Tuesday, July 11, 2006


read-me.txt - - - - v7-8-06 list of w.a.s. files + content (you are reading it)
marks removed to be accepted on w-a-s.blogspot.com
more vitals re-moved.

----menu for everything inside---- (was6-06.zip)

use words to jump to it.

words: meens:
------- ---------
.vital-nfo - private
.content lists - old versions
.survival tricks - wild-camps
.computer nfo - nerd stuff
.generators - power play
.other powers - alternate
.farm-groups - ideas
.legal? - nope

.read-me1 -vitals 3as1, except 1a1a + edbls?
.heeet -brick ovens, descending-heat, methane, hydrogen
.2-23sci -crude-oil, brewing, watt-watchers
.fry-txt -john fry methane-digesters, complete info, 2 types
.wa-x7905 -organic-farms volunteer info, usa.
.meth805t -methane-digester mania
.919mu05 -iran c-rist dutch audio mp3 music words books

- -

warning: these files contains text-pictures. they get mooshed when posted,
paste them into your wordpad.exe or text-editor and turn the
word-wrap off, this should strayt the pictures out.

or save blog as htm, open with txt-editor and cut out the text.
...thats how it got in. so get it out.

- - - starts here:

blog-map.txt - - - - v6-09-06: details of each blog
blog-map05.txt - - - - : details of each blog 2005
amish04.txt - - - - v6-26-06 vital amish nfo
amish05.txt - - - - v6-26-06 vital amish nfo
arested.txt - - - - 7-18-2005 jail-tactics, letter to rileysfarm.com
bake1.txt - - - - moms recepies 2004? part one of two
bake2.txt - - - - moms recepies 2004? part 2 of two
s-adrss.txt - - - - survival nfo of redbook, ca,pa,mt vital!


.content lists:
dir.txt - - - - list of was files feb 2005
dir06.txt - - - - v6-26-06 updated list of was6-06.zip files
flop6.txt - - - - was04 was05 dir list
readme.txt - - - - v6-22-06 was1-06 info
4boxz.txt - - - - v6-26-06 content of feb 2004 boxes, vital nfo cut
direct-u.txt - - - - v2-?-05 study subjects, box content 1+2, vital cut


.survival tricks:
s-caws04.txt - - - - wilderness survival book info + pics paul taw +? v-cut
e-caws.txt - - - - 11-15-04 wildernes survival notes, book paul tawrell v-cut
- caws04.txt - - - - camping and wilderness survival notes, book paul tawrell
adob-gas.txt - - - - v6-26-06 permaculture activites biogas natural-building
gasb.txt - - - - eating beans for gas
kendrick.txt - - - - old-fasion homestead mixes book \de-worm notes
c-sal.txt - - - - 8-20-05 natural water-resistant materials ideas
ice2.txt - - - - heat sources, Exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions


.computer nfo:
my-pc.txt - - - - other pc tips, old was, online pc support
mtb-dos.txt - - - - root-sector virus-protection for pc,
s-lapbat.txt - - - - 1990's toshiba laptop nfo and di-section of battery nfo
ncrypt.txt - - - - only you can de-code it,see also stenography: hiding files
clip-on.txt - - - - was internet connections, fuelless heat, feb 2004 vitals?

nrg-box.txt - - - - v2-?-04 content of stb-nrg-box amazon vitals-cut
nrg-nfo.txt - - - - nfo from stb-nrg-box: electronic circuits, hyperbolic
nrg_stb1.zip - - - - v4-2-05 nrg study drz
nrg_stb2.zip - - - - v4-2-05 nrg study drz
mrg-cd.txt - - - - nrg-cd nfo from stb cd collected 2004-5
scifairx.txt - - - - v2-?-04 160-1 electronic project kit manuel, from radioshack 1990
cbc-goo.txt - - - - v2005? capactive-battery-charger google.com
s-cbc.txt - - - - capacitive battery-charger info, turn word-wrap off or pictures look all jumbled up.
or cut and past to other program to view it right. i used wordpad.exe
s-egl.txt - - - - papers from eagle-research.com + nfo 2005?
s-evg.txt - - - - ed v gray static cold-electric generator + uses 2004-5
nfo + pics, part one of two.
s-evg2.txt - - - - ed v gray static cold-electric generator + uses 2004-5
nfo-reporter, part 2 of two.

.other powers:
reduc-me.txt - - - - for 9-20-05 clips from 'ecotechnology' by callum coats,
spliting viks.png into half and saving as .jpg for cd-rw
s-vktr.txt - - - - book nfo - ecotechnology series by callum coats
green505.txt - - - - photosynthesis study 5-1-05
s-h2o.txt - - - - hydrogen water study, perodic-table + kepler experiment


.farm-groups + ideas:
gide.txt - - - - organic-farms devided by climate best-and-when
wa-x.txt - - - - farm-work volunteers, farms compared. 2005
cgm-drz.txt - - - - v2005 chch directory cgm-mennonites
reenact.txt - - - - info of 7-3-05 a search for living without oil and cars ( retribe ) by finding similar groups that do. using a new search-word... 'reenact'
ol-eng.txt - - - - speaking old-english , australian?, reenactors
scrip-mu.txt - - - - scripture set to music
skipd- re-tribe.txt - - - - 2005 list of voices and activity that shows
strongest and greates pull to a abraham-tent living
skipd- rushn.txt - - - - russian people area info
skipd- horse.txt - - - - horse magazines and links


mine.txt - - - - legal nfo, living-trusts, trustgordon.com
ww.txt - - - - legal contacts trusts info 2004 vitals?

- - - zips: do...

.read-me1.zip: major3as1 vital-nfo edbl-plants
skipd 12t-me.txt - - - - letter to twelvetribes.com 2005 mind-doctor, vital nfo?
do 1a1a.txt - - - - v6-26-06 ds-books: solar, survival, pre-20th-century-skills, fort building, de-worm, repelent : see my-tree+1a1a <---

vitals: (skip)
clay-mix.txt - - - - 9-9-05 clay natural-building materials mixes mem, from little red address-book
di-r.txt - - - - attempt to merge major nfo files into one. 3as1.txt or zip
my-tree.txt - - - - detailed list, if landed in wa.new area i will want...
ooi.txt - - - - order of imortance - for a time called 12-18-05, updated
12-21-05 for retribe
red-book.txt - - - - nfo from little red address book , vital contatcts.
redbook2.txt - - - - more from little red address book, books, no-bake, content of other folders

paused here ? publishing it at re-chat.blogspot.com....

edbl-l.txt - - - - plants\edible , update 12-19-05, pfaf.org/leaflets/edible_uses.php
edbl-part.txt - - - - plants\edible\edible-part.txt 12-15-05 update pfaf.org
edbl-u.txt - - - - plants\edible\edible-uses.txt 12-15-05 update pfaf.org
plant4me.txt - - - - a sum of all plants\edible data into one general paper.

- paused here ? publishing it at re-chat.blogspot.com....

bk-ovn.txt - - - - wood fired brick ovens 2001
d-he2.txt - - - - Results 11 - 17 of about 21 for descending-heat science
skipd ds-he.txt - - - - Results 1 - 10 of about 21 for descending-heat science.
skipd go1.txt - - - - hydrogen google
skipd go2-13...
skipd go14.txt - - - - Results 131 - 140 of about 206 for home-made gas methane nitrogen
srch.txt - - - - qqq = most wanted of hydrogen-goo = 1-7 + clips


root-br.txt - - - - chat:HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES
skip watwat.txt - - - - watt-watchers: school-edu environment recycling events


7mot-fro.txt - - - - interview reporter with john fry, methane-digester pro
main-fry.txt - - - - list of contents
paused here
1-8... complete instructions for methane digester + nfo
biofuel related info, journeytoforever.com org?
readmee-.txt - - - - files for fry \ methane-digesters study may,2005


ca1-mail.txt - - - -places\farms in ca to focus on contacting ( not for info about them )
ca1-rint.txt - - - - th5 ca work farms + related links
ic-wa.txt full list of 5-12-05 washington communes, ones of intrest spaced.
pe.txt - - - - pennsylvania work farms focused on, th4, contact
pe-rint.txt - - - - pa + east-cost farms focused related, cut to print
pe.txt - - - - other viewpoints are: pa-rint.txt pa-x.txt+zip + 4 tasks.
wa-11.txt - - - - 11 farms chosen for their closeness to other cool groups. washington state + pa.
th-5.txt - - - - 5 farms focused on in california. + related links.
wa1-rint.txt - - - - washington farms , contacts only, no detail, for print
wa2-rint.txt - - - - usa farms , contacts only, no detail, for print


2-pa-x.txt - - - - Jean Pain methane-digester composter uses,of meth805 txt \pnt
5-ovr-x.txt - - - - of 805 txt\pnt BIOGAS The Oil Drum Digester, E.G.Matthews, Wimborne Energy Consultancy.Oct2001 built in Nigeria, gas for cooking.
6-ros-x.txt - - - - Conference Proceedings,Biogas,Ron Shannon (Australia)
7mot-x.txt - - - - meth805.zip\txt\pnt motherearthnews.com Issue#23 Sept/Oct1973 THE PLOWBOY INTERVIEWs l. john fry organic waste
8ho-v.txt - - - - http://www.homepower.com/files/methane.pdf,Access Al Rutan, POB 50, Liberty Center, IA 50145
8ho-x.txt - - - - meth805\txt\pnt see-htm digester 8-26-05 2us who spent our youth chopping wood, the idea of gas is paradise.
9bmn-goo.txt - - - - Results 1 - 5 of about 577 for www.mncorn.org methane.
a-prop-x.txt - - - - meth805\txt\pnt Issue#33May/June 1975 A_Proposed_Sanitation___Methane_Product
bate-vx.txt of meth805.zip txt \ Chicken Manure Fuel,Methane Gas Production,Harold Bate
biom1-x.txt - - - - 3.1 INTRODUCTION Biomass as the solar energy stored in chemical form
biom2-x.txt - - - - meth805\txt\pnt 3.7.5 ANAEROBIC DIGESTION
When a heap of vegetable or animal matter and weeds etc. die or decompose at the bottom of back water
biom3.txt - - - - meth805\txt\pnt 3.9 Low Cost Practical Designs of Biogas Technology, DECOMPOSITION: There are two basic type of decomposition or fermentation
biom4-x.txt - - - - get pics?3.9.10 Janata model consists of a digester and a fixed biogas holder (known as Gas Storage Chamber) covered by a dome shaped
clay-mx.txt - - - - 8-28-05 lil-red book, the peak of all my studies from june13-aug8 2005 clay+dirt info,most details are kept in papers
skip dir.txt - - - - 6-26-06 meth805t.zip
skip dir-a.txt - - - - old dir flop
skip dir-c.txt - - - - C:\TEMP\temp\8-305\Meth805\meth8265\Meth8255\TXT\PNT
do- dir-f2.txt
exp.txt - - - - meth805,Issue#20 - Mar/Apr 1973 a modest experiment in methane gas production
gasb-x.txt - - - - meth805\The Accidental ScI,to generate intestinal gas,beans
how2meth.txt - - - - harold bate notes
ice2.txt - - - - meth805.zip\txt\pnt Heat from cold wood ashes,Slaking Lime,The Thermit(e) reaction
main-fry.txt - - - - prefix to:Methane Digesters For Fuel Gas and Fertilizer,With Complete Instructions For Two Working Models, by L. John Fry
a three-digester unit he made in 1973. Gas holder
md1-x.txt - - - - center, water-heater on the right. Buckets in the foreground
md2-7x... complete instructions for two working models
md8-x.txt - - - - john fry chp 12 References
skip mtxt.txt - - - - 8-25-05 this is a backup of the dir i will be viewing and cutting for print 'pnt'. some files dont say what pics go where
nep-vx.txt - - - - v8-20-05 Nepal Biogas Plant -- Construction Manual for GGC 2047 Model Biogas Plant
Biogas Support Programme (BSP)P.O. Box No.: 1966, Kathmandu, Nepal September, 1994,Sundar Bajgain,Biogas Support Program Tel. 5521742, 5534035
Email snvbsp@wlink.com.np Scanned by Biofuel Mailing List member Olivier Morf
ord.txt - - - - old plan to display txt in some readable order
skip read--me.txt - - - - v8-16-05 methane-digester wrks of 5-18to22-05 recrds, posting ideas, mission.
do- read-muy.txt - - - - 8-21-05 work of meth8205.zip , name and location of each picture. and is shortened for printing.
singhint.txt - - - - RAM BUX SINGH interview:MotherEarthNews Issue #18-nov 1972 http://www.motherearthnews.com/menarch/archive/issues/018/018-006-01.htm
consumption of fossil fuels are "all over but the shoutin' ".
We maul and tear whole states with monster shovels, feed the coal we uncover to voracious power plants that belch out sun-darkening clouds of pollution, distribute the electricity that results through thousands of miles of ugly pylons and cables . . . and still watch our cancerous cities suffer an increasing number of "brown outs" and complete power failures each year.
Even the major oil companies (which have a vested interest in making us believe that the wild ride can go on and on) now ration their natural gas knowing world-reserves of petroleum will be exhausted in 30 to 50 years.
PLOWBOY: So the methane from a bio-gas plant is only about half as efficient as the natural gas we buy.
txt2do.txt - - - - dir of files


2o5main.txt - - - - C-ristian » Sound Files » MP3 links
4o6b.txt - - - - audio-bible links
audio-v.txt - - - - iran-c-ristian farsi islam muslim links
dchbooks.txt - - - - german dialects nfo audio? links
dut-me1.txt - - - - MennoLink Books and Music, German
es-nei.txt - - - - pa-dutch testament nfo
farsin~1.txt - - - - persian-c-ristian nfo farsi
how2.txt - - - - put your music to mp3 by B-Boys.com Hip Hop Online
pa-ger.txt - - - - audio in pa-german
read-me?.txt - - - - 9-19-05 search for scripture-music-and dutch.
record.txt - - - - ScriptureSongs.com nfo

enjoy the s-how.

-no end-


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