2 metal balls/at hi-voltg
this made radio-signls. big-know#1: nrg stord n a elctromgntc field
can be used to make a `spike` of electrcl nrg, in it r many freqncy attrbs.
we all know ths charctrstc of indctv-circts whn we hear cliks n pops whn a
nearby electrcl circt is trnd off. e.g.=a gasln engn/whch hasnt radio-restnt
ignitn wire, or noise-supresn typ sprk-plgs. the nrg `radiating` fm these
ignitn systms will evn cause snow on a t.v. screen. see #40
big-know#2: a hi-q tank circut will accpt nrg at its resonant freqncy, and
rejct nrg far remvd frm its resnnt freq. at the resnnt freq the nrg is
passed bak n frth between th coil and capactr. some call ths th `pndulm`
analogy/effect like an ol g-fatr-clk. that is.. f u bmp a pndulum, it wl
bgn 2 swng bk n frth at its own resonant rate./as dtrmnd by th physcl mass/
like-wise, f u shok a elctrcl circt wth a suddn pulse of current it wil
resonate at its own resonate-point as detrmnd by the size of coil and cap.
#125 uses th relay coil for hi-inductnce, wch mk a srge of nrg as relay
contcts opn and form a gap... ths srge jmps across ths gap n th frm of a
spark. the radio tank circuit uses part of the inductv circuit whch is
common to both circuits, to pick up some of th nrg. ths nrg thn causes a
few oscilatns to occur n th tank circt. this action is repetd as th relay
contacts continue to vibrate bak n frth lik a door-bell buzr. Th radiated
signal, as pikd up on a nearby radio, sounds like a raspy buzz. th telgrph
key allows u 2 snd mors-code wth ths transmitd signl.
the main problm wth ths circut is that th archin n sparkn at th contacts o th
relay tnd 2 destroy th contacts aftr only a shrt time.
?,119 wireless code transmittr: 120-64-85, 84-113-119, 83-44-57, 58-115-118,
63-43-114-key, key-121, antena-84
126,? wireless code transmiter: 120-63-33 84-113-118, 83-44-53, 54-115-119,
34-85, 64-43-114-key, key-121, antenna-84
key trns tnsmitr on n off at th reqrd seqnce. use the key. a common a.m.
radio use 2 receive the code snt out by #126, trn 2 a weak station.
this #126s signal thn mixs wth th station`s signal to make an audio tone
wch is called a `beat note`. ths is wht is heard as th code sgnal. turn
cap118-119 til a strong and desired beat note is herd n th receivr whn th
key is presd.
the continuous wave /cw/ signal of this circuit may also b received on a
communications receiver wth out havn 2 trn 2 anothr station if the
comunictins b-n receivd hv a `beat frequency oscilator` /bfo/. the bfo
beats with the cw-signal from the kit and makes th tone.
th 2 reqs fr an osc /gain greater than > one 1, and regenrative feedback/are
povided by th transistr/gain/and tank cicuit connections. the emmitter is
connected by the 0.1uf cap to the center-tap of the ferrite coil(114).
the collector is directly conectd 2 th top end o th tank circt(out-of-phase
the 100k resistor provides some base-bias current 2 trn th transistr off as
requied for operation as an amplifier or oscilator.
transmisn and reception of c.w.signls is very effecient/much more so than
voice modualation of any kind/ n emergeny ths is bst type of xmisn. may c
no antenna is required. or only 2 or 3 feet of wire will do. have fun!
?,120 wireless broadcaster: 121-118-115-53-41-earphn, earphn-42-54-83,
85-52-29, 119-113-51-84-antenna, 30-120
127,? a.m. radio station: 18-65, 21-23, 22-24, 20-85-120-114-43, 32-48-84-86,
33-88, 34-91, 44-54-89, 47-66-83, 53-115-119,
90-118-113-antenna, 31-87-121
?,121 modulated cw: 87-12, 10-39, 40-15, 16-86, 88-26, 90-119-113,
transmitter 114-44-53-13, 115-116, 56-117-118, 35-43-55-89, 91-28,
27-36-54-11-121, 25-key, key-14-120
get txt
128,? modlatd c.w. tnsmtr: 87-12, 10-41, 42-16, 15-86, 88-26, 90-118-113,
114-44-53-13, 115-116, 51-117-119, 35-43-52-89,
91-28, 27-36-54-11-121, 25-key, key-14-120
allows commune `anywere` on am-band, free of interference by radio stations
?,122 tone modulated transmitter: 10-87, 42-11-121, 47-12-84, 26-85, 25-114,
28-88, 50-51-113-119, 44-52-83, 48-86, 115-118-120-key,
key-27, 49-antenna
129,? tone modul c.w. tmtr: 10-87, 43-11-121, 45-12-84, 28-85, 27-114, 26-88,
50-51-113-118, 44-52-83, 46-86, 115-119-120-key,
key-25, 49-antenna
dont decrease 100k to below 22k, or 220k below 47k
?,123 solar telemetry : 119-113-52-50, 114-26, 25-85, 10-84-74-64-54-44,
83-51-43, 11-110, 12-87, 73-15, 16-86-63, 88-120-118-115-53,
111-121, 49-antenna (green wire supplied)
130,? solar telemetry: 118-113-51-50, 114-26, 25-85, 10-84-74-64-54-44,
83-52-43, 11-110, 12-87, 73-15, 16-86-63,
88-122-119-115-53, 111-123, 49-antenna
how th amount o light intensity at a far distant point/e.g.=space probe,
satalite, or star/ can b xmited bak 2 earth by telemetry
used 2 transmit somthing measurable from a distance. used to record and
transmit data on pressure, temp, radiation of all kinds, etc. smoke-signals?
ths #130 uses a sigle-stage r.f. xmitr wch is modulatd n amplitude/a.m./ by
an audio osc, wch is cntrld in freq by amount o light on th cds-cell73-74.
a nearby transistr radio is used 2 receive th modulation/telemetry signal/by
trning it 2 th freqncy o th xmiter.
th audio-osc is th pulse type. the repetion rate/freq/ o th pulse is cntrld
by th resistance in th feedback cicut. low resistances discharge th 0.1uf
capactr faster, so that freq is hi-er than wth hi resistances. basic operatn
of this pulse-type osc is explained n other projects.
th r.f.osc part of ths xmtr uses th 2sa/1/ transistor in a straight-forward
circuit configrtion. th 100ohm resistor in the emitter is included 2 help
reduce distortion n o th r.f.sinewave signl. antenna(3ft) may be used to get
a greater xmitr range.
place th switch in th on/up/ position whn th xmitr is ready 2 use. to mesure
total bat currnt u may use a vom across th swch trmnals whn its off. this is
a common troubleshooting test.
posible alternate comune form!
?,*124 radio signl monitor: 21-23, 22-24, 20-90, 18-63, 19-42-3, 41-64-89,
91-26, 50-113-119, 114-52-83-15, 4-84-87-82, 85-86,
2-16-88-115-118-120, 5-25-81-121, ground-2, antenna-49 or 51
131,? i.c radio
132,? continuty testor
?,125 continuity tester: 123-7, 6-long lead for probe, 122-long lead for probe
?,126 aural continuity tester: 21-23, 22-24, 123-19-42, 41-58-83, 18-63-57,
20-84-64, 85-66-probe, 122-111, 110-65-probe,
( use long lead-wires for probes, lead=toxic )
133,? aural continuty tester:
uses sound instead of a meter!
134,127 series type ohmmeter: 40-17, 16-8, 9-120, 121-122,
123-long wire(probe), 39-long wire(probe)
quest:how 2build series-type ohmmeter, learn more about resistance.
is sim 2 a - v.o.m. 3 and 9v used 2 measur hi-resez. the meter can be a
current-detector by watchn res, cuz vltg is a cnostnt 12v. ohm`s law: i =
e/r. so if e /voltage/ is stedy, i /curnt/ is found by r /restnc/.
k = 1000, 22k = 22,000 ohms. to use this ohmmeter:
1. touch probes tgethr. adjst cntrl to full meter/10/
2. conect probs acros res to b mesurd. para-path or vltg will altr/harm metr
3. use graph pic to figr e.g. 0.5=900k 1=500k 2=200k 3=100k 4=60+k 5=40k
6=30+k 7=20k 8=15k 9=6k 10=1k- accurate 2k-900k
?,128 shunt-type ohmmeter:
135,? shunt type ohmmeter: 17-38, 16-110, 111-120, 121-8-probe, 37-9-probe
quest:to mesure low valus of resistnc. never place ohmmeters across voltg.
136,? isoation cheker: 8-39, 9-84-87, 83-42-48, 85-86, 88-120-47, 41-probe,
used to measure any large value resistance.
connect one probe to a plug, other to metal of appliance, hi-read = poor
137,129 wheatstone bridge: 120-15-36, 17-16-9-40, 8-37-35, 39-38-121
formula: r4/r3 = r2/r1, if r4 is unknown... r4 = r3 x r2/r1
use of this bridge: balnce obtained whn ratios of arm-resistncs r equal.
r4 divided by r3 equals r2 devided by r1. if r4 is the unknow resistance,
than the formula is rearranged: r4 equals r3 x (r2 devided by r1)
note in ths form- r2 and r1 r n a ratio (ratio-arms). r4 and r3 must also
be equal n ordr fr th bridg 2 b balanced. whn th bridg is n balance th
meter wil b exactly zero. for a 22k resistr (r4) cntl is set near to centr
to bring meter to zero. mark cntlr '22k' at nob. change the 22k with
other known resistances and mark it on the cntrl(variable-resistor).
soon u will have a device ready to read unknow resistances. at r4(39-40)
?,130 capacitance bridge:87-62-10, 11-39-121, 12-61-59, 86-60-40, 41-14,
42-16, 88-key, key-120, 13-63-probe for cx, 64-15-ear,
earphone-17-probe for cx
138,? capacitnc brdge: 87-61-10, 11-43-121, 12-62-60, 86-59-44, 41-14, 42-16,
88-key, key-120, 13-64-probe(for cx), 63-15-earphone,
earphone-17-probe(for cx)
quest:to measure unknow cap values 0.001uf-10uf. how2:conect unknown to cx,
close key and adjust 50k cntrl for minimum earphone signal, then...
compare meter with marks made earlier for known cap values.
139,131 battery voltage tester: 9-38-40, 37-109, 39-36, 35-107, 108-probe(+),
quest:to measure voltages 1-9v, or check bats
?,132 audio output meter: 9-16-15, 17-78-65, 8-66-42-negative probe,
77-68-41, 67-positive probe
140,? audio output meter
141,? low freq response
audio level meter
?,133 low frequency response
audio level meter : 17-78, 16-9, 40-77-72, 15-8-39-negative probe,
71-positive probe
142,134 i.c. vu-meter: 11-8-68, 9-67-80-78, 10-77, 12-79, 13-95, 94-14-120,
21-23, 22-24, 18-16, 17-65, 66-92, 15-20-97-121
143,? meter amplifier
?,135 meter amplifier: 34-8, 9-87, 86-16, 17-43, 44-probe(-),
15-88-120-probe(+), 33-121
?,136 transistorized dc voltmeter: 87-27-25, 26-9, 28-15, 8-37-36, 38-16-123,
86-48, 47-neg probe, 122-88-35-pos probe
144,? transistorized
145,? ac voltmeter: 8-77, 9-82-42, 78-81-probe, 41-probe, text tells changes.
quest: to measure alternating current
?,137 ac voltmeter
try measuring between the ground(dirt?) and metal parts of devices
plugged into 120v ac, any leakage over 60v = should replace devive.
?,138 transistor cheker : pnp hook-up: 21-23, 22-24, 20-64-54-48, 16-26,
19-121, 120-key, key-15-25, 18-53-collector,
63-47-base, 17-emmitter
npn hook-up: (reverse battery-wire contacts)
operation: 1. hook-up circuit for pnp or npn type to be checked.
2. connect to transister properly (c. b. e.)
3. place ctrl at min (ccw)
4. close key and move ctrl til osclations begin.
results: a. hi-gain trnstrs osc at lower settings than low-gain types
b. power-trnsistrs requir hir ctrl stns thn smal sgnl-trnstrs
c. trnsistr open or shorted wil not osc
d. typs of th wrong ciruit hook-up wil not osc
e. trnsistrs conectd imprprly wl not osc, or req vry hi setns
f. trnsistrs that r leaky but stil have propr gain wil osc
much like a good trnsistr. chk for leakge wth a hi-resistns
test trnsistrs n ths kit and record ctrl setns for comparison later.
146,? transistor checker
147,? semiconductor tester
?,139 semiconductor testor: 123-34, 33-8, 9-key, key-16, 17-probe, 122-probe
operation: 1. connect probes to device ( diode or transistor b-e
or b-c junction) wth th polarity whch alows th cntrl
2 b adjusted 4 a full-scale meter reading.
adjust and leave at ths setn.
2. revers th test probes and observe th meter-readings
results: a. if the reading = 10 (full-scale) th device has no
rectifier properties, or is shorted.
b. if the reading is above 1 but below 10, the device is
a poor rectifier junction due 2 excesivee leakage.
or somthn is shunted across th device. make sure
nothn is connectd paralle wth junctin being tested.
c. readings below 1 for ge-diodes(germanium) rectifiers
is good.
d. readins below 0.5 for germanium 'transistors' b-e and
b-c junctions means good.
e. redins of zero or very close for si-type(silicon)
rectifiers and silicon-transistors b-e b-c juntins is
very good.
switch for this circuit.
?,140 sinewave audio osciltr: 47-121-19-15, 16-61, 18-17-63, 20-87-64,
48-62-86, 88-28, 27-120
148,? sinewave audio oscilator: 47-121-19-15, 16-62, 18-17-63, 20-87-64,
48-61-86, 88-26, 25-120, 21-earphone or
amplifier, earphone or amplifier -22
used for testin hi-fi amplifiers for distortion (osc-tanks?)
a 400hz sine-wave is an a-c vltge wch alternates threw-out 400 cycles in
each time and contains no other frequency components. a 400 hertz wave
which is not a sine-wave is actualy composed of the 400hz wave.(fund-harm)
as also 800 (2nd harmonic) , 1200hz(3rd harmonic),etc. as viewed from a
oscilloscope. (meter for viewing oscillatins).
anyone can be taught to tell a sine-wave and one that isnt. then u may
test amplifiers and circuits by injecting a sine-wave and then listening
to th output. the reults of aplitude nonlinear distortion us th genration
of undesired harmonic frequencies. these newly genrated frequencies are
easily detected by th trained ear.
the circuit used here to generate 400 hertz has th following features:
1. a 0,1uf capacitr acros th transfrmer 2 form a tank circuit
resonant at about 600 hertz.
2. a 470k base-bias resistor to turn th ransistr on for only a moment.
3. an adjustable feed-back circuit composed of th 50k cntrl and .05uf cap
4. a 470 ohm emmitter-swapping-resistor to help minimize th nonlinear
b-e transistor resistance.
5. th output should b connected to an amplifier input or earphone.
picture: ( one squiggly line )
getn ths osclator 2 produce a sinewave is also good for trainin u 2 tell
a sinewave from a distorted wave... conect th earphn across th output of
th transformer. start op wth ctrl at 10 (max), slowly decrease th ctrl
while listenin to th tone-quality of th output. u wil reach a point befor
oscillations stop, and only one tone is heard. this last, clear-sounding
tone is th sine-wave. repeat ths adjust til u have no problm telin one
from distorted one. the most stable sinewave oscilator adjustment is to
th point were th signal level is as strong as possible befor th first
trace of distortion can be heard. u can use a stereo or aux port 4 hearing.
149,? low distortn sinewv osc: 89-64-47, 32-48-59-90-earphne,
earphne-19-121-35-34-16, 17-62-63-36, 61-60-33, 31-key, key-120
?,141 low distortion sinewave
oscilator : 89-64-47, 32-48-59-90-earphone, ear-91-121-35-34-16,
17-62-63-36, 61-60-33, 31-key, key-120
?,142 twin-t audio oscilator: 16-61-60, 27-17-64-70-121, 63-44-46, 45-59-89,
43-41-62-90-earphone, earphon-91-28, 42-69-120
150,? twin-t audio osc:
151,? variable audio osc:
?,143 variable audio oscillator: 87-10-earp, ear-12-43-119, 11-123,
44-118-86, 88-122
?,144 powerful audio oscillator: 23-87-25, 26-64, 39-63-89, 40-16, 86-90,
17-88-key, key-122, 24-91-123
get txt, used as alarm or signals for hi-noise areas
152,145 pulse osc tone genratr: 21-23, 22-24, 18-62-64, 61-86-16, 63-87-20,
17-37, 38-19-123, 88-key, key-122
153,? i.c. oscilator
or component tester:
?,146 i.c. osc/component tester: 21-23, 22-24, 95-18-probe, probe-61, 62-92,
96-29, 30-97-123, 20-94-122
154,147 light hum or noise dtctr: 84-10-earphone earphone-12-123, 83-76,
did u kno, lit u r usin may not b a constant light. fluorescent lights go
on/off 120 tmes a secnd. even incandescent hav som var n lit levl at ths
rate. what cause? why dont see it with eyes?
we hae `prsestnc of vision` means:what we see tends to stay wth us for a
frac of a sec. if lit is completly off 4 a fracn o a secnd, we cant see
th diff. to us it appears dimmer, but not to b goin on n off.
persistnc of visin allows us 2 use altentn currnt /a.c./directly on our
lights without trouble. but ther r som places wer ths cant b tolerated.
one such plac is n th `exciter lamp`of a movie projector. this lamp must
b powrd by either dc, or an ac current wth a frequency above th audio
range/ultrasonic. an ultrasonic ac current is usualy used in movie prjctrs.
compare ths wth project #2 by replacn th speaker/used as a dynamic micrphn/
wth th solar cell. 2 do ths, disconnect atleast 1 spkr led, n connect th
solarcell 2 trmnls 18 n 20. can you hear th noise from th sun?
commune sim to #130, attach it! quest:new communication form rivals phone.
155,? audio signal tracer: 90-48-34-earphone, earphone-33-120, 89-64-47,
121-91-probe, 63-probe
use to probe any radio or amplifier that needs fixing. troubleshoot by
connecting probe across circuit from stage to stage till you find stage or
component that is not passing the signal along.
?,148 audio signl tracer: 90-48-34-earph, earph-33-120, 89-64-47, 121-91-prob,
156,? r.f. signal tracer: 52-probe, 51-71-43, 78-53-46-earphone,
?,149 radio-frequency signal tracer: 51-probe, 52-77-43, 78-54-46-earphone,
?,150 rf energy detector : 102-103-104-100-99-16-91, 15-87-89, 86-77-73,
wth led display 78-114-52, 50-113-119, 64-115-118-88-90-120,
106-121, ground-120, antenna-49 or 51
indicates hi-level of r-f on th a-m brodcast band by lighting th letter
'h' on the display lights. the r-f tank-circuit here is typical of all
other r-f receiver circuits. th diode-detector has a highr-thn-normal
output-filter, a 0.1uf, to smoooth out th output so that even th
modulation is filtered into the d-c.
u can monitor the stations by conecting th earphon across the c-e
terminals of th 2sc (transistor)
157 square wave audio osc: 16-91-121-31-29, 17-37-36, 30-62-84, 32-41-60-87
35-59-83, 38-61-86, 42-89, 90-34-earphone,
158 r.f. signal meter: 8-88, 9-33, 15-26-123, 16-45-115-119-ground,
25-87-91, 46-78-89, 77-52-114, 86-90, 113-118,
antenna-51, 17-34-122
159 sawtooth wave osc: 17-43, 25-28-86-90, 26-64-121-91-84-earphone
36-85-earphone, 44-63-83-88, 87-89, 16-27-35-120
use proper pole on caps
160 transistr beta cheker: pnp hookup: 8-25-107-112-121, 9-110-109, 16-base,
17-42, 26-40-collector, 31-111, 32-39, 41-108,
science fair - 160 in one electronic project kit, radioshack.com, cat#28-258
a.d. 1982 tandy corp/radioshack division \fort worth,tx.76102, u.s.a
notes , index, and parts-list now follows :
notes, ideas and applications : (an empty page after last project)
osc with adjustable frequency! ?,107
oscilator circuits,info from electronics stores,radio shack,science-fair kits
160 in one project kit,catalog # 28-258,a division of Tandy corporation 1982
list all circuts using dc-ac convert 72,5 or dc-dc invertrs 72,91,42-45,50,51
2sc -npn #13 ,get a good OSCilator -a.c. -projects #12,13
npn - #13,21,30,70,75 pnp - #14-16,29,67,73,92 npn+pnp #71,76,79,81,144
npn - #70,13 pnp - #4,9,12,68,91,114
electrons #45
i.c. chips osc. 102,101,115 choppers 93,103
web rec-o-rd? 81,83,94,99, bats 100,109,51 receive! 101data,lock 107
comm-u-nn 111-130,156,123! sparks 40 carbon in resistors,pencils,tires 75
diodes as transistors? 46-?
meters #31-28-32,39,40 current 67,87,109,130,132-153,158!,14,146!,74
hi-voltage 42-45, control 50-? notes warn! 110, ev-type osc.113,115,146npnpnp
4 + 152 main osc-info 26,pulse 70!-72square, 64,73,157,77,84,mv -74,108,60-66
higher pulse is to bypass batt with cap ,parallel 14, sine-148,twin-t 150,151
sawtooth 159, blocking -15?, same on all frequencies #157
flip-flops for self-switching 58-60 (*old 150-1 kit book) helps pulse battery
npn npn pnp = 160-1kit , 150-1 may have transistrs pnp pnp npn (if true ?)
a much needed device for this kit, is a vom-meter ( 36 and 86 )
never mind the science, technology, promises. look what the people do. at a
screen sit all day images-temptations, and their treatment of others, look
were they are! look who is publishing stop-pollution ...the ones who know it.
english like amish, but amish prefer english. why?
pnp and npn transistors both have the same symbol - a circle cut in 3 parts
like a pie and a bar-line in center were all 3 lines/b,c and e meet.
pnp has arrow on e, it points to center ...so b+c electrons must flow toward e
npn arrow on e point out from center on e, so b+c current must flow from e2b+c
rule: in all semi-conductors, current can only flow against the arrow-head
requirements for oscilation:
1. a gain greater than 1. ouput is greater than input
2. and regenerative feedback. to sustain oscilations
1=input, the transformer(t2)gives r.f. and proper pole(+,-)
to see this: switch\reverse the 2 wires on t2. ...the correct phase gives osc
the 100k resistor starts osc(ilation) to b of t. .but resistor gives off time.
when cap is charged -t- is held -on- by induced voltage from t2 ,project #70
input = 9v
an oscilator: one transistor, resistor, and transformer...
a.c. from d.c.
______________________________________ _________
[ &ll&
[ ___________&ll& t1
[ ] &ll&
[ _____________/___________&ll&_________
[ r1 / c\ \
[___xxxx____{b ] ]
{ e } ]
{____} ]
] /
] / s1
] ]
r1 - resistor 10k, or 22k
keeps v at b-gate low, e-nuff 2 open gate
bce - transistor ,b-base c-collector e-emitter
use npn or pnp-type transistors
s1 - switch one
t1 - transformer one
if no osculations occur than revers terminals on bat/dc-3v
or change resistor. ...to smooth out the a.c. make r1=22k and
add caps(capacitors/ceramic/nonpolor) like this...
j_______________________________________ _________
[ [ [ &ll&
x [ = c2 ___________&ll& ac
r2 x = c1 [ ] &ll& output
x [ ______[______/___________&ll&_________
[ [ r1 / c\ \
[__[_xxxx_____{b ] ]
{ e } ]
{____} ]
] /
] / s1
] ]
r2 - 10k
c1 - capacitor one = 0.1uf
c2 - capacitor two = 0.5uf
j - u can break r2 at j, and touch it to other j at s1
works well, transformer must be finger-tip-size as in kit
or timing and frequency must be refigured
resonance! hit its music or it wont work.
&& - coils of wire
- . - . - . -
dec.2003 from radio-shacks electronic kit 160-1, www.radioshack.com
dc to dc converter # 91
ipt de
________________________________________ ___>[____________
[ [ [ + - &ll& +[ [ +
x [ = c2 ___3v______&ll& = c3 (a)
r2 x = c1 [ ] &ll& [ [ -
x [ ______[______/___________&ll&________[________[
[ [ r1 / c\ \
[__[_xxxx_____{b ] ]
{ e } ]
{____} ]
2sa ] ]
] ]
] ]
dc to ac by osc.circut input
osc. uses the 2sa for a gain greater than one- >1 ,and ipt (transformer)
to get phase-reversal + feedback ...to sustain oscillations
r2 = 220k -it gets 2sa to `on` ...the caps control feedback and
the a.c. wave-shape.
c1 = 0.05uf? c2 = 0.1uf? c3 = 100uf-polorized \de = diode \a = meter
the 2ndary a.c. = other side of ipt \is rectified and filtered, de + c3
note:mica caps have no + polor, ...this circuit is good for where low d.c.
is, ..but hi-d.c. is wanted. ...also usable for when voltage must be
transported long distances. ...do not let [b] get hi-voltage
- . - . - . - . -
b-4 transistors... there was...
mechanical chopper # 93 !
[ [
[ ___o___[
[ \__o______ ipt ge r1
[ ___o_____/____________ ____________>[______xxxx__
___[____ \ ]___ ll& [ [ [
[ + &ll [ &ll& [ [+ [
c1 = &ll +[ ___&ll& si ^ c2 = (a)
[ &ll 9v ] ll&________[________[________[
[________&ll [ ]
[ [ ]
c1 - capacitor one = 100uf ,polor \si,ge= diode types \c2 = cap.3.3uf polor
(a - meter
o - relay contacts, o in center switches down when &&&coil is on.
...transistors made computers usable, and relays less common.
- . - . - . - . -
old capacitor color code : ceramic squares - 1950-60? a.d.
blk 0
bwn 1 a b a,b = numbers
red 2 ______________________
org 3 / \ d = multiple
yel 4 [ O O O>> ] c = quality
gre 5 [ ]
blu 6 [ ] e.g = a-red b-blue d-org
vil 7 [ O O O ]
gry 8 \______________________/ = 2 6 x1000
whi 9
d c = 0.26uf?
- - -
- - - index - - - of 150-1 kit
added ths list to aid u n finding a circuit u r lookin for
some are listed 2 or 3 or 4 times - since they can be used n many ways.
want to learn more about a specific type of circuit? just use ths index
to look up all other uses or aplicatins, thn turn in boook to those and
read th txt in each one.
- alarms: amplifiers:
light actuated: 90, 94, 95,98 hearing-aid type: 61,62,63
swtch actuated: 37,96,144 general pupose: 2,100
rain and water level: 27,93 signal tracing: 148
trip wire actuatd: 92
noise actuated: 100
rf energy actated: 124
police siren: 12
- basic electronic ciruits and components: entertainment circuits:
ac voltmeter: 137 acoustic circuit tester:126
bridge circuits: 19,129,130 alarm cicuits:76,90,94,95,99
capacitors: 36,65,67,83,84,85,89,149 audio oscilators:68.69,143,144,146
diodes: see semi-conductors capacitor action demo: 67
dc voltmeter: 131 and see test-equipment code oscilator:64,105,106,107
electricl generators: 18,39,88 code transmitter: 121,122
electronic switch: see switchn and ctrl coin batery radio: ?
integrated circuits: see i.c. projects door buzzer: ?
light-emiting diodes: see led projects (xfer stopped)
meters: see meter projects
multivibrators: 56,58,59,60
ohmmeters: 127,128
photocell: see light-ctrld projects
rectifier circuit:86,88 +c semicnductrs
relay: see relay circuits
resistance: 34,35
solarcell: see light operated projcts
transistor: see semi cnductors
twin-t oscilator: 142
voltage regulators: 46,47
- integrated circuit projects: oscillators:
amplifier uses: 77,10,101,134 pulse tone: 11,12,16,24,27,37,40,41,
oscilator uses: 95,99,100,106,146 64-68,86,88,90,95,97,98,
blocking type: 4,5,7-9,13-15,17,70,
sinewave: 140-142
solar-cell operated: 70,71
square wave: 58-60,69,87,96
- semi-conductor testing:
diode checkers: 43,139
led checking: 30
transistor testing: 138
- switching and control circuits: test equipment:
diode switching: 43 audio generator: 140-142
capacitor control: 29,83-85,89 bridges: 129,130
integrated circuit: 74 current meter: 35
potentiometer: 29,34,46,47,84 diode tester: 139
relay: 29,50,51,56,57,59,74,76, light meter: 20,21,23
77,80-83,85,88,89 ohmmeter/contnuty tester:125-128,148
transistor: 5,29,32,45,50,51, output + vu metrs: 132-134
56,57,59,60,76,79,80, solar-cell chekrs: 20,82
82,85 thermometer: 19
voice-operatd-swthcn(vox):77,78 transistor checker: 138
voltmeters: 34,131,135-137
- transmitters:
voice: 120
code: 118,119,121,122
tone: 28,93,94,123
- - - parts list - - - of 150-1 kit
note: most of these parts are already mounted on the platform on the kit
description part#
------------ -----
antenna-coil (with 5 leads) ca-0619
base assembly for kit hc-1709
battery-clip for 9v battery b-0172
bat connector for 9v bat b-0209
bat holder 4 2-aa cells b-0166
capacitors: ( uf = micro-farad )
- ceramic disc type: 10pf 100pf .001uf .01uf .02uf(2) .05uf(2) 0.1uf
- electrolytic type: 3.3uf-25v(2) 10uf-16v 100uf-10v 470uf-10v
cadmium sulfide cell, kc-4s cs-0100
diodes, germanium, 1n60 (2)
diode, silicon, 1n4001, 50 volt, 800ma
earphone, hi-z crystal type (no dc-path) e-0007
holder for antenna h-1535
integrated circuit, ba-306 (vcc max = 12v)
key lever hc-1710
knob for key-lever k-5074
knob for variable capacitor (tuning) k-0669
knob for variable resistor (control) k-5073
lamp, red, 2.5volt, 300ma l-0541
light emmiting diode display...1.6v min per segment, 25ma max. dc-currnt pr
segment, 3v max. reverse voltage
meter, 0-250 ua, 650 ohm movement m-0294
(blu-scale is proportional to meter current, black is logging/reference)
nuts, 3mm (5) hd-7003
printed circuit board for led display x-7159
relay 9v, 225 ohm coil r-8158
resistors: 100-ohm 360-ohm(8) 470-ohm 1k 2.2k 4.7k 10k-(2) 22k 47k 100k 220k
solar-cell, open voltage 2.5v typical, short-circuit current
29 ua typical at 300 ux cs-0099
speaker, 57mm s-4565
spring terminals (125) hb-4804
switch dpdt (duble-throw) s-2241
transformer, input (yellow) td-0097
transformer, output (red) td-0136
transistors: 2sa733 pnp,silicon (2) and 2sc945 npn,silicon, general purpose
amplifier and swithcing type
variable capacitor: (tuning) 265pf c-4242
variable capacitor: (control) 50k-ohms p-1656
wires (leads) : white 7.5cm 11, red 15cm 14, blue 25cm 8, yellow 35cm 7
black 38cm 2, green 3m (2) w-1587
- - - - - - - -
back-cover of book, 150-1 kit
certification of compliance with federal communications commission reglatins
part 15: radioshack.com certifies that th low-power communications circuit
experiments in ths lab0kit comply wth paragraph 15.204 of fcc rules and reg.
1. when assembled as said in ths manuel
2. when opperating on a frequency between 510 and 1600 kilo-hertz, using an
antenna no greater than ten feet
3. when powered by the batteries as instructed.
radio shack, a division of tandy corporation.
6 a 6
printed in
-no end-
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