1a1a.txt - - - - v6-26-06 ds-books: solar, survival, pre-20th-century-skills, fort building, de-worm, repelent : see my-tree+1a1a <---
1a1a.solar, survival, pre-20th-century-skills : see 1a1a.txt <---
srch-find 1. 2. 3. etc if any detail grew at my-tree...
1. passive solar-house basics, peter van dresser
2. the fox-fire book ao-36 plain-living
3. root-cellaring, natural cold-storage, mike bubel
4. earth-options, environmental newsletter
5. solar-houses, 48 nrgy-saving designs,louis gropp
6. building-standards, mag, alternate building mat
7. back-to-basics, early-american-skills, digest
8. primitive-living,survival-skills,thomas j. elpel
9. old-fashion recipe book, ncypedia of country-living, by carla emery
10. how to fix and rev-up pc's, by zif-davis press.
1a1b.ecotechnology : natural energies explained, applied
1a1c.school text-books: science biology social-studies general-chemistry
see also:wikipedia.org private-libraries book-stores any list of
books ds, add here: (see 1a1b
- -- - - - - - -
- details of books -
1. passive solar-house basics, peter van dresser , includes floor-plans
isbn 0-941270-90-4 ancient city press, po box 5401, santa fe,nm. 87502
how-to / house construction / solar 1995 1979 1977, 136 pages
every-other page is a floor-plan picture , contents:
forward 9
preface 13
solar energy - a natural for th southwest 17
saving fuel at the homefront 21
requiements for a house as a solar-energy transformer
one- effective absorbtion of radiation energy 30
two- storage of solar radiation energy 37
three- shape and sit of house 45
four- low cost in money and energy 52
2. the fox-fire book ao-36 plain-living
isbn 0-385-07353-4 1972
7. back-to-basics, early-american-skills, digest
isbn 0-89577-086-5 by readers digest, 1981
8. primitive-living,survival-skills,thomas j. elpel
primitive living, self-sufficiency, and survival skills. (pic 1-6)
a field guide to primitive living skills. thomas j. elpel
isbn 1-59228-257-1 / outdoor skills www.lyonspress.com
the lyons press, guilford, ct. 06437 illus. 350 pics 200 pages how2:
stay warm without a blanket, friction fire, bows bone-arrows, butcher deer
make buckskin clothing, identify edible plants of the rocky mountains
cook without a pan, make birch-bark canstrd willow-baskets, pottery.
stone knives. elpel of virginia city montana. instucted by grandmother
josie jewett, trained at outdoor survival school and tom brown's tracker
school, and is director of hollowtop outdoor primitive school ( hops ) in
pony, montana. www.hollowtop.com
table of contents: sunrise mind shelter fire water cooking plants animals
clothing sunset afterward bibliography index
shelter 27 shingling insulation fire air-proofing
plants 103 edible lichens
animals 133 desertification road-kill
clothing 159 braintan smoking-hide tire-sandals wool felting
sunset 179 backpak bedroll goals equipment-list
afterward 191 the art of nothing
biblio 194 list of 56 books to get , holistic resource management by savory 1988
index 195 words
my notes: fort-building using the-4 = fire air rain reflect ( farr )
f - fire, plan a part for fire-place or to roll hot-rocks into.
a - air-proof, using dirt tarp pitch or wind-stopper
r - rain, shingles is anything that draws water away from your dwelling
r - reflecting heat, use rock sand tinfoil fluff water-bottle to retain
memory key- comfort is 'farr' away.
regroup! p.22 rabbitstick rendevous in rexburg, idaho, 1988
p.191 skill may not be what u do, but what you dont.
nomadic life-style has no remains to study, taking only wisdom with them,
so what they did do remains unrecorded. but u can feel it. by doing so.
9. old-fashion recipe book, ncypedia of country-living, by carla emery
of kendrick idaho. 1978 isbn 0-553-01068-9 by bantam books, inc.
wth sec on de-worm for people, fasting? p.452 copper yhe size of a
coin (money tday has no copper in it. try garlic. try a mix of
sulfur and mollasses. tobacco (for horses or hogs, as a can of
prince-albert? try coal (a natural de-womer). try carbon-black, is
the remains of burnt plants wood, used for purifing water, why not
your bowels? . tobbaco-dust or talcum-powder to keep bugs off the
animals. garlic-pills is a de-wormer. see how2 in kendrick.txt
mosquito and red-bug repelent = flowers-of-sulfur and lard, good for
sores on man and beast too. use unseasoned meat-tenderizer for bee
stings. spray of garlic,onion,hot-pepper as a bug-repelent. or just
grow basil around your dwell. apple-cider vinigar fed to goats keeps
flies off them and their manure. papers dipped in molasses hanging in
your dwell will sticky the bugs, bay-leaves under bedding for fleas.
-pinworms, cant be seen, enter body-holes, cause scratching. use cloves
of garlic or garlic-powder, crushed and scaled(pasteurize)in hot-water.
have patient lay on left side with knees drawn to chest. give an enema
with the garlic-solution (shuv it up their ass), a cup or so, let them
hold it a few minutes, then let it out. repeat till all solution spent.
bed clothing hands must be kept clean after each bowel-movment. adult
worms (unseen) get on hands if u scratch were they are. give the garlic
enema the next day, and then every 3 days for nine days( = 3 more a week)
keep changing and washing clothes. dont quit even if itching stops.
larva will be hatching out and reproduce in 24 hrs. try also garlic-pills
from drug-stores. cold-water is best foer burns. great sec on herbs and
foraging for wild foods...
my notes: half-boiled wheat-seeds seem to agitate th bowels well and bring
the worms out ofya. tablts that release fre-oxegen kills parasites in
drinking-water. bowels work on lack of oxegen? so do parasites, air kils'm.
air in stmack kils u? legumes dried-cow-feed-beans bloat horses and kill th.
but now were getn nto gas-study.
-no end-
1a1a.solar, survival, pre-20th-century-skills : see 1a1a.txt <---
srch-find 1. 2. 3. etc if any detail grew at my-tree...
1. passive solar-house basics, peter van dresser
2. the fox-fire book ao-36 plain-living
3. root-cellaring, natural cold-storage, mike bubel
4. earth-options, environmental newsletter
5. solar-houses, 48 nrgy-saving designs,louis gropp
6. building-standards, mag, alternate building mat
7. back-to-basics, early-american-skills, digest
8. primitive-living,survival-skills,thomas j. elpel
9. old-fashion recipe book, ncypedia of country-living, by carla emery
10. how to fix and rev-up pc's, by zif-davis press.
1a1b.ecotechnology : natural energies explained, applied
1a1c.school text-books: science biology social-studies general-chemistry
see also:wikipedia.org private-libraries book-stores any list of
books ds, add here: (see 1a1b
- -- - - - - - -
- details of books -
1. passive solar-house basics, peter van dresser , includes floor-plans
isbn 0-941270-90-4 ancient city press, po box 5401, santa fe,nm. 87502
how-to / house construction / solar 1995 1979 1977, 136 pages
every-other page is a floor-plan picture , contents:
forward 9
preface 13
solar energy - a natural for th southwest 17
saving fuel at the homefront 21
requiements for a house as a solar-energy transformer
one- effective absorbtion of radiation energy 30
two- storage of solar radiation energy 37
three- shape and sit of house 45
four- low cost in money and energy 52
2. the fox-fire book ao-36 plain-living
isbn 0-385-07353-4 1972
7. back-to-basics, early-american-skills, digest
isbn 0-89577-086-5 by readers digest, 1981
8. primitive-living,survival-skills,thomas j. elpel
primitive living, self-sufficiency, and survival skills. (pic 1-6)
a field guide to primitive living skills. thomas j. elpel
isbn 1-59228-257-1 / outdoor skills www.lyonspress.com
the lyons press, guilford, ct. 06437 illus. 350 pics 200 pages how2:
stay warm without a blanket, friction fire, bows bone-arrows, butcher deer
make buckskin clothing, identify edible plants of the rocky mountains
cook without a pan, make birch-bark canstrd willow-baskets, pottery.
stone knives. elpel of virginia city montana. instucted by grandmother
josie jewett, trained at outdoor survival school and tom brown's tracker
school, and is director of hollowtop outdoor primitive school ( hops ) in
pony, montana. www.hollowtop.com
table of contents: sunrise mind shelter fire water cooking plants animals
clothing sunset afterward bibliography index
shelter 27 shingling insulation fire air-proofing
plants 103 edible lichens
animals 133 desertification road-kill
clothing 159 braintan smoking-hide tire-sandals wool felting
sunset 179 backpak bedroll goals equipment-list
afterward 191 the art of nothing
biblio 194 list of 56 books to get , holistic resource management by savory 1988
index 195 words
my notes: fort-building using the-4 = fire air rain reflect ( farr )
f - fire, plan a part for fire-place or to roll hot-rocks into.
a - air-proof, using dirt tarp pitch or wind-stopper
r - rain, shingles is anything that draws water away from your dwelling
r - reflecting heat, use rock sand tinfoil fluff water-bottle to retain
memory key- comfort is 'farr' away.
regroup! p.22 rabbitstick rendevous in rexburg, idaho, 1988
p.191 skill may not be what u do, but what you dont.
nomadic life-style has no remains to study, taking only wisdom with them,
so what they did do remains unrecorded. but u can feel it. by doing so.
9. old-fashion recipe book, ncypedia of country-living, by carla emery
of kendrick idaho. 1978 isbn 0-553-01068-9 by bantam books, inc.
wth sec on de-worm for people, fasting? p.452 copper yhe size of a
coin (money tday has no copper in it. try garlic. try a mix of
sulfur and mollasses. tobacco (for horses or hogs, as a can of
prince-albert? try coal (a natural de-womer). try carbon-black, is
the remains of burnt plants wood, used for purifing water, why not
your bowels? . tobbaco-dust or talcum-powder to keep bugs off the
animals. garlic-pills is a de-wormer. see how2 in kendrick.txt
mosquito and red-bug repelent = flowers-of-sulfur and lard, good for
sores on man and beast too. use unseasoned meat-tenderizer for bee
stings. spray of garlic,onion,hot-pepper as a bug-repelent. or just
grow basil around your dwell. apple-cider vinigar fed to goats keeps
flies off them and their manure. papers dipped in molasses hanging in
your dwell will sticky the bugs, bay-leaves under bedding for fleas.
-pinworms, cant be seen, enter body-holes, cause scratching. use cloves
of garlic or garlic-powder, crushed and scaled(pasteurize)in hot-water.
have patient lay on left side with knees drawn to chest. give an enema
with the garlic-solution (shuv it up their ass), a cup or so, let them
hold it a few minutes, then let it out. repeat till all solution spent.
bed clothing hands must be kept clean after each bowel-movment. adult
worms (unseen) get on hands if u scratch were they are. give the garlic
enema the next day, and then every 3 days for nine days( = 3 more a week)
keep changing and washing clothes. dont quit even if itching stops.
larva will be hatching out and reproduce in 24 hrs. try also garlic-pills
from drug-stores. cold-water is best foer burns. great sec on herbs and
foraging for wild foods...
my notes: half-boiled wheat-seeds seem to agitate th bowels well and bring
the worms out ofya. tablts that release fre-oxegen kills parasites in
drinking-water. bowels work on lack of oxegen? so do parasites, air kils'm.
air in stmack kils u? legumes dried-cow-feed-beans bloat horses and kill th.
but now were getn nto gas-study.
-no end-
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