Tuesday, July 11, 2006


re-tribe.txt - - - - 2005 this is a list of voices and activity that shows strongest and greates pull to a abraham-tent living type practice and faith. africa tribes maasai?

so the devisions to aid my ideal of a family + community order are:
similar voices, activities, beleifs.

i am the joy i have been looking for, by c-rist j-su, and should not be
slowed by a desire to connect with similar activity in others, a slow
measured by the effect it has over other people, how many you can bring into
this order, how many land-areas can be restricted to no-petroleum products
( local resources only for food and clothing ) , sort of like the game -
defender of the crown.


- - - - - -

build tribes, not dollars. what u take with u after death?
i know u wnt 2 study lichen and mustard plants for th acid n altrnat-heat val.
, or add to micro-climates, or pinto n lima beans for th gases for light-heat.
boiled in beer or dark-lqr doubles the gas-power (fart). or lime-slacking,
carbon, plants hi in e = n.o.c.h. plants for buldin, clothin, compost heat,
viktor schauberger groups, pc.data using my tree.txt, making paper and ink.
and many other piles of knowledge, like steves energy-cd collection. how many
buld such pile thn nvr use thm. write your life like bible-abraham, water,
seed, greens, gods words. nothin u build after is so... people-touching.
seek-stay with th flock, avoid new vanities. for now, your assets is people
and visiting them,wth bread n water. because u still can. ( your rich! focus
only on the gain god wants u to obtain in ths world. no piles can exceed its
worth. one pearl. your life writes. then, eternity. be c-rist-minded, dont
find out why he-was so, god-so. poverty has a reason, and advantage for the
forever-family now re-grouping.

choose your contacts, make, and keep them.
go on a circuit or path of travel others can follow (without harm).
and let your contacts be an aid, to many other people. the key motto here is:
- - - - let others do it for you ! - - - - spend your time on the rare.c

- - - - -
forget what me-n are doing wrong, guide them to right-work and they wont have
time to do wrong, nor will wrong be remembered, until it need be rewarded.

end of vision.txt
- -- -- -- - -
w2-me.txt last \ wa-x
is drive (reader). a flop= plastic+rust? sim to stuff used in casset tapes,
but is one round sheet, not a long-cord of it like rolled-up tape in a
cassete-player. this circle of recordable-tape is then placed between
two plastic squares that lock it inside like a wheel that spins.

u dont 'need' to gather alternate-science data at this time, nor do u have
priests set-aside for such studies. but they are, and crazy alternate-nrg
freaks who collect hobby and do it. are. when u can. call one into house of
your attention-span. but remeber or watch the fruit of such groups.

what then, did i gaain from the raid? a reset-of-mind noted only by writings
done the day-after when in hiding. my-lifes guide at this time, and noted
u-r wth a grup. what duz ths grup 2old n yng?, creatr n created.
(not n txt: th nbamish anabap dsnt teech drugs, yet look at thm.
(not n txt: th altrnt-sci grups teech great, yet look at thm.
(notntxt: th path abraham chose: floks srvnts goats faith, follow.
(notntxt:jz ur bld 4mysn, yr sprt fr mygo. pay most2 c, then a, then w, nd c.

c.a.w.t. = c.call n-amish to your areas of wandering. a.abide with the
twelvetribes people as 'your' group, twelvetribes.com w.work on organic farms
of organicvolunteers.com according to wa-x project and purpose. t.test other
groups: primitive-living-skills alternate-science and survival.
memory key: elijah was- c.a.w.t. up to meet him.
(other memory keys were remembered and written the-day-after)
memory key: comfort is f.a.r.r. away
f.fire a.air r.reflecting heat r.rain proof ( tips for shelter-building )
memory key: u can learn l.o.t.s.? scientific-method= l.list o.observe t.test
see my-tree\sci-meth.txt
memory key: e = n. o. c. h. ( e. energies of life use n.itrogen o.xegen c.arbn
a defiant play on einstiens e=mc2 uses fire+explosion, life implodes and does
not use destructive levels of heat. there is a way to purify water. by water.
c.a.w.s. = another code, c.amping a.nd w.ilderness s.urvival data txt?

memory lock: ( all the keys in one help-u-remember sentence. )
is there not a c.a.w.s to be c.a.w.t. with l.o.t.s. like e=noch f.a.rr away.

(last notes made on that day-after the raid 5-13-05)
from god: wisdom, instruction, salvation!, by j-su.
avoid images sounds and words that eat your spirit, love, time, followsteps,
away from the c.a.w.t.

c.a.w.t. incircles '.o.' o = only gods words. the-four depend on 'o' for
power orbit place purpose meaning, 'o' makes c.a.w.t. worth while + ordered.
and used correctly, not good nor bad, but as god steps it to be...in me.
and him in his people. is what i 'need'. his group. his tribe.
(this section not writtn the day after raid, but shows meanings given)

- - - - - - -

here are other notes made april 2005, but after a time, they all seem to say
the same things. here they are anyway.

if you had to go 'today' , power-off, no-pc: 1. what basic skills
( rope-sandals, brades, crochet yarn-into materils, carbon to filter water)
2. daily tasks of abraham (needs seeds seasons - circle of one year )
3. area resources. 4. local people and groups you must be most mind-full of.

isa.58 the no-internet no-pc version of my-tree, is most-needed info in
hard-copy (paper ) form. ( pc may be used to construct or send it )
or should it be written in people, each with a task to-do? like abraham.

- - -
lick the bottom of the can. why ? to remind you to go after what you need.
c.a.w.t. and not give-up in the middle of your 'day' to go after what you
want. if u cant, then atleast wait for 'desire' to return. add to your
tree-time things that are greatest! for what u plant now, will bud, fruit.
flop2 seems to be the devider for all input...

just because you have stuff on my-tree that u would not give time to, means
not you did not, or others should not. but what effect will the input have
on the earth, gods law, a soul, mind, body, a tribe.

recording info is not so valubale as recording people or places were such info
can be gotten. unless u r sure it must be on my-tree.

like a game, place and time mean much, this is true for growing evil also.

we do not use cars, and thats ok, we will just have to live closer to j-su,
were moving closer to j-su today.

- - - - - - - -
this next page seems to describe my idea of a tribe or grup. how a man and
people should be. afterwhich i found another-mans description. of life?
without c-rist inside or eternal-plans? = ecclesiasties chapter 8 to 11 bible.

not dependent on computer nor petroleum products for my activity. this note
is dependent then on knowing how to make ink and paper. saw elder of our
church use the welfare office. this is not a church. as it was or should be.
lets practice first-church beliefs and life style, with knowledge of making
gas propane methane for heating and cooking? or bake-less bread like israel.

steps toward a similar-tribe is removing electricity and gasoline?

choose wisely, be content with servants, walk with wise men? and be wise
not drugs books magazine mind-traps. go were the abraham-type activities are
practiced. names and faces change, many turn away, but you follow it.
j-su is my joy my hope, my saviour, not behaviour. by him things spin as
they should, faith in him to do it. act on a promise. live by every word.
mathew 4:4 not good nor bad things, but 'the' things go wants me in on, and
cleansed for, his for. ever more. world without end. and this life, is in his
son. decribe life with j-su. for apart from him. describing self becomes
empty, hopless, unhappy, full of no meaning, full of joys that fail, beliiefs
that turn to shame, and relegions that please god not.

- - - - - - -
4-27-05 notes:
one joy of the tribe ( beside making ink and paper ) is to be able to put a
new hide skin on a little girl or boy that lacked it. to be mindful of
simple needs and not feed the love for somthing more ( books adds tv pc ).
or to place upon a man along the road a cloth weaved-croched by the fibers
we collected into yarn. or directing him to our daily tasks of water, greens,
and collecting seeds for our camp. these tasks are as important as holy
meetings, for it gathers us into a tribe. getting water by planting trees so
that the water table under the ground comes up naturaly to the surface, and
other vicktor-shauberger tricks of natural-energy explained. or to get
seed planted with copper-coated tools , harvested and stored with bay-leaves
to keep out bugs decay. or greens, sprouts, dried herbs that give man health.
or the speaking of gods words, it makes our minds hearts souls mouths what
god set them to be , so his spirit is not hindered from using us to express
himmself in us to each-other, to take strongly the positions of service we
were bought to have in the people god is gathering for his eternal kingdom,
to give man a much better hope, than what can be known on earth, and
to not describe people without c-rist, such details become vain and sad.

be mindful that all people have needs, even our enemies need simple things.
if they are not clothed with materials from the local area ( in walking dista
nce) , then they are not clothed. if they eat food manufactured in another
state or canned-packed from another valley ( more than three-days travel by
foot) then they arnt being fed. if they use tools or parts made in china,
computers ? then they dont have any tools. this is how my ideal-tribe sees
things. i am compassed with people who do not hold my ideal for a tribe.
do i go where people hold similar acts for other reasons? or do i display
these laws to all that pass our area, so anyone can enter the service of,
donate to, support cause, with what time or patience they can give.
full-time service is the call. google.com -localharvest.org? internships.

i am also aware that area-resources are not to be depleted to extinction,
nor removed from that area, but increase in number and quality with use,
most men are not aware that resources can do this or should do this.
it is a natural ability the earth has. any labor ar actions that shows this
power gets life-energy increased in himself. any work that makes
the area become wasted and loose its qualities is fire and death to the
hands that do it. if destroyers only destroy themselves, well, they cut off
their own hands. but they pull every form of life down with them.
listen and ask for a way agreeable to the earth you walk on. men were made
to give life and energy to what they touch. not leave an area lifeless.

the land was not able to bare abram and lots flocks together, they did well
but in amounts that destroyed the land. if men us water and plants in the
right ways , only more water and plants will be available, and quality.
or we havnt learned to use them. only do worse. we are not using these
living energies, we are destroying ourselves. the bible tells of many things
that destroy a man and tribe quickly. flee fornication and nackedness, it
was the advise of a see'r who was asked how an enemy-tribe could be defeated.
his advise was to get them to hold dance and party, they soon destroy their
own spirit and ability to stay together. images help alot too
we have a god called 'the word'. and verbal-inspiration of it in out words.
so communication, speech, books, any words added to, missing from, or
contrary to this god. can destroy the people who follow this god.
my sheep, hear my voice. as proceeds from his mouth. anyother is a daily
offense in our tribe. for he walks in our camp. and we know him by his
words, and the people he is allowed to live in. and the worst most evil
persons i would not have in my camp are the ones most able to change and
be our defense. for they are more sensetive to the movment of evil, more
than the strong plants of our camp who grew up without weeds of tolerance
to slow their increase-of energy and blessings. and them born in our tribe,
who never had the despair nor seen fruits of wicked-acts in a camp, do the
most damage, for they never had a choice as to what will be planted.

- - - - - -

written for core info about myself(keep short)
my inner-most thought:

the god of abraham,his works,his children.
top needs:water, greens, seed. holiness(be ye holy,for i am holy)and faith.
johne 3:16,6:28,lukus 16:9,ephes2:8,9 = matt.4:4 + roman 10:17
in thee o lord do i put my trust. j-su, for my sins, your blood, for my
goings, your spirit! put away my sins, freely, and guide. j-su cleanse me
from all offense to creator and created. make me fit again, and under
perfect-response. by your spirit keep my thoughts and words and works not
good nor evil, but were-you-want them. with that childish faith that makes
all things mine. knowing right-stand and right-step with god is a gift, i
dont earn nor deserve it. it is offered and supplied by my maker, freely,
for faith in c-rist. remember he paid his blood one time for my faults,
his life for mine. remember he is risen from the dead with willingness to
make it mine. remember to be under its protection, and not just know about
it.(*) to know all these things are mine, not just `can be`, when i
ask him, or when i trust him, to remember me. ...and if i have these things,
then c-rist lives in me, and i am his. when he is the son and center of
my system, nothing is neglected nor misused. everyone and everything will
be pulled in, find place, and begin to spin into right directions of orbit
(*) and increasive creactivity.

(*)note: the wages(what we deserve)for sin is death. sin=inperfection
when we trespass someone, a separation builds. death=separation from
god. separation=divorce,no fellowship,no commune,no sitting,working,
or laughing together, no playing, no knowing, no finding that god...
is love.

(*)the pa-german word `orbit` means `work`.

lord put away my tresspas,my sins,words,works,first,last,good,bad.
make me a place for you to shine. you `are` my good-standing.
and now i listen, for this is your time,... too.

the earth is beautiful, and so are people. but if it were the center
of attention. it would be torn apart, and not near so fair as it is.
so are people. we are made for his glory, he delights in what he has
planned. for adams sons. a kingdom that will not pass away.

- - -

motto: collect water and seed, be with them* who do, set tasks for boys and
girls, make rooms for flocks and birds and strangers too.

*them = even if not human.
i am not a poet, i have yet to discover the meaning of these simple words,
because of them who offer so much more, but end u less.
yes, is easy, saying no to everything else, takes all the effort.
but only then will great fruit grow.
is j-su lord of your mind-time. or one of your many devotions.?!

- - -
value your freedom, stay out of i-d and bind-you range.
carry sand or pepper-spray , talk the same language. mind the same thing.
atleast while others are around.
- - -
your dreams already exist. the only 'work' is 'finding' were it is.(and them
that do) ...and staying with it. (protect your attention-span, guide love.)
google.com mysteries of water study natural-energies explained.
earth-houses-dirt-adobe-salish semi-subteranian dwellings.

computers are a mystery. would u teach children to make them?

not just stealing (time) in the camp (achan) , but what kind of man will
using one make? (look at fruit of them who do or did) (look at fruit of them
who dont! and did-not) unhelpful. what would it do to a community or church
to tolerate one? what did such things used to be called in ages before?
things... that... record... images... sounds... books? how long have books
been available? tablets. stone-cuts.

were does gods blssing end and idolatry-worship enter? experiment in other
counties with theft, not in our camps. or at goverment consignment surpluss
auctions releases. not this count.

these idols and devotions vanities lead to mezmerism (knowledge without end)
always collecting knowledge, but using it? nothing is greater than water
plants and gods words to give to people, all else is less and all others
depend on these three. so many camps heve rules on what-what. but were will
you allow -your- attention? now that you know how to wander. what you let
in, will become brother, teacher, and home to your mind. people have needs,
stay at it, dont follow wants. what man or community do you see you to be?
john 3:16 for god so loved the world, that he gavew his only begotten son,
that whoso ever beliveth on him should not perish, but -have- everlasting life

- - - -
wx-mail.txt last \ wa-x
my-tree.txt ( my resume? starts down were the 'hello' is.
- - - - - -

we want: (tel us yr skils 1st)

Please send us your resume with previous work experience and
references including a description of yourself and your
interests, skills, and aspirations to the Farm Partner
position. A recent photo of yourself and any additional
pertinent information would be helpful in evaluating your

Recommendations to future volunteers: Generally write about what a
prospective volunteer should expect when they visit this.

beauty of this place for themselves. Please send us your work-history and
letter of interest.

Please send me an email message or letter describing a little
about yourself, what you are looking for, what you have done
in the past and what you hope to do with your gained knowledge
of organic farming in the future.


other things i wanted to fit in my resume, but didnt know where.
u might find somthing useful below this line, but to me, it is the result of
idle time, but to others, it may show what else is on my mind, or the
emberrasing overflow of not knowing what else to say (some people like that)
... to me, its called a resumee.

thank-you for all you do
thanks comes now, cuz it wont later.
in a real city you can step out side your front door and see five cars
everywere u turn your head, thats the life my youth knew, i dont know how i
got out of that, but i left alot of friends that didnt, most of them are
bait for ill-meaning buisnesses by now. and pulling kids out of a situation
like that means getting cut-up yourself... hardly seems worth it. but i
would promise myself several successful attempts at getting some on a farm
and out from those rotten city-places before even thinking of finding a wife.
why have kids when i know so many who dont have parents? a wife and kids
seems unreasonable at this time and only fit for them who have had time and
peace enuff to forget them who are in terrible distress. yet family has
advantages, and a healthy glow is loved only after it is missing.

but now as i write this, it all comes back to me, and i can really be thankful
for what you internet-farmers are doing. its a work everyone should be doing,
leading people away from an agriculture-centered life-style is full-harm.
dont tell me farming is a career-option. its a need. for the sake of so many
weak smiles still holding out in slums, and under urban areas. i need to say
thank-you. for hospitality to strangers. for things old-folks spoke of but
for some reason never passed to this generation. a better way to say thanks
would be for me to do so to others, and treat plants well.

but even i, must find a farming people again, ten years means nothing.
take me out of the sun and my friendships and any good-thinking, begins
to get weak, and wither, till im as rotten as any other.

places: cities, were some 80% of our population, moved to only resently.
whereas 80 years ago 80% were on farms. and they call it 'development' ?
i feel like pulling the powerlines down outside our house.
then all our neighbors would be forced to stop living like city-people in
the country. mabe even talk to their neighbors. and learn a few real-time
survival course classes. re-tribe. re-gather into small home-town comunities.
and do-without petroluem-products like all them that were befor us.

using electricity to heat food, drinks, and blankets is a source of cancer
anyway. but then ive cut off my own connections. so now everyone is praying
those wires on poles will stay up a little longer, and so am i.

i found the old marysville-road. not far from where the current one is, its
in the bushes,along a differnt path. its covered with pine-needles and forest,
but still keeps a visible path to walk on, it must go for miles, even the
white-line painted on top i seen in one place. deep breaks of unkept tar are
cracked on both sides of the road, but mostly covered by time.

it made me think of a dream i had, it was on a highway over-pass
but this time, when i looked over, this is what i saw: highways had fallen
into dis-use, and green-green grass covered most of it, i seen sheep crossing
it far off in the distance. but everything was so quiet, not even birds.

raidiation from the sun is not properly blocked, the ozone 'hi-form of oxegen'
is missing. clothing is made of poly-plastics. there are new forms of
clothing that block out much uv and other rays. it is because
powdered-metal is mixed with the plastic before turning it to poly-ester
thread and clothing. i do advise you make your own clothing from rust
( powdered iron ) but not aluminum and lead, unless you can keep it out of
your drinking-water. de-stilled water sounds safe, but its not. it lacks all
minerals, and so, like a sponge, will soak up all the minerals in your body
to satisfy itself. causing all sorts of health problems.

a motto that wrote itself to my memory, probly sparked by an inner response to
kindness of plain-folk farmers, but mostly due to the lack of such offers
among my own people, flows in these words:

collect water and seed,
be with them who do,
set tasks for boys and girls,
make rooms for flocks and birds
and strangers too.

my hope is to find places were i can act those words out, certain people
have a way of bringing it up from me. even if they arnt trying to.
im sure i will find such connections. some people call it good-chemistry.
but whatever it is, its somthing we all look for.
maybe not, if i got more to learn, i dont know, but those words will
always be with me, always. is that what a motto is? some families in
england have family-mottos under family-emblems of a shield or some animal.
reflecting some trait that seems to express itself among them noteably often.

other things attached to this email:

a mosquito repelent
a new-form of electricity
a picture of ?

- - - - - - -
requirements for retribe today: never full, a group with more-than 50 persons
means it time to start a new group , so the retribe work is never 'full',
growth means more souls.

a place where these things can flourish, and be practiced 'now' ,
methane-digesters, pottery , weaving, local plants pitch water-proof seal.
an area of amish-churches and native-way survival schools is desired for.

rule #1: no petroleum or petroleum-products, gas plastics, things made thereby
rule #2: the english-language, or whatever speech currently used by users of
petroleum-products in your area must not be used by re-tribe.

- - - -
I HAVE ALSO decided to reduce calling on j-su for right-standing and right-
stepping to once a week. others do not know nor use this priest.


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